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If You Don't Participate

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Category: Middletown Community
Forum Name: A Better Middletown
Forum Description: A discussion about how to make Middletown a Better Place
Printed Date: Jan 30 2025 at 12:54pm

Topic: If You Don't Participate
Posted By: VietVet
Subject: If You Don't Participate
Date Posted: Feb 07 2019 at 8:08am
Just thinking of all the reasons why one would not participate on this site......

If you don't participate.....(and assuming the city and schools read this forum)

- given city/school ego issues at times, they will believe they have satisfied most who live here.

- they (city and schools) will never know if you have issues with what they do.

- the schools will never know just how badly they are performing and the never ending failures in academic/indicator achievements will never be noted. We know, historically, the Journal will never mention the failures and always paint a rosy picture of school accomplishments. Both sides of the story are never reported in the Journal.

- the city will never know how you feel about their precious downtown area while they ignore the rest of the city.

- you will have absolutely no venue to express yourself about your city/schools.

- there is no other venue to make comments about the performances of your city and school officials but here. If you stop commenting, there is no criticism/praise provided for them to note. (assuming they actually care)

- they (city and schools) will know that there is a citizen's watch on their activity even though the citizens are pretty much powerless to change those activities given the "boss hogg"/we don't care what the people think mentality of city government/schools. They took the concept of representing the people/allowing the people a say in city affairs away many decades ago.

- we will never benefit from information researched here that is never found in the Journal.

- they (city and schools) will never know (if they care at all) what we think of their performance and their lousy decision making at times.

- we will never be able to counter the offerings of the city/school supporters who participate on this site.

- THEY WILL WIN WITH NO VOCAL RESISTANCE (I'm a "them against us" kind of person with regard to how the city/schools treat those who are outside their realm of acceptance) Both have created this environment using exclusion as the vehicle. We did not necessarily ask for this type of city/school/citizen relationship.

Look, it is easy to give up and it may not matter now or at the end of all of this but at least we had our opinions noted. There is no other source to express yourself but here. This is the only game in town to counter what they do. Otherwise, they go about their business unimpeded and without a whimper from the public. This is still better than not having any voice at all in our town. I hope we can agree on that.

I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.

Posted By: Wots
Date Posted: Feb 28 2019 at 8:36pm
                                                             How sad. 
                                                            S} Crickets.....................................................


Liberalism: Moochers Electing Looters to Steal from Producers.

Posted By: middiemom
Date Posted: Mar 03 2019 at 9:20pm
Not sad, just typical. This site is dead. It has been for quite some time.

Middletown... Bright past BRIGHTER FUTURE!!!

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Mar 04 2019 at 7:15am
There are those living in this town who are content with poor/mediocre schools.

There are those living in this town who are content with a downtown that has never been occupied for decades, had few businesses established in decades and a number who have come and gone and have failed.

There are those who are content with demolishing half the city and leaving wide open "green spaces" with no indication on the horizon that those vacant lots will be rebuilt.

There are those who are content with the current influx of low income, rampant crime and drug use in this town.

There are those who think the bike path contains enough traffic to warrant the cost of a new building.

There are those who live in this town who deny the failures of Bicentennial Commons and Lake Middletown and think that the waste of time and money should be overlooked.

There are those who do not follow up on the city as to progress with the old seniors center, the Manchester Hotel fiasco, the old Rose Furniture building, the Getz Tower promises, the Sonshine building development failure, the old Journal building, and others. They do not consider these non-started projects as failures by the city as advertised to the people.

There are those who live here who see only sunshine and lollipops and deny the reality of any situation glossing it over with their rose-colored thinking.

Just like the extreme left, socialists, progressive people in the Democratic Party, there are some in this town who dream of a utopia that can never exist if for no other reason than cost and whether the masses really want it and will not accept the reality of the situation no matter how much reasoning, logic and factual data is presented. It is what THEY want and is not important whether it makes sense or not. They are incapable of looking at situations objectively and with a possibility that their plans just may not be doable. They will learn, in time and with maturity, that some pie-in-the-sky ideas just don't stand a chance of success, no matter how hard one tries. They are young, gullible, foolish and incapable of using any common sense.

There are those in this city who insist on running the show to satisfy the special niche 10% of this town, who have no clue as to the demographics of the city and who could care less about the other 90% who want other directions for the town.

There are those living here who insist it be their way and who do not care if you are outside their little circle of influence. Doesn't matter how much you care about your city, you do not matter to the people running this city into the ground.   

I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Mar 04 2019 at 8:13am
most locals DO care, Vet....
also most are tired of trying and paying
hopefully new faces will emerge eventually and other areas of the town will get a spark or two from an innovative business start up

"There are those in this city who insist on running the show to satisfy the special niche 10% of this town, who have no clue as to the demographics of the city and who could care less about the other 90% who want other directions for the town.

There are those living here who insist it be their way and who do not care if you are outside their little circle of influence. Doesn't matter how much you care about your city, you do not matter to the people running this city into the ground. "   

yes--this is the tough part
by conducting city business in closed session, our local govt has chosen to freeze out anyone from knowing individual thinking. Long term this has caused caring involved citizens to lose touch first, then to lose interest.

as for future involvement---as Zimmy sings:
"It ain't me, babe"....

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Mar 04 2019 at 2:08pm
Honestly I spend most of my time locally watching for and worrying about potholes.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Mar 04 2019 at 3:17pm
Originally posted by spiderjohn spiderjohn wrote:

Honestly I spend most of my time locally watching for and worrying about potholes.

With the lack of town amenities and interests, and the fact that this town rolls up it's sidewalks and we all migrate to our homes after 8PM like hermits, watching for potholes might be the only real excitement this town has to offer anymore. How sad.

Speaking of potholes, contacted the city site for potholes and in two days, they filled the large one in my neighborhood. Good response from the city.

I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.

Posted By: buddhalite
Date Posted: Mar 04 2019 at 4:36pm
This site isn't dead - it's just not worth even discussing things out here as it always becomes personal and ends up being a name calling session.

And FWIW - the people might care but they keep electing the crop of morons that run the show....

If you can't fix that last part - we can sit here and complain and remind people all day long....nothing will eve change.


"Every government intervention [in the marketplace] creates unintended consequences, which lead to calls for further government interventions." -Ludwig van Mises

Posted By: middiemom
Date Posted: Mar 04 2019 at 10:43pm
Please run, Bob.

Middletown... Bright past BRIGHTER FUTURE!!!

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Mar 05 2019 at 12:56am
Yes, we keep electing the same ilk, therefore nothing ever changes.  There have been better choices who have run, but they have been clobbered by the money-backed same-old-same-old.

On a related subject, I preached for years on here that our city councils (past and present) have broken the law by discussing the issues in small (less than a quorum) merry-go-round meetings, and via telephone and text, and email, prior to their public meetings.  Mr. Landen and others assured us that such was well within the law.  I didn't have the means to challenge this in court.

Once again (for the SECOND time), someone in Cincinnati with the means has challenged Cincinnati's City council on the very same issues.  Guess what?  The City of Cincinnati lost AGAIN and will be paying hefty costs, and individual councilmembers may be subject to JAIL TERMS!!!

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: John Beagle
Date Posted: Mar 05 2019 at 2:21pm
Originally posted by middiemom middiemom wrote:

Not sad, just typical. This site is dead. It has been for quite some time.

Not Dead Yet

-------------" rel="nofollow - John Beagle

Middletown USA

News of, for and by the people of Middletown, Ohio.

Posted By: buddhalite
Date Posted: Mar 05 2019 at 9:15pm
Nice play.  Nice play, John.

Interesting though that people take the time to comment on a dead site that the site is dead.  And people read that the site is dead - and the dead site lives.

Sometimes, just sometimes, silence speaks louder than words.

"Every government intervention [in the marketplace] creates unintended consequences, which lead to calls for further government interventions." -Ludwig van Mises

Posted By: middiemom
Date Posted: Mar 06 2019 at 8:37am
“Dead site lives”. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 This site is like a patient on a ventilator whose family cannot just let go. It’s time. Pull the plug.
PLEASE run for council, Bob, please.🙏🏻

Middletown... Bright past BRIGHTER FUTURE!!!

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Mar 06 2019 at 9:28am
Originally posted by middiemom middiemom wrote:

“Dead site lives”. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 This site is like a patient on a ventilator whose family cannot just let go. It’s time. Pull the plug.
PLEASE run for council, Bob, please.🙏🏻

mom, with all due respect, this site is the only option people have if they want to read the "other side of things" here in Middletown. If not for this site, the only sources they have are the Journal and the news from the city building occupants. That is obviously one-sided and favors their agenda. It would be the same as removing FOX News and giving the people only the MSNBC and CNN side of things which lean heavily on the Democratic platforms. It would be a dis-service to not offer conflicting viewpoints and let the viewer decide what side the believe. Surely you are not suggesting we discontinue the opposing side offered here and only rely on what comes from the city building are you? Giving people choices (in this case, informational sources, is inherent in a democracy isn't it? By wishing this site to go away, you are supporting the idea of denying people of this city choices for their information aren't you? Why would you want to do that unless you happen to want total control of what occurs in this city, which is how the city leaders operate. If so, you are no better than the clowns who run this city and who have helped drive it into the ground. Nothing to be proud of if that is the case. You are promoting a lack of choice and favoring the city propaganda by wanting this site to go away. Isn't providing a platform for debate more healthy for this city or do you prefer dictatorships?

I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Mar 06 2019 at 11:52am
Tough season for businesses everywhere, and no hot topics here(possible jail closing?). Outside of last weekend, the whole town is quiet. Credit to the downtowners for creating a happening event last weekend though!

No, mom--this site pretty much mirrors our community, for what it is worth....

We all care--simply not much that we can do about a lot of things

Watch out for potholes!!!

Posted By: middletownscouter
Date Posted: Mar 06 2019 at 12:35pm
Originally posted by VietVet VietVet wrote:

 mom, with all due respect, this site is the only option people have if they want to read the "other side of things" here in Middletown. 

There are scores of facebook groups to discuss Middletown issues that are actively used on a daily basis.  Some groups have as many as 25,800 members and get heavy traffic.  I stopped counting at 50 different groups.  And as a participant in several of these, the "other side of things" here in town is well represented.

I like this site, have been here for many years, and will continue to do so.  John is awesome for providing this forum and keeping it around, no doubt about it.  But this bulletin board site, like so many others similar to it, are seeing dwindling use due to the advent of the age of social media and Web 2.0.  There's less and less of a need for a separate site when it can easily be a page or a group on facebook, or a thread on Twitter, or Instagram, Snapchat, Reddit, etc.

It isn't that people are no longer discussing either side of the issues in our town, they're just not doing it here as much anymore.

There are two types of people: those that talk the talk and those that walk the walk. People who walk the walk sometimes talk the talk but most times they don't talk at all, 'cause they walkin.'

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Mar 06 2019 at 3:43pm

"There are scores of facebook groups to discuss Middletown issues that are actively used on a daily basis. Some groups have as many as 25,800 members and get heavy traffic. I stopped counting at 50 different groups. And as a participant in several of these, the "other side of things" here in town is well represented."

Interesting scouter. The other sites I have investigated tend to discuss where you can buy the latest kid's clothes or where to get electric service for your home or the proverbial, "have you seen this lost dog" messages. Not much discussion about the city on the sites I have looked at. They seem to be the bulletin board type sites you refer to in your post. Where are these 25800 member sites that deal with Middletown discussion? The latest one I looked at was which is more about providing the lost pet thing rather than discussion of the city.

Thank you for your information in advance.

I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.

Posted By: middletownscouter
Date Posted: Mar 07 2019 at 9:04am
I was referring mainly to Facebook groups.  The 28.5k membership one is called Middletown Talk.

There are two types of people: those that talk the talk and those that walk the walk. People who walk the walk sometimes talk the talk but most times they don't talk at all, 'cause they walkin.'

Posted By: Historic House Guy
Date Posted: Mar 12 2019 at 3:25pm
You have a half a dozen guys here who all agree and you all gang up on anyone with different views. Have fun with that.

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Mar 14 2019 at 10:35am
Well—there seems to be enough here to keep the naysayers curious and tuning in despite the efforts to bury this place lol. Most everyone local cares about the local govt and community. The intentionally controlled lack of bureaucratic info released, the closed council/admin discussions prior to meeting and legislating, and the lack of timely local news reporting has become a major factor.

I don’t think that anyone has stopped caring, though quite a few serious players/contributors over the last few decades have either passed on, moved away or simply quit donating and curtailed participation. + what has come from our younger, newer citizens has been somewhat underwhelming. No matter what everyone does or how many millions have been spent, local test results stay near the bottom(578 out of 608 districts state-wide?). Drugs, theft, vandalism and other crime is symptomatic of the local environment.

So—what should everyone( including house guy and mom) going to do, or should be doing additional to current, to improve the situation? Realistic discussion here would seem to be a positive...

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Mar 15 2019 at 6:50pm
VietVet: "There are those who are content with demolishing half the city and leaving wide open "green spaces" with no indication on the horizon that those vacant lots will be rebuilt."

Just saw a story on Cincinnati's Channel 5 this evening. Seems the city of Madisonville has a number of vacant lots from demolished properties. They seem to be working on the issue as the story told us that they had a ceremony today for the new owners of low cost housing in that city. The homes were constructed in a style to fit into older neighborhoods (longer than wide with no side yards) and blend in with the older homes very nicely. The young couple who now own the home are helped with the affordable home concept. The city of Madisonville is helped with occupancy of a vacant lot and the income from property taxes that will be forthcoming. The older neighborhood is helped by the infusion of young homeowners living among long time residents and may aid in providing some vibrancy to the area. Seems like a winning situation for all involved.

Just wondering why Madisonville can find a solution to the "vacant lot" problem that occurs with rampant demolished properties but Middletown leaders seem to have no interest nor focus on the major amounts of vacant land in this city. Perhaps Middletown officials can contact Madisonville and learn how they succeeded. Given the long list of Middletown owned properties that I mentioned the other day, it would seem to me they would want to sell those properties with homes built on those properties for the purpose of gaining more revenue through taxes. Perhaps the city could donate the property with the provision there is a guarantee that the new owners would build a home and pay taxes for a selected amount of years. The city manager has talked about building housing stock in Middletown. Perhaps this is an opportunity for him to do so.

I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.

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