September 14, 2013
3024 Union Rd Middletown, Ohio
Dick's Creek Cemetery Restoration Workshop
The Warren County Genealogical Society will sponsor our fifth annual day-long cemetery restoration workshop on Saturday, September 14, 2013, at the Dick's Creek Pioneer Cemetery in Middletown, OH. (Just south of Middletown's Atrium Medical Center.)
This day-long clinic will empower participants providing them with the tools needed to document, preserve and restore grave markers. The clinic will demonstrate in step-by-step fashion how to preserve and restore a cemetery, with recommendations as to what lay people should and should not undertake.
You should attend this clinic if...
• You are interested in seeing cemeteries are maintained and restored!
• If you are a Scout interested in a cemetery project for a Merit Badge!
• If you are responsible for cemetery maintenance or oversight!
• If you are interested in passing on to younger generations the meaning of and knowledge to preserve our consecrated cemeteries.
In the workshop participants will learn the basics of gravestone repair and preservation: proper cleaning of gravestones, how to level stones, to build new bases and repair broken stones. At the end of the workshop and under the supervision of experienced professionals, participants will have the opportunity to work on actual grave markers. A detailed handout is included that clearly describes the correct and incorrect ways to approach preservation and conservation. The clinic will be conducted by preeminent restoration professional, Walt Walters, guided in the principles of graveyard conservation and grave marker restoration as established by and studied at the Association for Graveyard Studies of Greenfield, Massachusetts.Franklin Township has granted landmark status to the Dick's Creek Cemetery in order that the community may respect this consecrated ground and better understand and appreciate the pioneer settlers and the early history of Franklin Township and the surrounding area.
Dicks Creek Cemetery is the final resting place for five American revolutionary War veterans.
The clinic runs from 9 am-4 pm and includes extensive workshop materials. Attendees will get some hands-on experience in the afternoon session. Cost is $40.
This clinic is sponsored by the Warren County Genealogical Society with the cooperation and support of Franklin Township.
For more information: http://cemetery.springborohistory.org/2013/" rel="nofollow - http://cemetery.springborohistory.org/2013/