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Bill Becker TRIPLE Dipper

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Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: City Council
Forum Description: Discuss individual members and council as a legislative body.
Printed Date: Mar 13 2025 at 5:01pm

Topic: Bill Becker TRIPLE Dipper
Posted By: Middletown29
Subject: Bill Becker TRIPLE Dipper
Date Posted: Mar 30 2011 at 11:22am


It is very interesting to read Bill Becker's statements regarding the City's financial condition and proclamation about "we can't keep doing business as usual around here" all while he collects three pay checks from the taxpayers.

Becker collects a public pension, City Council salary and a salary as Director of the Warren County Emergency Services (911) Center.

Where is his sacrifice?

Posted By: arwendt
Date Posted: Mar 30 2011 at 11:43am
Are you implying that if Becker were to resign from one of those positions the taxpayers would somehow save some money?

If so, explain how that would work and you have my full support.

“Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power.” Benjamin Franklin - More at my - Words of Freedom website.

Posted By: middletownscouter
Date Posted: Mar 30 2011 at 11:43am
How dare he collect benefits he worked for as part of an employement contract and then actually get paid for doing new completely different jobs!

I suppose we should also do something about those inconsiderate private sector folks who draw social security and work part-time jobs. Or the AK retirees who get their pension and work somewhere else.

So your complaint here is that a person (and frankly it doesn't matter if it is Bill Becker or Ronald McDonald) worked in a job in which one of the benefits was a retirement plan, and then after retiring from that job they have the audacity to go back to work and actually get paid for that work. Seriously? Your outrage is a bit misplaced I think. That's not even the definition of double or triple dipping. If he was getting a salary from three sources for doing the same job, then I'm right there with you. But he's doing two different jobs (Middletown City Councilman and Director of Warren County Emergency Services) in addition to receiving his rightly-earned retirement benefits from his years with the Middletown Division of Police. Three different jobs. Getting paid for each is not triple-dipping, it's having multiple incomes.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Mar 30 2011 at 11:51am
Yes, Bill Becker has been saying the same thing for many years now. He said it while he was city manager. He said it from some of his earliest days on council. However, Bill nor the rest of council heed his warning and haven't changed the game plan in years. The "we can't keep doing business as usual around here" slogan is still being said and ignored. The story is that Becker was given the city manager's job to boost his city retirement from the police chief position. Don't know if that's true or not. He didn't have any previous city manager experience to qualify. "Ole Bill knows how to play the game to milk the system and to supplement his retirement, that's for sure. Another thing that needs to be fixed in the public AND PRIVATE sectors. Look at the number of people who have retired only to be called back as "consultants" or to assume another position set up for them. Killing the taxpayer while they protect the people from their own little kingdom. After all, we "can't keep doing business as usual" in the double-dipper area either.   

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Mar 30 2011 at 11:58am
Ahh, but middletownscouter, the people who work all their lives and draw SS, and who work another job are limited as to how much income they can earn on that other job. Same goes for those AK workers too. Becker doesn't have the same situation.

The issue here is not whether Becker wemt back to work as much as it is that he was "hand selected" for the city manager's job because he was an insider and friends with the people who put him in the job. He also had a leg up operating within the network to land the Emergency Services job too. The outrage to me is that it involved the insider club and the ease in which he obtained these jobs, almost as if he was destined to land them without any competition or consideration for a more qualified person.

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Mar 30 2011 at 12:55pm
Scouter, not certain what planet you'have been on, but here's why the double, triple dip exists. its because the counties, public sector believes they save money by hiring these folks associated with savings on the pension contribution. You need examples where they perform the same job? easy to identify. School superintendants that come back, take the same position in same district or do the same job in another district. police chiefs that resign and do the same job in another city. try this: retired Middletown police chief in Carlise, Becker in Warren Cty, hardly qualified to be an Emergency Response leader, nor qualified to be a city manager. Need another example that are infinite: Pat Burg, head of Butler Cty Health, retired, and doing the same job again as a second dip, at $73,000, drawling probably $80,000 on retirement.
What's the complaint? Well, I know of absolutely no private sector jobs you retire at age 50 do you? Secondly, you/ theyare taking jobs from others. That's the only point I agreed with JC Shew on his campaign effort. These double dippers, many with high school degrees, are in the same position, and making $175 Kk- $200 Kk annually.
Final point: it is virtually impossible for anyone in the private sector to break into the public sector gravy train, but the politics allow extraordinary poor public servants, many fired, to easily move into the same position in another county. Look at the treasurer at Springboro, took a position in Miamisburg within a month after taking same position in Springboro. Do that in private sector, and you'd never work again.
Many missing the pt: these folks are retiring at 50, and drawling 90% salary, while keeping the same job and making 80% or >. Anyone who thinks that acceptable is not looking at age 65 for retirement in private sector. 15 years makes a hell of a difference Scouter. others.   

Posted By: Middletown29
Date Posted: Mar 30 2011 at 1:06pm

While it is a fact that the jurisdiction that hires the double or triple dipper might save a little money over what they would pay someone not doubling or tripling down. It is also a fact that double and triple dippers cost the pension systems money. They pay into the system again as double/triple dippers and collect an additional pension with only a very small number of years of additional service.

Becker stands to collect an additional pension on top of his existing pension at age 62. It is not limited like social security.

He is milking the system.

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Mar 30 2011 at 1:32pm
M29, that's an excellent point. So these public sector employees that can retire at 50 based on years 'in', can double dip, make virtually twice their income for years, and then have two pensions to drawl from? No wonder the state pension system is broken and being reformed. I read in Santa Mesa, California they are going to lay off 250 of 400 city workers for pension problems. I had no idea besides the easy money to be made off the system, they also got a second penison. What a sweetheart deal, when the private sector gets bounced every 5 years, pay into a 401K, and lucky if a company matches 10% of contribution.
Totally agree: its called milking the system for all its worth. What a life.   

Posted By: TonyB
Date Posted: Mar 30 2011 at 2:53pm
This is the typical example of the public sector mimicking the private. I refer you to the CEO of Goldman Sachs, who, upon his leaving the company, made 462 MILLION dollars. Then the company he left has to be bailed out by the taxpayers. Wrong is wrong. This public sector double dipping is just as criminal as Congress voting themselves a pay raise by keeping the lower tax rate for millionaires. Said it before, I'll say it again, VOTE THEM OUT!!! LOCAL, STATE and NATIONAL!!! 

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Mar 30 2011 at 3:28pm
Tony, agreed. Between earmarks and pandering to those who donate, both parties accomplish nothing. Shareholders can always litigate for fraud and malfeasance, taxpayers have limited to no recourse on what harm is done by those who are our servants, who we pay their bills, while they are to meet our needs.
The bail-out was obviously, a complete failure. It did not stimulate the economy and it is extremely difficult today to finance a home today based upon the repugnant 'about face' the banks and mortgage companies have implemented in near perfect credit score requirements. Adding to this mess is the bottomless pit of not finding the bottom, on the housing market, as it keeps plummeting. Yes, Wall Street got capital to buy and merge with bigger banks, great interest rates, and the individual hammered with devaluation of a prized asset, and recommendations by many, to not even invest in home ownership.
Valid point: vote for the individual, not the party.  

Posted By: Middletown29
Date Posted: Mar 30 2011 at 3:54pm
Bill Becker could do something about his abuse of taxpayers. He could refuse to take that second pension and donate his City Council salary to a worthy cause that would benefit the City and/or taxpayers!

Posted By: Joe Citizen
Date Posted: Mar 30 2011 at 10:32pm
BB was never qualified for any of these positions! Private or public sector. Perfect example of why our city gov't continues to circle the bottom of the bowl. IMHO

Posted By: Middletown29
Date Posted: Mar 31 2011 at 12:30am
Bill Becker was paid $103,123 in his first year as City Manager (2005-2006)

Called for an income tax increase in 2006 of 50% (1.5% to 2.25% of income)an estimated $9,000,000 annual increase in taxes. Over 60% of the voters (7,898 no votes) rejected Becker's proposed tax increase.

Bill Becker arranged for the City to buy land with $2,700,000 of taxpayer money for developer Al Neyer.

Was basically fired by City Council after the tax levy failure and the Al Neyer land deal. Retiring under fire in December 2006 (effective April 1, 2007)

Pocketed $132,742 in taxpayer funded severance pay when he left. Started drawing approximately $72,000 a year in pension plus health care benefits.

Runs for and get elected to City Council in 2007. Works in various other taxpayer funded jobs since. Takes job in Warren County at $70,000 a year in March 2010.

Posted By: Joe Citizen
Date Posted: Mar 31 2011 at 1:18am
ACC. I agree with your point. However, ;et's not pig pile BB.
1. Schivone the prince of the city "resigned" from two similar jobs because he was abusing the system taking taxpayer money he didn't earn.
   2.Councilman Thatcher abstained from a vote on land he owned paid for with tax money. Didn't abstain from the check he got for that I'm sure.

Read the city charter. Who do these elected offical's answer to? Voters or voters that have the means to "help."

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Mar 31 2011 at 6:35am
Joe Citizen.....

1."Schivone the prince of the city "resigned" from two similar jobs because he was abusing the system taking taxpayer money he didn't earn"

Are you referring to Schiavone's two jobs- one as a supervisor in Hamilton, when he was reported to be at the home of a fellow worker playing cards during work time and subsequently fired, and the Mason court job where he was also fired? (Forget what the circumstances were on that one)

Posted By: Middletown29
Date Posted: Mar 31 2011 at 8:21am
Becker is currently pulling in over $150,000 a year in taxpayer money!

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Mar 31 2011 at 12:06pm
Didnt Schivone get some kind of grant from the city to do work on the resturant he opened up for a short time?
This double dipping IMO is just not right.we the taxpayers foot the damn bill for it.Cry

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Mar 31 2011 at 1:19pm
Thought Schiavone got an interest free loan from the city for around $50,000 that was never paid back as far as I know. All that work to remodel the former Damon's Rib location and only open, what, a few months. Poor business planning?

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Mar 31 2011 at 1:57pm
I knew he got money from the city but didnt know how.If he didnt pay it back why hasnt the "GOON Squad" gone after him? Wonder if I went to the city and asked them for a loan if they would give it to me?LOL

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Mar 31 2011 at 2:25pm
Vet, I believe you are incorrectabout the loan from the city. I am almost certain from memory, it was from Butler Cty and a development opportunity grant, but not Middletown. I cannot recall the terms, but believe it may have been very low interest. Can you confirm the loan WAS NOT paid back? If not, that's quite interesting.
Perhaps you are confusing the approximate $8,000 Mr. Schiavone got for payment for his one month work with the court in Middletown in correlation for altering the 'at large' council member status and doing away with the ward system. I mean....getting paid for his outstanding work after he changed his mind to eliminate the wards to work for one month for the court a month or so later, in a system he was forced to resign after two major infractions in Butler Cty courts. Just my humble opinion and recall of events. 

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Mar 31 2011 at 3:02pm
acclaro- you are correct. It was a loan from Butler County. See section of forum under Midd. News, Info. and Happenings. Page 13- BBQ Junction for info. Discussion as to whether Schiavone ever paid the 50 grand back according to the posts.

Posted By: Joe Citizen
Date Posted: Mar 31 2011 at 4:24pm
VietViet you are correct. Technically not fired, but resigned under investigation. Do not recall the details on the 2nd try.

Posted By: TonyB
Date Posted: Mar 31 2011 at 4:37pm
Too bad Mr. Schiavone wasn't a better businessman. I actually liked BBQ Junction!

Posted By: arwendt
Date Posted: Mar 31 2011 at 4:59pm
Originally posted by VietVet VietVet wrote:

Thought Schiavone got an interest free loan from the city for around $50,000 that was never paid back as far as I know. All that work to remodel the former Damon's Rib location and only open, what, a few months. Poor business planning?

I always found it interesting that they were still remodeling almost up to the very week they closed.

“Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power.” Benjamin Franklin - More at my - Words of Freedom website.

Posted By: ground swat
Date Posted: Mar 31 2011 at 6:34pm
Like social service programs if you offer them people will find any way possible to get on  them,stop double dipping force our elected officials to change the laws.

Posted By: Lostdafire
Date Posted: Mar 31 2011 at 8:12pm
How many double dippers can you identify working for the city?

A retired police officer in public works.  Who was Police Chief then?

A retired firefighter as a nurse in health.

The purchasing agent, retired and rehired in the very same position.  Who was City Manager then?

Two secretaries retired and now working again in personnel?  Oh, but they may be temps.  Yeah, that's right, temps.  Has it been  5 or 6 years now???  How temporary is that?  Who was City Manager then?

What others are there?

Posted By: Middletown29
Date Posted: Apr 01 2011 at 11:00am
Becker is being encouraged to run for another term by the old guard elite. They love the people that carry their water!

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Apr 01 2011 at 11:12am

"Two secretaries retired and now working again in personnel? Oh, but they may be temps. Yeah, that's right, temps. Has it been 5 or 6 years now??? How temporary is that?"

Don't know how it works now, but back in the late 80's at P&G, we used temps to help out on some of the project work. They demanded that we hire them after months on the job because they had accrued a certain number of hours to be deemed full time rather than temporary. Apparently if a company has a need for more than 2000 hours accrued as a temp, they are obligated to hire the people full time. If these two secretaries have been on the job for 5 or 6 years, I would bet that they can't be legally carried as temps anymore. Wonder if the city building knows that they may be in violation of long ago maxing out the hours for temp. classification for these two?

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Apr 01 2011 at 12:30pm
Perhaps Mr. Becker is looking for his 3rd pension? Would a city council member drawling $5,000 annually and at age 62 through his term, be entitled to a pension Midd29? If so, that is really milking the system. Or, maybe he promised John Boehner another gavel and the ol guard wants to have him still in office. The composition of council will never change. Its controlled by church affilaition and the 'lifer' social network in the city, same as city hall and the jobs.  '

Posted By: Middletown29
Date Posted: Apr 02 2011 at 5:29pm
His City Council salary will be combined with his Warren County job to determine his second pension.

Posted By: TonyB
Date Posted: Apr 02 2011 at 6:55pm
When did elected office become a job instead of public service? When did elected representatives begin to earn a salary instead of compensation for their time? Why are elected officials allowed to remain in office long enough to earn a pension? Could someone educate me on the legality and ethics involved here?

Posted By: Middletown29
Date Posted: Apr 03 2011 at 8:08am
Not only do local elected officials get a pension, they can for a very modest cost purchase sn extra year or pension credit got every four years of elective office. Many will service several years as a council member or township trustee then take a full time job for three years at a significantly higher salary and draw a pension as though they worked full time their entire career. Becker will get a second pension from County job with extra service years from his Council job at 5 years for every 4 years of time on Council. This is why he will run again. He has no interest in serving other than what it dies for his second pension he is lining up for himself.

Don't expect the politicos in Columbus to change this. Most of them are riding this taxpayer funded gravy train.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Apr 03 2011 at 10:43am
No wonder Uncle Bill looks so happy in the picture above. Big bucks for milking the system and the taxpayer. Good job, Bill in taking advantage in the fleecing of the taxpaying public.

Posted By: Middletown29
Date Posted: Apr 03 2011 at 5:12pm
If he runs again he need to be extensively exposed for what he is!!

Posted By: Middletown29
Date Posted: Apr 03 2011 at 7:47pm
705.92 Procedure for removal of elective officer by recall.

Any elective officer of a municipal corporation may be removed from office by the qualified voters of such municipal corporation. The procedure to effect such removal shall be:

(A) A petition signed by qualified electors equal in number to at least fifteen per cent of the total votes cast at the most recent regular municipal election, and demanding the election of a successor to the person sought to be removed, shall be filed with the board of elections. Such petition shall contain a general statement in not more than two hundred words of the grounds upon which the removal of such person is sought. The form, sufficiency, and regularity of any such petition shall be determined as provided in the general election laws.

(B) If the petition is sufficient, and if the person whose removal is sought does not resign within five days after the sufficiency of the petition has been determined, the legislative authority shall thereupon order and fix a day for holding an election to determine the question of the removal of the elective officer, and for the selection of a successor to each officer named in said petition. Such election shall be held not less than thirty nor more than forty days from the time of the finding of the sufficiency of such petition. The election authorities shall publish notice and make all arrangements for holding such election, which shall be conducted and the result thereof returned and declared in all respects as are the results of regular municipal elections.

(C) The nomination of candidates to succeed each officer sought to be removed shall be made, without the intervention of a primary election, by filing with the election authorities, at least twenty days prior to such special election, a petition proposing a person for each such office, signed by electors equal in number to ten per cent of the total votes cast at the most recent regular municipal election for the head of the ticket.

(D) The ballots at such recall election shall, with respect to each person whose removal is sought, submit the question: “Shall (name of person) be removed from the office of (name of office) by recall?”

Immediately following each such question, there shall be printed on the ballots, the two propositions in the order set forth:

“For the recall of (name of person).”

“Against the recall of (name of person).”

Immediately to the left of the proposition shall be placed a square in which the electors may vote for either of such propositions.

Under each of such questions shall be placed the names of candidates to fill the vacancy. The name of the officer whose removal is sought shall not appear on the ballot as a candidate to succeed the officer’s self.

In any such election, if a majority of the votes cast on the question of removal are affirmative, the person whose removal is sought shall be removed from office upon the announcement of the official canvass of that election, and the candidate receiving the plurality of the votes cast for candidates for that office shall be declared elected. The successor of any person so removed shall hold office during the unexpired term of the successor’s predecessor. The question of the removal of any officer shall not be submitted to the electors until such officer has served for at least one year of the term during which he is sought to be recalled. The method of removal provided in this section, is in addition to such other methods as are provided by law. If, at any such recall election, the incumbent whose removal is sought is not recalled, the incumbent shall be repaid the incumbent’s actual and legitimate expenses for such election from the treasury of the municipal corporation, but such sum shall not exceed fifty per cent of the sum that the incumbent is by law permitted to expend as a candidate at any regular municipal election.

Effective Date: 08-22-1995

Posted By: TonyB
Date Posted: Apr 03 2011 at 8:10pm
Mtown29, if I didn't know any better; I'd say you're inviting a wholesale citizens rebellion!!! lol   As I said before, VOTE THEM OUT!!! I don't know about recall only because of the expense involved. If the voters did a little more due dilligence before they cast their ballot, we might begin to change these kinds of things. I say if the system's broken, fix it. If elected officials won't fix it, VOTE THEM OUT!!!

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Apr 03 2011 at 8:31pm
Middletown29- recall has been discussed on this forum many times. We talked about going to Hamilton to the Board of Elections to pick up the signature lists, enlisting registered voter signatures in each ward and doing the recall thing for council and the school board. We figured we would need somewhere in the 1500 to 1800 number range out of 8000 or so who voted last time. In each discussion, no action was taken as folks on this forum seemed to be less than enthusiastic to the idea. Check some of the discussion if interested, I believe, in the city council section of this forum.

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Apr 03 2011 at 9:51pm

Instead of a recall,Cant council vote someone off Council?Good Ole Mayor Mullethead asked A.J.(I dont give a damn about the citizens) Smith to resign so IMO they have power to do  so. I know if I was sitting in one of those chairs and the citizens want a certain person gone then I think I would see it through.Again JMO.As good ole pa always said "Opinions are like buttholes,everyone has one."LOL

Posted By: Middletown29
Date Posted: Apr 03 2011 at 10:51pm
City Council does not have the power/authority to remove a member of Council. Council members are elected by the public and the public needs to remove them from office either via a recall or at a regular council election.

Not sure to recall a ward council member if you need signatures of the appropriate percentage from that ward only or the entire City. Has anyone ever checked on this issue?

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Apr 03 2011 at 10:58pm
It was mentioned on another thread how many people had to sign the petition for a recall.Plus the cost on it was wayyyyyyyy out in left field.As someone mentioned,Guess we just need to watch where we mark that "X".If I was A.J.(Id hurt myself) I think I would of stepped down when asked to.Then I'd go kiss some more butt at the Union Hall.LOL

Posted By: Middletown29
Date Posted: Apr 04 2011 at 11:49pm

Not sure about your response and whether the recall would apply only to the ward or the entire City. Also, O do not think the cost would be significant. Can you give some examples of what the cost would be?

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Apr 05 2011 at 10:31am
Originally posted by Middletown29 Middletown29 wrote:


Not sure about your response and whether the recall would apply only to the ward or the entire City. Also, O do not think the cost would be significant. Can you give some examples of what the cost would be?
It was in another thread that was one here.Have to look for it and get back with yea.Can someone point me in the right direction?

Posted By: TonyB
Date Posted: Apr 05 2011 at 10:46am
According to the ordinance posted above, there is a sum that a candidate cannot exceed while running for municipal office. First off, I question the legality of limiting a candidate to a specific dollar limit to run for office. Second, according to the ordinance, if an incumbent is petitioned for recall but not replaced, the incumbent is entitled to up to 50% of legitimate expenses for the campaign to keep their seat, paid for by the city treasury. I have no idea what it costs to mount a campaign for city council but I would imagine that any current or former city councilperson or the treasurer of such campaign could tell you.

Posted By: middletownscouter
Date Posted: Apr 05 2011 at 10:54am
It was in - this topic that had had the information about # of votes for a recall, etc.

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Apr 05 2011 at 11:16am
There was a thread about who would be eliagable to cast a vote on the ones that are being recalled.If it was only the ones in that ward or the whole town.Plus there was a price to get the ball rolling.If my memorey is correct it was a few thousnd dollars.

Posted By: Middletown29
Date Posted: Apr 05 2011 at 10:28pm
If you circulated petitions to recall more than one council member you could reduce the cost on a per council member basis.

Perhaps AJ Smith and Bill Becker could both ne recalled.

Posted By: Middletown29
Date Posted: Apr 06 2011 at 7:42am
Add Picard to the recall list. What a hypocrite.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Apr 06 2011 at 3:36pm
Middletown29- how about a recall effort for all but Scott-Jones and Laubach on council, the entire school board, reducing the city income tax from 1.75% back to 1.50% or lower, and to place the streets/infrastructure money back into that account and take it out of the General Fund where it has been since the mid 80's?

Might as well cover all we can while we're asking registered voters for their signatures. But, with the apathy, realistically, won't happen. There's enough anger in this town, just not enough wanting to get off the couch to fix the problems by backing up what they are saying, including here.

Can't get anyone who has time to go to Hamilton to get the signature lists, can't get enough people to pass them out in their respective areas of the city and can't get anyone to return the signatures to Hamilton for verification.......and the city leaders love it.

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Apr 06 2011 at 4:10pm
A matter of clarification:
Mulligan, Scott-Jones, and  Becker (all at-large) and Allen (Ward One) are all up for re-election this November, assuming they choose to run, so no recall is necessary.
This still leaves us with the real problem:  We must find candidates to run against them!!!

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Apr 06 2011 at 7:25pm
i) Mr. Mulligan will because he wants to be in a position to impact Ohio's Presidential election in 2012, and wants the added $5,000 to go with his $70,000 to make for a $150,000 pension at age 62.
ii) Mr. Mulligan will because it gives First Financial Bank some exposure and more importantly, he actually thinks Middletown is turning the corner!
iii) Ms. Scot-Jones will because it gives Brown Mackie exposure and she feels her work is not done, and better get on council before the at large system is in full force.
iv)  Mr. Allen is 50/50, not certain what FB&T likes to have for years of community service and if his tenure to date counts or if the school Board begs him to stay on with all the changes in SR5 and funding issues. Probably will stick around.
SO, THAT MEANS....there are no alternative candidates. We march on, as we have in the past, as we will in the future. MMF already has the B team ready if some members of A team drop out. Just my humble opinion of course. Suspect Mr. Marconi is on B, maybe C team within MMF. 
Alternative candidates? There will be none.

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Apr 06 2011 at 7:28pm
i) Substitution: Mr. Becker, not Mr. Mulligan above. alternative candidates.

Posted By: TonyB
Date Posted: Apr 06 2011 at 7:33pm
acclaro - forgive my ignorance but, what is MMF?

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Apr 06 2011 at 7:46pm
acclaro...Mike P. your cue to tell TonyB who comprises and what MMF means and what they are doing to this town.

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Apr 06 2011 at 11:39pm
TonyB,it means Moving Middletown Forward, comprised of the city law director, a few other city employees, and a unique inner circle of Middletown's 'finest', the chosen ones, who work for city leadership, and who city leadership drum up money in the range of about $50,000 for select candidates they want to control as council members. I'm sure Mr. Presta could add further illumination, but at a high level, it is a handful of people who make sure there is no rain on their party in the city of Middletown regarding who gets what jobs, bids, favors, special interests, and other considerations. You might think of it TonyB, as Middletown's ruling class. Some call it the 'dark side' establishment.

Posted By: ground swat
Date Posted: Apr 07 2011 at 1:22am
Or in other words people who have the "Drop" on this crowd, at least thats how I read it from these other post.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Apr 07 2011 at 7:02am
TonyB- adding to acclaro's post, it is my opinion that the MMF'ers control the direction of this town, behind the scenes, by selecting, financing and directing the people they place on council, the school board, the committees, who gets in the city building as they direct Gilleland and others on hiring and who gets the benefit of this so-called "business friendly" town as they dictate who gets to set up shop here and who doesn't through court jester Marty Kohler, Planning Director. They are a cancer, a scourge, a plague on the health of this town. They are the people's worst enemy as to city government working for the people. They set the agenda for the town's direction. I believe Ken Cohen, President of Cohen Brothers Scrap operation is listed as President of MMF. Dick Slagel could be another member (not listed on the website). As acclaro mentions, perhaps Mike Presta could fill you in on the specifics and who are other members of this "town destroying" group. If you go to their website, it paints a glorious picture that appears to be a front as to what they are really about. It also is very dated as it has some members that are no longer in the picture like Marconi, Armbruster, Schiavone and Leslie Ford on council and Bill Murphy as the Econ. Dev. Director.....long gone.

These are the people (as well as past city leaders) who have contributed (with some help from the economy along the way) to the total devastation of this town, taking it from a once thriving city with good schools, plenty of good paying jobs, decent housing, ample shopping, friendly, prideful people, decent city government with a semblence of competency to it, and a city that offered hope as opposed to what you see now. Hell, MMF President Cohen doesn't even live in town....lives in Maineville, but runs one of his businesses here.

Indications are people like Mulligan, Becker, Picard, Allen, Schiavone, Gilleland, Kohler, Landen, some school board members, past council and past school board members.....all bought and paid for, have a hidden agenda that is inner circle driven, make decisions that favor special interests rather than the general populace, take direction from and are puppets for the MMF. They must be because they sure as hell aren't doing the decision making for the benefit of the majority of the citizens who are outside looking in. JMO

Posted By: TonyB
Date Posted: Apr 07 2011 at 9:11am
Vet and acclaro - thanks for the info. tried but could not go to the website of MMF.
I do think instead of puppets you ought to call them marionettes. Puppets don't have strings that can be pulled, you place your hand inside a puppet from the bottom up and... wait a second. Forget I said anything... lmao

Posted By: Middletown29
Date Posted: Apr 07 2011 at 10:57am
Les Landon is involved in the political behind the scenes manuverings and in doing so is violating the City personnel policies he is charged with enforcing. Les has he nose so far up Becker and Picard's butts his face is starting to look like....well you know where I am going with this.

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Apr 07 2011 at 11:58am
TonyB, from my recollection, without doing reserach, I recall one of the main thrists for this group's creation, which was about 2 years ago, to focus upon eliminating the ward system in Middletown, and having all 'at large' council members elected. The obvious and self evident rationale behind this action, was to give a far greater of the majority on comucil, to members whom MMF could dictate and control in the majority. Typically, ward members were slightly more independent and would have a tendency to buck the at large members.
So, to take care of this inconvenience, MMF was formed. Initially, it was defeated. Then Les Landen, city law director, became the official point of contact legally, in the entity that was a non profit, which ws identified as Moving Middletown Forward. I suppose many would question if there to be a conflict of interest between a city law director and a group that dictates whom runs for council, whom gets campaign funds, and what controlling agenda rules Middletown.
Les hired a Columbus attorney who practiced ballot and election law, and within a few weeks, the old ward system was eliminated and the 'at large' system put in place. It doesn't take an IQ of 130 or above to comprehend what motivated this organization and the elimination of the ward system.
Besides finding pamplets distributed at city hall outside the city manager's office as I have read by Paul Nagy and others, MMF has made a deliberate and aggressive stance to assert their position, their politics, and the compass they wish to set Middletown's direction. Unfortunately, these are the same people whose failures in city afffairs and guarding their interests and led to the demise of Middletown in short order.
Therefore, in my opinion, that is what MMF to be, and the danger and damage it has inflicted. You might consider it a, with funding, not uite in the $Bb range, but selective, with an agenda, and fund raising tied to specific candidates they control. Speculation is substantial this group placed Mr. Allen on council. The end result is a council that is ruled by city leadership, and not by city residents. You be the judge why a city attorney would head this organizaton and the impact it has had. Their mantra is: 'my way or the highway.' Have you heard that stated recently----try the Mayor's speech.       

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Apr 07 2011 at 12:35pm
Originally posted by TonyB TonyB wrote:

acclaro - forgive my ignorance but, what is MMF?

Mr. B.: The saga of MMF is completely documented within the archives of this very forum!!! If you are truly interested--and anyone concerned with the problems of our fair city should be--I suggest you set aside a good deal of time to read the following in chronological order. Do not merely scan this info!!! Read it carefully.

Begin with this thread: - But don’t be fooled!! The thread starts out as a discussion/speculation on the mayor’s then upcoming 2009 State-of-the-City speech. However, the thread soon takes a twist with Impala SS’s (the late Tom Rapp) 11 Mar 2009 at 2:29pm post introducing “Moving Middletown Forward”.

(An interesting side note is that the mayor’s speech that yearis much the same as every year: Bright Future; no problems--just accomplishments; downtown is critical & this year’s scheme is the key; etc.; don‘t listen to the naysayers.)

Then go here: -

Then go here: -

Then finally go here: -

In conclusion, regardless of the facts indicating that city administration from the City Manager on down were involved in illegal electioneering and conspiracy, the legendary apathy of Middletown’s voters prevailed. Very few people seemed to care, and the MMF-backed candidates swept the elections. We remain the city of a “Brighter future” with no problems, great accomplishments, risky schemes, and critical downtown renewal at the expense of other areas. Forbes is wrong. Several of the winning city council candidates had campaign donations of TENS of thousands of dollars for their piddling $5K/year seats on the council of a dying city, and we are still waiting on “alien” to provide evidence of his "spaced out" contentions.

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: TonyB
Date Posted: Apr 07 2011 at 2:19pm
Thanks to all who have educated on the MMF issue. Special thanks to Mr. Presta for referrencing the previous threads when this was occurring.
First let me state that after reading the law abour CICs, I'm glad I decided against law as a career!!! Damn, that is a confusing set of bs.
I have so many questions about this I'm not even sure where to start. Since starting somewhere is better than nothing, here goes:
   1. Has there ever been a determination about the difference between Middletown Moving Forward, CIC; and Moving Middletown Forward which could only be characterized as a Political Action Committee?
    2. Is Middletown Moving Forward a closed group in the sense that they ask you to join instead of you asking them if you could join?
     3. Could someone clear up my confusion concerning conflict of interest betwwen MMF,CIC and government officials voting on issues or contracts that members of this organization might benefit from?
     4. Has there now or ever been any investigations for criminal wrongdoing in this matter?
     5. Has there now or ever been an investigation into how a PAC document was placed in an information dissemination rack in front of the city managers office.
I have more questions; however, this is a pretty good start. I must tell you in all honesty that I wish I had remained blissfully ignorant about all of this; problem is now that I know, I am not pleased. If any group of citizens wish to organize for the purpose of advancing an agenda that they see as beneficial to this city; I applaud their effort. If, however; any group has violated the law in this pursuit I take offense.
I will say that if this Moving Middletown Forward group actually coached any of the candidates in public speaking; they did a poor job; IMO. I have not seen a single council member that I would consider an effective public speaker with the possible exception of Mr. Laubach. If you are going to advance an agenda, best to find someone who has the skills to represent!
On an entirely different side note: while I was reading the threads Mr. Presta posted, I noticed a post by Hermes that predicted that a candidate for President of the United States would need to raise $1B to do so. Hermes, I think we've found you a new career field: soothsayer!!!

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Apr 07 2011 at 2:48pm
TonyB, I will respond to a large topic of discussions which focus upon malfeasance and potential wrongdoing in Middletown by city leaders and council members, but I have madeno effort to followup, extract facts, status, or otherwise. To begin, a PAC is centered predominately upon federal elections, so I surmise MMF would not fall under the guise of a PAC. I seriously doubt if any effort at teh state level or complaint has been filed. Like most states, these efforts are generally useless and yeild very little results. FootNote: See Vietnam Vet's reference of the Middletown Cemetary mediation efforts and the camoaign led by Vivian Moon which yielded little more than an effort to clean it would occur with more outstanding issues than determination.
I have not been approached by MMF, nor would I have the least desire to be associated with it, so I cannot speculate as to how open or closed its membership to be. I suspect its rather ad hoc. I will indicate this was a cloaked attempt to focus not upon elected officials, rather; focusing on the problems facing Middletown and finding "solutions". The immediate outcome was the elimination of the ward system, which current actions by AJ Smith serve to buttress that elimination as many would hold to be true.  
Silence can and is golden on the votes associated with MMF; you do not have to be a gifted orator, simply stating yes to what you are told serves the purpose in a most fashionable manner.
You mentioned Goldman Sachs and others, and as you brought up PAC, lets evaluate how much support the state workers throw to the Democrats. It is no secret what party AJ Smith is affilaited, and why his mind has wandered off city business into state and federal associated with the union restructuring.
Sorry I cannot give a more detailed legal analysis of MMF, I am certain nothing has. will be pursued. The state municipality union is 99% Democratic, Goldman Sachs,69% Dem. 

Posted By: TonyB
Date Posted: Apr 08 2011 at 7:54am
acclaro - thanks for the info. I was under the assumption that a Political Action Committee could be organized at any level. It's the tax status that makes it attractive to those who wish to influence our federal officials. The question about MMF membership was really about whether it was an open or closed group. I do agree that you do not have to be a gifted orator to follow directions or vote as ordered. At some point, however; you have to put a public face to your actions. My contention was that they didn't do a very good job of candidate training. Of course, if you have enough campaign money, you can overcome  a lot.

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Apr 08 2011 at 11:59pm
Originally posted by TonyB TonyB wrote:

Thanks to all who have educated on the MMF issue. Special thanks to Mr. Presta for referrencing the previous threads when this was occurring.
First let me state that after reading the law abour CICs, I'm glad I decided against law as a career!!! Damn, that is a confusing set of bs.
I have so many questions about this I'm not even sure where to start. Since starting somewhere is better than nothing, here goes:
   1. Has there ever been a determination about the difference between Middletown Moving Forward, CIC; and Moving Middletown Forward which could only be characterized as a Political Action Committee?
    2. Is Middletown Moving Forward a closed group in the sense that they ask you to join instead of you asking them if you could join?
     3. Could someone clear up my confusion concerning conflict of interest betwwen MMF,CIC and government officials voting on issues or contracts that members of this organization might benefit from?
     4. Has there now or ever been any investigations for criminal wrongdoing in this matter?
     5. Has there now or ever been an investigation into how a PAC document was placed in an information dissemination rack in front of the city managers office.
I have more questions; however, this is a pretty good start. I must tell you in all honesty that I wish I had remained blissfully ignorant about all of this; problem is now that I know, I am not pleased. If any group of citizens wish to organize for the purpose of advancing an agenda that they see as beneficial to this city; I applaud their effort. If, however; any group has violated the law in this pursuit I take offense.
Mr. B,
You posted this less than two hours after I posted the links above.  With all due respect, and with absolutely no offense intended, I doubt if that was enough time to actually read and absorb the multitude of verbose posts included in the lengthy threads represented by those links.  I think that much of the information that you request is included within said posts.
Now I am a poor typist, so I am not inclined to re-type the answers to all of your questions.  However, you seem like a sincere and interested individual, so I would be willing to meet with you and answer your questions and explain anything in as great as detail as your desire and my memory allow, if you would prefer that to sifting through those threads.  (I realize that there are several long posts that cite sections of the Ohio Revised Code--ORC--and other side bar type discussions that may have clouded the points in which you might have been most interested.)
I am open as to time and location of such a meeting.

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: TonyB
Date Posted: Apr 09 2011 at 8:01am
Thanks for the post: I did read and absorb the threads you recommended. I seem to be fortunate about reading and comprehension; I believe that's why I did well in school.
I would be more than willing to meet with you to discuss this matter. The time would be at your convenience; as to the place, somewhere downtown would be best for me, the library or perhaps the newest and the hip place to meet, the PAC. I'll leave it to you and I will take your suggestion and re-read the material posted.

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Apr 09 2011 at 5:43pm
Originally posted by TonyB TonyB wrote:

I would be more than willing to meet with you to discuss this matter. The time would be at your convenience; as to the place, somewhere downtown would be best for me, the library or perhaps the newest and the hip place to meet, the PAC.
Mr. B,

As to place, anywhere in Middletown would be fine with me. As to time, Friday evenings after six and Monday evenings after eight are difficult. This would seem to rule out PAC, as my understanding is that they are only open to the public one Friday evening per month. Also, due to health reasons, I cannot stroll around and talk (at least not for a very long).

The library would be fine, assuming we could use one of the meeting rooms so that we could talk without disturbing other patrons who may wish to read or study.

Any of Middletown’s restaurants or taverns would also be okay with me. I am retired, so it would be easy for me to accommodate your schedule outside of the Monday and Friday evening periods that I mentioned above.

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: TonyB
Date Posted: Apr 09 2011 at 6:01pm
Mr. P,
How about the library, noon, on Tuesday? I don't drive right now so the downtown area is most convenient for me.

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Apr 09 2011 at 7:04pm
Mr. B,
I prefer evenings, but if it will help the city I will make the sacrifice.

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: TonyB
Date Posted: Apr 09 2011 at 9:13pm
Mr. P  Evening is not a problem for me. How about 7PM on Tuesday at the library?

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Apr 09 2011 at 9:54pm
Believe it or not, I just made another appointment for 6 pm Tuesday.  Also, Councilman Smith's "Coversation with Council" is Tuesday evening.

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: TonyB
Date Posted: Apr 09 2011 at 10:42pm

Mr. P,

Since I live in Mr Smith's ward, I'll just meet you there.

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Apr 09 2011 at 11:57pm
OK , but I'll likely be late...around 7.

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: May 26 2011 at 12:04pm
Well, the "double-dipper" saga continues, just not in Middletown this time.....

Journal story

Township rehires retiring employee
Clearcreek Twp. Administrator Dennis Picket, set to retire July 31, will return Oct. 3.

After 26 years as township administrator and 35 years in local government, Pickett, who earned about $91,200 in 2010, will retire July 31, entitling him to retirement payments of about $5,000 a month.

Wednesday’s vote means he will be rehired Oct. 3 for two years and paid $82,500 the first year, $85,000 the second year.

In addition, he will receive a monthly $275 car allowance and up to $5,000 a year in a retirement savings plan, as well as full health insurance and a $50,000 term life insurance policy

A great job/retirement situation if you can get it.


Kinda explains the reasons for the indignation/hatred of public officials and there little games played, whether the public likes it or not. The people in office voting to rehire these double-dippers don't seem to care about public opinion nor the repercussions of these decisions. Perhaps we voters need to remember their names at election time and tell them they are no longer needed in office.

Posted By: Middletown29
Date Posted: Jul 18 2011 at 4:26pm
Seems Becker is at it again. This time he definitely has a conflict. Bet his inside man Les Landon will help him keep he council seat.

Posted By: 409
Date Posted: Jul 20 2011 at 6:29pm
From the MJ:

Becker hired as new Deerfield administrator

Former Warren County Emergency Services director will assume township duties on Aug. 1.

By - Denise G. Callahan 5:53 PM Wednesday, July 20, 2011

DEERFIELD TWP. — The ink on former township administrator Dave Duckworth’s resignation was barely dry when trustees offered the job to Warren County Emergency Services Director Bill Becker.

Township trustees sealed a two-year deal with Becker on Tuesday. Becker will earn $110,000 a year, which is up from his county salary of $71,400.

Trustee Board President Pete Patterson said Becker is a good fit for the township.

“We at the township were fortunate to have somebody like Bill Becker come back and join us, with his skills and abilities” he said. “He is going to be a really good addition to our staff.”

Patterson reached out to Becker after Duckworth’s resignation 
was tendered July 8. Becker will assume his duties at the township on Aug. 1.

Becker, who is also Middletown’s vice mayor, served as interim administrator before for the township after Dan Evers resigned in 2009. He took over as Warren County’s emergency services director after Frank Young was ousted in March of last year.

Duckworth said he was resigning his $117,500 position for health and personal reasons. Patterson said there was no rift between Duckworth and the trustees.

Trustees hired a national search firm to find a new administrator after Evers left. Duckworth joined the township in April 2010. Becker said he could have probably stayed on at the township, but he thought the move to the county was best at that time.

“They were doing a search and when this job came up, for a lot of reasons at the time I thought it was the best move,” he said. “Obviously things did not work out with Duckworth and they liked what I was doing there before, and I liked it so it seemed to be the right thing to do.”

The trustees also approved a separation agreement with Duckworth on Tuesday that included nine weeks pay or approximately $20,334.

Trustee Dan Corey said Becker’s tenure with the county will bring added value to the township.

“We are fortunate he did spend some time up at Warren County,” Corey said. “He got to know the folks up there and he is going to bring relationships he established up there back to our community.”

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Jul 20 2011 at 7:54pm

The trustees of Deerfield as mentally challenged as city council in my opinion. All it took was :

1) Is the man breathing, yes or no.
2) Was the man working in some capacity in Warren Cty, yes or no.
3) Is he a registered Republican and tight with the Ohio Republican Party, yes or no.
4) Do we have to pay him benefits yes or no, while we have two years to replace him.
What a sad and disgusting state of affairs in Ohio, and Deerfield Township. All that was needed were "connections". Gosh, why did I not get that Masters in Public Administration than a useless MBA. Oh... BB doesn't have a degree.

Posted By: Marianne
Date Posted: Jul 20 2011 at 8:22pm
Originally posted by acclaro acclaro wrote:

Gosh, why did I not get that Masters in Public Administration than a useless MBA. Oh... BB doesn't have a degree.



Who cares about what degrees Becker does or doesn't have? More importantly, who cares about what degrees you may or may or not have ? They're just silly letters after your name and don't have anything to do with competence to perform a task.

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Jul 20 2011 at 8:55pm
Many would disagree Marianne, such as Marcia Andrew, ESQ., It shows you have an ability to thnk and have a competency, other than "commonsense". In the public sector, you are probably right. You can be a secretary and rise to treasurer, ergo, the new Middletown transfer from Monroe, and so many other examples, BCHD head, 2X DIPPER, and of course, Bill Becker. I will agree with one public servant---Sonny Lewis in Franklin. A great guy and a great leader.   

Posted By: Neil Barille
Date Posted: Jul 20 2011 at 9:00pm
[Who cares about what degrees Becker does or doesn't have? More importantly, who cares about what degrees you may or may or not have ? They're just silly letters after your name and don't have anything to do with competence to perform a task.[/QUOTE]
Spoken like someone without higher education.  Why do you think doctors have to go to college and med school...or lawyers...or engineers....or

Posted By: Neil Barille
Date Posted: Jul 20 2011 at 9:05pm
You may be correct if you are literally doing a "task" as you say.  Turning wrenches, answering the phones, putting up a DirecTV dish, and even advanced work done in labs, doctor's offices, and tax preparers are all "tasks". What college education (and up) teaches is not to do a task but to think, to analyze, to evaluate, to present a business plan in front of the board, etc.

Posted By: Richard Saunders
Date Posted: Jul 21 2011 at 4:52am

Prithee, tell us what these great thinkers with all of their lofty degrees have done for our fair city lately?

Learned barristers such as Messrs. Adkins and Landen have done nothing but help to lead our once proud city down the road to ruin, luring scoundrels to city hall, and the poorest of the poor to suck from our communal teat.

Well-degreed miscreants such as Messrs.  Kohler and Mulligan have assured our community that no sane businessman would even attempt to either ply a trade or engage in commerce within the metes and bounds of this municipality, and have schemed to pilfer the tax man’s pouch for their own gain.

Highly educated hooligans such as Ms. Gilleland have easily been hoodwinked by sly suitors, only to end up party to shenanigans certain to drive the final nails into our municipal coffin.

Nay, give me those souls who are blessed with common sense, and who have become educated by life and its school of hard lessons.  Give me those who are honest, and have the character to put the good of the many before the good of the few, the gnarled men who have run the good race and fought the good fight, who have both won and lost but have learned that putting virtue before their own fortunes is the greatest reward.

Such an education as that is worth one hundred—nay, ten thousand—times as much as any fading sheepskin scribbled upon by some long forgotten, bribed academic, who most likely knew only that the recipient of that scrap of paper had someone pay his or her tab.

A pox on those with degrees, but who have used their store-bought knowledge only for selfish ends and to the detriment of their fellow citizens.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jul 21 2011 at 6:18am
Originally posted by Marianne Marianne wrote:

Originally posted by acclaro acclaro wrote:

Gosh, why did I not get that Masters in Public Administration than a useless MBA. Oh... BB doesn't have a degree.



Who cares about what degrees Becker does or doesn't have? More importantly, who cares about what degrees you may or may or not have ? They're just silly letters after your name and don't have anything to do with competence to perform a task.

Unbelievable Marianne! You are connected with MUM in an educational capacity....probably a prof. The educational community is the epitome of putting degree labels on importance and you happen to be a member of that community. We talk about degrees in the teaching profession all the time. Your reply about the importance of a degree is the ultimate irony IMO. If your statement is true about "silly little letters after your name", why does both the private and public working world hold them in such high esteem? I have worked for and around many "educated people" in the technical centers at P&G and International Paper, and, trust me, some of these degreed people didn't have the common sense to come in out of the rain. Sometimes, being over-educated with multiple layers of college gets you a ticket to the land of illusion as to logical thinking.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jul 21 2011 at 6:31am
Originally posted by Neil Barille Neil Barille wrote:

You may be correct if you are literally doing a "task" as you say.  Turning wrenches, answering the phones, putting up a DirecTV dish, and even advanced work done in labs, doctor's offices, and tax preparers are all "tasks". What college education (and up) teaches is not to do a task but to think, to analyze, to evaluate, to present a business plan in front of the board, etc.

"What college education (and up) teaches is not to do a task but to think, to analyze, to evaluate, to present a business planaa in front of a board, etc."

And non-degreed people can't do the same thing? They can think, can analyze, evaluate and the only reason they aren't asked to present a business plan in front of the board is because that is an opportunity for middle management to shine in front of the VIP's of the company and to be on stage for that next promotion. It is a suck-up opportunity for middle management to play the corporate game in front of the big wigs. Middle management isn't going to give the presentation to the lower echelon when they can use it for a promotion opportunity. Saw it all the time at P&G, the epitome of the corporate game of "climbing the ladder while you step on the backs of your people to lift you up". Disgusting behavior. Disgusting company culture internally.

Posted By: Paul Nagy
Date Posted: Jul 21 2011 at 6:39am
There was a guy who wanted the letters behind his name and he worked very hard and finally got his Doctor of Divinity degree. From thence forth  he had placed on his office door for all the world to see:
                                                    FIDDLE D. D.
 A degree is important. It represents and ackowledges (in most case) a period of focused learning and hard work in a certain field. Those who make the effort are entitled to the degree and the recognition.
 However, what a person does or doesn't do with that learning in a practical sense makes a lot of difference. 

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Jul 21 2011 at 7:26am
Mr. Nagy, excellent point. Bill gates and Mark Z. from facebook fame, and worth about $25 bb left Harvard without earning a degree. I simply meant in the context of Bill Becker and working for the county in particular, albeit Butler or Warren, it doesn't take much to land a top position. Bill Becker benefitted from being in the military, adding points to his application and his testing. He was tight with Middletown's mini Vatican community. Throw in nancy Nix and other council members who wanted to give him a gift of cit manager, so he could get that nice bump so many public servants get as they aproach retirement, adding about $20,000 annually to his "calculation". He then pops into Warren County, when he wasn't a serious contender for the EMS position in the same county he worked for many years, but landed the same position in Warren County, with absolutely no experience in EMS, other than knowing the functionality of a dispatcher. Next, although his impact was limited and rather dismal while a city manager, with the gift of the extra bump by his Vatican friends on council, he can't get the levy passed, what a surpise. Then he fills in as interim city manager based upon a three year track record in Middletown which was certainly by any standard, unremarkable. Add to this the lack of a degree when the richest county in Warren is mason (Deerfield Townshipj, where his predessor mas a marked man before he arrived, not being within the inner "political" circle. Commonsense had nothing to do with his appointments in these positions, and the vast majority within city management do possess a MA or MS in Public Administration. The degree was not holding him back, and commonsense did not propel his advancement. Other factors played a role, a link to John Boehner, aka Xavier University and a family of eleven, was pivotol. That trumped a degree and commonsense.  

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Jul 21 2011 at 9:50am
Per the words of the legendary Huddie Ledbetter:
You can go to your college
You can go to your school
Sometimes that just makes you
An educated fool
That's all
Hey Rick S--a few of we "unwashed" appreciate classic poetry also!

Posted By: Stanky
Date Posted: Jul 21 2011 at 5:33pm
If I lived in Deerfield Twp I would be dismayed at spending $117,000 on an administrator. Seems excessive to me.

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