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Well... We tried.

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Category: Middletown Community
Forum Name: People in Middletown
Forum Description: Discuss People in Middletown
Printed Date: Mar 31 2025 at 7:19pm

Topic: Well... We tried.
Posted By: Historic House Guy
Subject: Well... We tried.
Date Posted: Oct 21 2017 at 7:19am
After 6 years here we gave up. Sold our house last month and got the hell out. I have really noticed a decline in humanity on Middletown streets over the last 2 years. Druggies, theft, and people screaming at each other on a daily basis. Sirens that are non stop, trash blowing all around, and projects that were started years ago that seem to be standing still. It is a very depressing place to say the least.

We are now in a rural section of Northern KY. A simple 1300 sf house on 12 acres. Hunting and fishing in our own back yard on our own property. Property taxes are half what they were in Middletown and I don't hit a single pot hole on the way home once I get off the interstate. I haven't heard a single siren, train, argument, or horn beep in the 4 weeks we've been here. I've heard slightly more gun shots though but I'm comforted to know they are my distant neighbors sighting in their guns for the coming hunting season.

I hope Middletown can find a way to rise from the ashes but I predict a further decline in the coming years. Glad we were able to raise our kids there without them  falling in with the wrong crowd. It really wasn't that difficult so I have to wonder why so many other kids get stuck in the heroin trap. Our oldest son has been working for AK for about 2 years now and I am thankful for that.

Over the last few months there I've witnessed more police activity than I have ever seen in my life. It's a terrible mess. A guy that moved into a house that shared our ally even lit a freaking cat on fire a few weeks back. Just amazing how many people there seem to have no soul. Heartless and hollow.

Good luck all.

Posted By: Analytical
Date Posted: Oct 21 2017 at 9:27am
Thank you Jason for your heart felt comments about the current plight of too many older city neighborhoods and their residents.  Your efforts in restoring an older home in Middletown are noted and appreciated.  May GOD bless you and your family in the coming years in rural N. Kentucky.

Over the years, some have endeavored (despite baseless critiques/personal insults) to explore debilitating issues found in impacted areas.  Cost-effective and highest/best use programmatic solutions have been offered.  Best practices ideas from cities with similar problems have been highlighted.  Even a community development practitioner's first-hand assessment of post-2008 priorities, policies, plans and programs may be found.

Major residential property demolition, questionable "downtown" re-development deals and utilizing over 50% of valuable CDBG funds for code enforcement don't seem to have produced promised positive results.  A continuation of the status-quo seems unlikely to generate the "brighter future" that's heard.

Posted By: Historic House Guy
Date Posted: Oct 21 2017 at 8:30pm
I'm done here. This has been a colossal waste of time

Posted By: Analytical
Date Posted: Oct 27 2017 at 11:37am
Jason, you set a wonderful example of how other (hoped for) "urban pioneers" can help to reclaim central city dwellings in the future via sweat equity and a true sense of community.  Senior city staff and city council could (and should) encourage others to follow in your footsteps.  Thank you again!

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Oct 27 2017 at 2:36pm
House Guy entered musa as a pretty cocky newcomer and fired a lot of shots at experienced locals who had accomplished a lot more locally and knew the city far better. To his credit, he believed and worked hard to establish himself, even planning a Central Ave business location that never lived up to the promise. He moved in to a declining neighborhood with good intention, however the downhill slide was obviously too powerful.

Despite our different thinking, all the best to his next effort elsewhjere
Another local hopeful bites the dust!
Follow his footsteps out of here?

Posted By: Historic House Guy
Date Posted: Oct 27 2017 at 3:30pm
Spiderjohn, I wasn't cocky at all. I just refused to agree with all the negative's posted in this group. FWI; I doubled my investment in the short time I was there. The writing on the wall for me was when you shut down the store. Things like this matter. When you did that it was obvious to me that even the long term locals/investors didn't care I'm not saying you shouldn't have done it but once you pulled the plug so did I. Turns out it was the most profitable venture I've done in years. Living easy and debt free in Norther KY now. 

Posted By: Historic House Guy
Date Posted: Oct 27 2017 at 3:53pm
So here is what I experienced. I came to this town with a positive attitude. I got met with a ton of negativity here. I pushed back and now I'm being called cocky. I doubled my investment while other life longers have lost their ass or sold the family business. I closed my shop on Central because I decided to buy some land in Kentucky and invest my future there. My company didn't skip a beat. Still covered with work for over a year and counting. I have no competition because I do things no one else doe's any more. I understand my market, where it is and how I need to accomplish my goals. This isn't a "hand me down business that I inherited.It's one that I built with my own two hands. It matters nothing where I decide to "set up shop"

Posted By: Historic House Guy
Date Posted: Oct 27 2017 at 4:03pm
And for what is it worth, I've been in this business for over 30 years. I have a huge following in Historic Preservation. I didn't come here to start a career.

Posted By: Historic House Guy
Date Posted: Oct 27 2017 at 4:25pm
So what did you do Mr. Dillman to make this company grow? Care to share your achievements? To me, it looks like you are cashing in and cashing out.

Posted By: FmrMide81
Date Posted: Oct 27 2017 at 8:52pm
If you're leaving-just go. No one cares about your slings and arrows. You came, you tried and now you're quitting. Big freakin' deal. Don't let the door hit you on the way out...

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Oct 28 2017 at 4:27am
lol house guy—not going to bother much by explaining anything because you never understand much and never did during your brief time here. Credit to you for successfully raising your children and getting out with something. Still you trashed a giveaway house on sutphin and honestly never did much on central. You were all about yourself and little else. Your whine starting this thread followed by your hypocritical remarks about others here tell it all.

Anyway good luck down there and thanx for your support during your brief stay here. We will all continue to work towards improvement in ways that you never knew about cared about or understood.

Good luck!

Posted By: Historic House Guy
Date Posted: Nov 15 2017 at 2:13pm
Sorry asshat, I never ran into you at volunteer days at the Sorg opera house. Trashed the house on Sutphin? A lot of work was done inside. I'm not an idiot willing to have my taxed jacked just because I want to show off an exterior. You're a f**king idiot. If you think you are improving Middletown by bitching about it on some forum and selling Daddy's business then you are a joke. If this is the best of what you old f**ks consider "helping" then I'm even more happy to be gone. Have a nice life old f**k. Maybe you can hire someone to pick up those needles in the spring. lol What a f**king disaster Middletown is and YOU are not "helping". f**king goofball, sell out piece of sh*t.\

Posted By: FmrMide81
Date Posted: Nov 15 2017 at 5:08pm
Aren't you gone yet dipsh*t????

Posted By: Historic House Guy
Date Posted: Nov 15 2017 at 6:28pm
I am. So are you. What is your point?

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Nov 15 2017 at 7:49pm
good luck house guy---thanx for your support!

Posted By: Historic House Guy
Date Posted: Nov 16 2017 at 6:42pm
Hope you have enough money left to make it John. After all, you sold everything Daddy made to this point. But you keep believing you're some kind of hero and you have all the answers. lol

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Nov 17 2017 at 4:42pm
What a piece of work you are---though it bothers me that you keep bringing up my father. Yes--I should have listened to him when he urged me to sell everything three years prior to when we did. Not only would it have saved me a lot of money and time, I would have been able to better care for my father in his final years. I can't get that time back. Putting it all to bed was neither profitable or enjoyable, especially when I look at what replaced our locations. Everything has a beginning and an have to be very prepared and focused for the end , and realize such when it comes. I watched a lot of bad endings. Brutal and sad.

Never claimed to be any type of hero, and don't know anyone who sees me as such----all your words, guy--I can handle anything that you throw at me--it doesn't matter--I have been called worse by far better.

Posted By: Historic House Guy
Date Posted: Dec 19 2017 at 7:40pm
Keep on bitching on Steve. You own this.

Posted By: Historic House Guy
Date Posted: Dec 19 2017 at 7:41pm
Poor baby...

Posted By: Historic House Guy
Date Posted: Dec 19 2017 at 7:45pm
Libtard blues... lol

Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: Dec 20 2017 at 1:34pm
HH   just have to wonder how many times did your mother drop you on your head?? it for sure made you a idiot!! you need to go smack her for making you a stinking idiot...

Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: Dec 21 2017 at 7:15pm
Historic House didn't your parents teach you anything about respect? You came you failed don't blame it on the town if your a loser. Now just go away loser 

Posted By: Historic House Guy
Date Posted: Dec 24 2017 at 7:36pm
Bocephus, I came, I invested, found a bunch of assholes, sold, doubled my money, and moved on. lol Merry Christmas to all you losers in this drug infested town...

Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: Dec 25 2017 at 12:12pm
HH you were a idiot asshole when came to Middletown!!  and you were a idiot asshole when you moved !! you will be a idiot asshole no matter where you are at...  

Posted By: Analytical
Date Posted: Dec 25 2017 at 2:01pm
Today is the day that many people around the world celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST.

Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: Dec 25 2017 at 3:41pm
don't think it really matters if it was yesterday, today, or tomorrow or next Sunday!! you must have just thought of playing Mr. Bible thumper today.. 

Posted By: Analytical
Date Posted: Dec 25 2017 at 5:20pm

Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: Dec 25 2017 at 6:00pm
  your quote describes you to a T.. with your many post you made of your hard heart crying from getting fired from your city job.. the only trouble I have is with a idiot asshole like HH and now you, you would make a good ass wipe for HH..

Posted By: Analytical
Date Posted: Dec 25 2017 at 9:12pm
Try expressing yourself in grammatically correct, non-confrontational, non-vulgar complete sentences.  Learn how to be civil and courteous in stating your differences with others.  And, know what you're talking about before uttering unsubstantiated criticisms.  Again, today is Christmas Day and try to show just a little kindness.

Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: Dec 25 2017 at 9:36pm
you should have spoke up with your BS when your butt buddy HH ran his asshole mouth!!  so go to hell ass wipe.. 

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Dec 26 2017 at 11:44am
Analytical, your post with the caption makes me realize this fits me to a T and points to the source of all my "hard heartedness" sometimes. It is true, in my case, that the life my son and I were handed in 2009, with her stroke, has caused all the bitterness that I feel at times. I have felt overwhelmed at times while working and taking care of her. Felt cheated in life as well and have actually resented people who smile and seem to be enjoying life forgetting the cards of life were never guaranteed to be handed out equally.

Self pity party at times for me. Other times I can handle the adversity much better. At 69, looks like I still have some growing up to do.

Thank you for the post and caption. I will remember this in the future and try to handle life with a better approach. It will take some work on my part.

Still, life has gotten a tad bit better since I retired two months ago. I have eliminated the aggravation of the working environment. That has gone to hell the past twenty years and was 50% of my problem.

I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.

Posted By: Analytical
Date Posted: Dec 26 2017 at 1:22pm
VietVet -

I, too, have harbored bitterness towards a handful of past/present senior city staff and three former city council members over the past almost nine years.  As Vivian Moon has told me so many times, I must let go of the past and to move on.  She's reminded me of the accomplishments that I was involved with during my short time of employment.  She's become a loyal, valued friend (like you).

My youngest daughter is an R.N. and specializes in elderly/disabled long-term care.  So many times she's spoken of adults like your dear wife, who've had life altering medical calamities at far too early a stage in life.  Not only does she provide compassionate daily care, but she interfaces with the families who grieve much the same as you and your son.  As I've told you many times before, your dear wife, you and your son remain in my thoughts and prayers.

I have deep respect for you because you genuinely care about the plight of the city and questionable hope for a return to the better days of the past.  Your posts are always heart-felt and address issues that far too many ignore.  Along with Spiderjohn and a few other remaining MUSA participants, you do make a difference.

My hope is that future posts will be absent the crude, vulgar, unintelligent comments that have disgraced the MUSA blog recently.  I trust that John Beagle will intervene and serve notice to those involved.

Posted By: Historic House Guy
Date Posted: Dec 26 2017 at 5:30pm
Hey stupid, I have a National following. I can work anywhere. Won't ever consider your drug infested town ever again. Booked for the rest of my life dipsh*t.

Posted By: Historic House Guy
Date Posted: Dec 26 2017 at 5:35pm
I mean that towards bumper. sh*t ass forum wont let you edit.

Posted By: da120757
Date Posted: Dec 31 2017 at 2:47pm
Happy New Year in your New Location...

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Jan 01 2018 at 12:48pm
The true meaning of the season— not forgotten in my world
Did think it telling and sad that house guy would post in such a negative way on Christmas Eve
Troubling that his thoughts would be in that direction at the special time
Let it go house guy
We are in no way your adversaries

Posted By: Historic House Guy
Date Posted: Jan 05 2018 at 9:56pm
You and your cronies have posted more negative crap about this town than I ever could. Pot... meet black. Enjoy what you have created...

Posted By: Historic House Guy
Date Posted: Jan 05 2018 at 10:04pm
BTW, No pot holes here. My taxes are half what they were. No mention of narcan in the budget. Losers...

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Jan 06 2018 at 5:44am
lol—sure—we have weekly meetings and dinner together(former downtown of course!)
The exterior and yard of your Sutphin house look better already, so thanx!
U must really miss this place!

Posted By: FmrMide81
Date Posted: Jan 08 2018 at 1:23pm
I don't think the Better Business Bureau looking for you for the crap work you've done counts as a "National Following" but , hey, it's your fantasy...

Posted By: Wots
Date Posted: Jan 08 2018 at 6:35pm

“I have a National following”

Really? I may not be a proctologist, but I know an azzhole when I see one.

Liberalism: Moochers Electing Looters to Steal from Producers.

Posted By: Historic House Guy
Date Posted: Jan 10 2018 at 9:10pm
Trust me. I've noticed you old farts don't get behind anyone who might improve things in the area. It's much easier to tear them down. Later on losers! I will move on and your town will still suck. Congratulations. You win!!!LOL

Posted By: Historic House Guy
Date Posted: Jan 10 2018 at 9:15pm
Originally posted by FmrMide81 FmrMide81 wrote:

I don't think the Better Business Bureau looking for you for the crap work you've done counts as a "National Following" but , hey, it's your fantasy...
Sorry goof ball nothing but 5 star ratings in the last 12 years. Thanks for playing.... Never had a rating under 4 stars. Here's your sign...

Posted By: Historic House Guy
Date Posted: Jan 10 2018 at 9:18pm
You sour pusses just keep falling in my trap. I argued with you that Middletown could be great again. Now that I concede that it sucks you still say I'm wrong. LMFAO You are all a bunch of washed up, grumpy old bastards that have nothing left to do but complain. Repeat after me, "get off my lawn"!

Posted By: penical
Date Posted: Jan 12 2018 at 8:32am
I moved here about2 and a half years ago from Los Angeles CA., and yes I miss it! I had been trying for over12 years to get SSDI. finally got  it. As I have had to move around most of my life. I was thinking I would move here, buy a house with the back pay from SSI. my Daughter moved here wither boyfriend  and lving here I could get to know her better, and it as well. the first house I bought was condemned, and Middletown was kind enough to buy ti back from the short time    I have lived here, my wife had a stroke, I was conned out of 9000$ by a local contractor, had over 7000$ worth of things I had bought for the house stolen ( almost all of it new) and had 3 lawn mowers stolen as well. in loss angeles I lived on skid row. if you think this area is bad you aint seen nothing yet. for over 15 years the worst thing that happened was being called a cop (I am white). but here In less than 2 years my world fell apart and I have robbed blind. go figure. 
but still don't want to leave. no not a glutten for punishment just like  the place, and proud of the house house I own.

Posted By: Wots
Date Posted: Jan 15 2018 at 1:05pm

Have you ever listened to someone for a while and wondered……

“Who ties your shoelaces for you?”

Annnnnnnnd hhg continues to prove me correct! Wink

Liberalism: Moochers Electing Looters to Steal from Producers.

Posted By: Historic House Guy
Date Posted: Jan 23 2018 at 5:51pm
Thanks for playing, looser. lol

Posted By: Historic House Guy
Date Posted: Jan 23 2018 at 5:53pm
You are screwed. Move as soon as you can.

Posted By: Wots
Date Posted: Jan 23 2018 at 8:20pm

That’s your best shot hhg?

Repeating yourself?

But we do have a whiner/winner in hhg.

Sad and pathetic at the same time. 

Liberalism: Moochers Electing Looters to Steal from Producers.

Posted By: John Beagle
Date Posted: Jan 24 2018 at 3:24pm
What started out as a nice thread in 2013 now is just a comedy of insults. Still enjoyed reading these posts! Big smile

-------------" rel="nofollow - John Beagle

Middletown USA

News of, for and by the people of Middletown, Ohio.

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