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    Posted: Sep 17 2018 at 5:48am
Try meandering the swampy group of LLCs responsible for that proposed motorcycle shop. Who is really behind it?>  
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote buddhalite Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jul 13 2018 at 11:23am
Well, Viet, I'm concerned - but I'm also one who believes that the court of public opinion has no bearing on true guilt or innocence.  So, I await hearing more about the case before I'm going to get too worked up over it.  And even then - sure it's a black eye to the city for a short period of time - but this certainly is way down the severity list of employee controversies the city has had.

According to the Urinal - a special judge and prosecutor will be named in this case because of Nadine's familiarity around the city.

The Urinal story leaves me believing that there may be more to the story...and until otherwise proven I'm giving Nadine the benefit of the doubt.  

As far as her pay goes - I don't know - first she has to put up with Adkins everyday of her life, she is ultimately required to attend many city functions well after hours - which is how I came to know her - and perhaps when you add it all up - the salary seems a bit high from what you and I are both used to in the private sector - but it is a bit more in line I think with the actual responsibilities of the position.

It will be interesting to see what occurs.....
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jul 13 2018 at 7:27am
Interesting story in the Journal......What is also new is that Doug Adkin's administrative assistant is allegedly accused of theft from Kohl's. What is somewhat incredible is that she has worked for the city for nine years and has risked losing her 54 grand salary as well. What are people thinking to gamble with their livelihood in risking a nice salary with bennies?

I don't understand the pay structure at all in the public sector. I know an admin. asst. who worked in the private sector at P&G and she didn't make close to that salary after 15 years with the company.

She has given the city workers a black eye here and has provided more controversy. The city doesn't need more negative news as it has more than it's fair share to deal with as it is.

Will be interesting to see how the legal system here in Middletown handles this case. Will she receive special treatment as she moves through the process as she is connected with the city manager or will it be conducted in an impartial manner?
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jul 12 2018 at 12:24pm
A city blacklist for Grau and Robinette should be in effect. They have both demonstrated ineffective results as to honoring their contracts and being responsible for the taxpayer money the city has already given them.

Both should be permanently excluded from any future development proposals in the city. Both should be made to repay the city for the money loaned to them. Why hasn't this been pursued by the law department in this city?
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote middletownscouter Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jul 12 2018 at 8:53am
Regarding the Snider and Manchester buildings, it was reported quite some time ago that Mr. Grau has ceased any forward development plans and put the buildings on the market.  Seems that when he couldn't get the city to do all the work for him and give him the same level of freebies that they gave Atrium (other than two buildings for A DOLLAR of course), and he was going to have to put in his own money and effort that he threw a hissy fit and quit trying.

There's a thread around here somewhere on this board with links to the listings and the development plans for each building.
There are two types of people: those that talk the talk and those that walk the walk. People who walk the walk sometimes talk the talk but most times they don't talk at all, 'cause they walkin.'
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    Posted:  Dec 19 2014 at 3:44am by Vivian Moon

Updated: 3:57 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 18, 2014 | Posted: 1:44 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 18, 2014

Downtown Middletown project awarded $600K state tax credit

By Ed RichterStaff Writer, Journal-News


    A project to rehabilitate one of the tallest buildings in Middletown received a financial step forward Thursday.

    The Ohio Development Services Agency has awarded $600,000 in state historic renovation tax credits for the Goetz Tower project, located at the southeast corner of Central Avenue and South Main Street.

    Developer Mike Robinette, a principle of Grassroots Ohio, said the state tax credits along with another $600,000 in federal tax credits will assist in moving the more than $3.07 million restoration project forward. The group already has private lender to finance the venture.

    “It’s a crossroads for the project,” Robinette said. “We’ve been working on this for three years and it’s good to get the last element of funding out of the way.”

    He said the seven-story, 30,000 square-foot structure, which houses a Fifth Third Bank branch, will include 24 market-rate apartments on the second through seventh floors. It also includes 2,000 square-feet of retail/commercial/restaurant space with a possible coffee shop, wine bar and bookstore when the project is completed.  (City of Middletown to relocate its' Economic Development Department operations to this space as per Doug Adkins)!!  He said interior demolition and renovations could begin as early as March. The project is expected to take about 18 months and is tentatively slated for completion by fall 2016.

    In addition to Robinette, the partnership group includes David Gose and is also working with    historic building restoration experts Steve Coon, David Jursik and Joe Parsons.

The partnership group applied for the tax credits in September that will offset about half of the project’s cost, Robinette said.

    The state awarded $41.8 million of the historic preservation tax credits for 31 projects across the state during this award cycle. These awards will be used to leverage $600 million in private investment for those projects. However, the developers do not get the tax credits until after the project construction is completed and all requirements have been verified. The goal is to get these properties rehabilitated so that it would drive future investment in those neighborhoods.

    “This is the first large scale residential rehabilitation and renovation project in downtown Middletown and could be a catalyst for future revitalization,” said Denise Hamet, Middletown’s economic development director. “We haven’t done something like that yet.”

    Hamet anticipates other projects applying for these grants in the next application cycle in March as well as others in the following cycle in September. Those projects applying in March could include the Manchester Inn and the Snider Ford/Sonshine buildings, she said.

    “As these renovation projects reach fruition, they will broaden the revitalization of our city’s core by providing additional elements toward creating a successful downtown where residents can live, work and play,” Hamet said.

    The Middletown Building and Deposit Association erected their seven-story Art Deco bank and office building about 1930 as a symbol of prominence and stability. The partnership will name the soon to be redeveloped property into the Goetz Tower, named for the original building architect,     Harold W. Goetz, Sr. Following rehabilitation, the building will house 20 residential units.

    Hamet said Fifth Third donated the property to Grassroots Ohio in the July 2012 for the purpose of historic redevelopment. The property’s value at the time of its donation was $190,000. The nonprofit development group is focused on the redevelopment of historic structures in southwest Ohio and applied for historic tax credits in September 2014.

    The redevelopment of the property will result in the reuse of nearly 30,000 square feet of space that has been vacant for many years and will bring new market-rate housing and retail space to the City’s downtown core.

    The tower is located across the street from the Cincinnati State Technical and Community College, which opened in the fall of 2012 and has seen its enrollment nearly double since it first opened. “This project will build on that success by offering services in support of students and staff at Cincinnati State,” Robinette said.

    Stakeholders in downtown Middletown have been working for the past several years on redeveloping the City’s core and this project is expected to help accelerate that area’s renaissance.

    The project supports the city’s strategic plan for downtown.

    “This project is great example of a public/private collaboration,” Hamet said.

    The project has received funding support from the community, including:

·                       Duke Energy, the Charlotte-based energy provider for Ohio and Kentucky, gave the project a boost with a $23,700 grant to help Grassroots Ohio assess the redevelopment project for predevelopment tax credits.

·                       The City of Middletown gave its support for a U.S. EPA grant of more than $13,000 for a Phase 1 Environmental Assessment.

·                       The Middletown Community Foundation gave the group a grant to expand the South Main Historic District to include Goetz Tower. (This was a necessary step before the group could apply for historic tax credits.)

·                       The Cincinnati Development Fund gave developers an $85,000 development loan.

Mr. Robinette is also involved with the restoration of the Rose Furniture Building.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Analytical Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jul 11 2018 at 5:41pm
Goetz Tower Redevelopment - When will reconstruction finally begin on this long-lingering mixed-use "downtown" project?  Are Ohio allocated Historic Preservation Tax Credits at stake because of said years of delays?

BMW Motorcyle Shop - When will Columbus-based re-developers finally begin reconstructing the the former "near downtown" Senior Citizens Center?

Former CG&E Building - Store Master Funding, LLC, purchaser of said property from Cincinnati State/HEP and current landlord, is over $337,000 in arrears with Butler County property taxes.  Is there any county or city recourse?

Liberty Spirits LLC - Is there anything to report on the Phase II status of property sold to them by the city?  Also, the name of a new entity has been added to the bottom of the Liberty Spirits sign.  What if anything does this mean?

Manchester Inn - Is there anything new to report on Mr. Grau's long-promised redevelopment plans?

Snider Building - Is there anything new to report on Mr. Grau's long-promised redevelopment plans?

Rose Furniture Building - Is there anything new to report on the building front wall remnant of this property?
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