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Mr.Picard You Were Out Of Line

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Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: City Council
Forum Description: Discuss individual members and council as a legislative body.
Printed Date: Feb 16 2025 at 1:15pm

Topic: Mr.Picard You Were Out Of Line
Posted By: randy
Subject: Mr.Picard You Were Out Of Line
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 12:09pm
[SCRIPT] var so = new SWFObject('','ShutUpjoshVideo','400','300','8'); so.addParam('allowfullscreen','true'); so.addVariable('file',''); so.addVariable('overstretch','true'); so.addVariable('backcolor','0xFFFFFF'); so.addVariable('autostart','false'); so.addVariable('height','300'); so.addVariable('width','400'); so.addVariable('overstretch','fit'); so.addVariable('image',''); so.addVariable('logo',''); so.write('ShutUpjosh'); [/SCRIPT]

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 12:14pm
Mr.Picard,Once a idiot always a idiot.Grow the hell up.

Posted By: firewater
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 12:32pm
WOW Picard you are a Censored fool.
Way to go Josh stand up to people like him that why I voted for you ClapClapClap

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 12:47pm

I am so tired of the way this council s being ran; I was unable to attend last night. I did record it from the office and have watched it all. I am applauded at the way Mr. Picard acted towards Mr. Laubach and how the Mayor did not step in and take control of the meeting.


People things in this town must change and must change now. The “Good Ole Boys Club” has done enough damage to Middletown with their self serving agendas.


So I know that Mr. Picard reads this forum quite often; I ask you to explain yourself to the people. What gave you the right to speak this way to another council member? Seeing how you have interrupted Mrs. Scott-Jones more than once. Are you above showing the respect you demanded from Mr. Laubach? I personal believe an apology (public) is needed from you sir. You were so far out of line that you should be asked to step down as council. And If I lived in your ward I would be embarrassed to say I had voted for you after your actions at last nights Meeting  

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: danpicard
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 2:56pm
Apparently none of you notice that Mr. Laubach interrrupted me and attempted to prevent me for expressing my opinions.  I guess I am just suppose to keep thoughts to myself...oh yeah, apparently you guys don't like that either since it demonstrates that I am not doing the "work " of Council....
His attempts to silence me. other Council members and City Staff have been far more offensive than anything I have ever done!

Dan Picard

Posted By: wasteful
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 3:07pm
I don't know Picard a simple, excuse me while I finish please, would have sufficed, rather than your Overbearing attorney superiority complex attitude, of "SHUT UP" that you carry constantly while sitting at the Council table.

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 3:07pm
ok, so what about your interruptions of Mrs. Scott-Jones more than once? And I dont believe that anyone has ever said "Dan Shut Your Mouth" And for you to think that you were not out of line speaks volumes.  

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 3:41pm
In all fairness to all parties, it must be incredibly difficult for all involved to maintain any sense of calmness when these heated topics are discussed. I watched Randy's segment and saw two gentlemen that were trying to make their points, each thinking they had the first shot at talking. I also saw the leader of council listening, but not really attempting to "play referee". I also saw Mr. Allen, Mr. Becker, Ms. Scott-Jones and Mr. Smith as either voluntarily not being involved or wanting to be involved but not knowing where to interject into the discussion OR, perhaps most disturbing, not being interested in the discussion at all and having no initiative to offer any comments to the topic. Again, does Mr. Becker or Mr. Allen EVER offer anything of any value to most of the work from this council? Mr. Picard- Mr. Laubach- probably a good idea to start talking to each other again and resume the business of the city for the purpose of reaching an agreement so that we can move on. How about it gentlemen?

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 5:12pm
I am with Vet on this one, though I haven't seen the video of this classic Council moment.
I understand Mr.Picard's frustration, however he is no stranger to rude interruption. Just watching the live video is enough to make me scream and turn off the broadcast.
This Council/Admin is now totally disfunctional, and in no way is focused on serving the general citizenry. The dark side is controlling the show like something out of a third world country landscape. Our Mayor is a nice guy, who has not exercised balanced control of the situation. He simply plays to his favorites, and that is hurting everything.
It has become like a bad disease. Any new faces that can function together would do a better job.
Admin must be tearing out their hair trying to appease this group, if they care at all(and I am not sure.
Mr.Picard should have worded his request much differently, and some type of decorum and leadership must be established--and not a one-sided iron fist.
Another sad night for the citizens of Middletown.
Don't let this situation distract from the real issues to be decided by this group.
We must give them as much constructive advice as poss

Posted By: Richard Saunders
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 5:17pm

Might I suggest pistols at twenty paces?

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 5:21pm
Vet, while I agree that things can and do get heated between council and things can be said in the moment that later when looked back upon the person may say I was out of line, but was worked up at the moment. In an instance such as that a man would say just that...I was worked up and spoke in a manner that I now think was a little rude. Thats what a person of character.
what they would not do is come on here and say he started it and I was right to do what I did because he has done it to others. We are not 5 years old. I think the way Picard acted was out of line, but could be forgiven as in the heat of the moment, had he explained it that way. Instead he has chosen to say I am justified because Josh does it to others.
In my opinion thats classless.

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 5:41pm
If you dont think that tensions ran high behind the scenes with this Current council  have a read at some emails exchanged between them.
From: Gilleland, Judith
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 4:21 PM
To: *All Council Members
Cc: Kohler, Marty; Robinette, Mike; Landen, Les
Subject: Historic Preservation Ordinance

Dear Council,

Staff and I met yesterday to discuss the proposed historic preservation ordinance.   As a result of our meeting, we decided the best thing to do at this point is to postpone the second reading of the ordinance until we receive clarification from Council.  We have included the item under City Manager comments for discussion on Tuesday and not under the legislative agenda.

As you may be aware, this ordinance resulted from a group of interested citizens approaching Councilmember Smith about strengthening and clarifying our ordinance on historic preservation.  While staff supports the changes and believes that we should protect our unique historic housing assets, we recognize that we’ve been operating with our current ordinance for nearly 30 years. 

Yet, given the age of the ordinance, it needs some clarification and updating.  We believe the draft before you provides the needed changes.  Staff has shared the ordinance with the two historic districts and they are in agreement with the proposed changes. 

Staff members met last week with Vice Mayor Jones and Councilmember Laubach and discussed revisions of the ordinance.  While we are prepared to make changes to the ordinance, I felt it was best to have further discussion with council as a group to ensure consensus before more staff time was committed to the project. 

 See you all on Tuesday!  Thanks, Judy

From: Picard, Dan
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2010 7:07 AM
To: Gilleland, Judith; *All Council Members
Cc: Kohler, Marty; Robinette, Mike; Landen, Les
Subject: RE: Historic Preservation Ordinance

This ordinance has been in place for almost 30 years and it is in need of an update and I see no reason to delay this any further.  All of the people who live within these districts knew of the ordinance prior to purchasing their property or they were a party to passage of the original ordinance.  Any prospective purchaser would also be made aware of the requirements of the ordinance prior to purchasing a residence within these districts. 
All of these homeowners have a vested interest in maintaining the higher standards set by this ordinance and they should be able to rely upon its continued existence.  I believe making the changes requested by the citizens who have invested so much into their districts is the right approach at this time and I request that this matter receive a second reading on Tuesday.

Dan Picard
From: Laubach, Joshua
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2010 8:16 AM
To: Picard, Dan; Gilleland, Judith; *All Council Members
Cc: Kohler, Marty; Robinette, Mike; Landen, Les
Subject: RE: Historic Preservation Ordinance

This ordinance sets up the possibility for a gross abuse of property rights ( In addition, the current Ord. is out of line in my opinion). I have no issues with creating standards to maintain our historic properties. However, this ordinance is written in such a fashion as to give this "Historic Commission" power it should not have. Plain and simple. The ends do not justify the means.  If this is brought forward as is, be prepared for a long discussion Tuesday. I will not support this as is.
From: Picard, Dan
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2010 8:51 AM
To: Laubach, Joshua; Gilleland, Judith; *All Council Members
Cc: Kohler, Marty; Robinette, Mike; Landen, Les
Subject: RE: Historic Preservation Ordinance

Mr. Laubach:
We obviously should discuss this matter, but please do not threaten all of us with " a long discussion" as motivation for me to change my mind about this issue. Thank you. 

Dan Picard
From: Laubach, Joshua
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2010 8:56 AM
To: Picard, Dan; Gilleland, Judith; *All Council Members
Cc: Kohler, Marty; Robinette, Mike; Landen, Les
Subject: RE: Historic Preservation Ordinance

Not a threat Mr. Picard. Just simply putting everyone on notice that this will not come through the council chambers without long analysis of what the current proposed ordinance lays out. You can write your email about why it should be on the agenda Tuesday. I can certainly let everyone know where I stand if it should come as written.
Good Day,
Josh Laubach
From: Jones, Anita Scott
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2010 5:22 PM
To: Laubach, Joshua; Picard, Dan; Gilleland, Judith; *All Council Members
Cc: Kohler, Marty; Robinette, Mike; Landen, Les
Subject: RE: Historic Preservation Ordinance

Since Middletown became a city in 1886 and since the people voted to eliminate wards, and since most people all over this city make investments in their districts, we should delcare the entire city historic (maybe we could use the fact that over 50% of the city was declared disadvantaged a year ago) and see where that goes.  At the end of the day, we each are entitled to our own opinions.  No need to get in urinating contests, just vote your conscience.  ???????????????
From: Picard, Dan
Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 7:49 AM
To: Jones, Anita Scott; Laubach, Joshua; Gilleland, Judith; *All Council Members
Cc: Kohler, Marty; Robinette, Mike; Landen, Les
Subject: RE: Historic Preservation Ordinance

Mrs. Scott Jones:
Your latest e-mail is offensive, unprofessional, and unworthy of a person of your education and experience. I do expect a great deal better from you and I am very insulted by your comments!  If people on this Council cannot act as adults and engage in appropriate discussions of the issues, as we all agreed to do earlier this year when we all signed an Agreement regarding our conduct as Council members, then I suggest you resign immediately.
Dan Picard 
From: Jones, Anita Scott
Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 12:11 PM
To: Picard, Dan; Laubach, Joshua; Gilleland, Judith; *All Council Members
Cc: Kohler, Marty; Robinette, Mike; Landen, Les
Subject: RE: Historic Preservation Ordinance

I am not going to get in a urinating contest with you or anyone else.  It appears that only some people can say whatever they want, professional or not, and it is ok.  Obviously, professional is not the decor of the day.  You are entitled to your opinion.  I am sure there have been people on council who have wanted me to resign from day one.  I will simply at you to that list but you know me well enough by now.  Now should I take your remarks as offensive or threatening?
From: Jones, Anita Scott
Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 12:17 PM
To: Jones, Anita Scott; Picard, Dan; Laubach, Joshua; Gilleland, Judith; *All Council Members
Cc: Kohler, Marty; Robinette, Mike; Landen, Les
Subject: RE: Historic Preservation Ordinance

Are you asking to resign because I am nobody's puppet.  What is this  all about.  You signed the samre document and the people intop office.  I suggest you contact them for a recall.  It doesn't matter to me. 
From: Jones, Anita Scott
Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 12:21 PM
To: Jones, Anita Scott; Picard, Dan; Laubach, Joshua; Gilleland, Judith; *All Council Members
Cc: Kohler, Marty; Robinette, Mike; Landen, Les
Subject: RE: Historic Preservation Ordinance

Why don't you get an ethics opinion?

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: wasteful
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 5:55pm
From: Picard, Dan
Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 7:49 AM
To: Jones, Anita Scott; Laubach, Joshua; Gilleland, Judith; *All Council Members
Cc: Kohler, Marty; Robinette, Mike; Landen, Les
Subject: RE: Historic Preservation Ordinance

Mrs. Scott Jones:
Your latest e-mail is offensive, unprofessional, and unworthy of a person of your education and experience. I do expect a great deal better from you and I am very insulted by your comments!  If people on this Council cannot act as adults and engage in appropriate discussions of the issues, as we all agreed to do earlier this year when we all signed an Agreement regarding our conduct as Council members, then I suggest you resign immediately.
Dan Picard 
Picard, your actions last night were offensive and unprofessional and unworthy of a person of your education and experience.
I would suggest that since you signed the same agreement as the other Council members and have a hard time abiding by it, that you take your own advice and resign immediately sparing the Citizens of Middletown anymore of your unprofessional behavior.
Thank you in Advance
Citizens of Middletown

Posted By: TANGO
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 6:00pm
Cant we all just get along

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 6:39pm

Ms. Scott-Jones:

While I do admire the fortitude expressed in the above emails, I must opine that you would be at some disadvantage in the type of contest mentioned therein. I say this with absolutely no sense of sexism, either expressed or implied, but simply as a matter of the physiological differences between the two sexes.

In the interest of fairness, I would be pleased to stand in your stead should such a confrontation become necessary.

I assure you (and any of my beer-drinking acquaintances would be certain to testify) that both the volume and the pressure characteristics of my bladder are legendary, and my aim is steady. (Unfortunately, I must admit that my “draw and fire” time is not as quick as it once was, but I think you will agree that this aspect is not as important as the previously mentioned traits in such a duel as the one presently the subject of discussion.)

Feel free to contact me by email or telephone should you decide that my services are required. There would be no fee, as it would be my distinct pleasure to assist you in this matter!

Very best regards,

Mike Presta

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 6:44pm
Having read these E-Mails, specifically Mr. Picard's, it would appear that Mr. Picard enjoys confrontational issues which could impede the progress of the business of council. He seems to have a chip on his shoulder and sees everyone who disagrees with him as an enemy. He has now confronted Mr. Laubach in the meeting and Ms. Scott-Jones in his E-Mails. He is out of control in his superiority type of attitude. This is not in a discussion mode, but rather an argumentative style that will discredit what little credibility council has built and create the uneasy feeling that seemed present on the council tape as it played out. Ms. Scott-Jones' assessment of the 4 to 3 vote on a repetitive basis is correct. It appears, whether they want to admit it or not, that there are two camps on council. The "3" camp seems to be more "in tune" with serving the people and cognizant of the people's desires for their town and the "4" camp seem to be determined to execute their game plan of ignoring the people and throwing under the bus, anyone who gets in their way in that execution. Their's is a plan of majority citizen exclusion and selected small special interest faction inclusion. It is time to recall the group of 4. They are supporting the wrong side and seem to be intentionally hell-bent on the town destruction.

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 6:47pm
Hmmmmmmm...using the word "urinating" in an email qualifies as a resign-able offense according to Picard, yet loosing your temper and yelling "SHUT UP" at another council member on live TV is OK.   You have got to love Middletown Standards for professional behavior.Thumbs%20Up

Posted By: Bill
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 6:53pm

No one is feeling better about themselves more than Laura Williams!

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 6:57pm
Mrs. Williams at her best........

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 6:57pm
Originally posted by Pacman Pacman wrote:

Hmmmmmmm...using the word "urinating" in an email qualifies as a resign-able offense according to Picard, ...
Well, I do see his point.  I, myself, prefer the much more genteel term: "tinkling"!!! Wink LOL LOL LOL

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: TANGO
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 7:08pm
I agree with Vet, but my concerns are that Dan P.keeps having a hard time with running a cemetery and thinks their is only one person in butler co. that can do it .(expert I think was his exact wording). I sit on the board a cemertry just outside of the city. It is a private one and we meet twice a year for about 2 hrs. It is very well maintained and easy to manage. Iam sure sitting on council is far more involved. So Dan P. if you think that we need to go out get an quote expert, then maybe this council postion is to much. Just an idea

Posted By: Hermes
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 7:21pm
I think Mr. Picard needs to exercise his own suggestions and resign his position on council immediately. Not only are his actions in the video unprofessional but also his statements in the email to Mrs. Scott-Jones. Apparently by Mr Picards demeanor he sits himself at a higher level than everyone else on council. This type of personification is not what this city needs at the moment.
Mayor Mulligan,our poor sheepish mayor. If ever there were need of a recall by the voters he is it. For him to sit there and allow the heated words of Mr Picard to echo through the chambers is beyond ridiculous. Mulligan as the mayor should have exercised his power and duty and took control. This was total failure on his part.
Picard,Mulligan and Becker should be recalled by the voters. This stunt and others is absolutely uncalled for and extremely embarrassing to the city and the people of Middeltown. A public apology is called for but a recall is a necessity.

No more democrats no more republicans,vote Constitution Party !!

Posted By: SupportMiddletown
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 7:32pm
I don't agree with Mr. Picard's behavior in the above video, but I am not the least bit concerned with his response to Mrs. Scott Jones. Her email really disappoints me, she presents herself in a much better manner in public.


Posted By: wasteful
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 7:33pm
It is funny all these years the City didn't give two hoots about the Cemetery and now that they have found a way to basically wash their hands of it and get the Citizens to mind the store for free and raise funds for the Vault etc. we must change a law to get an expert to sit on the board.  Lets not forget we have to change the law also to cover their butts for the others they have appointed and shouldn't have to other boards.
We could always try and get this put on the ballot as a Referendum couldn't we, along with Red Light Cameras, putting the infrastructure fund back on the books, etc.

Posted By: wasteful
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 7:38pm
Hey, SupportMiddletown what is good for the goose is good for the gander.  Unprofessional behavior is unprofessional behavior, whether it is in an email that becomes Public Property once it goes to the city or you are in a Council meeting on TV.
Picard has basically become the Hit man for the 4 horsemen on Council.  He is the one to read the letters taking someone to task.  He is the one to cut people off and put a motion forward.  He doesn't hang up his lawyer hat at 5:00pm he wears it to council every meeting and most meetings you watch him just waiting for him to pounce.  His questioning of staff and others is as if he is still in Court.
Don't call out one member of council and then turn around with unprofessional behavior of your own and expect the citizens to ignore it.
SupportMiddletown, don't take this the wrong way, but are you a Stuffed shirt or blouse in private and in your emails, as you come across in all of your posts here?  You never let loose at all?

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 10:00pm
I just cant believe that anyone would watch this video and read these emails and think that this type of conduct is ok by a city council member. Is there any way for the people to get together and ask for a council member to be removed? I kow I should know this answer butI don't.
I would have been ok with this outbrust had Mr.Picard just said it was in the heat of the moment and sorry. But instead he has tried to blow it off like he is too good or above the same respect he demands be given to him.

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 10:12pm
Randy you would have to start a recall petition, which requires X number of registered voters signatures.....I don't recall the number right off the top of my head.   Will try and look it up tomorrow.

Posted By: TudorBrown
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 10:41pm
Originally posted by Mike_Presta Mike_Presta wrote:

Ms. Scott-Jones:

While I do admire the fortitude expressed in the above emails, I must opine that you would be at a some disadvantage in the type of contest mentioned therein. I say this with absolutely no sense of sexism, either expressed or implied, but simply as a matter of the physiological differences between the two sexes.

In the interest of fairness, I would be pleased to stand in your stead should such a confrontation become necessary.

I assure you (and any of my beer-drinking acquaintances would be certain to testify) that both the volume and the pressure characteristics of my bladder are legendary, and my aim is steady. (Unfortunately, I must admit that my “draw and fire” time is not as quick as it once was, but I think you will agree that this aspect is not as important as the previously mentioned traits in such a duel as the one presently the subject of discussion.)

Feel free to contact me by email or telephone should you decide that my services are required. There would be no fee, as it would be my distinct pleasure to assist you in this matter!

Very best regards,

Mike Presta

Mr. Presta:
Your latest comment is offensive, unprofessional, and unworthy of a person of your education and experience. I do expect a great deal better from you and I am very insulted by your comments!  If people on this Council cannot act as adults and engage in appropriate discussions of the issues, as we all agreed to do earlier this year when we all signed an Agreement regarding our conduct as forum members, then I suggest you delete your account immediately.

Posted By: wannaknow
Date Posted: Oct 06 2010 at 11:38pm
Mike Presta is the MAN!!!!!! Always ready and willing to help in any way.
He remains my hero!
No surprise here regarding Mr. Dan Picard's actions.
Are there any more like Josh out there?

Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 5:03am

It was not that long ago that the Citizens of Middletown had no voice at all. We could only sit and watch in silence as City Council passed everything on the agenda without one word or comment from any council member.  
Citizens comments or questions were all answered with “We are not set up to take question”.
It was not until Anita Scott Jones stated that she would like to answer the questions of the public that the long silence at our council meetings was broken. Later the new members started speaking up also. Isn’t this what we the public wanted?
It is evident from the article in the Middletown Journal that those in power want our council meetings to return to “The dark days of silence”.
While I do not approve of the action of Mr Picard at the last meeting it is my hope that the members will have more respect for each other in the future during these heated debates because I for one do not want to return to “The dark days of silence”.

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 5:08am
Originally posted by TudorBrown TudorBrown wrote:

Mr. Presta:
Your latest comment is offensive, unprofessional, and unworthy of a person of your education and experience. I do expect a great deal better from you and I am very insulted by your comments!  If people on this Council cannot act as adults and engage in appropriate discussions of the issues, as we all agreed to do earlier this year when we all signed an Agreement regarding our conduct as forum members, then I suggest you delete your account immediately.

Ms: Brown:

I am sorry that you found my latest comments to be offensive, unprofessional, and unworthy of a person of my education and experience. Are you certain that you are aware of all of my past professions, education and experience???

I am likewise apologetic that I failed to meet your expectations. However, I do promise to do my very best to insult you in a much higher manner in the future, and in a manner much more in keeping with someone of my obviously excellent qualifications.

Yet I cannot accept complete responsibility for the fact that “people on this Council cannot act as adults and engage in appropriate discussions of the issues”!!! You see, despite my continuous volunteering, suggesting, gentle prodding, strong urging, satire, lecturing, and all other means of either offering assistance or attempting to shame them into serving the greater good of this community, some elected and appointed officials insist upon acting as scofflaws bent upon serving only their own interests and the interests of a small minority of this city, regardless of the consequences or cost to the community as a whole.

Further to your statement:

“If people on this Council cannot act as adults and engage in appropriate discussions of the issues, as we all agreed to do earlier this year when we all signed an Agreement regarding our conduct as forum members”

I must point out that it is a complete non sequitur!!! Whether “people on this Council” can or cannot “act as adults and engage in appropriate discussions of the issues” has absolutely nothing to do with ANY agreement that I might or might not have signed regarding conduct on this forum. You see, THEY, on city council, are elected officials acting during meetings in their official, elected capacities as public servants. We, here on this forum, are private individuals engaging in discussions of our own free will and in no official capacity of any sort.

You, madam, are free to “suggest” to me whatever you desire here. I likewise, am free to follow or disregard any such suggestions.  If you require more assistance in understanding this, I would be pleased to offer tutelage at a reasonable fee.

You may even challenge me to a “tinkling contest” if you dare. I must warn you, however, that before you do so, you would be well-advised to review the contents of my gentlemanly offer to Ms. Scott-Jones. I fear that you will be at a distinct disadvantage!  In such a duel, you might think that you'd be a “10”. I’d say “you're ‘n eight”!!! Big%20smile

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 6:28am
Randy- I believe that the recall petition signatures must represent at least 10 or 20 % of the electorate. Contact Betty McGary at the Butler County Board Of Elections for details and the proper forms to obtain. I would suggest that if you are going to go through with this, that you obtain a number of these petition signature forms, get a list of the registered voters in Middletown, and while you and others are out getting signatures for Picard's recall, you also start one for Becker, Mulligan, and Allen as well as several selected school board members. Might as well try to clean out as many at once as you can and make your hard work on this pay off. I will help you in going door to door in the 3rd Ward. Might even bump into Ms. Andrew along the way in the Oaks. You will need several helpers in all sections of the city to accomplish this. Who knows. If this is carried out and successful, and the Four Horsemen are removed and replaced, we may convince the new crew to look at canning the city manager and some of her subjects. A long shot, but think of the impact it would make and message it would send to the people pulling the current puppet strings.

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 6:47am

705.92 Procedure for removal of elective officer by recall.

Any elective officer of a municipal corporation may be removed from office by the qualified voters of such municipal corporation. The procedure to effect such removal shall be:

(A) A petition signed by qualified electors equal in number to at least fifteen per cent of the total votes cast at the most recent regular municipal election, and demanding the election of a successor to the person sought to be removed, shall be filed with the board of elections. Such petition shall contain a general statement in not more than two hundred words of the grounds upon which the removal of such person is sought. The form, sufficiency, and regularity of any such petition shall be determined as provided in the general election laws.

(B) If the petition is sufficient, and if the person whose removal is sought does not resign within five days after the sufficiency of the petition has been determined, the legislative authority shall thereupon order and fix a day for holding an election to determine the question of the removal of the elective officer, and for the selection of a successor to each officer named in said petition. Such election shall be held not less than thirty nor more than forty days from the time of the finding of the sufficiency of such petition. The election authorities shall publish notice and make all arrangements for holding such election, which shall be conducted and the result thereof returned and declared in all respects as are the results of regular municipal elections.

(C) The nomination of candidates to succeed each officer sought to be removed shall be made, without the intervention of a primary election, by filing with the election authorities, at least twenty days prior to such special election, a petition proposing a person for each such office, signed by electors equal in number to ten per cent of the total votes cast at the most recent regular municipal election for the head of the ticket.

(D) The ballots at such recall election shall, with respect to each person whose removal is sought, submit the question: “Shall (name of person) be removed from the office of (name of office) by recall?”

Immediately following each such question, there shall be printed on the ballots, the two propositions in the order set forth:

“For the recall of (name of person).”

“Against the recall of (name of person).”

Immediately to the left of the proposition shall be placed a square in which the electors may vote for either of such propositions.

Under each of such questions shall be placed the names of candidates to fill the vacancy. The name of the officer whose removal is sought shall not appear on the ballot as a candidate to succeed the officer’s self.

In any such election, if a majority of the votes cast on the question of removal are affirmative, the person whose removal is sought shall be removed from office upon the announcement of the official canvass of that election, and the candidate receiving the plurality of the votes cast for candidates for that office shall be declared elected. The successor of any person so removed shall hold office during the unexpired term of the successor’s predecessor. The question of the removal of any officer shall not be submitted to the electors until such officer has served for at least one year of the term during which he is sought to be recalled. The method of removal provided in this section, is in addition to such other methods as are provided by law. If, at any such recall election, the incumbent whose removal is sought is not recalled, the incumbent shall be repaid the incumbent’s actual and legitimate expenses for such election from the treasury of the municipal corporation, but such sum shall not exceed fifty per cent of the sum that the incumbent is by law permitted to expend as a candidate at any regular municipal election.

Effective Date: 08-22-1995

Posted By: Nelson...Himself
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 7:03am

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 7:08am
WHIO Local News

Citizens group petitions to recall Piqua Commissioners

Matt Natali
@ October 6, 2010 12:46 PM

PIQUA, Ohio -- A citizens group in Piqua has made good on a promise to recall four-of-five Piqua City Commissioners.

The group, called P.O.I.N.T., started its campaign in early September and filed petitions Wednesday morning to have the commissioners recalled.

The group filed the petitions with the clerk of the Piqua City Commission. It wants to recall Mayor Lucy Fess, Commissioner Judy Terry, Commissioner Joe Wilson and Commissioner William Vogt.

Organizers filed four petitions with 1,200 signatures on them. The group was only required to gather 1,000 signatures for each petition.

The next step is for the signatures to be validated and verified with the Miami County Board of Elections.

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 7:27am
ok, well we need some replacements dont we??? Any ideas? Also do the votes need to come from the respective wards of a council person? Would you need 15 % of the voter turn out from the fourth ward to remove the fourth ward member?/

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 8:12am
There were 8424 Votes cast in the last Election 11-09, so you would need 1264 valid signatures or about 1500 total to allow for bad signatures.

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 10:43am
Forget any re-call. Each candidate was overwhelmingly chosen, and has behaved as anticipated.
Not the first or last time that a Council meeting has gone sour by rude interaction. 
The email exchanges are most interesting, showing Mr.Picard as being very hypocritical. I had an extended email exchange with him about the Supthin St. re-do. While we did not agree, he was very civil and prompt with his responses. Obviously the split among Council is more serious than it has appeared(and it appears very serious publicly).
I doubt that Mr.Laubaugh was damaged by the verbal exchange. The constant interruptions and banter have gone past out of control. I would expect our Mayor to act accordingly from this point on. Hard to sympathize with Admin, however they must be responsive to this train wreck.
And as usual, the citizens suffer the most.
So--hold tight--challenge everything being done that deserves challenging, and please vote NO on any financial legislation coming up. That will get their attention. It might be a perfect time for a full explanation of the current charges on our water/sewer/waste bills if we are going to see increases. How much has been collected for each fund, and how the collections have been used.
Anyone else amazed at the creative financing used to pay for the overtime within the fire dept.?
How many other depts. are running up this future debt?
How long has this been going on, and how far out are the charges?

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 11:04am
Spider- I don't understand why you are so adamant about not seeking the recalls. This has never been tried to my recollection. At the very least, it would send a message that these people are vulnerable and not above being considered for removal. I know that you have the same issues with the same people we have in this city. Why not at least give it the old "college try" toward their removal? The worst that could happen is that the person that went to Hamilton to get the petitions and talk to McGary is out gas and time and the circulators of the petitions are out time going to the registered voters homes to ask for their support and signature. Is is that you think it is a waste of time? Please specify why you are opposed. Thanks in advance.

How about you folks in all sections of the city? Would you be willing to take some time to gather some registered voter signatures for recall? Pac says we need about 1500 total. We are constantly being slammed for "all talk and no action" by MUSA detractors. Now is an opportunity to do something about that claim to gain some credibility. What say you all?

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 11:08am

I would watch the channel 5 news tonight between 5 and 6, something tells that the Middletown City Council will be talked about it. Big%20smile

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 11:16am
Correct on most counts,Vet.
I have the same issues, and would both sign the petitions and vote for the re-calls.
I just don't think that it would pass.
Still better to groom different well-recieved and diverse candidates who are un-touchable to the lure of dark side funding. This city is screaming for better leadership, and it shows everywhere.
The same old tired faces haven't made things work.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 11:47am
randy- how about 9, 12, and 19 in Cincy (just in case channel 5 balks at reporting) and 2,7,22 and 45 in Dayton? Let's really show the whole area how classy our city government operation is here in good old Middletown!

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 11:58am
Rome is burning, and the issues are whether someone outside the city serves, or someone inside serves? Obviously. Mr. Picard doing the bidding for the four horsemen. Reads as if Mr. Lambaugh is a marked man. Now, you see a glimpse of what the rationale was was "eliminating" the ward system...see ya AJ, Anita, and AJ, keep trying with the Chief before you are out of office, maybe you'll find that job you covet for life on the force and overtime.
The four horsemen under the Dome all voted for the cash cow raise of water. Why? Anyone who reads the balance sheet knows the city makes more money on water than any other service. Pay online and miss a payment by accident or out of town on vacation? you'll be shut down in 60 days. Compare that to Cincinnati, where bills are quarterly, water much cheaper, and the bills a quarter in arrears. What motivates these horsemen t do city hall's constant biddings...clients, prestiage, ego, rain for firms? I don't think the majority of residents already dying to get out of Middletown want an increase, but doesn't matter to the four horsemen.
Waste of time on recall. Who, why, and how many? Mr. Picard? Granted, chip on shoulder, 3rd marriage, non partner at FBT, being rude? Just being an he was trained, but for whom, why, and how many? MMF, showing his style for more Monroe clients? Who knows, but obviously, a chip on shoulder by email communication. Pettiness and poor manners won't get anyone removed. Aren't there more serious issues? Raiding gas fund, as Nick Kidd says, a few ruining the city for majority? Waste of time, nothing will happen, not on the grounds of lack of civil dicourse.
As for new candidates, that was tried last time. AJ just lobbying for 1) his fire department position 2) Obama. Next election cycle the Dome and MMF will stack all candidates to "rubber stamp" all. What causes this mess, trading spaced down at Norris Lake? A weekend on the boat at the Ohio River?
This city is so far underwater, city council won't change, and now the stack rank comes into play with the "at large" candidates. Here's wishing Smith a shot at snatching a fire department position before he's ousted. Let the dueling outbursts pass over, Rome burning and finding a few water buckets much more serious than analysis of ego's over whi is an expert on burial grounds. I recall one very favorable interaction with Mr. Picard at a Xavier game I bumped into him, and one "talking down" encounter, when he was billing $190./ Hr at FBT, and laughed, if I could afford him. I elected to use a Managing Partner at the firm in downtown Cinci at $350./hr. He's an advocate....his client....MMf and city hall. Just doing his job.
My opinion only, but waste of time on recall over bad manners, and the issues which face the citizens vastly are more serious than a "smack down" and verbal sparring.   

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 2:41pm
Ok gentlemen- now that Spider and acclaro have given the "thumbs down" to the recall idea and have labeled it as a waste of time, what are our other options as you see it? Do we just keep taking a beating at the hands of these city ruiners and watch as "Rome burns" as acclaro often says? The only way to rid ourselves of the vermin that has infested this town with their destroying agenda is to do it at the polls with quality candidates that have the guts to clean up this mess and to fire the ones responsible for this catastrophy. That will take a group of individuals who are tough minded, don't mind taking on the power brokers intentions for the city, are comfortable taking on confrontation and don't care if they make friends on that side of the fence or not. Of course, we could all just leave. Just one small problem. Can't get anyone to buy our houses (and share the misery) so that we can leave. Only option now is to stay and fight the bas-----. JMO

Posted By: wasteful
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 2:53pm
Hey, Vet what have the God's of Middletown spoken or something.   Two opinions don't make a concensus, especially when they on one hand say clean house all of the time and then when the talk of a recall comes's oh just forget it.
I'll sign and help Vet.

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 2:54pm
Vet Im with you on this 100%.Its well over due,Should of started doing it when the "SUNCHOKE" was passed by the spinless so call leaders of Middletucky.I myself have talked to alot of people that are just as pissed as we are but probaly half of them say's"Well you can fight city hall."Hell yes you can fight city hall just need to have the spine to follow through and not stop cos you hit a snag.
Love to see all of them go except 2 of them and would do flips to see MS Judy hit the road to.Thumbs%20Up

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 3:09pm
Alright- randy....can you make the call to Betty McGary in Hamilton to see what is needed paperwork-wise and signature-wise and go down during the day to get our recall supplies? If so, let us know and we'll pick them up and distribute them to the various sections of town to start the signature collections. Target is 1500 valid registered voters from all sections of the city. Need some people in all sections of the city to develop some people to network the signature process. Anyone have a large group of people who would be willing to tackle this time consuming task? Churches, VFW's, parents at sports events, card-playing buddies, Eagles members to help perhaps??? Gotta stay with it until the sheets are filled. In the meantime, be thinking of a few candidates that would fit the profile that we would need to turn this mess around. Knows the issues, tough-minded, not influenced by the elitists, strong desire to change the direction of the all know what we need. Any candidates? Let's ask 'em.

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 3:10pm

Vet, Middletown's reputation as damaged goods has been known for many years. No one can get out. No one wants in, and the council are just puppets, city hall pulling all strings. City been run this way for years. You are in quicksand, just like all Middletownian's. The only difference is there are a few lingering few who have been here all their life and think this is heaven, and they own the city. Advice- take your losses, sell low, and get out. They already have Lambaugh's replacement picked. Wasn't it nice to have the fresh tar spread on sewer covers recently? Progress my man, the city is making progress. If Len Robinson can't shake up city hall by going after Kohler, think anyone is listening? The lights upstairs went out 30 years ago. If it makes you feel any better, even Mr. Picard can't get out, stuck over there with the sleigh ride "Rumpke" hill that used to be named a hospital. As Rome burns, you won't see a Phoenix rising. This is fighting the Civil War for the South, in 1900. The war is over....its lost, and no rebel with a nobel cause, can gain anything at this point in time. JMO.   

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 5:22pm
Hey--I just gave my opinion of the re-call idea.
Go for it if you choose.
I will support it.
Just watched the channel 5 report
Mr.Picard did not come off well, deservedly after watching his outburst.
MUSA was shown, including parts of posts by Randy and myself.
Fire Dept.spokesmen slammed them also.
Another sad day for the city.
Bring it on!

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 5:35pm
Anyone Got the video:

Tempers Flare At Middletown Council Meeting

Officials Argue Over Board Appointments

MIDDLETOWN, Ohio -- Tempers flared Tuesday at the Middletown City Council meeting, where two city officials argued over non-residents sitting on local boards.

Television cameras captured council members Dan Picard and Josh Laubach as they argued heatedly over the issue.

"Mr. Laubach, I'm speaking and I'd appreciate it if you shut up while I am," Picard said.

"Excuse me, Mr. Picard," Laubach said.

"No, you owe me the respect of being quiet until I'm done," Picard said.

"You have the floor," Laubach said.

The incident has become the talk of the town, with residents expressing their anger and frustration on message boards and to each other.

"The bickering and infighting among council is not going to allow the city to move forward to where it needs to be," said Jon Harvey, president of the firefighters union.

Harvey said the City Council needs to focus on more important issues, such as the budget and the proposed cuts of three firefighters.

No City Council members were willing to discuss the incident on the record, but a couple of officials told News 5 they were disappointed by Picard's words and called them unprofessional.

Picard declined to comment to News 5, but he sent an e-mail apologizing to other City Council members.

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 5:41pm
Your comments spiderjohn, were on mark: dysfunctional, one- dimentional, biased, irresponsible, looking out for the beast, not the citizens. This showings just continue to make Middletown look like the backwoods, corrupt city it is. Living a nightmare---the strike that wiped out the city, then the housing meltdown, now raising water, anything, to keep the beast fat, lazy, and fed. Its pathetic it tolerated, and seeing this on local news is watching a train wreck. Go for it Vet, my point was there are more serious violations I've read than the embarrassment of the "shut up stupid, do you know I'm Dan Picard" outburst. What a soap opera Middletown is, and city hall just laughs, and thinks whom is next in line, with the six figure pay-out and retirement.

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 5:44pm
The Video wil lbe on line in about two hours, waiting for channel have to post it. Thank you Karin for the report.

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 5:58pm

Here is the link to the video -

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 6:07pm

Regarding any attempt at a recall:

It seems obvious that the first thing we must do is have Council appoint a Board or Commission on Recalls.

(Of Course, they will have to look outside the city to find competent people to appoint to this board, since Middletonians are all inept.  This may be illegal, but that has never bothered the City Law Director thus far, nor does it seem to bother the majority of City Council!!!)

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: PattiGal
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 9:20pm did you get your hands on pvt e-mails between council members? If you said so I missed it. Mike Presta- I don't know you personally, but I enjoy your writing skills tremendously. That except where you offer your services to a female council member should become legendary... Very well done!

"Because nice matters..."

Posted By: Bill
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 9:46pm

Judy will be gone by 2012.

Posted By: TudorBrown
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 9:54pm
Originally posted by VietVet VietVet wrote:

This has never been tried to my recollection. -

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 11:08pm
Originally posted by PattiGal PattiGal wrote: did you get your hands on pvt e-mails between council members? If you said so I missed it. Mike Presta- I don't know you personally, but I enjoy your writing skills tremendously. That except where you offer your services to a female council member should become legendary... Very well done!
Ms. Gal,
At this stage of my life, if I can either brighten the day for a nice person or darken the day for a scoundrel, I consider it a successful day for myself!!! Smile
Thank you very much for your kind words. Embarrassed  I think that yesterday was doubly successful!!! LOL LOL LOL

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 11:11pm
Originally posted by Bill Bill wrote:

Judy will be gone by 2012.

Just Judy???  What about Les and Marty???
And to paraphrase that old saying:
Why put off until 2012 what you can do in 2010 or 2011??? Big%20smile

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Billy Jack
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 11:13pm
Originally posted by LMAO LMAO wrote:

Mr.Picard,Once a idiot always a idiot.Grow the hell up.
I totally agree . As we have witnessed today . We the people of Middletown have made a bad choice. Mr. Picard need to STEP DOWN. It is obvious that there is alot of desention on council and I think it all point to him. He sure demostrats the Big man my way  or else. Do we need someone like this  representing us. NO WE DO NOT. Thank you Mr Lumbaugh for respresently the people of Middletown,Ohio  Keep up the good work. Don't be bullied

Posted By: Billy Jack
Date Posted: Oct 07 2010 at 11:25pm
Originally posted by danpicard danpicard wrote:

Apparently none of you notice that Mr. Laubach interrrupted me and attempted to prevent me for expressing my opinions.  I guess I am just suppose to keep thoughts to myself...oh yeah, apparently you guys don't like that either since it demonstrates that I am not doing the "work " of Council....
His attempts to silence me. other Council members and City Staff have been far more offensive than anything I have ever done!
I think Mr Picard needs to grow up. Act normal for a change. Stop the big man with a stick complex. We the people of Middletown has seen your dark side. It's Time for a Recall

Posted By: Billy Jack
Date Posted: Oct 08 2010 at 12:31am

As many would agree. I Hope the City of MIddletown has more police at the next  council meeting. As they might have to detain Mr Picard. His actions are unwarrented. I hope he steps down so that council can move forward with productive meetings

Posted By: Rhodes
Date Posted: Oct 08 2010 at 1:15am
I've said it before and nobody ever comments on it, but to resolve this problem we need to reduce the terms to ONE YEAR. They can keep running year after year, but each term should be one year. Big cities are usually 2 years. Why does Middletown force the citizens to be stuck with council members for 4 whole years? Congress only gets 2 at a time. In a small town, one year is enough to show what you are made of and it would give us the opportunity to vote them out if that is needed.

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Oct 08 2010 at 2:39am

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Oct 08 2010 at 6:44am
acclaro- you paint a sad, but perhaps true picture of what Middletown has become. We have a choice here even if one thinks it is all over and any effort is futile. We can take your advice, resign ourselves, as you have, that there is nothing we can do and not even try. We can adopt their reasoning and direction for the city and "go along with the program" (hard to imagine most on this forum want that) or we can actually try to be pro-active (perhaps futile as you and Spider think it is), gather recall lists, submit for consideration and see what happens. To date, we have all gathered here to comment, complain, gripe, discuss, present evidence, facts, charts, graphs, copy articles from various sources and tell the world why we think things are so screwed up in this town, but there is one thing that none of us has done (at least successfully) and that is to organize a recognizable group that actually has their sh-- together and has challenged the enemy with any clout behind them. I see alot of smart people on this forum. I see people who know how to research and "dig out" the evidence to support the positions of most who post here. I read comments here that tell me that there are some people in this city who are not insiders, but know insider things that none of the general public is aware of. We have, on this forum, a group of people, including yourself, that are highly knowledgeable, highly intelligent, highly informed about an array of topics and yet, we can't seem to organize to develop a gameplan to overcome the people who control the town? The only difference between their success as town destroyers and our lack of success in preventing them from destroying the town is that they are organized with the purpose of controlling the town, and we can't get all of the discontent people in this town (including us) to organize. They have a purpose (control) - we have the rage to change it but not the committment. The people in this town are "ate up" with apathy when all it would take is an effort from them to change their unhappiness by recalling, voting in the right people and having those "right people" purge the city building. We can start it here on his forum with some committment and some effort and solicit support from the general public by creating our own counter-information, refuting the cities crap they throw the people. The highlights of this forum needs to go out to the general public. We only have a small % of the population that reads this forum. What about the other 95%? They only get the city skewed info. How about we give them what is really going on in this city on a more wide-spread basis? Would it fire them up? Would they be as angry as we are? Would they want to do something about it? Maybe not, but we don't know for sure unless we try, do we? Just a thought. Who wants to begin the organization? Comments/ suggestions?? Any interest at all? JMO

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Oct 08 2010 at 8:44am
Vet, my point again is a recall may be an effort worthy of making, but I remain confused---is it directed towards ONLY Mr. Picard, or others? Nick Kidd has made some very strong comments about the city using or misappropriating gas funds collected, it that substantiated, and if so, would that not be a stronger basis for a recall? I offer as an example, the cemetary situation with the city. A complaint was filed, and I haven't read or seen evidence the city was hit hard with a fine or much of any action taken.
If this is based upon rudenes, I am sure almost every city has had periods where a council member ws rude, but perhaps exerting enough pressure will cause Mr. Picard to resign or the recall petition will set up another candidate. At the end of the day, I just don't think city council puts forth the effort to push for the people, its all about the city.
To your final point, I totally agree about the apathy. I can't figure it out, but those wanting change stay on the sidelines. Go for it, nothing ventured is nothing gained.    

Posted By: Nick_Kidd
Date Posted: Oct 08 2010 at 9:41am
Vet and acclaro, you are both correct. For many years I tried to get our citizens to see just where our city was headed. The criminals that have destroyed our city rely on the following:

The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.

Government is not the answer to problems, government is the problem.

Posted By: Nick_Kidd
Date Posted: Oct 08 2010 at 10:23am
Vet, acclaro, Mike Presta, Vivian and others: There are a ways to get rid of the members of council and criminals in the city building! It is time to hold them personnally responsible for their criminal conduct. I have been gathering evidence of criminal activity for many years. Just within the last few weeks the crooks in the city building have started violating the civil rights of many citizens. I think council and the city employees should take personal responsibility for these violations. If we file many multi-million dollar civil rights violations lawsuits against them personally, they will gladly remove themselves. Also, at the last coucil meeting, council voted to steal more money from the citizens by charging a minimum "rain" tax on real estate where  water is shut off. If you remember when a previous council told us that the storm water sewer charge was "federally mandated charge"? That was a lie! That was a sceme hatched in our city building to steal more money from the citizens, because council can raise water and sewer rates without a vote of the citizens. This money should go into an enterprise fund along with the increases in water and sewer charges. These funds are already overcharging and the extra money being skimmed off. The sewer separation fund was also an enterprise fund that hundreds of millions of dollars are missing. After the election, I think that we should petition the auditor of the state to come in and audit the enterprise funds(along with all the other funds) and get the attorney general to prosecute all those involved in over charging and misappropriating the money from these funds.
 An added thought, if we got rid of just one inspector from city payroll, the savings on their benefit package would pay to open our pool. The saving on their paycheck would maintain our park and cemetery. 

Government is not the answer to problems, government is the problem.

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Oct 08 2010 at 10:28am
Originally posted by Nick_Kidd Nick_Kidd wrote:

Vet, acclaro, Mike Presta, Vivian and others: There are a ways to get rid of the members of council and criminals in the city building! It is time to hold them personnally responsible for their criminal conduct. I have been gathering evidence of criminal activity for many years. Just within the last few weeks the crooks in the city building have started violating the civil rights of many citizens. I think council and the city employees should take personal responsibility for these violations. If we file many multi-million dollar civil rights violations lawsuits against them personally, they will gladly remove themselves. Also, at the last coucil meeting, council voted to steal more money from the citizens by charging a minimum "rain" tax on real estate where  water is shut off. If you remember when a previous council told us that the storm water sewer charge was "federally mandated charge"? That was a lie! That was a sceme hatched in our city building to steal more money from the citizens, because council can raise water and sewer rates without a vote of the citizens. This money should go into an enterprise fund along with the increases in water and sewer charges. These funds are already overcharging and the extra money being skimmed off. The sewer separation fund was also an enterprise fund that hundreds of millions of dollars are missing. After the election, I think that we should petition the auditor of the state to come in and audit the enterprise funds(along with all the other funds) and get the attorney general to prosecute all those involved in over charging and misappropriating the money from these funds.
 An added thought, if we got rid of just one inspector from city payroll, the savings on their benefit package would pay to open our pool. The saving on their paycheck would maintain our park and cemetery. 
ClapClapClapClapClapClap..Amen Nick. Time for the crooks to exit the city.

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Oct 08 2010 at 2:30pm
Originally posted by Rhodes Rhodes wrote:

I've said it before and nobody ever comments on it, but to resolve this problem we need to reduce the terms to ONE YEAR. They can keep running year after year, but each term should be one year. Big cities are usually 2 years. Why does Middletown force the citizens to be stuck with council members for 4 whole years? Congress only gets 2 at a time. In a small town, one year is enough to show what you are made of and it would give us the opportunity to vote them out if that is needed.


I must've missed this when you've said it in the past, but it is a GREAT idea!!!

Our City Charter needs some major revisions. It needs a good going over by a group of citizens NOT controlled by the scoundrels that are ruining our city.

The SHORTENING of the term of City Council members should be the starting point of such an effort. Although I think one year is too short, I would certainly support TWO YEARS as an appropriate length term for council members in our city.

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Paul Nagy
Date Posted: Oct 08 2010 at 2:49pm
Hey Nick,
        Do you remember when we were running that we got called into a meeting by Les landen to insultingly tell us what we could and couldn't say and do in our campaigns and/or if we sat on council.
Mr. Landen must have forgotten that class with this council.
Paul Nagy

Posted By: Hermes
Date Posted: Oct 08 2010 at 2:52pm
Nick - I agree 100%...I've said it for some time that the state auditor needs to come in but being an outsider (from city hall) I don't have the evidence to file with the auditor.
If you have evidence and can prove a solid case then I suggest in wasting no time on contacting the auditor. On the state auditors website they have a way of reporting these things but it requires personal information which may or will become public record.

No more democrats no more republicans,vote Constitution Party !!

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Oct 08 2010 at 3:45pm
Originally posted by Paul Nagy Paul Nagy wrote:

Hey Nick,
        Do you remember when we were running that we got called into a meeting by Les landen to insultingly tell us what we could and couldn't say and do in our campaigns and/or if we sat on council.
Mr. Landen must have forgotten that class with this council.
Paul Nagy
The City Law Director seems to only apply the law or the Code of Ethics when it suits him or his handlers.

We consistently see him approve, overlook, or acquiesce illegal and unethical behavior.

It is time for him to go, but for his pension to stay. He should not be allowed to resign. He should be fired for cause and either the County prosecutor or the State AG should determine if a criminal case could be made.

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Nick_Kidd
Date Posted: Oct 08 2010 at 3:49pm
Paul, can you believe that Les Landen could even say the word ethics without being struck by lighting?
Hermes, my intentions are to file with the Auditor of State and the Attorney General of the State. The only reason for waiting is the election. They are out trying to get elected and we will have new ones after the election. Filing right now would probably get lost in the shuffle.

Government is not the answer to problems, government is the problem.

Posted By: angelababy
Date Posted: Oct 11 2010 at 10:30pm
Scott-Jones in his E-Mails. He is out of control in his superiority type of attitude. This is not in a discussion mode, but rather an argumentative style that will discredit what little credibility council has built and create the uneasy feeling that seemed present on the council tape as it played out. Ms. Scott-Jones' assessment of the 4 to 3 vote on a repetitive basis is correct. It appears, whether they want to admit it or not, that there are two camps on council.

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