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Middletown Area Veterans There Is Help For Your PTSD
Friday, June 28, 2013 10:05:55 AM - Middletown Ohio

Veterans often suffer from post traumatic stress disorder and  feel there is no help for them. It's understandable that they feel this way but there is help. The Veteran's Administration has made a concerted effort to develop programs that actually work. There are resources available where you can seek help. One is right here in Middletown.

This article focuses on hope and the fact that there are new and better treatments. Friends and family may have to intercede. But it will be worth it. 

What Actually Is PTSD

The letters PTSD stand for post traumatic stress disorder. This is an emotional illness caused by a terrifying event, actual or threatened, to oneself or to others that you witnessed. (1) Some typical experiences that can cause the disorder are:

• Combat exposure
• Sexual or physical abuse
• Terrorist attack
• Serious accident
• Natural disaster

Symptoms of PTSD

The symptoms are generally divided into 3 categories:

1. Persistent re-experiencing of the event such as flashback memories, dreams that repeat, intense negative physiological or psychological response when reminded of the event.

2. Persistent avoidance and emotional numbing. This can involve avoidance of talking about the event or going near where the event occurred or avoiding people that remind one of the event, as well as decreased capacity to feel certain things, and expectation that the future is constrained and bleak.

3. Symptoms of increased arousal of the senses. these can include difficulty falling asleep, problems with concentration, anger, irritability, mistrust and hypervigilance.

The Diagnostic and Statistic Manual #5 has broken these clusters into 4 although there is not that much differentiation from DSM 4. What is different is that the symptoms do not have to manifest in sudden or violent change of behavior in close proximity to the event.

The symptoms reported lead to big distress or impairment of social relations, occupational function or other important areas of functioning.

Treatment For PTSD - There is Hope

There are several kinds of treatment for PTSD of recent development that have proven effective in helping the "victim" to deal with their symptoms. Some veterans that have experienced other forms of treament should take heart and try these new treatment modalities. (2)

Cognitive Processing Therapy

This helps you change how you think about the event that caused PTSD . You may have innacurate beliefs that lead to painful emotions. By examining your beliefs and seeing through them you can change your emotions.

Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE)

Here you repeatedly confront you distressful memories and feelings and situations until your distress decreases.


Medicine can also be used as an adjunct to help deal with the distress.

Get Help Right Here in Middletown Ohio

On January 3,2011 the Middletown Community Based Outpatient Clinic moved into its location at 4337 N. Union Road , Middletown Ohio. This is an outpatient program for Veterans registered through the Dayton VA. PTSD therapy is available there. Call (513) 423-8387 for help.

Middletown veterans do not have to suffer alone. fighting your own demons. You can get the help you need right here in Middletown. It may not be  easy. And you may have great apprehension but just call. If you can't make the call I'll make it for you.


1. http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/post-traumatic-stress-disorder-ptsd/index.shtml

2. http://www.ptsd.va.gov/public/understanding_TX/booklet.pdf  Understanding PTSD Treatment by the Veterans Department

By Anthony Castelli Attorney

Anthony Castelli is an Ohio accident and injury lawyer that practices injury law and  writes about injury topics and accident and motor vehicle safety. He is a contributor to MiddletownUSA. For more information about Anthony www.castellilaw.com and http://daytoncaraccident.attorneys.us

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