6, 2009
Mayor Mulligan called the City Council Meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers on the lower level
of the City Building,
One Donham
Plaza with a moment of meditation
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Members
Present: Armbruster, Becker, Ford, Scott Jones, Marconi,
Mulligan, and Schiavone.
Staff Present: City Manager Gilleland, Asst. Law Director S.
Mills, Clerk Parr, G.
Smith, R. Carolus, M. Kohler, D. Duritsch, V. Hamilton,
C. Strayer, C. Botts, D.
Hamet and C. Dennis.
Barbara Armentrout, 1609 Orchard Street
spoke regarding the Section 8
B. Armentrout Administration issues. She explained that
ratings had never been given to CGI and Nelson & Associates as the high
performance ratings given to CONSOC. They have never been rated by HUD because
they have never run a Section 8 program. She
said they shouldn’t learn on the City’s nickel.
E. Short Ed Short, 1601 S.
University Blvd., said he runs the Chamber of
Horror Haunted
House. They employ about 50 employees per season and he
asked council if they
could get some signs, similar to Light Up Middletown signs.
Ms. Gilleland will
call and talk to him.
Ms. Gilleland wished everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year. She reported:
· the City has won
its twenty-second Excellence Award for Financial Reporting.
· a Charter Review
Committee will be appointed to comply with the City’s Charter
that mandates a review every ten years.
· staff interviewed
five candidates for the Economic Development Director
position. She will have a recommendation by the January 20th
· two business
closings, Chic Filet and Score.
· Towne Mall is a
priority and staff will continue to work toward resolution of
issues at Towne Mall.
· $150,000,000 for a
whole new front door to Renaissance District and Mall area.
· Congratulated
Better Built Construction who just landed a large contract.
Airport Update
David Duritsch explained the City purchased the airport
interest and hired B& B
Aero. B&B would like to update Council on 2008 events
and announce some events
upcoming in 2009. He introduced R. Jack Wolf.
Mr. Wolf wished all a Happy New Year. He reported it will be
one year next month
since they took over management of the airport. In as much
progress as has been
made, there is no way they could have done that on their
own. He acknowledged
assistance from staff and thanked Chief Botts, Chief
Schwarber, and Mr. Duritsch.
He felt it important to mention Scott Tadych, Ron Phelps,
and Harry Willoughby at
the garage, stating some of these employees never get name
recognition. He really
appreciates staff for all they have done. Even the
Superintendent from Weatherwax,
Dean Gerdeman and some Golf Course employees volunteered and
every building, every fence, every light at the entire field
at the airport. And they did
this on their own time. He thanked all these employees. He
reported that already to
this date 14 aviation events are planned for the Airport.
New groups located at the
field, including a military air force company. They have
four aircraft here now. Civil
Air Patrol has a very active presence at the field. Business
at the airport is good, the
hangars are full. He would like to see some activity to
build new hangars. They will
be having a business locate at the field with the type of
activity that has never been
seen at the airport before. It will bring in some high
paying jobs and an aircraft that
you usually see in Dayton
and/or Cincinnati. He spoke about
locating Police Swat
equipment on the field, the SWAT equipment that was kept
outdoors at the Municipal
Garage will now be housed inside at the airport. Also,
Captain Spaulding was
introduced to speak about a couple of pieces of equipment
with involvement with
BCEMA that will be housed at the airport. It’s very exciting
in promoting better fire
protection for aircraft at the airport. He wants a rating
that opens up many
opportunities at the airport.
Captain Spaulding explained that through a Federal Grant
there were 12 trailers
purchased in Butler
County. Two trailers here are the
only ones in Butler County,
one is a mass decontamination trailer – locations where you
might see this type of
equipment would be schools, universities, etc. and a mass
casualty device that can
provide first aid and medical treatment for events such as a
natural disasters. These
two trailers will be a great asset to Middletown.
Mr. Wolf explained they have a professional grant writer
working on her own time
toward that ARF index. He is proud of what we’re doing at
the Airport.
Mr. Mulligan stated appreciation for his efforts and said
it’s good to hear accolades of
City Staff.
The consent agenda was amended to move the Board and Commission
Appointments to a Motion Agenda Item for further discussion.
Matters listed under
the amended Consent Agenda were presented:
Approve City Council
Minutes: November 18, 2008
Receive and File Board/Commission Minutes: Civil Service
November 13, 2008
Receive and File Oath
of Office: Roger Lovill
Confirm Personnel
Transactions: Appointments:
Equipment Operators – Charles Coyle, Richard Clark,
Timothy Theiss and
Michael Cope
Squad Person – John
Fire Lieutenant –
Ronald Douglas Bronnenberg
Fire Captain – Todd
Proclamations: Martin
Luther King, Jr. Day – January 19th,
School Board
Recognition Month – January, 2009
Mr. Marconi moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Ms. Scott
Jones seconded and the motion carried. Ayes: Armbruster,
Becker, Ford, Scott
Jones, Marconi, Mulligan and Schiavone.
Chief Botts congratulated John Howard on his appointment to Squad Person. John
could not be at the meeting this evening.
Chief Botts
introduced Fire Lieutenant Bronnenberg recognizing that Bronnenberg is the first in history of this department to start as an
apparatus operator and move on up through the ranks to the position of Lieutenant. He has
15 ½ years of service and Chief Botts recognized his many accomplishments. Mr.
Bronnenberg was pinned by his daughter.
Bronnenberg thanked Council, the City Manager, his brothers in the Division of Fire, Chief Botts and especially his family.
Chief Botts
introduced Todd Day who has 16 ½ years of service. They now have a chaplaincy in the Divisions of Police and Fire and Todd
showed the leadership tomake it happen. He outlined many accomplishments over the
years and wishedcongratulations to Captain Day. He was pinned by his wife.
Captain Day thanked
council for confirming the appointment. He said public serviceas a whole is about people. He expressed a high calling for
what firefighters do andhe plans to be dedicated in the training of the crews. He
feels he is here for apurpose and in that position for a purpose. He thanked his
minister for also being inattendance.
Mayor Mulligan read and presented two proclamations to School Board President
Reverend Gregory Tyus declaring January 2009 as School Board RecognitionMonth, one proclamation from the City and one from the
Governors’ office.
Rev. Tyus thanked
council on behalf of his colleagues on the School Board. He said
they take their responsibility very serious. The Board is
meeting challenges head on
and not shirking their responsibilities.
Citizen Comment
Although late for the meeting, the Mayor allowed comments from Wanda Glover,
W. Glover 1106 Calumet, who stated
the Second Ward Community Council wants to make sure the Second Ward is not
slighted when the Federal Funds are received. There are other wards that are
flourishing more than the second ward. She said the City did a
nation wide search to get Nelson Self, and it’s
disheartening to know that he has
been stripped on most of his authority. She commented that
Ms. Smith wrote an
article that she isn’t qualified yet to make these decisions
and Mr. Self was. She
doesn’t understand why responsibilities were taken from him.
At 6 p.m. Mr. Marconi moved to go
into executive session under the authority of O.R.C. 121.22(G)(1) To consider
the appointment, employment or compensation of a public employee or official.
Ms. Scott Jones seconded and the motion carried. Ayes: Armbruster, Becker,
Ford, Scott Jones, Marconi, Mulligan and Schiavone.
At 7 p.m. Mayor Mulligan declared the meeting
Marconi moved to amend the agenda to include the addendum regarding the appointments
to Boards and Commissions and Council Representatives and the
addendum is before council. Ms. Scott Jones seconded and the
motion carried.
Ayes: Armbruster, Becker, Ford, Scott Jones, Marconi,
Mulligan and Schiavone.
To confirm the Board and Commission Appointments and name Council
Representatives to certain Boards and Commissions as listed
on an addendum
added to this agenda.
Airport Commission
Tom Anderson Don Cole
CVB Ann Mort Kent
Nadine Begley Nancy
Eric Melbye
Landmarks & Historic Districts Bonnie Daniel
Park Board Merrell Wood Ralph Connor
Planning Commission Perry Thatcher Jack Wolf
Tree Commission Martin Kontnier
Airport Commission – Bill Becker
Architectural Review Board – Tony Marconi
Board of Health – Larry Mulligan
Board of Library Trustees – Leslie Ford
Citizen Advisory Board to the Middletown
Division of Police – Tony Marconi
(Alternate Anita Scott Jones)
City Planning Commission – Tony Marconi (Alternate Anita
Scott Jones)
Consolidate Plan Committee (5 yr. Block Grant) – Leslie Ford
Convention and Visitors Bureau – David Schiavone
Emergency Management Advisory Council – Larry Mulligan
Finance Audit Committee – Bill Becker
Golf Course Commission – Jim Armbruster
Keep Middletown
Beautiful – Jim Armbruster
Master Plan Implementation Committee – Larry Mulligan, David
Moving Forward – Larry Mulligan, Tony Marconi (Alternate David
OKI Regional Council of Governments – Larry Mulligan (Alternate
Tony Marconi)
Park Board – Jim Armbruster
SELF Board – Leslie Ford
Tax Incentive Review Committee – Bill Becker
Tree Commission – Jim Armbruster
TV Middletown – Anita Scott Jones
Marconi moved to approve the motion agenda item naming board, commission and
council representatives. Ms. Scott Jones seconded and the motion carried. Ayes:
Armbruster, Becker, Ford, Scott Jones, Marconi, Mulligan and Schiavone.
Ms. Scott Jones announced a Life Skills event, acknowledged a letter from Mr.
A. Scott Jones Curliss and remarked on an upcoming trip to Washington,
DC. She hopes to come back with some useful
information and she is working toward her Doctorate.
D. Schiavone Mr. Schiavone thanked the Mayor and Vice-Mayor
for their leadership in 2008. Hopefully council will map out the goals for 2009
and address a lot of issues. He
looks forward to this upcoming year with some positive
things going on in
There are also positive outlooks in Washington
that hopefully the new
President will be successful and policies will help us all.
L. Ford Ms. Ford said before she was elected to council she
used to read a lot of blogs and knows that a lot of people are worried and
frustrated. She said Council is not
delusional to their challenges. When addressed with
challenging situations, they
have to maintain a positive outlook. We are confident that
we will address the
issues, and confident in the future of the City.
L. Mulligan Mr. Mulligan reported on the upcoming Charter
Review. Council will be submitting names and searching for persons to voice
concerns. The Charter sets the forms for government and this committee’s work
is an important function. He invited
participation and suggestions. He reported the Economic
Development Director
selection is important. He also said the City is very
fortunate to have received the
financial reporting awards for all these years. He did hear
about some good things
happening in the City. He mentioned Light Up was a great
event. The Middletown
Community Foundation is a great asset. It takes a community
wide effort to move
forward with some calls to action. He mentioned MLK weekend
festivities upcoming,
with more information forthcoming and he invited
Ord. No. O2008-105
Ordinance No. O2008-105, an ordinance reenacting and amending the Downtown
Façade Renovation Façade Renovation Program as enacted in
Ordinance No. O2002-120 and amended by Ordinances No. O2005-11 and O2008-24 was
presented for second reading and action.
Mr. Marconi moved for
the adoption of O2008-105. Ms. Scott Jones seconded
and the motion carried. Ayes: Armbruster, Becker, Ford,
Scott Jones, Marconi,
Mulligan and Schiavone.
Ord. No. O2008-106
Ordinance No. O2008-106, an ordinance authorizing a contract with the Board of
School Crossing Education of the Middletown
City School District
pertaining to School Crossing Guards Guards was presented for second reading
and action.
Mr. Marconi moved for
the adoption of O2008-106. Ms. Scott Jones seconded
and the motion carried. Ayes: Armbruster, Becker, Ford,
Scott Jones, Marconi,
Mulligan and Schiavone.
Ord. No. O2009-01
Ordinance No. O2009-01, an ordinance amending Section 288.01
Amend Sec. 288.01 Commission, Establishment; Composition;
Terms of Office) of the Codified Ordinances and declaring an emergency was
Mr. Marconi moved that
the Charter provision requiring reading on two separate
days be suspended and the ordinance be declared an emergency
measure and read
one time only. Ms. Scott Jones seconded and the motion
carried. Ayes: Armbruster,
Becker, Ford, Scott Jones, Marconi, Mulligan and Schiavone.
The ordinance was
read one time only.
Mr. Marconi moved for
the adoption of Ordinance No. O2009-91 as an
emergency. Ms. Scott Jones seconded and the motion carried.
Ayes: Armbruster,
Becker, Ford, Scott Jones, Marconi, Mulligan and Schiavone.
Fiscal Officers
Fiscal Officers Certificate, in regards to the Industrial Development
Revenue Certificate Note, Series 2009, Bender Tract Project.
Mr. Marconi moved to
receive and file the fiscal officer’s certificate. Ms. Scott
Jones seconded and the motion carried. Ayes: Armbruster,
Becker, Ford, Scott
Jones, Marconi, Mulligan and Schiavone.
Ord. No. O2009-02
Ordinance No. O2009-02, an ordinance providing for the
issuance and sale of a
$2,056,916 Note $2,056,916 Industrial Development Revenue
Note for the purpose of acquiring certain property known as the Bender Tract,
providing for the security for such note and declaring an emergency was
Mr. Marconi moved
that the Charter provision requiring reading on two separatedays be suspended and the ordinance be declared an emergency
measure and readone time only. Ms. Scott Jones seconded and the motion
carried. Ayes: Armbruster,Becker, Ford, Scott Jones, Marconi, Mulligan and Schiavone.
The ordinance was
read one time only.
Mr. Marconi moved for
the adoption of Ordinance No. O2009-92 as anemergency. Ms. Scott Jones seconded and the motion carried.
Ayes: Armbruster,Becker, Ford, Scott Jones, Marconi, Mulligan and Schiavone.
Res. No. R2009-01
Resolution No. R2009-01, a resolution to make adjustments to appropriations for
Adjustments Approp. current expenses and other expenditures
of the City of Middletown, counties of Butler and Warren, State of Ohio, for
the period ending December 31, 2009 and to declare an emergency (General Fund)
was presented.
Mr. Marconi moved
that the Charter provision requiring reading on two separate
days be suspended and the resolution be declared an
emergency measure and read
one time only. Ms. Scott Jones seconded and the motion
carried. Ayes: Armbruster,
Becker, Ford, Scott Jones, Marconi, Mulligan and Schiavone.
The resolution was
read one time only.
Mr. Marconi moved for
the adoption of Resolution No. R2009-01 as an
emergency. Ms. Scott Jones seconded and the motion carried.
Ayes: Armbruster,
Becker, Ford, Scott Jones, Marconi, Mulligan and
Ord. No. O2009-03
Ordinance No. O2009-03, an ordinance authorizing the submission of an
CDBG Application for federal assistance, a Consolidated Plan
and a Projected Use of Funds, under Title I of the Housing and Community
Development Act of 1974, as amended, for Program Year 2009 was presented for
first reading.
Ms. Smith explained
this is the last year of the five-year consolidated plan. The
submission of the application will extend the current plan
through 2009. Regarding
the comment that Ms. Glover made that she did not involve
the Housing
Subcommittee, Ms. Smith said there is a thirty day public
comment period and two
public hearings per year per fiscal year. She truly
appreciates the subcommittee’s
work on some matters. There are issues that involve staff.
That committee used to
meet once a month and there is no reflection on these
volunteers, they are genuinely
appreciated, but staff had to get back to the business of
the day without meeting
constantly. There are responsibilities of staff.
Ms. Scott Jones
stated this legislation is not for a vote this evening and she
asked if council would see the application, or is council
giving the manager the
authority to sign off and if that application delineates
where the funds go.
Ms. Smith responded
there is no action tonight; but until we receive the funds we
don’t know the total amount of monies we’ll receive. The
plan will be on file at the
library by February 10.
Mr. Mulligan asked if
the plan, and or goals had changed much.
Ms. Smith said no,
they are not eliminating any service that has been provided in
the past. Mr. Self was meeting with the Housing Sub
Committee and relying on
them for direction on things that sometimes belonged to
staff. Not faulting anyone,
every leader is different.
Ms. Scott Jones said
Council needs to define that committee’s role as well as
Mr. Marconi asked who
is going over the organizations that submit proposals for
these funds.
Ms. Smith responded
that especially in light of this continuation, they have met
with staff and gone over requests and are making
recommendations. They will meet
with the Consolidated Planning Committee. This is not a
requirement of HUD, but it
is something they want to do. The posting and 30 day public
input period is
mandated by HUD.
Mr. Marconi asked if
the down payment assistance program and the rehab
program were in a holding pattern.
Ms. Smith said no.
Mr. Schiavone had contacted her and with the interest rates
as low as they are, they decided to continue with that program.
It hasn’t been
touched and is the same as 2008.
Mr. Marconi advised
there is so much misinformation, mistruths, etc. This
program is very complicated and there are a lot of issues
with foreclosures. His ward
has been affected and he wants his share of the money too.
Ms. Smith wanted to
make it very clear that she and staff are looking to help the
entire city. No section of the community will be slighted.
Mr. Chapman, the
City’s consultant, outlined the process to this date. After these
interviews, the options are to discuss, deliberate and
decide on the preferred vendor
and an alternate administrator for the plan, to authorize
the City Manager to begin
negotiations with a preferred vendor and an alternative
vendor. If Council needs
more time, he would suggest putting it on the next council
agenda and pending the
decision, the current contract would have to be negotiated
for an extension.
The order of the
interviews was pre-determined by drawing straws. Council
interviewed three prospective vendors for administration of
the City’s Section 8
Housing Choice Voucher Program. The three companies were:
CGI, 1001 Lakeside Avenue, Suite 800,
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Mr. Panos Kyprianou,
Mr. Kyprianou thanked
council for the opportunity make a presentation. He
introduced Yolanda Curry and Kristen Howe. He also
distributed paper copies of the
PowerPoint presentation. After the presentation, Council
asked several questions.
Break At 8:25 p.m.
Council took break with the meeting reconvening at 8:45 p.m.
City’s current administrator) Harrison
Joseph, Sr., Director
Mr. Joseph thanked
council for the opportunity to appear and present their
position. After the presentation, Council asked several
Break At 9:40 p.m.
Council took a break with the meeting reconvening at 9:55 p.m.
John Hurt, Project
Mr. Hurt also thanked
Council for the opportunity to make a presentation. He
introduced the Nelson team present including Elaine Menifee
and Sharon Harper.
After the presentation, Council asked several questions.
Break At 10:37
the interviews concluded and Council took a break with the meeting
reconvening at 10:45 p.m.
Each company was
given five to ten minutes for closing statements.
At 10:55 p.m. Mayor Mulligan asked if Council was
ready to make a
recommendation, if they had questions for follow up. Does
council want to wait or
move forward?
Ms. Gilleland advised
council they could take the next few days, up until the next
council meeting if they wanted to review this meeting on TV,
or call her or Mr.
Chapman with any questions. Staff could put this on the next
Mr. Marconi didn’t
feel anybody would change their minds in two weeks. He said
they’d horsed around with this for a year and a half or
longer and asked why prolong
it. He is not comfortable with choosing either of the two
over the current
Mr. Mulligan asked
about appointing an alternate for negotiations. It could keep
both companies openly negotiating.
Ms. Scott Jones
cautioned carefulness in what is said here. She personally
doesn’t want to insinuate effort is not going to be put
forth. She doesn’t have a
problem with having a backup or alternative.
Mr. Marconi said from
a business standpoint you choose who you choose.
Ms. Scott Jones
thanked all three agencies for their time and spending six hours
with Council during these interviews. She stated she feels
they did the right thing.
Mr. Marconi moved to authorize the City Manager to negotiate a contract
CONSOC for the City’s Housing Choice Voucher Program and Mr.
Becker seconded.
Mr. Becker
stated this has been an interesting six hour process. He said if the City was
looking at a new program or having problems with the current program, he would lean more toward a change. The City has a company that
has been here 19 years and to change horses when he doesn’t see anything
flagrant that can’t be fixed, he doesn’t agree with.
Mr. Schiavone agreed with Bill. He said to this date they had
not received any phone calls with voucher holders complaining or landlords
complaining. Transition is another issue. He hasn’t heard anything that has
changed his mind about switching vendors. He appreciates all three companies
coming in. Things seem to be running well with the current vendor.
Mr. Armbruster said
he has learned a lot this past year regarding Section 8 and
learned there is a true need in this community for housing
assistance. He is walking
out tonight with a great learning experience and he feels
comfortable talking or
explaining it to someone.
Mr. Mulligan stated
his appreciation to all three for making presentations. They
aren’t debating the merits of the program and
appropriateness of the program. They
were interviewing an administrator for the program. Change
is never easy. To some
degree and it’s a fact of life, the technology side maybe
hasn’t been looked at in a
couple of years. He did see some good use of technology by
other providers. The
City has been over 17 years with the current vendor and he
wonders if it’s a good
time to change. He appreciates what CONSOC has done, he has
reservations about
awarding the contract to just one, and having just one
selection is a problem. There
may be challenges but also opportunities, leveraging
technology today could free up
more of those administrative dollars like more for police.
There are programs out
there that would free up more administration money and
that’s important. CONSOC
is a good firm but they are the highest bidder in this
program. Council needs to
consider that in this economic time. The City has seen
revenues decline and the
program grow immensely.
Ms. Scott Jones said
she tries to look at all aspects, what is right and what is fair
and Council have talked about these agencies like they
weren’t sitting here. She
doesn’t have a dog in this fight, and doesn’t care who gets
the contract. The highest
bidder that has done this for 19 years maybe knows what it
takes to run the program.
There is some obvious tension here and Council needs to be
careful in our
The motion to negotiate a contract with CONSOC carried. Ayes: Armbruster,
Becker, Marconi, and Schiavone. Nays: Ford, Scott Jones and
Jones moved to name Nelson and Associates as an alternative for
negotiations. Mr. Marconi seconded and the motion failed to
pass. Ayes: Ford, Scott
Jones, Mulligan. Nays: Armbruster, Becker, Marconi and
ADJOURNMENT At 11:45 p.m. the meeting was adjourned.
P. Mulligan, Jr., Mayor
Clerk of Council