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Wednesday, January 15, 2025 |
City Employee Bloggers |
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MUSA Citizen Joined: Mar 30 2011 Status: Offline Points: 474 |
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Posted: Apr 12 2017 at 8:49am |
Search is on to expose city of Middletown employee bloggers.
Town hall source says city attempting to identify if city employee bloggers are doing so while at work. Evidently bloggers using information only a few employee would know about. |
MUSA Citizen Joined: Nov 19 2015 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 562 |
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If so, the IT Department (at the request of Doug A.) is beefing-up its' internet and telephone surveillance activities. I know what I'm talking about as Judy Gilleland and Ginger Smith had me under close scrutiny the last six months of my employment even though I had no real duties left to perform. They were both concerned that I'd "spill the beans" about wasteful HUD spending, poorly planned projects, etc. If Les Landen does submit posts as a couple of MUSA participants say, they need to be careful as he knows "just a little bit" about the inner-workings of One Donham Abbey over quite a few years.
MUSA Council Joined: May 15 2008 Status: Offline Points: 7008 |
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So, if this information is accurate, does that include City Manager Adkins who blogs frequently or is signed in on this blog perusing the posts on work time as well? Again, if true, this is typical one-way-road management behavior in all work places nowadays. Just no credible examples set by management in leadership nowadays. Before the city manager starts hammering his employees, he needs to set the example himself by staying off this site during working hours, right? If this is the case, and if whistlersmom, as suggested, is none other than the Law Director, looks to me like old Les Landen may be under scrutiny here. Putting non-city doctrine items on this blog, which is considered by the brain-washed crowd who believe the city doctrine as the enemy, seems to me to be the least likely thing Les would do. I don't see an independent thinking, rebellious comment coming from a city believer like Landen at all. Just not in the man's DNA to defy authority IMO. Seems too timid to do so. He is a follower, not a rebel. Many employers, once a person has been targeted, will do surveillance like this and then turn around and label the employee as a "malcontent" or "disgruntled" when they react in a negative way toward the targeting. Guess you're suppose to smile while you're being set up for termination. Just remember to be that team player through it all. |
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
Prominent MUSA Citizen Joined: Jul 01 2007 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 2749 |
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hey--posting on MUSA is more constructive/meaningful than a lot of what happens @ Donham Abbey....
What is more important and real--- What is really going on and the truth or What can be done without the taxpayers knowing? If it is true, bring it forward! Long overdue for admin and Council to be more up front with their conversations and the reasons behind their actions imo Reality--this is what happens when the citizens are not honestly informed An informed public is more involved and willing to participate |
Prominent MUSA Citizen Joined: Jul 01 2007 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 2749 |
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If they keep people informed in an honest straight-forward way, there would be no whistling imo
MUSA Citizen Joined: Mar 30 2011 Status: Offline Points: 474 |
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Law Director is being shoved out by City Manager.
Blogging is an arrow being used against him, but only one of several. |
MUSA Council Joined: May 15 2008 Status: Offline Points: 7008 |
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Ironic. If true, I find it almost humorous that the city manager, guilty of blogging during work time himself, is using this against a subordinate he doesn't want around anymore. Pot/kettle? Do as I say, not as I do scenario? Reliable source 29 or just speculation on your part as to the purge? What would be the reason (s) for Adkins not wanting Landen around? Landen seems to be the traditional team player. Anyone else on the target list? If this is true, Adkins would seem to possess the same traits as Queen Gilleland as to dealing out consequences for crossing them. It was rumored that she had a nasty disposition toward some of the city building employees as well. Sometimes, people promoted to top positions are too immature to handle the sudden power boost over people and let it go to their heads as to self importance. That is a big reason why there are no more dynamic leaders anymore who care about and can be trusted by the workers. There is no acceptable reason why a manager must treat their subordinates like crap other than an ego problem and immaturity. With these types of games being played, why would anyone want to work for this city and deal with the attitudes of the leadership? |
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
MUSA Resident Joined: Oct 31 2015 Location: Middletown Status: Offline Points: 192 |
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If city employees are blogging anonymously using inside information it seems that is drastically different than the city manager blogging publicly about city issues or responding to blogger questions.
MUSA Council Joined: May 15 2008 Status: Offline Points: 7008 |
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If they are going after city employees who blog during work time, Adkins, the accuser, is guilty of that himself as he has posted during work time on different occasions. If they are going the public information releasing route, what constitutes insider information in a government situation? Government, unlike the private sector, is to provide services for the public. The public is the customer of government meaning that information should be shared openly and freely, including internal operational issues. We provide the money for government operation, INCLUDING MANPOWER ISSUES. It is called transparency which this city has never learned to do. I don't work for the city so I don't know if a city employee signs a paper stating they will not release confidential information to the public, but if there is no such document to sign, the city doesn't have a case for targeting nor termination. Not to worry, if they wish to terminate an employee, they will find another way up to and including making an employee's life so miserable they will leave voluntarily. I do know that most employers in the private sector, if company patents/special processes are present, as in research or manufacturing, they will have the employee sign a document saying they will not divulge company secrets to the competition or next employer. |
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
Douglas Adkins
MUSA Resident Joined: Aug 22 2016 Status: Offline Points: 94 |
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For the record, this entire line of blogging is not true with respect to City activity. I haven't asked anyone to check anything, nor am I looking at anyone in the organization for their blogging on this or other web pages. No one under investigation...no one targeted for anything. Law Director not being forced out. None of it is true.
MUSA Citizen Joined: Oct 11 2010 Location: Sunset Park Status: Offline Points: 501 |
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I think you're trying to compare apples to oranges here Vet. Mr. Adkins (or previously I recall Mrs. Andrews also doing the same) posting behind their real names in an official capacity as it directly relates to their job is not even in the same ballpark as a city employee (or really anyone) posting anonymously behind an alias and not in an official capacity as a part of their job function. Not saying either is wrong in my opinion, just that they aren't the same thing and it is kind of disingenuous to try and lump those two things together.
MUSA Council Joined: May 15 2008 Status: Offline Points: 7008 |
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So now, we have to make a decision concerning who is truthful. Is it Middletown 29 who claims there is some oversight with city employees concerning this forum, or is it Mr. Adkins who states there is no targeting for those city employees who participate here. |
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
MUSA Council Joined: May 15 2008 Status: Offline Points: 7008 |
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I will respectfully disagree with you middletownscouter. Adkins (and Andrews) were not participating in an official capacity by blogging on this forum. IMO, Adkin's official capacity participation occurs on his "City Manager's Blog" on the city website, not here. Andrews was offering her personal comments here and not speaking "officially" for the entire school board. Offering participation here from either one is not a part of either's job function IMO. It falls under "extra curricular activity" as neither had to participate here but instead, chose to. Offering posts here was never in their job description I would imagine.
Whether the posts were a real name or an anonymous name, IMO, has no bearing on the case. My statement concerning Adkins blogging here, outside of his job description, but not allowing his employees to do the same is more a "pot calling the kettle black" kind of thing....or was intended to be as written IMO. Don't see it as an apples to oranges comparison at this point. Might be misunderstanding your reasoning at this point though. |
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
Prominent MUSA Citizen Joined: Jul 01 2007 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 2749 |
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come on, Vet--be happy that someone is trying to be honest, informative and puts there name behind it. We can't ask for much more.
? now being the intent behind M29 and Mlover---they only seem to insult and degrade this site, and come here stirring the pot with incorrect/mis-leading information. Then they call the rest of us the problem lol lol The well -intentioned and the truth will always triumph. Those hindering either or both will always eventually fall. |
Douglas Adkins
MUSA Resident Joined: Aug 22 2016 Status: Offline Points: 94 |
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Also, if it helps, I have NEVER, not once, posted under an alias on this or any other site. I put my name on it or I don't bother posting it.
MUSA Citizen Joined: Jun 13 2008 Status: Offline Points: 820 |
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The difference between Andrew and Adkins is that Andrew is a single elected official who in her capacity should only be speaking on her behalf and not the Board of Education as a whole.
Adkins is a PAID city employee hired by City Council. They could have easily directed him to address the concerns of this forum. Vet you've constantly complained about communication and the lack of transparency. Be thankful that Adkins is here trying to communicate with citizens where they are willing to engage. It's one thing to disagree (which I do--especially with the decision to sell all of Weatherwax) and another to appreciate someone's willingness to hear your concerns and attempt to to address them. |
MUSA Resident Joined: Jan 12 2017 Location: Middletown Status: Offline Points: 201 |
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The managers response to me (Arsenic post) contained untruths and was phrased in a way that could easily lead the reader to false conclusions.
MUSA Resident Joined: May 21 2014 Status: Offline Points: 192 |
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Thank you for clearing the air, Mr. Adkins.
Middletown... Bright past BRIGHTER FUTURE!!!
MUSA Council Joined: May 15 2008 Status: Offline Points: 7008 |
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"Vet you've constantly complained about communication and the lack of transparency. Be thankful that Adkins is here trying to communicate with citizens where they are willing to engage. It's one thing to disagree (which I do--especially with the decision to sell all of Weatherwax) and another to appreciate someone's willingness to hear your concerns and attempt to to address them." "C'mon Vet"..... Ok gentlemen, if you would care to look back through some of the conversations I have had with Mr. Adkins, there are times when I have praised and thanked the man for his honesty and willingness to participate on the forum. Believe it or not, I am capable of offering some positive posts (when praise is due), even involving a city official from time to time. It has not, as you are alluding to, been all negative in my responses. Hell, I even thanked Marcia Andrew at times when she was board president posting about her schools back in the day. I'm certainly not going to agree with them 100% of the time as some would expect. Don't go kinder/gentler (indicates weakness IMO) on me toward approaching people, nor politically correct responding to my posts. I'm not buying this modern day crap we call pc. It's as phony as a three dollar bill and has literally ruined this country since it was the popular thing to do. |
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
MUSA Council Joined: May 15 2008 Status: Offline Points: 7008 |
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Actually, much of what has been posted here has been supported by actual research from folks like Vivian Moon, Mike Presta and Analytical to name a few. This site is much more objective and believable than the Journal has been for the last two decades. The Journal as it is now, is nothing more than a mouthpiece shill for the city propaganda. It only reports one way and is hardly objective in it's stories. Don't be a fool by believing ALL that you hear from the city leaders. It has been documented many times as to their concealment and their deceitful information. You appear to be a "hook. line and sinker" type of person. Skeptical is a tad bit safer. |
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
MUSA Resident Joined: May 21 2014 Status: Offline Points: 192 |
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Skeptical is laughable. You cross your arms and stomp your foot down every time the city proposes anything. Talk about "hook, line and sinker. " You eat up everything that MattR and any other "insider" posts. You and Nelson "ANALytical" are cut from the same cloth. Mr. Adkins has debunked your fake news. You don't want to believe it because it doesn't fit your narrative. Sometimes it's best to move on and fight another battle.
Middletown... Bright past BRIGHTER FUTURE!!!
MUSA Resident Joined: Jan 12 2017 Location: Middletown Status: Offline Points: 201 |
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My post was and is factual.
MUSA Citizen Joined: Nov 19 2015 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 562 |
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EXAMPLE NUMBER ONE FOR MIDDIEMOM According to (Skip B.), my staff person responsible for this program, close to $400,000 in non-performing repayable loans were written off in 2003 or 2004 by John Lyons and Marty Kohler. Furthermore, in late 2006 just before my arrival, another $250,000 in non-performing repayable loans were written off by Skip B. and Pam Banks of the Finance Department. Sad to say, none of these HUD-funded loans were "properly serviced" by city staff. Note: After my arrival and the receipt of information shared with me by Skip B., loan servicing procedures were established. No longer were delinquent homeowners allowed to fall more than 90 days behind on their loan payments without legal remedy. In too many cases participating homeowners had not made monthly payments for several years. Doug Adkins had nothing to do with this corrective action of mine! There are more examples of waste and poor management of HUD funds by city staff to follow.
Prominent MUSA Citizen Joined: Jul 01 2007 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 2749 |
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sorry to leave middiemom off the list with middletown29 and middielover(all related?) as the cyberbully trolls and core negativity of musa
fake news = Journal-News, DMI, MMF and evidently Middletown29/middielover. Mr.A is our only way out of a LONG history of Admin incompetence, lying and corruption.Give him a shot, Vet---where are all of the other local "Po\liticians who stopped 75% of our problems were created there--0% by musa JD Vance nailed it--to many are too proud and too blind to see it. Not to mention their jealousy. |
MUSA Citizen Joined: Nov 19 2015 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 562 |
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J.D. Vance, author of "Hillbilly Elegy," was one of several featured speakers at a Public Affairs Symposium recently held here at Missouri State University. Having spent four plus years of my life in Middletown made his presentation even more meaningful. For my detractors, I still care about what does and doesn't happen in the city. Good government, solid planning and fiscal management can bring some badly needed vitality back to the people.
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