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Topic: Time For Ozzy's AKA Grand Illusion Bar to go Posted: Jul 04 2008 at 7:49pm |
To City Council: It is time for Ozzy's AKA Grand Illusion Bar which has become not only a Public Nusiance but a DANGER to the PUBLIC to go. This Bar needs to be closed and their liquor license pulled ASAP.
One killed, another injured in shooting; suspect at large
Friday, July 04, 2008
MIDDLETOWN — A man was gunned down and a woman injured in a shooting outside a Middletown bar.
Police responded to the Grand Illusion Bar at 2:18 a.m. today, July 4, where they found Spencer Davis, 26, and Kendra Caudill, 29, both shot in the parking lot at 4305 Grand Ave.
Davis was pronounced dead at the scene by the Butler County Coroner. Caudill was treated and released from Atrium Medical Center.
The shooter, who fled the scene before police arrived, has not been identified.
Police are asking that anyone with information call Middletown police Detective Rich Bush at (513) 425-7720.
The Grand Illusion Bar was the scene of an argument this fall that escalated into a gunbattle at a public housing complex. No one was killed in that incident.
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Posted: Jul 05 2008 at 7:55am |
That location has come a long way and not for the better. Remember in the 60's when it was a roast beef fast food place. I agree, close it down. Don't need that type of criminal activity out of any business in town.Drug activity/fights- who needs it? Brings in undesirables from in and out of town. Rezone it, convert it into something useful or bulldoze it. Nothing but trouble. This element of people can eliminate each other, I don't care- Just take it out of town to do it.
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Posted: Jul 05 2008 at 8:56am |
Anyone want to buy Ozzy's, found this from a link on the City of Middletowns website. Over priced if you ask me.
For some reason the Parcel ID is incorrect on this listing it should be Q6541020000164.
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Posted: Jul 05 2008 at 9:09am |
Vet I agree, it is not the troublemakers that I worry about it is the person across the street at Walgreens going to the Pharmacy late at night to pick up some Meds, or the person just driving by that gets hit by a stray bullet.
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Posted: Jul 05 2008 at 9:33am |
ya think this place might be a problem? How has it stayed open this long?
It looks like a dump, and is obviously worse on the inside. And in our glorious east end at one of the busiest intersections in Middletown.
Let's compare the Grand with Club Roosevelt:
Club Roosevelt was targeted from day one after being welcomed with open arms by Mr.Koehler and Council(through EMERGENCY LEGISLATION to boot!). There were no fights or disturbance calls to Club Roosevelt, and no complaints from the neighboring businesses. Whatevever went on in there was private(similar t many other clubs within the city). Gambling was a problem? Any more than in the other private clubs? Yet Club Roosevelt was over-prioritized by the police, trying to make an easy public relations show.
The Grand has been the site of a pedestrian death(which led to an unruly mob scene) arguments that led to a mass shoot-out, numerous parking lot fights, and now a double shooting resulting in a death of a recently released drug dealer/prison escapee(rip anyway).
Which place was REALLY a problem, and which place is still allowed to be open?
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Posted: Jul 05 2008 at 12:20pm |
Got to love quotes like this out of the Journal:
"He was just a fun-loving kid that had a big smile on his face all the time," Williams said. "We don't know of any enemies or anybody who would have held a grudge on him. That's the most mind-boggling thing."
Davis, who was released from the Warren Correctional Institution just last week, was put on probation for five years after he pleaded guilty to cocaine possession in 2006 and he was sentenced to one year in prison after he pleaded guilty to attempted escape in 2007, according to Butler County court records.
Muterspaw said despite Davis' past run-ins with the police, he wasn't considered a major problem by the city's law enforcement officers."
He wasn't a major problem because, HE JUST GOT OUT OF JAIL LAST WEEK.
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Posted: Jul 06 2008 at 9:14pm |
As concerned citizens, we need to band together and get this place shut down. My mother does not live far from there and I am truly concerned for her safety. How many chances do they need to get there act together. Any owner that states they ask patrons to leave their guns outside has a real problem. If you remember the last time there was a problem, that was the statement the journal printed from the owner!
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Posted: Jul 07 2008 at 8:54am |
Grand should probably be a police priority during thge midnight-3am period.
Central location would make it easy for officers to respond to other area call quickly.
Place is obviously a magnet for criminals and weapons.
Sad to see ANYONE shot and also killed. As has been mentioned, too much innocent traffic in the area, though not so much in the troublesome time period.
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Posted: Jul 07 2008 at 11:59am |
I have not been in there for 10 years or more but I have no memories of any problems. What the heck has gone so wrong?
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Posted: Jul 08 2008 at 10:45am |
OK.. I guess you all have not been there lately either.
BUT I see the problem.
From the Journal:
"The bar also plans to eliminate hip-hop night.."
Nuff said.
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Posted: Jul 08 2008 at 1:02pm |
.308, I drive by the place and get gas at the BP that is enough for me......get rid of it. I was told today that the BP closes early due to the bar, anyone know for sure.
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Posted: Jul 09 2008 at 9:55am |
I get gas at that BP also.
I was there, at the BP, around 7:00 pm Monday night with the kids in the car.
As slow as that gas pump was running I had way too much time to imagine.. some bad things, and of course wonder why I would ever bring the kids within a mile of that place anyway.
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Posted: Jul 11 2008 at 3:43pm |
I frequent the Walgreens across the street and it is an eyesore as well as a nuisance. Get rid of it. Put up another fast food chain.
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Posted: Jul 16 2008 at 6:12am |
I love the terminology here of "Fatal Accident in the parking lot" this bar owner is living on another planet, "Fatal Accident" yeah right. The Accident was on Grand Ave., the incident in the Parking lot was a shooting of two people, one who died and it wasn't an accident. I have talked to the police about Reflections and they don't give the same warm and fuzzy feeling that Lisa portrays.
Letter from Journal 7-16-08.
'I run a good bar'
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I am the owner of Reflections nightclub in Middletown. After reading the Tuesday,
July 8, Middletown Journal and seeing that my bar's name got put in the paper for having 78 calls to the police since January 2007, I feel it's only fair that my explanation be printed for the public to see.
I have worked hard to run a good club and because another bar that I'm not even affiliated with had a fatal accident in their parking lot, my bar's name got put in the paper, for no reason. The Grand Illusion/Ozzy's owners got to state their opinion about their bar in the paper. I feel I deserve that same right since now the public is probably thinking my bar must be bad, too.
My staff and I work with Middletown police. We are on what I like to think are good terms with most of the officers. We have a very strict dress code and you must be 21 with proper ID to enter. I have door personnel and two very big bouncers. Our motto is "zero tolerance."
Before allowing patrons to enter, they first must have ID, and be dressed properly, according to our dress code. They are wanded and patted down. Ladies are made to open their purses for search. We try to deter trouble the best we can and one of those ways is calling Middletown police on occasion and asking for a "walk through." We also ask the officers that, when they are in the area, to stop in throughout the night. This helps keep violence down in my bar. Most of the time, by the police coming in, the trouble that we don't want in there will leave. It has also kept them from coming back because they know the police stop by frequently, mostly due to our request.
When the police are there and they spot someone they know with a warrant, or someone they know who's a drug dealer and arrest them, we are glad because we don't want that in our establishment. I didn't realize that these incidents counted as calls against me.
We are trying to run a good, fun and safe club with good, fun and safe people. Most of our regular customers love my bar and will tell you they feel safe there. We are not trying to be a nuisance. I didn't realize that calling and working with the police to keep trouble out or stop it before it happens made us that.
There are police officers that guard our children's schools every day to keep crime out. We are only doing the same thing.
We at Reflections offer a fun and safe place for adults to come have a drink, enjoy some music, and associate with friends. If I have to call the police for assistance 1,000 times to accomplish this and keep crime out, so be it.
Lisa Hammer
Reflections nightclub
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Posted: Jul 16 2008 at 7:22am |
OK- I've never been to Reflections and as I read this letter, I probably won't go either. Lisa says "when police are here and they spot a person with a warrant or a drug dealer" Whoa! Lisa, is that the kind of people that are attracted to your place? Think I'll sit this one out for entertainment. Lisa also says that if she has to call the police 1000 times to keep crime out, she'll do it. Not a real positive statement for making one feel warm and fuzzy about patronizing the place.
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Posted: Jul 16 2008 at 10:32am |
I am glad to see that Marconi is working toward shutting that place down. It is a disgrace to Middletown.
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Posted: Sep 04 2008 at 2:21pm |
John Beagle
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Posted: Sep 04 2008 at 3:19pm |
Looks like the Grand is for sale.
John BeagleMiddletown USA News of, for and by the people of Middletown, Ohio.
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Posted: Sep 04 2008 at 9:23pm |
The grand has been for sale for months. It has been listed on the Cities web site for a while.
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Posted: Sep 05 2008 at 8:29am |
Pacman wrote:
The grand has been for sale for months. |
I know. I just took me this long to remember to take my camera to the gas station.