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The Power or the Office?

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Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: City Council
Forum Description: Discuss individual members and council as a legislative body.
Printed Date: Nov 25 2024 at 9:43pm

Topic: The Power or the Office?
Posted By: Paul Nagy
Subject: The Power or the Office?
Date Posted: Sep 23 2013 at 3:38am
      For a number of years I have heard various city leaders say and practice some things that I believe should be
recognized and debated.  For instance, I have heard at a number of meetings, more than one person say (as though it had been discussed and agreed upon) , "I'd rather have the power than the office." This exclamation has some very serious overtones.  It really smacks at the principal differences between Democracy and Dictatorship.

      In a democracy people run for office to represent others. In a dictatorship, power is sought to control and rule others.

      It is obvious that it is time for our city leaders, whether in office or out, to search their consciences and act accordingly as to whether they are representing or dictating to their constituency.  Whichever they do they shall answer for it somewhere , sometime. I would think our leaders, especially those on council, should  feel conscience bound to start representing our citizens and quit dictating to them. When that happens there will be a noticeable decline of the use of taxpayer money for special interests and  pet projects. Then,  a real renaissance  will occur.
      Paul Nagy

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Sep 23 2013 at 6:20am
Mr Nagy's post is an example of the way it SHOULD be. We all know that it is not. We all know to qualify to sit behind that council desk or to work as one of Gilleland's people, the exact opposite is required. One must be in total agreement with whatever the MMF and city leaders want, no matter the subject. Seeing what kind of individual this town elects to council and seeing what kind of unscrupulous people (in management roles) who occupy the city building, (with the requirement that they be in the good graces of Gilleland), we know that it takes those who don't care about the vast majority of the people but rather the small contingent of city friends who require special agendas and our money to function. As it is now, to be on council or work as a honcho for the city, one needs no morals, scruples, common sense nor honesty. It will not turnaround until the people change it at the polls with the selections of decent, caring candidates.... then demand that the newly elected candidates fire the city manager, the law director, the revitalization director and the planning director. The current hierarchy needs to be broken down and disposed of. THAT will make a difference after the current state of affairs is corrected. Sadly, it will never happen because it needs to begin with the majority voters casting their ballot for the kind of candidate who will do right by the people instead of ignoring them. Too lazy (and don't care) to participate for most. Just roll over and play dead....just what the city leaders want-no threat.

I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.

Posted By: Perplexed
Date Posted: Sep 23 2013 at 8:54am
Thank you both for your assessment of motives, ethics, etc. of the city council.  It's good to hear from you again, Paul.

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