Middletown officials say they are ready to partner with the city of Monroe on a road extension project that will drive economic development in the area.
Denise Hamet, the city’s economic development director, said for the Yankee Road extension project to be successful, Middletown will need assistance from Monroe. Hamet said this will be the first time Middletown and Monroe have collaborated on such a large project, one Middletown Mayor Lawrence Mulligan Jr. called “important.”
If extended, Yankee Road would create a more direct route to Ohio 63 and Interstate 75 and divert truck traffic away from railroad tracks and Monroe schools.
Full Story: http://www.journal-news.com/news/news/local/yankee-road-extension-will-require-middletownmonro/nhFTd/" rel="nofollow - http://www.journal-news.com/news/news/local/yankee-road-extension-will-require-middletownmonro/nhFTd/
I see little or no support from Monroe Council on this. I predict this will not happen anytime soon.
Here is a post from Monroe Councilman Steve Black:
From back in March, Anita Scott Jones stated:
"While Middletown council agreed on the role the project could play in the city’s economic growth, one council member, Anita Scott Jones, questioned how much of the 20 percent should be Middletown’s responsibility since the road is located within Monroe’s city limits. She didn’t want to give her formal support of the proposal without knowing the exact cost to the city, saying that issue was “very concerning.”
There was a more to that statement where she stated that she wouldn't be willing to vote to spend more than 5% of the total requirement matching funds.
While, yes, the road is located inside of the city limits; the purpose of the road (and let's not fool ourselves here) would be to allow easier access to 63 from Suncoke and the surrounding businesses; all within the city of Middletown.
IF council votes to go through with this extension, I will most likely move to prohibit truck traffic on Monroe's side of Yankee road; just as Britton lane is now.
Source: http://voice.mainstreetmonroe.com/yankee-road-extension_topic1997.html" rel="nofollow - http://voice.mainstreetmonroe.com/yankee-road-extension_topic1997.html