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Firefighter Layoffs

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middie83 View Drop Down
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    Posted: Sep 09 2011 at 2:32pm
From what I hear the Fire Department plans on laying off 10 firefighters by Dec. 31st and "brown out" St. 84 on Tytus. 2 of the 10 layoffs would come through attrition, (2 have paperwork in to retire before the end of the year.)
Hope people don't mind waiting awhile for emergency personnel to show up when they call 911.
Nice that the city is keeping this nice and quiet from the public.
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Stanky View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Stanky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 09 2011 at 7:29pm
Glad to hear it. We don't need to waste resources as the MFD does -- sending unneeded personnel and equipment to 80 year old's house because of heart palpitations. Less fire, more medics is fine. And more police, less fire would be nice too.
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Wots View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Wots Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 09 2011 at 8:49pm
Your quite right there stank's!
Perhaps they need to hire psychic's to determine which runs to make to avoid these unneeded runs. Maybe you should run for mayor with all this insight you have on budget reductions.
Just keep you fingers crossed that you don't have a fire one of these days.
Tell me, you are a graduate of the public schools system, right?
Liberalism: Moochers Electing Looters to Steal from Producers.
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Stanky View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Stanky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 09 2011 at 9:41pm
Fire fighters don't need to be at the sight of a medical emergency.
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Bocephus View Drop Down
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Originally posted by Stanky Stanky wrote:

Fire fighters don't need to be at the sight of a medical emergency.
What can I say,this statement is astounding Wacko
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tbrew85 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote tbrew85 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 10 2011 at 8:06am
Originally posted by Stanky Stanky wrote:

Glad to hear it. We don't need to waste resources as the MFD does -- sending unneeded personnel and equipment to 80 year old's house because of heart palpitations. Less fire, more medics is fine. And more police, less fire would be nice too.
Not sure if you are aware but all Middletown fire personnel, with the exception of a couple "old timers" are paramedics, as well as firefighters. Its highly likely that if the "unneeded equipment" was sent, it was due to all the "medic units" being already on runs.
More police less fire? Really? Police rarely save lives. Medics do it every day.
When seconds count, police are only minutes away.
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VietVet View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 10 2011 at 8:45am
Originally posted by Stanky Stanky wrote:

Glad to hear it. We don't need to waste resources as the MFD does -- sending unneeded personnel and equipment to 80 year old's house because of heart palpitations. Less fire, more medics is fine. And more police, less fire would be nice too.

Stanky, I have a wife of 39 years who had a massive stroke in Oct. of 09. She can't walk nor use her left arm and is wheel chair bound, probably for the rest of her life. She is 60. Since 09, she has had 5 seizures as a result of her stroke. It is not a pleasant thing to see when your loved one looks like they are ready to take their last breath.

We have called 911 each time and within 5 minutes, we have had a fire truck and an ambulance at the residence to stabilize her and transport to Atrium.

If there is one thing good, in a town full of bad, it is the service these people provide to those in need. You may not have a need now. We didn't have one either until Oct of 09. Our family appreciates them very much and needs them at times. You may feel the same someday if you receive a "surprise" in life that is none to pleasant to live.

Just a thought for you. Not trying to lecture here.

God Bless.
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Stanky View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Stanky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 10 2011 at 9:20am
Vet, we're talking two different things. I'm not saying we don't need ambulance response. I'm saying why do we need fire personnel, fire engines, and the cost associated with those runs for those situations? Why can't we have more EMS staff responding rather than sending fire engines and MFD? Since when did medical runs need to become fire runs? Seems to me it's like at tax time requiring every simple 1040 tax return to be performed by a CPA. Too much waste.
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TudorBrown View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote TudorBrown Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 10 2011 at 9:44am
Originally posted by Stanky Stanky wrote:

Vet, we're talking two different things. I'm not saying we don't need ambulance response. I'm saying why do we need fire personnel, fire engines, and the cost associated with those runs for those situations? Why can't we have more EMS staff responding rather than sending fire engines and MFD? Since when did medical runs need to become fire runs? Seems to me it's like at tax time requiring every simple 1040 tax return to be performed by a CPA. Too much waste.

Makes sense, can't the fire fighters/engine stay at the station and only respond if the medics need them?

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ground swat View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ground swat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 10 2011 at 10:54pm
This topic should be looked at. Know one is discounting or wanting to Bad mouth the MFD.  Is Botts the guy in charge?  We all know who Reps. the city.  Could the fire dept.  and OUR city come together and talk like adults?  Maybe we need another E-Mail from Becker asking the ?. 
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VietVet View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 11 2011 at 9:38am
Originally posted by Stanky Stanky wrote:

Vet, we're talking two different things. I'm not saying we don't need ambulance response. I'm saying why do we need fire personnel, fire engines, and the cost associated with those runs for those situations? Why can't we have more EMS staff responding rather than sending fire engines and MFD? Since when did medical runs need to become fire runs? Seems to me it's like at tax time requiring every simple 1040 tax return to be performed by a CPA. Too much waste.

Consider this.....

Each time the ambulance was sent, along with a fire truck, to my home for my wife, charges were accrued.

Each time, the city bills my insurance company, Anthem, and my wife's insurance, Medicare Part B (worthless, by the way as Anthem pays 99% of her bills until she turns 65), according to the EOB, $745 for the run plus a mileage charge to transport her to Atrium.(plus pillows, blankets, gurney sheets, etc.) That insurance payment to the city is more city revenue from a city who has precious revenue sources to pull from. Multiply that run by the thousands made each year, and it could matter to the city budget. Now, I don't know if sending a fire truck along with the ambulance is a way to jack up the charge to the insurance company or not, but it may be.

I believe the fire department was asked why a fire truck along with an ambulance is sent a while back, but I can't remember the response.

While you're on the subject of E-Mailing, ask the question (which has been discussed before) why a fire truck and crew all go to Marsh or Kroger to get groceries for the firehouses. Seems to me the fire truck could be kept at the station along with entire crew minus one to do the grocery shopping. Pay a set fee for the use of the firefighters private vehicle usage. Would be cheaper than driving the fire truck to the grocery, wouldn't it? Don't need to wait for the grocery shopper if a call comes in. Firefighter could go directly to the call location in their car by carrying a radio. JMO
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middie83 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote middie83 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 15 2011 at 3:28pm
The fire truck is sent on a set protocol that the dispatchers have. They go on ALS (advanced life support) runs. Such as dispatched chest pain, short of breath, seizures, shooting, stroke, ect. There are many times that these runs require additional personnel then just the 2 that come on the squad. As well due to staffing cuts and only 3 squads in the entire city, many times the squads are out coming back from the hospital or another run and the fire truck will get there before the squad. As stated earlier these people are paramedics as well and carry the equipment to begin treatment.

Sending a fire engine to a call has no change on EMS billing. If a squad only responds but it turns out that ALS procedures are needed for that person and are performed then the billing company will bill for such.

As far as the fire truck going to the store for food. Again due to budget cuts MFD staffs fire engines with 3 persons. It is dept. policy that a total of 4 personnel must be onscene before entering a structure that is on fire. So if a person were to take their own vehicle to the store look at this possible scenario. Person goes to store, thus fire engine has 2 personnel. Fire comes in with people trapped. Fire truck arrives with 2 people, deputy chief/shirt commander arrives 1 more person = 3 people on scene. Those 3 must now wait for the next engine, possibly quite a ways out or for the person in their own vehicle to drive with the flow of traffic to get there.
Another possibility that person goes to store. Medical call comes in for a person not breathing. Fire engine and squad arrive, 2 people on each = 4 total. You need at least 3 people min. in back of the squad to provide treatment and 1 to drive the squad. You now must leave that fire engine unattended where it sits. As it is now 1 person drives to hospital to pick up crew that rode in with squad to hospital as serious runs such as a person not breathing can keep a squad crew at the hospital for some time with paperwork and resupplying. This allows that fire truck to get back in service quite sometime quicker and available to respond to further details.

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middie83 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote middie83 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 15 2011 at 3:41pm
I also would like to state MFD makes just over 10,000 runs a year. This does not include annual inspections of all businesses, schools, churches, nursing homes, testing of fire hydrants, public educations, and training. MFD has I believe a total of 75 personnel on shift work (3 shifts, 25 guys per shift.) so that's 133.3 runs per person a year. Do some research in the amount of runs per year with personnel number around the tri state and you will see MFD has one if not the least amount of personnel related to run volume. This city is severely understaffed with fire and EMS personnel.
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VietVet View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 15 2011 at 3:53pm
Thank you for the response. We could have speculated forever here. Hearing what the situation is from a person involved in day to day operations kind of stops the debate for me. A perfect example of the general public seeing things like a fire truck parked on standby at Krogers or Marsh and wondering why and seeing a fire truck accompany an ambulance (as has been the case at our house) and wondering why the extra manpower, especially seeing the fire truck in a non-participant role in the run........and not really understanding the true situation. Perceptions albeit false.
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Stanky View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Stanky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 15 2011 at 4:54pm
middie83, still not sure why we need fire personnel to respond to medical emergencies. why not just hire a few more medics and have 3 to a medic van? Skip the fireman and the engine. No more trumped up numbers claiming thousands of fire runs. 10,000 doesn't tell me much because I know we don't have a fraction of that number in actual fires and inspections.

I'm not sure that a "department policy" means it makes sense to   continue a way of doing things. After all, isn't it in the department's interest to write policies that require more firefighters to engage a fire? More "need" means more staffing!

The odds of someone in this town dying at the hands of criminals is far greater than dying in a house fire. I'm not saying deaths by fire never happen but they are incredibly rare. Most fires are property damage issues.

More cops, less fire.
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middletownscouter View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote middletownscouter Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 15 2011 at 5:08pm
Stanky, the medics are the fire personnel. Not sure if that was stated clearly above but all the medics are also firefighters, and nearly every firefighter in MFD is also a trained medic. In most cases you don't get one or the other, these guys are both.
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middie83 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote middie83 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 15 2011 at 9:53pm
Stanky, the city has 3 fire engines and 1 ladder truck. Each have 3 personnel on it. On a fire the first engine driver stays outside to operate the pump. So 2 fighting fire, the second engine driver takes accountability (keeps track of who is in and who is out and where they are in.) so 2 more people in = 4. The 3rd engine is the RAT (Rapid Assistance Team) they stay out and if someone goes down they respond. And the ladder driver operates the ladder and the other 2 go in or cut a hole in the roof for ventilation. 2 squads go, the first with 2 guys for search and rescue the second squad for rehab or to tend to the injured. So thats around 8 guys to fight a fire. I'm sure you've seen pictures of Cincinnati, Colerain twp., New York, ect. that have 20+ personnel to fight a fire.
So saying that do you think it fiscally smart to hire more medics to ride in a van to go with the squad or continue to use the fire engine to assist? You're going to spend more on payroll, insurance, pension, ect. on hiring more people.
If you have watched any council meeting where Chief Botts speaks his policies aren't all about getting more personnel. He has even made the statement that we will do more with less.
10,000 is combined fire and ems details. I will try and get the total number or inspections ect. that are done each year.
You are right most fires are just property damage. But are you willing to roll the dice and take that chance? Secondly, you cut firemen and that small property damage just turned into the house burning down to the ground. Lets also not forget those squads don't and aren't able to carry the equipment needed to cut trapped people out of cars.
Finally, I will say yes, there are a lot of criminals and crime in this city. But if you get hurt by one of them how long do you want to wait for trained personnel to get there to provide you with treatment?
Just my two cents.
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ground swat View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ground swat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 16 2011 at 6:29pm
Bottom line, we have to stay within the budget.  Don't ask me how we come up with money to buy buildings or SUPPORT the art theme.  I'm guessing the MFD will do all they can to help the city with some tough decisions!  Union leadership is required.
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Mike_Presta View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mike_Presta Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 19 2011 at 5:07am
I have a germ of an idea that may save considerable money in the way these calls are handled.  I am just not 100% sure it is feasable.  I'd like to run it by the troops (and I mean they actual people that would have to implement it, NOT the "brass") to either tell me why it won't work, tell me how to make it work, or tell me that it will work BEFORE I make it public and possibly make a fool of myself. 
Perhaps I'll stop by one of the stations some evening and just talk to "the guys" and get their take on it.
“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
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tbrew85 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote tbrew85 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 21 2011 at 3:13pm
Originally posted by Stanky Stanky wrote:

middie83, still not sure why we need fire personnel to respond to medical emergencies. why not just hire a few more medics and have 3 to a medic van? Skip the fireman and the engine. No more trumped up numbers claiming thousands of fire runs. 10,000 doesn't tell me much because I know we don't have a fraction of that number in actual fires and inspections.

I'm not sure that a "department policy" means it makes sense to   continue a way of doing things. After all, isn't it in the department's interest to write policies that require more firefighters to engage a fire? More "need" means more staffing!

The odds of someone in this town dying at the hands of criminals is far greater than dying in a house fire. I'm not saying deaths by fire never happen but they are incredibly rare. Most fires are property damage issues.

More cops, less fire.
Seems like you are still failing to realize that Medics and Fire are the same individuals.
Of those 10000 runs, well over 9000 of them are medic runs.
The odds of dying from an injury or illness are FAR FAR greater then dying at the hands of a criminal.
My Ruger or Kimber, depending on the day, evens my odds against the criminals.
If Im in a car accident, the Medics are far more important to me then the police are.
The odds of a Police officer responding in time to prevent an injury or death due to a criminal is almost nil. Like Ive said before, When seconds count, the police are only minutes away. You could add 50 officers and that would still be the case.
We DONT need less "Fire". We could use more police, but if its a choice between the two, Fire "read Medics" is in far more demand then police.
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middie83 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote middie83 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 26 2011 at 12:47pm
Twice yesterday multiple fire apparatus were put out of service while the crew for that fire engine jumped over to reserve medics to take additional medical calls. During those times the city only had a ladder truck with 3 personnel and a deputy chief/shift commander to handle fire calls. The department has already handled over 8,000 combined fire and ems calls as of last night.....run volume continues to increase every year. Just FYI to all.
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ground swat View Drop Down
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Is the City doing all they can to cut cost? Is the Union listening to it's members?  Something has to give, can't do much about a federal shut down but Everyone has to get on board with OUR local issues. M83 don't like to call anyone out but I like to hear your thoughts.  Do we have the right leadership handling this issue?
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote middie83 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 26 2011 at 9:16pm
groundswat: the fire department union has been in negotiations with the city to try and make concessions so no one is laid off. I trust in the union leadership in that they will make the right decisions. However, even if an agreement is reached it still has to be voted on by the members and council has to approve it. What I think puts a bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths though is if you remember when the last public safety levy was passed the city "leadership" told residents that if it was passed they would not decrease service.....now they're talking of laying off 10. They already have spots/positions that they refuses to fill. The personnel number for the FD has declined over the years while run volume goes up, tell me how that works?
I will be very honest here but try to remain politically correct. It angers and saddens me when I hear a Chief say he "looks forward to the challenge ahead." and that's in front of council. I don't know what all the job entails, whats said behind closed doors, ect. But at sometime I think you have to open your eyes and say "I can't cut anymore, if I do it will affect the safety of my personnel and the residents of this city."
Overall I think if FF's are laid off and staffing is cut it's a game of Russian roulette. Just a matter of time before the trigger is pulled and some is hurt.
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ground swat View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ground swat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 29 2011 at 9:12am
M83 thanks for answering I didn't mean to ask and then not return. This Cincy state deal has taken up a little of my time.  I've got to head out but have a few more questions, Thanks again I know how important this issue is.
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AKBobby View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote AKBobby Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 29 2011 at 10:18am
Originally posted by tbrew85 tbrew85 wrote:

Originally posted by Stanky Stanky wrote:

middie83, still not sure why emergencies. why not just hire a few more medics and have 3 to a medic van? Skip the fireman and the engine. No more trumped up numbers claiming thousands of fire runs.More "need" means more staffing! The odds of someone in this town dying at the hands of criminals is far greater than dying in a house fire. I'm not saying deaths by fire never happen but they are incredibly rare. Most fires are property damage issues. More cops, less fire.


Of those 10000 runs, well over 9000 of them are medic runs.


The odds of dying from an injury or illness are FAR FAR greater then dying at the hands of a criminal. [/

The odds of a Police officer responding in time to prevent an injury or death due to a criminal is almost nil. Like Ive said before, When seconds count, the police are only minutes away. You could add 50 officers and that would still be the case.[/D
We DONT need less "Fire". We could use more police, but if its a choice between the two, Fire "read Medics" is in far more demand then police.

Not gonna argue the importance of medics. The MFD is stellar and very good. There's no debate about that. Great firemen we have here and they are hard workers.

But this city is overun with crime, not fires or injuries. In 1995 the police dept had 90 officers. Now they have 74 I believe. That's 16 less officers in a city that has grown with annexation and taken in more out of town criminals than any city in Ohio. That's ridiculous. And what's sad is people on here complain about what our police make. Did you know Trenton, Monroe, and the BC Sheriifs office officers make as much or more as Middletown and they do half the work and don't even compare to the high volume of calls or unsafe situations MPD does.

According to the community stats the police had over 50,000 calls last year and 9,000 arrests. There were officers assaulted, injured at the hands of suspects, etc. Across the nation, deaths of officers and assaults on police are at an all time high. I have family that work there so maybe I'm biased but still, the numbers and stats don't lie.

We need more police AND more fire. Not less.
AK - What is going on with that?
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