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Candidate Forum

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Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: City Council
Forum Description: Discuss individual members and council as a legislative body.
Printed Date: Mar 31 2025 at 7:19pm

Topic: Candidate Forum
Posted By: DuaneGordon
Subject: Candidate Forum
Date Posted: Oct 04 2011 at 3:31pm
There must not be many voters in town who have questions of the candidates because the announcement was posted here on MUSA, a story appeared on the front page of the Journal's Local section, and TV Middletown is running promos -- yet only ONE person has e-mailed in a question to be asked at the Kiwanis candidates' forum next week. Our goal is to have all questions come firectly from the voters rather than having the moderator generate questions and to alternate each question between one from someone at home (submitted in advance) and one from someone in the live audience, so we need more of them sent in, please!
If you can't make it in person or don't want to get up in front of the cameras to ask your question, e-mail it within the next eight days to - .
Or, if you want to ask your question in person, please arrive early the evening of the forum so we may get everyone with a "live" question placed in order to come up and ask them. (Hopefully we'll have enough time for everyone with a question to be heard.)
Remember, the 90-minute forum -- which will air live on TV Middletown -- takes place in the Council Chambers of the City Building at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 13.

Posted By: John Beagle
Date Posted: Oct 04 2011 at 4:53pm
I live in Monroe and work in Middletown. Do my questions count?

1. Can the city cut back on Section 8 Housing? Anyway to reduce that program?
2. What economic development efforts would you bring to the table?
3. How would you reach out to Monroe Council regarding SunCoke and ST RT63 Extension?
4. How would you balance the budget?

-------------" rel="nofollow - John Beagle

Middletown USA

News of, for and by the people of Middletown, Ohio.

Posted By: DuaneGordon
Date Posted: Oct 05 2011 at 11:18am
We want questions to be sent by e-mail rather than posted in a forum so the candidates don't see them in advance and can't prepare "canned" answers ahead of time.

Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: Oct 05 2011 at 12:13pm
Can you post the e-mail address to submit the questions ?
Thank You

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Oct 05 2011 at 12:17pm
Originally posted by Bocephus Bocephus wrote:

Can you post the e-mail address to submit the questions ?
Thank You

The submission address is above in Mr. Gordon's first post.

Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: Oct 05 2011 at 3:12pm
Thanks Vet I dont know how I missed that LOL

Posted By: DuaneGordon
Date Posted: Oct 07 2011 at 10:05am
Thanks to those who are sending in questions. We got a couple of lists of about 12-14 each from folks! Keep 'em coming, please! Less than a week left to submit them to - .

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