Student Motivation
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Category: Middletown City Schools
Forum Name: School Achievements
Forum Description: From Academic results to group and individual achievements
Printed Date: Feb 16 2025 at 1:08pm
Topic: Student Motivation
Posted By: wb2011
Subject: Student Motivation
Date Posted: May 27 2011 at 10:26am
It had been suggested, in previous posts, that students are being passed on to the next grade level even if they shouldn't. I can report that 2 of my students were "assigned" to the next grade who did not earn passing grades in Math and Language Arts. These students had extremely high absence/ tardy rates...nothing was done. These students were very confident that they would be passed on because they have for years. It was almost impossible to motivate these students.
Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: May 27 2011 at 12:15pm
Apparently, moving students on to the next grade, even though they had not met the requirements of the current grade is a practice that has been in place since at least the 80's. My son went through the Middletown school system back then and the practice was occuring then. It would appear that the school district has a production line mentality where, regardless of the inadequacy of student learning-ie failure, there is no system in place to rectify the problem. The problem student is passed on through, purged, and eliminated for them. This school system pays more attention to the "gifted students", whom they place on a pedestal, rather than take the challenge of educating the "non-gifted" students. I would imagine it is easy to stand and watch self-motivated students do well with little to no effort on the school's part. It would require effort to bring the others up to that level. Apparently, that would be asking too much.
The issues that wb2011 bring up here should be brought out right before the next levy request when the school system starts their repetitive ritual of telling all of us that the Midd. school system is making improvements and trying to misguide all of us with non-factual data. Salaries, multi-layer/newly created positions, test performances and indicator stagnation should also be advertised before the next levy request also.
Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: May 27 2011 at 12:47pm
Approximately in 2005, I had a neigbor that had a daughter whom attended Fenwick, and took Algebra II at Middletown High School in the summer school, who I recall was ran by the then principal of the high school, who resigned, and took a position in the Dayton system. My neighbor was telling me the daughter was told by the principal she had an A after checking with the teacher, but the true grade earned was a C. The neighbor then called the principal and he said no problem, since I told you she had earned an A, even though it was his mistake, after speaking with the teacher, the true grade was a C, he was recording an A, since he told the parent by error only, the grade was an A, so he would give that out as he had told him a grade which was not earned.
Grade inflation isn't an accurate description of Middletown school district's practives. This example is one of many I am aware. Ask a teacher or principal at Fenwick to even round up a grade that 1 pt from a B or A. They'll tell the kid to go pound sand, no way of doing that. Middletown is focused on pushing the assembly line through from pt A to pt B as painless as possible for all involved.
Posted By: ground swat
Date Posted: May 27 2011 at 7:00pm
A+ on memory, Couldn't agree more, gravy train, sorry but the higher ed. crowd is getting Old. And yes I'm happy to say my sibling earned a Ph'd. NO ON A LEVY!!!!!!!