Tomahawk you are exactly right about the other Board I am probably the loudest proponent of cuts in raises and for Employees paying more of their Health Care Premium over there, yet oh what a bad boy I am to suggest such things. The people over there would rather bankrupt the city than do what is needed to survive Thourgh these tough times. 390+ employees, especially the Unionized ones, are basically putting this city under and Council and many of its Citizens and City Management doesn't want to hear it or do anything about it.
There is no excuse once again for City employees to only be paying 7.5% of their health Care premium when the National average is far higher and closer to 25%. Federal employees pay 25% of their health Care Premiums. If the City paid only and additional $25.00 a week as I suggested on the MJ site that would save about $500k a year and they would still be well below the 25% average.
Sooner or later, and I fear it will be later and it will be forced by the city in the form of Police and Fire Dept layoffs because neither Dept seems willing to see the writing on the wall. If Public Safety wants to play hard ball as they do every time their contract comes up so be it, go to Conciliation and before Conciliation even starts get a list from each chief of personnel that they want laid-off to compensate for the raises forced on a city that can't afford them. The same goes for the Health care committee, either do away with this committee, personally I have never heard of giving your employees the power to determine their own health care benefits and cost, either the employees pay more of their health care or layoffs will be forthcoming and then follow through with it.
This whole system of raises and benefits is antiquated and detrimental to Cities like Middletown.
Of course Council just goes along with both new contracts and the only vocal one is Mr. Becker who sees the handwriting on the wall, this is unfortunate for the City as a whole.
I fail to see why Council and City Admin can not understand both the Section 8 issue and the compensation of employees is currently detrimental to the City as a whole. Each issue deals with a small group of people and yet 50000+ others must suffer for the decision that Council makes. In the case of Section 8 no one would be hurt by giving the Vouchers to Butler and Warren County. In the case of raises and benefits it is a matter of survival for a City of 50,000+ citizens yet the issues are ignored and not discussed.