was agreat time last night.
Large crowd--happy crowd
Wine bistro was rocking.
Special thanks to Mr.Wendel & Mr.Lewis + everyone else involved.
They all deserve commendation from the city and citizens for donating their time(and $$) to organize these successful events. No problems or unruliness. Just great comraderie for all ages and groups.
Downtown can be an activity center, and the Bash events are going a LONG way towards bringing the area back with recognition and familiarity
Hopefully our new ED person(if approved) will also focus on this area to bring necessary balance to our city. Downtown is no more dead than any other retail center in the city.
Also--just because Council decided to pass on a streets levy at this time in no way relieves them and Admin from maintaining the infrastructure. Other spending decisions must be modified to accomodate the fundamental municipal responsibilities. Maybe the Streets Committee could re-convene to work on a temporary maintenence plan and alternative options.
I like our Mayor and see him growing into the position to be a strong leader down the road. This financial manuevering should play to his fiscal strengths.