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Cincinnati State leaving downtown
Council wants YES on Aggregation of Energy
Stay out!
Why the city fails to develop
$16M! Great investement or another failed endeavor
R. I. P. Virginia Dillman
Real Reasons to fire Adkins
Buy back Manchester Inn/Sonshine
Young kids......Mercy!

Community Events
Stay Safe
MHS Bowling "Quarter" Auction
Nice Veterans Ceremony
hops in the hanger
Middletown Canal Museum

City Manager
Real Reasons to fire Adkins
HAHA! I wondered when....
Middletown New City Manager Search
Goodbye, Mr. Adkins?
Middletown: A field of Dreams?

Economic Development
Cincinnati State leaving downtown
Back With the Old Facades Thing Again
It Appears Lincoln School Is Next
Downtown Development-The Middletonian
Looks Like Trouble In Downtown's Paradise

City Council
Council wants YES on Aggregation of Energy
Stay out!
Why the city fails to develop
$16M! Great investement or another failed endeavor

Income and Property Tax
Get Ready For More Taxes
Income Tax Hike...
Mulligan's State of the City Speech
Proposed City Road Levy: Mayor Mulligan Op-Ed
Taxes and City-Subsidized "Downtown" Deals

Community Revitalization
Recovery 40 years overdue
The New Downtown Parrot Mural
Middletown Pickleball/Lefferson Park
New Aquatic Center Proposal
Central Ave. Downtown Upgrades

School Board
Behind our backs???
School board candidates
Be Gone, you have no power here
Focus on future not past
State report card stigmatizes district

School Tax Issues
Property taxes going up
Middletown Schools: No tax hike
Tax Revenue
Tax Anticipation Notes

School Achievements
Nothing New
Science Help From Outside The District
Every Ohio district ranked
How did your school perform
Middletown receives low marks

Middletown Sports

Misc Middletown News
Young kids......Mercy!
2nd fire at Middletown Paperboard
Downtown Business Reboot
Taking more money from us
LED Street Lights

For Sale
Upright Freezer
Want to Buy-Core Aerator
Free To A Forever Home
Found Jack Russell

Real Estate for Rent
Home for Rent - 3505 Lorne Drive Killeen, TX 76542
2602 Lu Circle Killeen, TX 76543
Tips To Upgrade Your Outdoor Area
Eye-Catching Rental Listing
Tips on Dealing with Bad Tenants

Real Estate for Sale
Great house!
Real estate prices to rise
Is Commercial Property Still a Good Investment?
Real Estate Listing
Sorg Mansion

Outside World
Operation Welcome Home
New spike in drug overdoses in Hamilton
Viet Nam onPBS
Medical Marijuana Not Legal in Middletown
EDUCATION across all TV net works!
85% Drop in Food Stamp after work requirement
$11M project at Middletown
MetroParks seeks levy
Many Ohioans struggling financially
Hearings on medical marijuana
Living in poverty
Tenant Displacement to Middletown
Ohio Gun Owners...
Butler County Foreclosures
TechOlympics Champions
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