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Bill Becker - City Manager of Monroe?

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Printed Date: Feb 22 2025 at 4:10pm

Topic: Bill Becker - City Manager of Monroe?
Posted By: TonyB
Subject: Bill Becker - City Manager of Monroe?
Date Posted: Oct 25 2012 at 7:13am
I just read the article concerning the new racino going into Monroe and they had a quote from Bill Becker, the city manager of Monroe. Is this the same Bill Becker who was Chief of Police, City Manager and Council Member in Middletown?

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Oct 25 2012 at 7:53am
Monroe's city manager is Bill Brock isn't it? Becker is still doing township administrator work, isn't he? Let's see, Becker was the Midd. police chief, the Midd. city manager, a disaster relief manager and a township administrator. At least a triple-dipper on the taxpayer's dime. He circulated around these parts more than the school supers do. What's next for old Billy Boy?   Dunno.

As to the racino......isn't this concept a combo race track/casino? Where is the race track in Monroe? Did they move it from Lebanon?

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Oct 25 2012 at 8:12pm
According to Deerfield Township Website, Bill Becker is still the Administator there. 


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