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Murphy's Landing sold

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Forum Name: Middletown News, Info and Happenings
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Printed Date: Feb 22 2025 at 1:13am

Topic: Murphy's Landing sold
Posted By: 409
Subject: Murphy's Landing sold
Date Posted: May 18 2015 at 5:28pm
From Think Middletown facebook page:

Think Middletown has just learned that Murphy's Landing downtown has been sold to the Shteiwi family. Could a second Spinning Fork Middletown location be in the works? We'll post an update as we hear more details.

Every morning is the dawn of a new error...

Posted By: Neil Barille
Date Posted: May 18 2015 at 6:33pm
The business? Certainly not the building since that is owned by the Moormans.

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: May 19 2015 at 4:21am
GREAT NEWS!!! A " Spinning Fork" $$ venue may actually succeed in the former downtown!!

"Bistros" that end up charging $50 (+-) per head simply will not succeed. (At least not more than one.)

Has anyone else noticed that within a few months after a second "high dollar" joint opens in the former downtown, one of the two closes??? I wonder why that is???

But don't worry about that small detail, esteemed city leaders. Keep throwing millions and millions of our scarce tax dollars down our combined sewer system (which the USA EPA is demanding that we spend HUNDREDS of MILLIONS to rectify) to subsidize your ignorant goal of several high dollar joints in your imagined "quaint downtown village".

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Neil Barille
Date Posted: May 19 2015 at 7:05am
Timely, professional service was the main problem at Stained/Murphy's.

Posted By: swohio75
Date Posted: May 19 2015 at 8:36am
I never had service issues at Stained/Murphy's.  It was the inconsistency with the food.  Though the last several times was much better.  My guess is that the Moormans/Fairchilds did not want this as a long-term venture but as a stop-gap between Stained and the next owner.  They needed to retool the business.  

In some respects, the fact that a well-established is taking controlling interest is a sign of confidence in the area.   

People on FB are claiming the format will be Steak/Seafood  

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: May 19 2015 at 8:48am
Sad to watch any private local business go down. Especially when you believe in the product and people--trust me on that. Probably truth in what swohio is saying, though I see it as a location issue coupled with an area attitude of entitlement. While I seldom went there, I don't see this as a positive. But you can seldom fight demographics.


Posted By: swohio75
Date Posted: May 19 2015 at 9:08am
But we are making an assumption that it's "going down." or this was an escape out of a failing business. 


1.) Restaurant business is tough---regardless of where you're located
2.) The Moormans and Fairchilds did not have restaurant experience
3.) The fact that the restaurant has been able to feed off Beau Verre tour stops has probably helped sustain it

With The Meadow's reopened, Combs BBQ and others, it's nice to see more dining options in town.  Let's hope Murphy's can continue and the new controlling owner can take it to the next level in terms of food and service.

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: May 19 2015 at 9:56am
3 owner/formats so far
Same or more with the deli @ Pendleton
Was @ Stefanos Friday---long wait and couldn't wedge another person in the place--not unusual + every local u could imagine--fun evening
Private small retail/food takes time and constant attention + u need to know what u r doing and where u r going
A lot of ups and downs + mental toughness/clarity
Credit to the proprietors for trying
Not a fan of the Fork--like the BBQ place(building next door is prime for something complimentary)--Meadows ok(nice people-another challenging neighborhood)

Posted By: swohio75
Date Posted: May 19 2015 at 10:20am
Never understood the need for a deli at the Pendleton.  One previous shop is getting street-level storefront soon (Mockingbird) but there is not enough foot traffic in Pendleton or viability to be viable.  BTW - the Pendleton model was never to generate foot-traffic, but to be working studios for artist.  Not gallery space.  

Not a fan of the Fork, but can't stay I've eaten there enough.  We don't need another Italian restaurant in town. Steak and seafood option would be a plus.  

Meadows - neighborhood and parking is a challenge.  But the place has been consistently busy during my visits. They are doing something right.

Posted By: processor
Date Posted: May 19 2015 at 11:59am
It's not true that Murphy's has been sold. The current owners will add two additional partners once certain goals have been met. In addition there will be a new chef, General Manager and Manager.

Sounds like Murphy's is getting stronger and will be with us for the long haul.

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