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Councilman's Robo-Call Alerts 'Folks of Middletown

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Topic: Councilman's Robo-Call Alerts 'Folks of Middletown
Posted By: randy
Subject: Councilman's Robo-Call Alerts 'Folks of Middletown
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 7:53am
From the Middletown Journal
By Jessica Heffner, Staff Writer 2:20 AM Friday, December 10, 2010

MIDDLETOWN — Councilman A.J. Smith wanted to make sure residents knew City Council voted to table a resolution on collective bargaining as he sent out an automated phone call to 10,000 residents Wednesday.

The message rang out around 1 p.m., telling residents “the folks of Middletown have spoken, and we at City Council heard you. We have decided not to pursue the resolution presented to council that would put our city services and citizens at risk.”

Smith added that while he has been supporting the fire and police departments and public employees, council voted 6-1 to table the resolution urging the Ohio General Assembly to change laws regarding collective bargaining.

After using the robo-calling system during his campaign for City Council, Smith said he thought it was a good way to spread the message to the public.

Full Story At -

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: wasteful
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 8:01am
It would appear that looking on the net 10,000 calls goes for about $4-500.00, gee I wonder who picked up that tab for Robo-Smith.

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 8:12am
Good question for a councilman that doesn't have a job as far as I know.

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: Bill
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 9:19am
c'mon, he's just trying to share the news that the "people have spoken".  The fact  that the "people" are union thugs from out of town if irrelevant.  After all, this city is used to catering to out of town interests and not our own.  Unhappy
I'm still not sure why the rest of council is so intimidated by the thugs that they hastily drop the issue altogether.  Wimps.

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 10:05am
Tried to create a new topic, however it was "not allowed"--so.....
was really a non-issue, and more typical Council theatrics than substance.
Councilman Laubaugh was presenting the far right approach represented by our governor-elect Kasich--Councilman Smith was representing the organized labor reaction to the message.
The rest of Council was un-willingly caught in the cross-fire.
This issue will be debated and addressed at a much higher level.
Also, this issue becomes moot when the deficits increase and the cupboards become empty.
Sooner(as opposed to later) aribiters are going to rule for zero pay increases, benefit contribution increases, and more municipal control of their own finances. In essence---everyone will lose.
Until financials stabilize, wages, manpower and services will all suffer unfortunately.
This is far beyond our local level--it is statewide, nation-wide and global.
If Mr.Laubaugh's petition was funded by anyone, that should be disclosed.
If Mr.Smith's "robo-calls" were funded at the cost mentioned, the source of that funding should also be disclosed.
Councilman Laubaugh simply brought this gorilla to the table for attention, since everyone responsible continues to ignore the situation.
No one is at fault or overly responsible--and no one will be spared.
Still--Mr.Laubaugh set himself up for the show, and Mr.Smith's co-ordinated response was far over the top.
Once again--our Mayor failed to control the situation.
Easy for me to say--he was put into a very difficult position(though it comes with the job).
So--nothing has changed--nothing was accomplished.
The same issues exist, with little discussion on up-coming direction.
Hopefully labor and management can come up with a plan to make things work more cost-effectively.
The pie plate will be empty--few crumbs to share with anyone.
The fed funny money will be another huge weight on the system, dragging down govt.investment in progressive and constructive direction. The spending spree is over, and the long, painful process of paying the piper will begin. It ain't going to be pretty for anyone.
Most disappointing is our Council's/Admin's refusal to deal with the financial issues.
They keep spending like they will have a good income stream in the next few years.
I don't see it.
State and national fundings are going to be cut drastically, as mandated in the last election.
Schools, cities and govt.funded entities will feel the pain, and pass it on our way.
Maybe I am being far too pessimistic--I sincerely hope so.
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
Happy Holidays
Have a great day
Have a great weekend
We will make it better somehow, as soon as we tear down the self-created barriers and finally join together in the band.
cya at Blue Christmas!

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 11:04am
I agree with the above post, with one exception. AJ Smith using this mechanism, was demontsrating he had moved away from a position of interest of the people who elected him, to the union. You just cannot tell me, with the last election on spending, the pork in the job creation bill, that creted no jobs, but protected the union workers, including teachersand the union construction and auto industry, Smith was simply expressing the will of the city of Middletown?
Sorry, don't but it. This action is over the top, pandering to the union, and from what I have read, a clear attempt to set himself up for a job. About as subtle as standing out by the interstate with a sign that says, "WILL WORK FOR FORRD." In Smith's case, it was "Will Support the Union For A Fire Job." I find it really unreal.
Sorry, just can't let this action go as "no harm, no foul." Lambuagh wasn't saying the process needed to change, that he wanted a freeze for 10 years on worker's wages, he said that he supported a motion that the city council send word to the state that there needed to be a little more freedom in municipalities to make cuts. Unfair to charcaterize Lambuagh's motion with Smith's pandering actions.
Look what happened in Britain with the raise in tuition from $5000 annually to $14000? Amazing Charles didn't have his head cut off. You have no idea those with entitlement will go, to protect their entitlement. And with the robocaller, all Smith was doing was saying, get ready residents, we'll raise taxes if needed to keep these unions friends fat and fed. So much for starving the beast.
I think the guy should be petitioned to be removed, a real self ecntered jerk in my opinion, more interested in the union than the residents. After Laura Williams left, I thought the clowning would end. Smith sure made Middletown look like a Bozo to surrounding communities.  

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 11:37am
Final note- I too, was not too keen on the removal of the ward system as it was trumped to give the city the power to dictate who they wanted in council to push theor agenda, not residents. But after Smith's actions, with no tact, no subtlety, man, am I glad this clown hasn't a chance of being re-elected. Self promotion has no place in a public position.   

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 11:40am

I would love to know who payed for the robo calls that was made.Him without a job makes a person go hmmmmm.He reminds me of Laura Williams,just talks making no sense whatso ever.A.J. do us all a favor and resign.If you do please feel free in taking a few with you.Big%20smile

Posted By: Paul Nagy
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 12:50pm
Letter to A.J. Smith:
Dear A.J.,
        Your antics at last Tuesday nights council meeting were childish. Your applauding and facial distortions  while union speakers were threatening and bellowing looked preposterous in the light of your associates (other council members) dignified manner. You shamed the city of Middletown!
        You were a total embarassment to council, the ward you represent and the citizens of Middletown who you are supposed to represent and didn't. You blatantly represented the unions who were discussing their interests instead of the real issue at hand. You ignored the real issue that you were supposed to be dealing with  -  How is the city  going to pay for police and fire protection in the future? Your avoiding the issue was as obvious as your lack of knowledge (ignorance ) of the issue. Since taking a place on council you have demonstrated by your continuous unrelated questions on issues that you aren't doing your homework. The whole city has continuously commented about it and so have your fellow council people.
      Your condescending and insulting comments to Josh Laubach were totally out of line. For you to say that his resolution was a subversive tactic is sinking to an all-time level of low. How disrespectful! 
       Then you had the utter audacity to initiate your robo call that said, "The people have spoken". That was just plain stupidity. The people hadn't spoken, council hadn't even spoken. You weren't paying atention as usual. What happened was council pulled the  resolution.
        You should resign immediately and allow the second ward to replace you with someone who will make them proud in this last time of ward representation. There is not much time left and things still need to be done in the second ward before the system is changed. 
         Paul Nagy

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 1:02pm

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 1:14pm
Well said Paul!!!

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: Bill
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 1:15pm
I've been calling out this clown since he was elected, much to the chagrin of many on this board.  I'll take your apologies now.  LOL

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 1:27pm
Hmmm....I don't recall many defenders of AJ Smith, with the exception of Ms. Scott Jones. Was't he the guy that had that remarkable 3.78 GPA with a free ride to EKU that ended up bypassing it to become Chief of Staff for Obama? My fondest memory of him was leading the students on the march down to the super's office. What a rebel WITH a CAUSE young Smith has tuned out to be His cuase is clear. Its the AJ Smith cause.
Womder if he used campaign funds to pay for the robocall, or if Steve Hightower floated him the cash?
Just when we thought it was safe to go outside after Schiavone decided he'd get trounced in his election bid, we have his clone. AJ, get lost, wrap it up, shut it up.      

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 1:44pm
Did anyone else actually see a Saul Alinsky tee-shirt on several union members?  I had a few poeple call me this is a Sal tactic- use miscommunication to solidify your position. "The people of Middletown have spoken."  Dead

Posted By: Paul Nagy
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 1:51pm
     I apologize.LOL
     Paul Nagy

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 2:08pm
Bill, I'll be second in line to admit I was wrong in my support for Mr. Smith. My apologies also. He sure had me fooled into thinking he was one of the good guys. Completely misjudged his character. Will no longer support the man.

On the other side of the fence, I have also said that I was no longer a supporter for Josh Laubach. I'll also apologize for that mis-step and say that he is the only one that I would want to see return, and build a new council with him as an anchor. Anita would be another if she had used her "feistiness" she is known for on Tuesday to protect the city from eventually being financially ruined and supported Laubach. How about Mayor Laubach? Might be too soon for that, but seriously, can he be any more ineffective than our current mayor? Mayor Mulligan doesn't have a strong enough personality to take charge in situations like we had on Tuesday. Too complacent and too easily run over by stronger influences imo. We need a General Patton type to run the ship, not a "gentle as a lamb" type.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 2:17pm
You should resign immediately and allow the second ward to replace you with someone who will make them proud in this last time of ward representation. There is not much time left and things still need to be done in the second ward before the system is changed.

        Paul Nagy

Good point....talking about his second ward representation, I wonder what the people of the second ward think of his antics? Are they as in tune and as observant as we seem to be as to his motives? How 'bout it second warders. Is AJ still well-liked in your area of town or are you folks ready to make a change?

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 2:29pm
Give Smith a break. Young kid just doing exactly what Maslow reasoned in hierarchy of needs. The school system is filled with the union, so is AK, Smith does speak for Middletown, because Middletown is a union town. City is a union. MUM has a union, Professors have a union called tenure. So the young kid is right. 
If he doesn't look out for himself and set himself up for a job, who will? He's not the first. There's Judge Powers, Treasurer Nix, restaurant owner Schiavone, Warren Cty Emergency Director Becker. They all do it. Use the job for their gain. Wasn't Sonny a union guy? And JC Shew, endorsed by John Sawyer, and who got hammered by Tim Reynolds with 72% vote. Middletown is a union city, so the kid got it right.   

Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 2:36pm
What a clown you are AJ you showed what your true agenda is.Why don't you come on these forums and defend your pathetic self maybe you can get some one to write you a hit piece on all of us.Wonder how he would like 10,000 robo calls? 

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 3:10pm
AJ Smith has accomplished much in his young tenure on city coucil (and his only job).
1) He has justified the need to get rid of the ward system! Right on, bravo, fantastic, now smart people run the show.
2) He has convinced me and others, its time to drop the local line line, and just use my cell number, so I don't get a phony "the people have spoken" robo-call!
Thanks AJ, you just saved me what I figured was $650.00 annually in my land-line phone. BUT, probably added a few $ Million to the city deficit. Maybe they can drawl down the General Fund to 0% reserve to pay for fire and police. What a swell guy this AJ Smith is.
Or maybe the city will just fire about 50 workers, just like Cincinnati is doing.    

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 3:12pm
Spider- "the rest of council was unwillingly caught in the cross-fire?...Nevertheless,imo, they approached the situation poorly by "hiding under the desk" and cowering down when the union mouths were "talking rough to them".

"once again-YOUR mayor failed to control the situation"- a continuation of many problems with this council.

"easy for me to say, he was put into a very difficult position (though it comes with the job)- yes it does and if he doesn't have a "kick-a--" personality that would have allowed him to take charge, he became a part of the problem, rather than the solution.

"so nothing was changed- nothing was accomplished"- but it could have been if 6 of the council members would have forced the issue instead of sitting on their hands, afraid of becoming "argumentative" and opposing the union boys by sending it right to Columbus.

"Hopefully labor and management can come up with a plan to make things work more cost-effectively"- It will probably stay as is--ie. the unions acting like money is free and flowing in the city coffers and the city putting up a token attempt to stem the flow of demands that the raises, benefits packages and all the union perks be maintained with business as usual, eventually breaking the bank. The city just needs to say no at the bargaining table. Better yet, HELL NO.

"Schools, cities and govt. funded entities will feel the pain, and pass it on our way"- Even more reason to vote against the safety levies, school levies and every other money demanding scheme to get in our wallet. As you have said many times.....STARVE THE BEAST (into submission)- bring 'em to their knees- make them learn a hard lesson about frivilous spending in poor economic times-make them stand up to union demands by telling them no for once.

"Ain't gonna be pretty"- (but it might straighten their attitudes out.)

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 3:23pm
AhhhVet, dear man. Simply write the state, Kasisch, Boehner, Reynolds, wwhom you may chose, including your Dem favorite. This was nothing but a letter of TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, WE NEED TO MAKE CUTS AND HAVE THE FREEDOM TO DO SO.
Nothing more, nothing less. Lambaugh took his beating. A levy will not be passed, the ,25% will be rolled back, and the union spokesmen, Mr. Smith, will be working on Obama's next losing attempt to get re-elected.
Unless it harms the city employees, Larry Mulligan is never going to go against the grain. And why should he. This was nothing but a Dear Abby letter to the State, saying, we need to be able to make cuts. General Patton was elected. He comes in the form of John Kasisch. Trust me. Patton has been reincarinated.  

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 7:33pm
Get out of the way AJ Smith, there is a fire strom coming, and you might be run over. Here's the solution to the problem you are trying to avoid rectifying. But, we understand, you want to be the National Union Chief of Professional Fire Fighters. -

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 8:06pm
My God, how many RHINO'S sit there on city council? Would have been a joy to have had Patton as a guest speaker addressing them. Have a feeling here's what he would have said.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 8:08pm
Guests says "General Patton was elected. He comes in the form of John Kasisch. Trust me. Patton has been reincarinated."--Excellent, and I wasn't necessarily a Kasich fan. Will be if he starts fixing some of the loose pocket spending done in this state and does something about the out-of-control double dipping public employees/office holders, public union demands draining city accounts, and does something about the lousy school system we have had for 30+ years.
Did the city have to contact Columbus to start making the cuts it needs to remain solvent? Couldn't we have done that ourselves (assuming council had the spine to start the process, which, apparently, they don't with the exception of one). Council- afraid to start telling Gilleland and other city hall nimrods the way it is, afraid to tell the public unions the way it is, afraid to tell the powerbrokers in Middletown that the game is over for them and the emphasis is now on serving the public by delivering what they want for their city. Wishful thinking.

"Larry Mulligan is never going to go against the grain. And why should he."- Well, it's called pride. It's called "I'm not going to be a doormat for anyone" It's called standing up and having principals and doing the right thing by the people. It's called taking the moral high ground instead of being associated with the scumbags that have overwhelmed the leadership roles. It's called BEING A MAN and being able to look at yourself in the mirror and like what you see. Can any of these clowns honestly do that?

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 8:08pm -  Cry

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 8:18pm
Originally posted by wrote: -  Cry
ClapClapClapClapClapClapClap...Thats what we have for a council...A Bunch of cowards.ClapClap

Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 8:32pm

I have owned 3 companies and if you can’t control labor cost you will go out of business…period! These sweet job perks will soon be ending so they better start paying down their credit card debt and get their finical house in order….their happy days are numbered.

With that said it is time for City Hall to also go on a major diet..

Posted By: Anita Scott Jones
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 8:37pm
Viet Vet,
You of all people should know me by now.  Nevertheless, no one sought me out for advice or anything else on this issue (not that they should). They have their own thoughts.  If you or anyone else doesn't understand where I stand, call me at 513-259-4203.   By the way, there is no need for anyone to talk about my re-election or the lack thereof until or unless you know what I am going to do.
Anita Scott Jones

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 8:43pm
ASJ. 6-1. We know where you stand.

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 8:46pm
Originally posted by Anita Scott Jones Anita Scott Jones wrote:

Viet Vet,
You of all people should know me by now.  Nevertheless, no one sought me out for advice or anything else on this issue (not that they should). They have their own thoughts.  If you or anyone else doesn't understand where I stand, call me at 513-259-4203.   By the way, there is no need for anyone to talk about my re-election or the lack thereof until or unless you know what I am going to do.
Anita Scott Jones
Be a wasted call IMO.You and the rest of the spineless council clowns threw Josh under the bus and did nothing except put your heads between your legs.Ouch

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 9:15pm
When I spoke to Randy two years ago about posting on here, I told him I would do so as long you all did not get personal or call names.  You all do not have all the facts here and I will not speak to Mr. Laubach or Mr. Smith, but I will no longer post on this site.  You have my number.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 9:26pm

Fact: 6-1 vote associated with tabling a motion associated with pulling in state employee costs and legislation. That, we know. 


Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 9:30pm
Originally posted by Anita Scott Jones Anita Scott Jones wrote:

When I spoke to Randy two years ago about posting on here, I told him I would do so as long you all did not get personal or call names.  You all do not have all the facts here and I will not speak to Mr. Laubach or Mr. Smith, but I will no longer post on this site.  You have my number.
There lays the problem.When council people cant talk to each other how do you exxpect to get things done?The people of Middletown have been asking for years for the council to Listen to the "PEOPLE" that put you in those seats.Have you?That would be a big "HELL NO".I did have some respect for you but after seeing the council meeting the other night that went out the window.Again,reminds me of  another council meeting when the "SUNCHOKE" thing came out. A bunch of "UNION REPS" showed up and everyone of  you put your heads between your legs and hid.Everyone of you are a disgrace to this city.Smile
If you cant stand the heat get the hell out of the kitchen.Smile

Posted By: tomahawk35
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 10:11pm
[QUOTE=]My God, how many RHINO'S sit there on city council? Would have been a joy to have had Patton as a guest speaker addressing them. Have a feeling here's what he would have said.
 Last time I checked,  a Rhino had a backbone.Ouch

Posted By: tomahawk35
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 10:39pm
All of this reminds me of a joke which I will change some names in it.
One Christmas a little girl was out riding her new trike she had got for christmas,when a councilperson(fill in your own) rode up on a horse and ask her if Santa had  brought her the trike which she replied Yes Sir.
He  got off his horse and walked around the trike and then he pulled out a citation book and begin writing. He handed the little girl a citation and told her that the trike wasn't built by the union and next year be sure to tell Santa to bring her one built by the union.
After he got back on his horse,the little girl looked up at him and ask, Did Santa bring you that horse for Christmas?. The councilperson decided that he would play along so he answered yes and the little girl told him next Christmas tell Santa that the d+++ goes on the bottom and not on the top.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 10:49pm
God, the art of articulation just sends chivers down my leg. These thugs are a joke, ignorant, and need to be taken down several notches. Is it me? He resemebles Les in many respects. Did he make it to the meeting, or send a few of his "assistants" to facilitate the meeting Tuesday. -

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Dec 10 2010 at 11:08pm
The War Chest and AJ Smith. Taken from Wall Street Journal. Robocall and AJ Smith, where did he get the $$$? What union- city fire, city police, who? -
Some answers better be forthcoming.

Posted By: wasteful
Date Posted: Dec 11 2010 at 5:32am
Originally posted by Anita Scott Jones Anita Scott Jones wrote:

Viet Vet,
You of all people should know me by now.  Nevertheless, no one sought me out for advice or anything else on this issue (not that they should). They have their own thoughts.  If you or anyone else doesn't understand where I stand, call me at 513-259-4203.   By the way, there is no need for anyone to talk about my re-election or the lack thereof until or unless you know what I am going to do.
Anita Scott Jones
 Mrs. Scott-Jones you are an elected Public Official I would be interested in why you took the stance and voted as you did, as I am sure many others are here, so why not just post you reasons here?  I for one did not understand what your illness or the fact that you had health insurance or not had to do with what the issue at hand.  No one was even remotely talking about taking away benefits of that type.  The issue is the city is going bankrupt, population is declining, revenues are declining and a major part of that does in fact involve the Unions, in particular the Public Safety Unions and the system in place.

Posted By: Paul Nagy
Date Posted: Dec 11 2010 at 5:55am

Smith Controversy

Please everyone, stop and look what is happening here. The following quotes paint a very bad picture to me that I think we should stop and consider:

The rest of Council was un-willingly caught in the cross-fire.


Once again--our Mayor failed to control the situation.

Easy for me to say--he was put into a very difficult position(though it comes with the job).


Hmmm....I don't recall many defenders of AJ Smith, with the exception of Ms. Scott Jones.


Spider- "the rest of council was unwillingly caught in the cross-fire?...Nevertheless,imo, they approached the situation poorly by "hiding under the desk" and cowering down when the union mouths were "talking rough to them". Vietvet

Viet Vet,

You of all people should know me by now. Nevertheless, no one sought me out for advice or anything else on this issue (not that they should). They have their own thoughts. If you or anyone else doesn't understand where I stand, call me at 513-259-4203. By the way, there is no need for anyone to talk about my re-election or the lack thereof until or unless you know what I am going to do.

Anita Scott Jones

ASJ. 6-1. We know where you stand. Guests

Be a wasted call IMO.You and the rest of the spineless council clowns threw Josh under the bus and did nothing except put your heads between your legs. LMAO

When I spoke to Randy two years ago about posting on here, I told him I would do so as long you all did not get personal or call names. You all do not have all the facts here and I will not speak to Mr. Laubach or Mr. Smith, but I will no longer post on this site. You have my number.

There lays the problem.When council people cant talk to each other how do you exxpect to get things done?The people of Middletown have been asking for years for the council to Listen to the "PEOPLE" that put you in those seats.Have you?That would be a big "HELL NO".I did have some respect for you but after seeing the council meeting the other night that went out the window.Again,reminds me of another council meeting when the "SUNCHOKE" thing came out. A bunch of "UNION REPS" showed up and everyone of you put your heads between your legs and hid.Everyone of you are a disgrace to this city. LMAO

We have alienated the one person who has stood up for the taxpaying citizens of Middletown more than any others. I know Anita Scott Jones as you all do. She isn’t afraid of any of us and she believes in democracy. We have her to thank for being able to go to council meetings and have citizen’s comments again, which is the only other voice for citizens in this city other than this forum. I don’t take that lightly. Additionally, I know of many, many things she has done , both publicly and privately, for citizens since she has been on council. I have great respect and regard for her. She doesn't claim to be perfect.

I agree with Spiderjohn. I think she, the mayor. and all of the other council people were sucker-punched Tuesday night. What would we have done sitting behind that desk during that fiasco? They had all of those union people there unreasonably threatening and huffing and puffing. Its not an easy situation to be in.

The parties involved were Josh Laubach and A. J. Smith. Let’s keep it there. I don’t mind calling people out when they are guilty but this is guilt by association and its not right. I think we owe Mrs. Jones and the other council members an apology on this one. I think her input on this forum is vital and I just hope and pray she’ll reconsider. She might with a couple of apologies. We’ve all had to apologize before.

This isn’t over yet. Let’s give council a chance to recover from shell shock and see what they will do.

Paul Nagy


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Dec 11 2010 at 8:03am
Mr. Nagy, I appreciate your concerns you usually express with eloquence and generally, well studied analysis. But on this, you are completely wrong for many reasons, in my humbleopinon of course.
As Pacman so correctly has stated, and others, this motion was simply sending a messge to the state, we are with you, you are on the right track with the need to do away with binding arbitration,
A motion is set forth supporting that by Josh Lambaugh. If city council was sand-bagged, blind-sided, taken off giard not knowing it was a discussion pont, why then were the union thugs there? It defies logic and that is not the case. council knew this was an issue and it was to be berought up. I've heard too many excuses from Ms. Jones. Everything from I did not have time to read nor get the budget data, to these lame excuses for sitting there while Lambaugh is getting shot and doing nothing, as all council members did, as its clear, several would like to have Smith, Lambaugh, and Jones gone.
The answer to this, again credit to Pacman, is just write tour state representative. We don't need the do nothing council nor the do nothing city leaders to do anything. They haven't yet, and what they do affect, is in ther own interests, and really could care less what you think, what I think, what anyone thinks, with the exception of the gala ball gang.
I've seen Ms. Jones roll her eyes one too many times at council meetings, and because she may act as if she is interested, and occasionally responds, doesn't put her in a standing above any of the others. She's ineffective, in my opinion, just not the run away train Picard, Allen, Becker, and Mulligan are.
She doesn't need to explain herself why she voted to table the issue on this forum, I simply know she voted to table it. You respectly, are wrong, to think council was not aware this issue was to be brought up. They did, and they threw Lambaugh against the wall, and said, "shoot him", "I'm just here for the punch."
Ms. Jones will not be getting my vote next election, and I hope she moves on to other activities. As for AJ Smith, he should be removed, and audited as to where he got the money for his politically motivated robocalls.
These actions are what make Middletown look so bad to outsiders. Sorry Mr, Nagy, you got this one wrong IMO.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Dec 11 2010 at 8:12am
BTW, what would I have done Mr. Nagy? I would have voted Yes, and told the union thugs who spoke where they came from, what their address was, just like the other speakers. Intimidation? Did someone say I'm boycotting your business or going to take you prisoner? They had a council member sitting there asthere partial advocate. he should be removed from office and it was an embarrassing spectacle. Are you saying someone told Picard he would have no legal business in Monroe if he voted YES? Was Bill Becker told they would tear down or destroy the Warren Cty Emergency response system if he voted YES? The intimidation, if therewas any, which I don't believe there was any, was the lack of control letting the thugs open mouth and insert shoe Mr. nagy. 

Posted By: Paul Nagy
Date Posted: Dec 11 2010 at 8:19am
    You are certainly entitled to your opinion. Is it wise to alienate the one on council who is consistently in our corner? I think council knew the unions would be present but not what the impact would be especially from union out siders. I think the situation caused confusion at best.
     I don't really believe it was council's objective to throw Josh against the wall. The resolution was pretty generally stated adn could use some modification. Josh might even agree with that.   "When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property. Thomas Jefferson
    You are absolutely right in your defense of Josh Lubach. He was in my opinion a real hero and acted with great maturity under fire. He almost gave me a heart attack when he hesitated on his "No" vote. I kept thinking, Josh, if you say yes, you would have lost your ground. I breathed a great sigh of relief when he, with great integrity said, "No".
       Do you think that we have heard council's final opinion on this? It seems to me that they have to address the issue and resolve how they are going to pay the bills and keep the city from going bankrupt.
        By the way Guests, my wife will tell you I'm wrong about most things. She forgets I'm a husband and husbands are always right.
        Thanks for your opinion. This is what makes this forum so important.
         Paul Nagy

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Dec 11 2010 at 8:46am
Ms. Scott-Jones- I thought I knew you and was very pleased with what I saw in you. I still believe you are trying to do the right thing. You are one of the few who asks questions for understanding and clarity on most issues that council seems to delight in ramrodding through in emergency fashion, leaving the citizens out of the equation.

Because I thought I knew you and because you ask the probing questions during council meetings, I was very surprised (and disappointed) that you did not support this initial action of taking the concerns to Columbus to find out what the city can do in reducing the legacy costs of wages and benefits that will ultimately bankrupt the city. We all know that the costs are 75% of the city's budget. That doesn't trouble you enough to take action on it? Why?

I'm sorry you have decided to stop your participation here. I am one of the biggest perpetrators of getting in people's grills in a verbal fashion and have a bad habit of letting my frustrations lead to verbal assaults on some city leaders. The frustration comes from the apparent decision, made by council and the city building, to NOT listen to the people and support the agenda of a special few.

I am just curious as to why you didn't throw your support to Laubach and why you sat, relatively quiet on the subject, when you normally throw in your two cents worth on most subjects. I also can't understand why Becker didn't support this attempt to reduce city costs. He is a contrast in thought. I think he speaks out both sides of his mouth. His city manager side says "reduce costs or we will pay the price down the road". His police chief side says I want to protect my police buddies, who are union associated, and I don't want to do anything that will attempt to destroy the benefits/wages that they have accrued through the negotiation process even at the risk of bankrupting the city. Is there some "behind the scenes" information that wasn't shared with the public that made you vote against this? If so, we are talking about the protection of the public's money here and we have a right to know and council has no right to withhold information. We're tired of it Ms. Scott-Jones. By the way, I think we could do a whole lot worse than re-electing you. I believe that looking at the council now, we already have with certain members.

Posted By: Paul Nagy
Date Posted: Dec 11 2010 at 9:10am
Good and fair post VietVet.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Dec 11 2010 at 9:12am
Nice post Vet. You used a good term "legacy" costs. Years ago, I worked with the airline industry in driving out their employee costs associated with the industry's deregulation and immediate competitive window they were thrust in the early to mid 1980's, in which about 78% of their capital annual expense, were legacy employment expense. many went bankrupt, and they still are cyclic, associated with fuel expense and other factors.
These problems cannot be ignored. They are bringing down Spain, Greece, Ireland, states- California one of many, and municipalities- Hariisburg, Pa is a bankrupt city I used to live. Lambaugh simply brought to the table an issue in memorandum. I cannot cmprehend how it might be unartfully crafted. You either need changes and freedom to reduce costs, or you don't. Having 75% of expenses tied to labor will bring down any city fast. I suspect Ms. Jones is a Democrat, and was not desiring to disrupt the union propaganda. Becker and others as you said, were caught between their union affiliation, before moving into management, and just decided table it, we'll deal with it later. Frankly, I doubt if any municipality has to do anything, as the state will attempt to change it through legislation, and have the party in place to make the change.
Sad to me the few council members who speak openly or give any deference to the people who put them in office, are singled out as fantastic and praise worthy. Doesn't reflect much on Middletown's clout nor interest. If you can't get involved or could care less about your own community, how then do you function globally?
Subject been beat to death. Will actions be taken? Any transparency on Smith and his robocall funding---doubtful. Did Lambaugh screw up with unartful and ambiguous language---doubtful. Simple fact there are those who talk about cuts, but unwilling to execute cuts. They think they are going to pas a .5 % tax increase, and the fire men will be going door to door to tell all how much time it takes to get to the Atrium and how many runs they make.
I don't think it has a chance of passing, and weak knees rattle too often around the table seating city council.     

Posted By: Paul Nagy
Date Posted: Dec 11 2010 at 9:45am
Also a good post Guests.
     "Sad to me the few council members who speak openly or give any deference to the people who put them in office, are singled out as fantastic and praise worthy. Doesn't reflect much on Middletown's clout nor interest. If you can't get involved or could care less about your own community, how then do you function globally?"
          They are singled out because we have not had them speak openly or give defference to the people who put them in ofice for many years. I don't believe Middletown has any clout or interest.
         Your thinking is good. Lets hope people will respond to it.
         Anita Scott Jones is a republican.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Dec 11 2010 at 11:39am
In reality, maybe council is just the wrong mechanism to govern a city with 50,000 residents. These people get paid $5,000 annually, mayor double. Throw in the hours just for meeting, and I think none of them are well prepared but ready to rubber stamp anything put in front of them, with one exception. I guess with AJ Smith, the $5,000. gives him enough spending money while he lives at home and conducts his union duties.
What would the changes be to the motion? Don't have a no strike provision, don't discontinue with the arbitration? Sorry Paul, I just can't get the issues with a simple motion that should have been 7-0. A moot point again, as the state will take care of this without any need for Middletown to act. 

Posted By: Mtown
Date Posted: Dec 11 2010 at 12:51pm
I continue to be amazed at how out of touch with reality and more importantly the facts the MiddletownUSA regulars are on virtually every issue you banter about.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Dec 11 2010 at 1:31pm
Mtown, care to share an example, or just a case of AJ Smith "blues" today getting you down? Out of touch with reality? Only place to get real info with facts and data. You appear to be the one on te realm of the unreal. Oh,a city employee, we forgot.

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Dec 11 2010 at 1:36pm
Originally posted by Mtown Mtown wrote:

I continue to be amazed at how out of touch with reality and more importantly the facts the MiddletownUSA regulars are on virtually every issue you banter about.
You continue to amaze us to.How you continue backing the spineless people on council.Keep it up and you will grow up and be just like them.Wink

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Dec 11 2010 at 3:43pm
Mtown- I too, continue to be amazed that you enter the fray after all has been said and critique the posts as if you are some judge on a reality show. You seem to let the gun be loaded, fired at the target and then become the world's renown expert on why the kill zone wasn't hit. Always a day late and a dollar short on your criticism of the MUSA folks.

Then, pray tell, oh learned one, what the real story is here. Since you have all the answers, tell us, oh grand poobah, of the city's affairs, how we could have all done better here. You seem to be a legend in your own mind bud, as to the correct approach to any and all subjects discussed here.

You have the floor. You are the teacher. We are your students. Now, enlighten us Master Jedi. Where did we go wrong? Tell us what we have no clue about. We will eagerly hang on your every word.

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Dec 11 2010 at 4:38pm
Originally posted by Mtown Mtown wrote:

I continue to be amazed at how out of touch with reality and more importantly the facts the MiddletownUSA regulars are on virtually every issue you banter about.

Yes, Mtown please enlighten us with more than just your one line snipes. You come on here take you swipe then run for the hills and hide, until the next time. Please let us know what we are missing. I would say if the best you can do is snipe and run, it is you who is missing the point and more, not us.

Posted By: tomahawk35
Date Posted: Dec 11 2010 at 6:44pm

When all the dust settles, the botttom line is the council had one of two choices to decide. They were concerned about the future of this city or they sided with the union and with the exception of one councilperson they made their choice which should convince everyone of their lack of concern for the taxpaying citzens and welfare of this town.                                                

There is no need for people on this board to bicker and become alienated from each other because the vote speaks for it's self.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: Dec 11 2010 at 7:17pm
Funny how Picard could shout down Lambuagh, a fellow council member, but they were all ears, no mouths, with the union in the house. Was this the union gang they feared?! -

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