Gillieland Retiring
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Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: City Manager
Forum Description: Discuss the city manager administration including all city departments.
Printed Date: Mar 31 2025 at 7:19pm
Topic: Gillieland Retiring
Posted By: Middletown29
Subject: Gillieland Retiring
Date Posted: Mar 25 2012 at 12:10pm
According to a member of city council Gillieland plans to retire later this year. The council member stated Gillieland will reach the number of years of service to retire this fall and plans to step down as city manger.
Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Mar 25 2012 at 1:10pm
Either she or Husemann will do the double dip for another year, until Becker wraps up his $x dip in Deerfield township, then he %x dips back as city manager. "All The World Is A Stage" Middletown, its nothing but theatrics. What's behind the curtains? She did at least get the buildings bought Ms. Mulligan was afraid would be a fle market haven. Some accomplishment. Maybe she'll find her way down to Butler Cty to 2x dip.
------------- 'An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.' - Winston Churchill
Posted By: Stanky
Date Posted: Mar 25 2012 at 1:30pm
Maybe one of the many six figure fire department chiefs could be encouraged to retire as well. Jeez, talk about top heavy.
Posted By: ground swat
Date Posted: Mar 25 2012 at 2:20pm
Maybe a little talking out at BR last night?
Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Mar 25 2012 at 2:40pm
Should anger most taxpayers and cause resentment toward public and city employee alike, to see the kinds of salaries, bennies and job security they enjoy.
Until they get rid of this top heavy, hefty salaried staff that is prevalent in the public hierarchy, no safety levy should pass, no matter the percentage, no matter the frequency of request. They haven't demonstrated any cost control nor enough downsizing to merit getting their levy passed.
Gilleland retiring? Probably doesn't matter. This city needs her gone, not staying around double-dipping. She is not good at being a city manager. She should try another career field if she intends to keep working and she should do it somewhere else. She and others have done enough damage to this town. Good riddance Judith. Good opportunity for Husseman to step in and continue his onslaught of destruction to this town also. I would think Becker is about done triple-dipping. Time for him to tend to his interests at Fenwick and take the little woman on extended vacations using all that taxpayer money he has accumulated. Perhaps he'll sell that house on Longford and leave for good. That would be a scarce positive for the town.
Posted By: Bill
Date Posted: Mar 25 2012 at 8:29pm
Seems like a good time to try to privatize city leadership. No doubt there are consulting firms out there who can bring a team in and bring their hatchets with them. And no bennies to boot. Quick, someone get acclaro on this!
Posted By: TonyB
Date Posted: Mar 26 2012 at 8:13am
Seems like a good time to try to privatize city leadership. No doubt there are consulting firms out there who can bring a team in and bring their hatchets with them.
As if government doesn't waste enough money, now you want a private company with a profit motive to run it? Yeah, they'll bring their hatchets with them and anything that doesn't increase their profits will be gone. Government is not a for-profit enterprise!!! It is such bs to think that a private firm with no outside ties to the community would do anything to help citizens. Haven't there already been enough examples of private firms taking the money and not doing the job? Take a look at the Section 8 program. How many private firms have been contracted to run this program? Take a look at their results and imagine our entire government run with that kind of efficiency. It is the height of irresponsibility to cede control of local, state and national government to for-profit entities. You're not saving money, increasing efficiency or providing necessary services; all you do is provide profit to owners!!! Is that what you want, to be owned?!!!
Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Mar 26 2012 at 11:16am
TonyB wrote:
Seems like a good time to try to privatize city leadership. No doubt there are consulting firms out there who can bring a team in and bring their hatchets with them. As if government doesn't waste enough money, now you want a private company with a profit motive to run it? Yeah, they'll bring their hatchets with them and anything that doesn't increase their profits will be gone. Government is not a for-profit enterprise!!! It is such bs to think that a private firm with no outside ties to the community would do anything to help citizens. Haven't there already been enough examples of private firms taking the money and not doing the job? Take a look at the Section 8 program. How many private firms have been contracted to run this program? Take a look at their results and imagine our entire government run with that kind of efficiency. It is the height of irresponsibility to cede control of local, state and national government to for-profit entities. You're not saving money, increasing efficiency or providing necessary services; all you do is provide profit to owners!!! Is that what you want, to be owned?!!! |
On the other hand Tony, this town has not had a great track record in managing city growth since the 70's. We have had our share of clusters sitting behind that council desk and occupying the city building. One reason we are light years behind all surrounding communities as to being a progressive community. Frankly, I can't see the private companies that would be contracted for services as doing any worse than what the city does now. Sometimes private industry can do the job cheaper, more efficient and without the city having to be concerned about wages, retirement, health and insurance packages for the employees. May be cheaper for the city taxpayers to go this route. The Section 8 administrators to date have been duds. Both, it would seem, exhibit incompetence in setting up a regulatory system for Middletown's ghetto program. As bad as they have performed, I have also seen contractors that have performed admirably when rendering services. It is strange to hear one defend the performance of any government entity at any level, given the fact that government is usually the butt of all jokes as to wasting money and inept as to efficiency. JMO
Posted By: TonyB
Date Posted: Mar 26 2012 at 12:56pm
I am not defending any government entity. On the other hand (if there was actually a third hand), we get the government that we tolerate. Having a private cluster who is contracted to provide government services means only one thing, profit first!!! Do you think a private company will give a rat's a** about potholes, protection of citizens, improvements to infrastructure? The only thing that will matter is if the owners of the company are making a profit on the operation of the municipality! I've said it before and I'll say it again: government and private industry have different goals!!! Government is not, has never been and should never be about profit!!! There is already enough for-profit ownership of our government; every bought and paid for politician takes his marching orders not from the electorate but from those who finance their careers!!! Private industry is completely unresponsive to voters; how do you imagine that they will care what you think about anything? This entire "privatize government" b***s*** is a scheme by the wealthy to "own" this country. Those looking for a little more efficiency and less costly government will soon realize that it will come at the cost of their freedom!!! Are you willing to let a corporate shill decide what's in your best interest? Keep traveling this road and you'll soon find out just how much your freedom is worth to those whose only motive is profit!
Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Mar 26 2012 at 1:42pm
Do you think a private company will give a rat's a** about potholes, protection of citizens, improvements to infrastructure?
I think that the private company does give a rat's a-- about potholes, protection and improvements if they want to stay in business. When a private company contracts with a city to provide a service, I would find it hard to believe that they wouldn't try to do the best they could. If not, there are plenty of other companies out there that could. Competition keeps an even keel. If a private company performs poorly for any length of time, they develop a reputation and word gets out they are a failure. If that happens, they don't stay in business for long. It would behoove them to do the best job they can, to protect their protect their business future.
Yes, profit is on the high priority list for a business, but in order to maintain that profit you must be able to charge a fee to create that profit. If a company has a poor reputation, they will not be able to charge enough (if they get business at all) to overcome the labor and materials costs to make that profit and they go under quickly. You can only do a bad job in the service industry for so long before the phones stop ringing and your business dries up.
I will repeat, if the city can do better at saving money and getting the job done better through a private contractor, that's the route to go. Gotta be as good as or better than the money wasting, paper laydened red taped, over-layered government crap we all have seen for many years. Government has proven they are inept at almost everything they do. Another thing to consider Tony. Private industry doesn't have the never-ending money to throw away like the government does. Private industry creates it's own money by having a decent reputation and providing a reliable service. Government gets it's money by forced taxation of private industry and individuals in a money well that is always replenished. It does not feel accountable when it gets it's money through forced installments.It does not have to earn that money like private industry. By not feeling accountable, we get lousy service and a "who cares what kind of job I do" attitude.
Freedom? Hell, government is the biggest taker of our freedoms. Government is also always trying to make decisions in our "best interests". Obamacare ring a bell? Mandatory seat belt laws.....non-regulation of gas prices....self imposed raises/bennies at taxpayer expense.... absolving immigration laws in favor of illegals....starting wars that get us (not them) killed..... suggesting taking away Social Security interest of the people? I think not.
Posted By: TonyB
Date Posted: Mar 26 2012 at 4:04pm
"When a private company contracts with a city to provide a service, I would find it hard to believe that they wouldn't try to do the best they could. If not, there are plenty of other companies out there that could."
So, How did that work out with Section 8 management? Company got the contract, got the money (profit), and what kind of job did they do? Did we get any of that money back?
" Competition keeps an even keel. If a private company performs poorly for any length of time, they develop a reputation and word gets out they are a failure. If that happens, they don't stay in business for long. It would behoove them to do the best job they can, to protect their protect their business future."
So, how did that work out for SK Construction? Did they perform poorly? They certainly made a lot of money (profit) with the contracts the city handed out. Where are they now? What about the citizens who live on Lefferson with a half-done job by a company that is now out of business? Think there might have been a little mismanagement going on? How much more will it cost to hire another company to finish the job? How much was SK paid before they went bankrupt?
"Yes, profit is on the high priority list for a business, but in order to maintain that profit you must be able to charge a fee to create that profit."
Governments don't charge fees to create profit. Government should (in theory) charge to provide the service. There are instances where government charges more than the service costs so as to maintain services for which there can be no fees.
"I will repeat, if the city can do better at saving money and getting the job done better through a private contractor, that's the route to go."
Government is about providing the services demanded by taxpayers at the lowest possible cost. Do you think you'll be able to demand a lower cost from companies when there is no one to provide the service? Private companies don't care about taxpayers!!! How many private companies have raped taxpayers with $1000 dollar hammers and various "hidden charges" like that? How much money has Halliburton given back for its overcharges? If you privatize government, you'll have to hire an army of accountants to make sure that they are not "padding the bill"!!! What will that do for the taxpayer and the bottom line?
"Government has proven they are inept at almost everything they do."
That is ridiculous!!! Our military is inept? What about the interstate highway system? You think a private company would have ever done such a thing? Government becomes inept when private companies own the decision-making instead of taxpayers. Kickbacks, bribes, lobbying and out and out thievery by our "elected" politicians is what has driven the ineptitude of government. You want a more efficient government? Get money out of the election process.
" Another thing to consider Tony. Private industry doesn't have the never-ending money to throw away like the government does. Private industry creates it's own money by having a decent reputation and providing a reliable service. Government gets it's money by forced taxation of private industry and individuals in a money well that is always replenished. It does not feel accountable when it gets it's money through forced installments.It does not have to earn that money like private industry. By not feeling accountable, we get lousy service and a "who cares what kind of job I do" attitude."
Forced taxation? Is that why the city has to put a public safety levy on the ballot; to "force" you to pay? Taxation is decided by elected politicians (see above); the only ones not being "forced" to pay are the ones who own the politicians!!! Private industry has as much money as it can get from investors looking to make a profit. Governments are accountable to taxpayers who vote. It is more a matter of corruption of our government that lack of accountability that provides the "lousy service" and the "who cares" attitude. Taxpayers have shown for the last 30 years that they don't care about what kind of government they have so it's no wonder we have such lack of accountability from our government.
"Freedom? Hell, government is the biggest taker of our freedoms. Government is also always trying to make decisions in our "best interests". Obamacare ring a bell? Mandatory seat belt laws.....non-regulation of gas prices....self imposed raises/bennies at taxpayer expense.... absolving immigration laws in favor of illegals....starting wars that get us (not them) killed..... suggesting taking away Social Security interest of the people? I think not."
Where have you been? Governments have always been the impediment to freedom! It just so happens that our constitutional republican form of (liberal) government has been the least repressive in the history of the world (at least, until recently)!!! Our government is designed to look out for the "best interests" of its citizens; the problem has become the wealthy have corrupted our system to provide only for the wealthy! Think if we had a monarchy you'd get to vote on your rate of taxation? Think a dictator would give a damn whether you could see a doctor or get any health care? Think a theocratic government would provide you with anything if you didn't follow their religious tenets? It could be so much worse than it is; it could also be much better if we as taxpayers and citizens stop settling for what we have and demand better. That's how you create efficiency in government, not by selling it to the highest bidder like we've done for the last 40 years!
Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Mar 26 2012 at 6:16pm
Ok keeping with the back and forth banter....
"So, How did that work out with Section 8 management? Company got the contract, got the money (profit), and what kind of job did they do? Did we get any of that money back?"-TonyB
For crying out loud Tony, you don't always select the best company. Furthermore, look who selected CONSEC and the current group of clowns running Section 8.....YOUR CITY COUNCIL. Hardly a credible group with success in choosing winners. They are as bad as CONSEC as to competency.
"So, how did that work out for SK Construction? Did they perform poorly? They certainly made a lot of money (profit) with the contracts the city handed out. Where are they now?"- TonyB
I don't know the background as to why SK Const. failed. Perhaps it was mismanaged. Poor management. Poor planning. Poor quality of work. Weren't diversified enough? Overextended in business demands? Owners didn't plow enough back into the business? Don't know why the collapse.
"What about the citizens who live on Lefferson with a half-done job by a company that is now out of business? Think there might have been a little mismanagement going on? How much more will it cost to hire another company to finish the job? How much was SK paid before they went bankrupt?"- TonyB
Don't know. Gotta know the reasons before you can prove or disprove my statement.
"Governments don't charge fees to create profit".-Tony B
Never said they did. The profit thing was in reference to private businesses. Governments don't need profits due to the endless supply of forced taxation. They would have plenty of money if they knew how to manage it,but they throw it around like crap on a stick. Come to think of it, Middletown charges exorbatant water and sewer fees and make a profit on that. That's government charging a fee to make a profit, isn't it? Sunset Pool went under because the city couldn't break even much less make a profit on it. Weatherwax Golf Course is next. Haven't made a profit on it in years, yet keep socking $200,000+ each year into it because their buddies want to play golf there. It should go as it is a money drain on the city.
"Government is about providing the services demanded by taxpayers at the lowest possible cost".-TonyB
Bullcrap Tony! Government is about cronyism, setting their buddies up to provide services demanded (but sometimes ignored by government) Lowest possible cost? How about that toilet seat for $100.00 the government is willing to waste taxpayer money on? Same goes for anything involving money expenditures in government. Biggest wasters of money on the planet. See it everyday at Wright-Patt.
Private companies don't care about taxpayers!!!-Tony B
Private companies ARE TAXPAYERS TONY. IT'S CALLED CORPORATE TAXES AND IT'S PAID ON PROPERTY, BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT. Again, if they want to stay in business they had better care about those that support their business.
"How many private companies have raped taxpayers with $1000 dollar hammers and various "hidden charges" like that?"- Tony B
"That is ridiculous!!! Our military is inept?"- TonyB
Yep! Inept. I bring to your attention the Vietnam War Tony. The powers that be in the military had soldiers dying to take the same hill and then give it back to the enemy the next day. Your military left millions of dollars worth of assorted equipment from planes, refrigerators, air conditioners, furniture to clothes to cars and trucks behind (taxpayer dollars mind you) when we left, We were there from 1964 to 1975 and didn't accomplish a dam thing.(except getting 58,000+ kids killed for the politicians pleasure) You wait....the same thing will happen in Iraq and Afghanistan when we finally leave. All the training we provided. The billions of dollars to rebuild the countries, all the supplies, cars, trucks,etc.....all will fall back in enemy hands when we leave. Did in Nam and will in Iraq and Afghanistan. We have a history lately of starting wars and then leaving while still unstable, accomplishing nothing but a temporary stimulation to the economy in this country through the war machine. All inept stupidity.
"What about the interstate highway system? You think a private company would have ever done such a thing?"- Tony B
Tony, private companies did design and build the highway system with government approval and taxpayer funding. They had the resources and your government approved the quoted price to do it. It still is about the profits at private companies.
"Forced taxation? Is that why the city has to put a public safety levy on the ballot; to "force" you to pay?"- Tony B
Yep, forced income taxes at the rate the city set up, federal taxes, state taxes,social security taxes.....If the safety levy doesn't pass, they'll just jack up the water rates, building permits, parking fine rates, city court costs, put up more cameras, create park fees to use Smith and Lefferson Parks and transfer that money to the fund for safety to make up the difference. They are good at hidden funds transfers. Been doing voodoo financing for years.
"Kickbacks, bribes, lobbying and out and out thievery by our "elected" politicians is what has driven the ineptitude of government".-Tony B
Who do you think is making the decisions for the military, making it inept? Politicians. They decide where the next war will be, when it will start, how we will fight it and how much money we will waste in fighting it. YOUR GOVERNMENT CREATES INEPTNESS IN YOUR MILITARY by the very decisions it makes in attempting to guide it. The Vietnam War is a classic example of why we should NEVER allow politicians to run a war. If they had let the military do its job and kept there noses out of it, we would have wiped the NVA and VietCong out. We had the firepower and technology to do it. The politicians tied the military's hands.
"Governments are accountable to taxpayers who vote"- TonyB
In a perfect setting yes, but you and I both know that governments at all levels in all towns ignore the people. Hardly accountable to them. Hell, look at how the Middletown city government ignores the wishes of the people.
"Governments have always been the impediment to freedom!"- Tony B
Well, at least we agree on one thing.
"Our government is designed to look out for the "best interests" of its citizens; the problem has become the wealthy have corrupted our system to provide only for the wealthy! Think if we had a monarchy you'd get to vote on your rate of taxation? Think a dictator would give a damn whether you could see a doctor or get any health care? Think a theocratic government would provide you with anything if you didn't follow their religious tenets? It could be so much worse than it is; it could also be much better if we as taxpayers and citizens stop settling for what we have and demand better. That's how you create efficiency in government, not by selling it to the highest bidder like we've done for the last 40 years"- Tony B
This is hilarious! So the government has all these flaws and it sucks, but it is the best we sound like the school people at proficiency test time......."our scores are really low and at the bottom of the barrel when compared to other area districts, but they are better than they were last year within the bottom of the barrel. Is there such a thing as the best of the worst, does it have any validity to impress anyone and is it something we want to brag about? Doubtful.
Posted By: TonyB
Date Posted: Mar 26 2012 at 7:42pm
You ever hear the quote "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others"? That is reality and fact; nothing to be proud of and nothing to brag about. However; since we agree on the premise that "Governments have always been the impediment to freedom!", then yes; at this point it is the best of the worst. What has made it the worst is the corruption of our choice by wealthy interests. What makes it the best is that we have the means to change that; the question is, collectively, do we have the will?
The military is not inept. By your own admission, it was the directives of politicians that caused their ineptitude. Of course, had we followed the law and our own Constitution, we would never have been involved in Vietnam, Afghanistan or Iraq. The failure was political, not military.
The city does not set rates of taxation any more than the state or the feds. Elected officials set those rates. Government administrators and employees do not. You want to change those rates? Change the elected officials and refuse any tax levy until those changes are made.
Your statement that: "Government is about cronyism, setting their buddies up to provide
services demanded (but sometimes ignored by government) Lowest possible
How about that toilet seat for $100.00 the government is willing to
waste taxpayer money on? Same goes for anything involving money
expenditures in government. Biggest wasters of money on the planet" followed by :"IF YOUR GOVERNMENT IS DUMB ENOUGH TO BUY A HAMMER FOR A THOUSAND
WORKER WHO APPROVED THE PURCHASE" shows you what would happen if government were privatized. The idea on one hand that "
stay in business they had better care about those that support their
business" contradicts the idea that if they can sell the government a $1000 hammer it's not their fault. How can they care about those that support their business all the while screwing those that support their business?!!! You want to talk about not making sense...
As for governments at all levels ignoring the people; just what is the percentage of voters who actually vote as opposed to the number of eligible voters? That right there tells you why they ignore the voters, BECAUSE THEY GET AWAY WITH IT!!! So long as they do, you'll continue to see things in Middletown and the rest of the country continue in the same way. The only ones who do care are the wealthy and they have bought our government and media so that they have control. Until that changes, nothing else will!
Posted By: Talking Heads
Date Posted: Mar 27 2012 at 7:58pm
At the polls, there are many people voting and volunteering who I would not assume to be "wealthy" enough to buy government or media. Everyone has wealth of some kind, and it's how you use your wealth to ensure we have a functional government that is proactive and efficient.
Posted By: TonyB
Date Posted: Mar 28 2012 at 4:47pm
Talking Head,
Are those people voting and volunteering being swayed by those who have "used" their wealth to ensure functional government? Oh yeah, a functional government to further their own interests!!! 80% of the money donated to Super PACs has come from 196 people. The wealthy don't give a damn about a proactive,efficient government; they want a government and a population that they can manipulate and control! Look around your own town and tell me that our local government is being "proactive" and "efficient". I'll wait.
Posted By: ground swat
Date Posted: Mar 28 2012 at 9:30pm
Efficient is that what it means when 4 trucks and a backhoe are sitting while running and 5 city employees hang out while a tree crew cuts a single tree down. Had business at the airport and we watched this complete waste of time go on for several hours. Diesel fuel I believe is at 4.10 gal. Is there nothing else in the park that could have been done. This leadership and atmosphere must end.
Posted By: Talking Heads
Date Posted: Mar 29 2012 at 12:30am
Agree that there are multitudes of discrepancies, inefficiencies, and favoritism's shown in our governmental system, both locally and nationally. Just mentioning that at the polls, in this town, not only the financially wealthy vote.
Posted By: Middletown29
Date Posted: Apr 01 2012 at 8:23am
Different source on city council says Gillieland is staying and has support of 4 council members
Posted By: jag123
Date Posted: Apr 01 2012 at 10:11am
29: I believe she has the support of 6 council members.
Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Apr 01 2012 at 12:25pm
Gilleland is going nowhere. She will ask city council to give her a 5 to 7 year contract, taking her to age 62, so she can retire, but double dip, while staying in Middletown. She isn't going to lose her retirement, and by taking it now (or when she can I assume she's 55 and has 30 years in the system), she can make money on the second dip and receive a second pension at age 62, just like Becker and the others do. Then after another 5-7 years in Middletown, she'll then take third dip until age 65-70, but in another area, maybe county.
That's why she hired Robinette and Husemann back, as it gives her a selling pt to council, ergo, pay me my current salary, but I won't cost you benefits.
When Becker became city manager, he started the trend in placing a city manager after his gift from council, of picking a city manager that did whatever city council wanted, reative. That's all Ms. G has done since she's been in office, and why she stays on.
Its actually 7-0 jag, not 6-1..
------------- 'An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.' - Winston Churchill
Posted By: jag123
Date Posted: Apr 01 2012 at 6:47pm
That is news to me unless AJ went over to the other side.
Posted By: ground swat
Date Posted: Apr 01 2012 at 7:54pm
Posted By: Middletown29
Date Posted: Apr 04 2012 at 5:58am
Gillieland does not have the support of 3 members of city council. In fact at least one member is trying to woo a fourth to join the other three to attempt a Gillieland ouster.
Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Apr 04 2012 at 6:23am
Middletown29 wrote:
Gillieland does not have the support of 3 members of city council. In fact at least one member is trying to woo a fourth to join the other three to attempt a Gillieland ouster. |
If true, this would be good news for the city. Although, we still have Husseman waiting in the wings to take over......or, Becker back for another dip in the till? Both not good for the city either IMO. Bad players standing in the wings.
If Gilleland is out, could we take up a collection to buy her a one way Greyhound bus ticket back to Pickerington and give her house on Antrim Ct. to a Section 8 landlord or bulldoze it for some more green space?
Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Apr 04 2012 at 7:43am
Gilleland is going nowhere. At worse, its 6-1, and I have insight its 7-0 support. Its too much hassle to try to find another, she does what council demands, and there has been nothing of significance they deem worthy of not renewing her contract. Totally incorrect on this notion its 3-4 against. No Greyhound ticket needed.
------------- 'An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.' - Winston Churchill
Posted By: retired co
Date Posted: May 14 2012 at 10:52am
good riddance to a bad deal we had for several years.
Posted By: TudorBrown
Date Posted: May 15 2012 at 10:58am
TonyB wrote:
Seems like a good time to try to privatize city leadership. No doubt there are consulting firms out there who can bring a team in and bring their hatchets with them.
As if government doesn't waste enough money, now you want a private company with a profit motive to run it? Yeah, they'll bring their hatchets with them and anything that doesn't increase their profits will be gone. Government is not a for-profit enterprise!!! It is such bs to think that a private firm with no outside ties to the community would do anything to help citizens. Haven't there already been enough examples of private firms taking the money and not doing the job? Take a look at the Section 8 program. How many private firms have been contracted to run this program? Take a look at their results and imagine our entire government run with that kind of efficiency. It is the height of irresponsibility to cede control of local, state and national government to for-profit entities. You're not saving money, increasing efficiency or providing necessary services; all you do is provide profit to owners!!! Is that what you want, to be owned?!!!
There are private companies that could do a great job of running a city, turn a profit, and save the tax payers money. Just look into how successful charter schools, prisons run by private companies, private ambulance services and anything else privately run compared to publicly run is.
Not even a comparison.
Posted By: TonyB
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 9:56pm
Prisons run by private companies do not promote justice! They have to have more prisoners to make their prison profitable so now you have more laws and we go back to the idea of "debtors prison". Please name me a private company that could run a city, turn a profit and save taxpayers money. That is the biggest load of bulls*** I've heard in a long time!!!
Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: May 21 2012 at 12:09pm
TonyB wrote:
Prisons run by private companies do not promote justice! They have to have more prisoners to make their prison profitable so now you have more laws and we go back to the idea of "debtors prison". Please name me a private company that could run a city, turn a profit and save taxpayers money. That is the biggest load of bulls*** I've heard in a long time!!!