Start Skydiving/Fastrax
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Category: Middletown City Government
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Topic: Start Skydiving/Fastrax
Posted By: jag123
Subject: Start Skydiving/Fastrax
Date Posted: Oct 01 2010 at 4:49pm
I just recieved a copy of an email sent to City Council members as well as others, providing and update on the activities of the jump facility at the airport. The email was sent by the Safety Director/Asst. Airport Manager, R. Jack Wolf.
Total Jumps - 26,000+
Hotel Rooms - 2,500+
Fuel Purchased - 50,000 gallons+
They have added much to the local economy and I hope they continue to grow.
Posted By: Chief Whatdahey
Date Posted: Oct 01 2010 at 5:38pm
That is great for the economy and the sights they provide. I have been entertained many afternoons watching the parachutes drift in the sky. I am a little concerned with the amount of recreational vehicle campers that are parked there on a semi permanent basis though, especially if we still have the electrical meter issues that are known at the airport. Hope we are not "funding the fun" as taxpayers more than we should by paying for utilities for these campers. I have to pay to ELECTRIFY or STORE my R.V. I like the airport activity as long as it is paying for itself, and understand that we are still subsidizing operations at the airport.
Posted By: jag123
Date Posted: Oct 01 2010 at 6:23pm
I thought about this as well so I called the airport and found out that Start Skydiving upgraded all of the electric in their hangar, pay the electric bill themselves and the trailers get the power from there, no cost to the city. The trailers house the part-time employees of Start Skydiving. as I was told.
Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Oct 01 2010 at 11:52pm
jag123 wrote:
I thought about this as well so I called the airport and found out that Start Skydiving upgraded all of the electric in their hangar, pay the electric bill themselves and the trailers get the power from there, no cost to the city. The trailers house the part-time employees of Start Skydiving. as I was told. | If true, this is GREAT NEWS!!!
These are the kinds of businesses we need. Businesses that pay their own way, and actually contribute to the city, not psuedo-businesses that are nothing more than social opportunities for the friends of city hall, but are burdens to the taxpayers.
------------- “Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
Posted By: rngrmed
Date Posted: Oct 02 2010 at 12:22am
I am hoping to do a jump after I graduate with my master's. I graduate next Nov, so I'm guessing I would have to wait until the Spring of 2012. Anyone want to join to see if we can get a group discount????
Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Oct 02 2010 at 7:36am
I will join you for that jump.
------------- Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357
Posted By: rngrmed
Date Posted: Oct 02 2010 at 10:13am
Sweet. Maybe we can get a Bengals banner to fly in the sky!
Posted By: Mtown
Date Posted: Oct 02 2010 at 12:40pm
Does anyone know when the owner of Fastrax starts serving his federal prison sentence for tax fraud?
Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Oct 02 2010 at 2:28pm
My God Mtown you have like 15 post and I am already sick of you. I have never banned anyone from this site for getting on my nerves but you might be the first.
We should indeed get a bengals banner to fly when we jump, maybe we can set it up to land in Vets Front yard. :)
------------- Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357
Posted By: Chief Whatdahey
Date Posted: Oct 02 2010 at 2:42pm
It takes a serious lack of balls and spine to continue to call people out or bash people, and contribute nothing positive on a forum in a completely anonymous way Mtown. As those of us that have been reading this forum and served or lived in this town for years we are all aware of that issue and it is public knowledge. I believe that you said in another forum something about " living in glass houses." I don't care that you take a swing at an occasional wide pitch, but at least take ownership of it and don't hide behind total anonymity. There are a lot of good people on these forums that genuinely have the best interests of this city at heart, and the balls to own whatever position they take. Grow up, man up, have your facts straight, and if you can't contribute in a constructive way, then don't. Better a man thought a fool to keep his mouth shut, than open it and remove all doubt.
Posted By: firewater
Date Posted: Oct 02 2010 at 2:49pm
I am new to this forum, but have read for years and have much respect for all those that want serious postive change in Middletown. I wanted to comment on this topic because it is a lot of fun to watch all the sky divers in the air around Middletown. I also wanted to say that you are spot on with your post Chief. I have went back read all of Mtowns post (sorry Randy there are 18) and thus far you have said nothing worth reading. In fact I just wasted 10 min of my life reading all your post, 10 min. I can never get back.
Posted By: Mtown
Date Posted: Oct 02 2010 at 4:25pm
I have read numerous personal, maybe even slanderous, charges made against people on MiddletownUSA and haven't seen threats to remove the posters. I have also read a lot of negativism.
Posted By: Mtown
Date Posted: Oct 02 2010 at 4:28pm
What's wrong with asking about the legal status of an out of town business owner that leases City property?
Posted By: Mtown
Date Posted: Oct 02 2010 at 4:29pm
Read Vivian's and spiderjohn's posts
Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Oct 02 2010 at 7:26pm
Mtown, your goal here is too start trouble and stir the pot. Do not talk to me like I am stupid and dont see what your game is. If you want to discuss matters and issues that are facing our city I am all for that. But the only thing you have done thus far is call out posters by their real names and try to start trouble with other postings. Ask around, you are not the first I have talked about removing, and you you would not the first one to be banned.
------------- Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357
Posted By: rngrmed
Date Posted: Oct 03 2010 at 4:10am
We should indeed get a bengals banner to fly when we jump, maybe we can set it up to land in Vets Front yard. :) [/QUOTE]
As long as he realizes we are non-combatants as long as we are
Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Oct 03 2010 at 6:36am
Randy- rngrmed....please don't fly a Bengals banner when you jump. It will cause a chain reaction that can't be corrected. Here's the buildup to my comment.
1. You jump out of a perfectly good flying aircraft for apparently no good reason.
2. As soon as you jump, someone is going to call the proper authorities.
3. A second call will be placed to the Springfield ANG to the alert pad and the F-16's will be scrambled.
4. The time it takes the F-16's to reach the airport area will be faster than you can reach the ground and head for cover.
5. It is discovered that the F-16 pilots realize that you are displaying a Bengals banner on your jump. They are Steelers and Ravens fans respectively and they are and have their fingers on the triggering, just a "itchin" for a fight.
6. When they engage you guys and aim for the banner, by the time you touch ground, there is nothing left of the banner that would be able to be measured.
7. When the story is reported, and the taxpayers realize how much has been spent to scramble the fighters, and realize the reason they were scrambled, all he-- is going to break loose.
So you see gentlemen, if you don't want to cause alot of trouble, it wouldn't be a good idea to jump with that Bengals banner. Furthermore, it is not prudent to litter the skies above Middletown with unsightly banners as you may tarnish our pristine reputation. This also may be in violation of the city's ordinance on banners and advertising too. Hermes, tell Randy Sue and rngrmed not to do it. It will anger alot of people if they intend to fly that banner. Right?
Posted By: jag123
Date Posted: Oct 03 2010 at 10:20am
I don't know the answer to your question about the owner of Fastrax. Why don't you call them to find out?