I believe that it is a well-settled matter of Ohio law that the “legislative body of a municipal authority” (that would be a CITY COUNCIL, or similar body) can NOT delegate any of its powers to one, or any number fewer than a quorum, of its members. Of course, such a body does not need to delegate any of “its” powers to a “quorum” since a “quorum” IS the “council.” That is why last night’s (02/17/2009) City Council caused me much concern.
Council members once again talked about sending items “to a sub-committee.” According to Honest Dave “I will not run again” Schiavone, “that way we can meet as often as we need to”, referring to buying blighted properties and his scheme to “get the private sector involved” with the taxpayers’ funds in doing so.
Folks, at the so-called “Finance Sub-committee” meeting that I attended last Thursday, with the City Manager and four City Council members in attendance and the Clerk of Council taking minutes, I confirmed that ONLY council members can make or second motions at these meetings; and that a quorum at these meetings is a “majority of the council members on the sub-committee.” Folks, they can SPIN it however they choose, BUT--these so-called “sub-committee meetings" ARE “city council meetings”.
However, the only LEGAL meetings that city council is allowed to hold are “regular meetings” or “special meetings”. They CANNOT “meet as often as they want” and discuss City business by simply calling the meetings something other than “city council meetings.”
Our esteemed City Law Director knows this, so why does he allow it?
During the last two years, more so than any time in the 10+ years that I have been back in town, City Council has been determined to discuss city business, and vote on same out of sight of the general public!!! What are they afraid of sharing with us???
What do they NOT want us to see or hear???
Why do they have such a penchant for secrecy???
They keep SAYING that they are all for OPENESS, but--every time one turns around, one sees council, the City Manager, and city staff discussing city business somewhere OTHER than council chambers during something allegedly OTHER than a city council meeting!!!
Who are they trying so hard to fool...and WHY???