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Parking Garage Art & Misc.

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Category: Middletown Community
Forum Name: Fun Pictures and Video
Forum Description: Share your Middletown Area Fun Photos and Video
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Topic: Parking Garage Art & Misc.
Posted By: 409
Subject: Parking Garage Art & Misc.
Date Posted: Jun 06 2010 at 5:14pm
I had forgotten about the's been awhile!!

Posted By: SupportMiddletown
Date Posted: Jun 07 2010 at 1:27am
Gonna miss it.


Posted By: High Speed Rail??
Date Posted: Jun 07 2010 at 4:17am
Rumors persist that Judy G. used to play with toy bulldozers and related demolition equipment as a small child??  Surely it isn't possible that she fantasizes about Middletown becoming the Detroit of S.W. Ohio??

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Jun 07 2010 at 6:32am
Originally posted by High Speed Rail?? High Speed Rail?? wrote:

Surely it isn't possible that she fantasizes about Middletown becoming the Detroit of S.W. Ohio??
High, there is no becoming the Detroit of SW Ohio.  Middletown is the Detroit of SW Ohio on a smaller scale.  I talk to a lot of people each week in Middletown some very well known and none are telling me that Middletown has a Bright Future, most just shake their heads at the cities predicament and lack of ability to cope with the issues.   

Posted By: High Speed Rail??
Date Posted: Jun 07 2010 at 10:23am
Ever since Judy G. moved here a couple of years ago she's always had a fondness for demolition compared to home ownership incentives.  And, what little she's done to rehab older homes is "smoke and mirrors" resulting in little positive impact on Middletown's devastated housing market conditions.  It's a case of "many words and little to no substance."  We should hope that she'd take her "grin and skin" routines plus the 54% slum city mentality elsewhere.

Posted By: Hermes
Date Posted: Jun 07 2010 at 10:38am
Judy G will no doubt be around for a long time. At $130k a year & she can do whatever she wants why would she leave ? Her presence has turned a boil into a festering puss infected wound that has no hope of healing and the only alternative is to amputate. She doesn't even have to live here and put up with her own idiotic ideas. Create a mess and move elsewhere, great strategy. I seriously doubt she even pays city taxes.

No more democrats no more republicans,vote Constitution Party !!

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jun 07 2010 at 11:26am
I have posted for a long time, my desire to see her fired as city manager along with others in her little harem. I don't think she (and many others) have been good for the city since day one and the direction of this city under her leadership has supported those conclusions. In many of my posts, both here and in the Journal, I had hoped that she be downsized and have offered to buy her a one way ticket on the old Greyhound bus back to Pickerington (or wherever her heart desires to go).

Hermes- she can do "whatever she wants" UNTIL, this council is replaced with people who have a spine and actually start dictating to her that this town will now move in the correct direction. IF......IF....we could set council up with the right people with a backbone and don't care what the power brokers in this town have to say, and they start gutting the problem kids in the city building, we could start to repair the damage done by this administration. JMO

Posted By: wasteful
Date Posted: Jun 07 2010 at 12:40pm
So just what do you guys want to do with all of these old worn out buildings and also houses.  With the exception of a few properties these places need to be torn down and the sooner the better.  If the goal is to continue on with the low income poverty stricken image that Middletown has then by all means reach into your pockets and buy these old pieces of junk and rent them out to more Section 8 residents.  Not exactly my idea of how to make your city grow but that seems to be the consensus here.....bring in more of the low income crowd.
As far as the downtown get rid of any building that doesn't have someone that wants to revamp it now.  Why would most businesses come to town and buy a building or land to have to spend a million dollars to just get rid of the busilding on it......they won't.  There is plenty of vacant land up and down I-75 for them to buy and start fresh.
Everyone complains about the city going nowhere then you complain when an attempt is being made to do away with the rat trap houses and building's that have contributed to Middletown's downfall.
The only people wanting to move to Middletown currently are the 200 people from out of town that are on the Section 8 waiting list.  This is a sad commentary on Middletown. 
As a city the focus should be on Middle Income residents not more of the poor or poverty stricken....don't we have enough.  If you have more middle income residents tax revenues go up and more can be accomplished even for those that are poor.  Unfortunately Middletown seems to make a habit of catering to the poor sector rather than those that foot the bills.
I know go ahead and flame away........but sometimes the truth hurts.
And as far as Gilleland goes she already owns a home here so she is pretty much in the same boat we all are.   Not that she needs me to defend her.  I don't agree with much of what the city does, but getting rid of these pieces of crap buildings I say the sooner the better.  Folks your city is you all not realize this or what.
Just how long is it going to take the citizens of Middletown to wake up to the fact that this is 2010 and not 1950.  Things will never be the way they were....NEVER, so stop crying about the way it was.  The future is what counts and Middletown is in reverse compared to the rest of SW Ohio.

Posted By: High Speed Rail??
Date Posted: Jun 07 2010 at 1:11pm
Wasteful -
I repeat what an ousted City division head said months ago:
1)  What is the status of the $2.144,000 HUD Neighborhood Stabilization Program - Round One funds that the City received as "schtimiulus-stimulus" funds last year?
2)  How many of the 54 vacant, dilapidated homes have been demolished?
3)  How many of the 20 vacant, foreclosed homes have been purchased/rehabbed and resold?
4)  How many first-time home buyers have received assistance in buying foreclosed homes?
5)  When will the "Golden Boy" on fourth floor let us lowly peons know what he is doing?
Wasteful, yes, the City has numerous residential and commercial properties requiring demolition.  Most of us agree with you on that note.  However, the sad thing is that  the One Donham Plaza policy for community revitalization is flawed and not at all in touch with market conditions and opportunities.  Large amounts of HUD funny money has been received but little to nothing is the impact.
Maybe we need Judy G. to advocate more high priority projects like the $1,000,000 Bike Path to nowhere.  Or, how about buying another $1.00 asbestos-laden, high demolition cost Former Downtown property like the former Strand Theater?  Our so-called Leaders sorely lack real world expertise in real estate, land development plus community revitalization expertise.  And, now, we have a City Council who mostly goes through the motions of approving her unproven strategies with little or no scrutiny.
I am so glad that I voted for Paul Nagy for City Council.

Posted By: wasteful
Date Posted: Jun 07 2010 at 3:08pm
High, 54 Vacant homes is not the issue 2000 is.  20 foreclosed homes is not the issue the 100's we have is.  First time home buyer assistance is not the issue, getting people to move here is.  Golden Boy is your issue.  $2.144 Mil in HUD Funds you need to ask Mr. Adkins, bet he has an answer.
Just to get rid of the 2000 vacant, dilapidated homes that the city says need to come down will cost $17M at $7.5K-10K each, or would you prefer we just give them to more Section 8 Landlords and let them further destroy the city.  An outside the box solution needs to be found to get rid of these homes.  The problem is the city is not good at looking outside the box. 
The Strand and asbestos, bet there are a lot more in downtown just like that.
What is it that AJ stated last Council meeting.  Councils main concern is Infrastructure and Public Safety, Marconi use to say the same thing.  What does this City and Council spend most of it's time on Section 8 and..................not quite sure what else.  As for the City itself I don't see a lot unless they are reacting to a serious problem.
I'll ask again so what is you idea to turn this town around and don't say 54 homes and 20 vacant foreclosed homes, etc. please.  How do you get businesses and residents to move here under the current conditions that Middletown suffers from.

Posted By: High Speed Rail??
Date Posted: Jun 07 2010 at 3:27pm
In reading your last post, it almost sounds like you're saying it doesn't matter if the City wastes millions in HUD funds that can help to stabilize our neighborhoods?  Surely this in not your belief?
And, by the way, Mr. Adkins has not commented on the NSP-1 grant for many, many months.  Surely this is not what you consider accountability?  After all, aren't these our Federal tax dollars?
Like Pacman, Viet Vet, Mike Presta, Vivian Moon, Nick Kidd, Paul Nagy, etc. have repeatedly said, it is the result of many years of misguided priorities that have made Middletown what it sadly is now.  Please tell us what your suggestion is and how you would pay for it?

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jun 07 2010 at 3:47pm
wasteful- He-- Noooooooooooooo! Not the general consensus here at all to bring in more low income people. On the contrary......start downsizing the Section 8 program......start reducing the vouchers.......stop the program designed to bring more of that segment to this town. Fire the creators of this cluster. SOME of us DISAGREE with the ramping up of Section 8 from an image standpoint alone as it contributes to the welfare town reputation we already have, thanks to the city leadership including council.(not to mention all the other negative residuals)

We are complaining about the apparent lack of marketing done on these unwanted buildings before they are torn down. Still not sure if the buildings were wanted or not because Leap brought to our attention the city never has marketed the Swallens building. IF TRUE- IF TRUE, the building and site was never given a fair chance of selling if never thoroughly advertised as Walter Leap suggested. The only time we heard about the Swallens building being offered was to local citizens for a buck and to the late Perry Thatcher, as he said he had a taker several years ago. This never materialized of course and may have been a load of crap given to the city leaders.

Yes, we see the city is dying, especially we citizens who have been here for a long time. We also know who has contributed to it dying too, wasteful. The city leaders from the 70's to current. Gilleland's administration seems to be speeding up the death of the city by their decisions to drag it through the Section 8/welfare mud too. Some of us want her (and others) gone now and replaced to TRY- stop some of the bleeding and to salvage what we can (if there is truely anything left anymore)

Posted By: Bobbie
Date Posted: Jun 07 2010 at 4:46pm
I am not doubting that buildings need to come down - but what is going to go back up.  There is a lot of talk building around a train - that I would highly doubt will ever come to Middletown.  We need to lower Sec 8 and foreclosure in Middletown, but how are we going to accomplish this?  The city leaders need to be working on this as well.  We need jobs in Middletown, we need business - other wise we will continue exactly how we are today with a few less buidlings. 
It is great that UDF will be building a new gas station/convenient store downtown - but this will not create the jobs that we need.  We need economic growth and the current leadership we have is spending to much time on beautification of downtown.

Posted By: High Speed Rail??
Date Posted: Jun 07 2010 at 6:11pm
Wasteful -
Wasn't it Mr. Adkins who proudly claimed that all of Middletown was a 54% lower income city early last year?  And, wasn't it Mr. Adkins who was going to get $19,000,000 in HUD Neighborhood Stabilization - Round Two grants thanks to his genius consultants?  Did you forget these little tidbits?
With his big pay raises and constant adulation from Judy G. and the Peanut Gallery, I bet the percentage of lower income here has now dropped to 53 percent?  Now that;s not too funny is it?  How's that taxpayers for a return on our hard-earned tax dollars that are spent (wasted) by City Hall?
Oh, and by the way, Viet Vet and Bobbie are correct in their responses to you.  Investmenting money in the policies and programs of the One Donham Plaza bureaucrats is like buying BP stock.  Clean out City Hall and elect some concerned, intelligent independent thinkers to City Council.

Posted By: High Speed Rail??
Date Posted: Jun 07 2010 at 6:14pm
A big thank you to Walter Leap for setting the record straight on the Swallens Building.  For years he has been a solid citizen and respected local real estate professional.  We need more honest, concerned citizens like Walter to expose the truth.

Posted By: wasteful
Date Posted: Jun 07 2010 at 6:43pm
High, I am not saying it doesn't matter.  I am saying go ask Mr. Adkins for an accounting.  I am sure he will have an answer and I don't mean doing it on here on a regular basis, that is getting you nowhere.  Personally this spending of $600+K a year is a waste of time and money if you ask me.   By the time all of the Admin fees and money is distributed to other organizations it becomes a joke in trying to accomplish anything in Middletown, Middletown needs in the 10's of Millions of dollars if not 100's to get the job done.  At this rate we will all be gone and buried before they make a dent in anything.  The HUD funds are basically being used to fund salaries in City Hall, just my opinion.  Same with why Section 8 was run up in 2007.  By the way Gilleland has nothing to do with the Section 8 mess, but it has fallen to her to deal with it and I hope it is done soon.  To much time is spent on a program that is excessive and detrimental to the City overall, in it's current state.  To have a waiting list with 225 out of towner's on it and only 90 people from Middletown is ludicrous.
Bobbie the old needs to go before you will most likely attract new businesses.  No New Business wants to inherit someone Else's problems, especially if there is any chance of ground contamination, asbestos and issues with the EPA.
Didn't the City have interested parties look at the Swallens Building and then walk  out and say you are better off tearing it down.  The garage was falling apart piece by piece.......I mean what do you want to do with it, pay $90-100K a year until it falls down on its own.
Wake up Middletown. 
High, I still don't see any ideas on dealing with the above issues in a manner that won't take 50 years.  HUD funds, I doubt they are coming in a quantity that will make a difference anytime soon.  Didn't we just get turned down for NSP 2 and that was for $19M with part going to Hamilton and to Butler County.  Gee $19M would probably just knock down the 2000+ rat traps we have in town.
I am with you guys on Change, but you need to realistic in what needs to be done.

Posted By: Bobbie
Date Posted: Jun 07 2010 at 7:22pm
Marjority fo the time you have a plan put together when you are demolishing the building - that is not the case here.  You develope the land to suit the buyer - that is the norm in real estate.  However our leaders have no education in this matter.  There fore we are tearing down in hopes that something will come.  Well it does not work that way especially in this economy.  You have to give to get.  Smart business would be sell them on the land,  the city will pick up the cost (which we are doing anyway) to suit, then the company feels the got a better deal. 
Everything is about perception - Middletown has a bad reputation, so there fore you have to dig in deep and work harder to get the business here.  We will have no economic growth unless we get some good paying jobs in this town.  Truthfully, downtown will not bring that in, not the small retail business.  They are wasting their money down there.  Even if the train does come to Middletown - you will not make money for the city there.

Posted By: wasteful
Date Posted: Jun 07 2010 at 8:54pm
Bobbie the City is not developing the land the city is meerly preparing the land to be developed by removing old and useless buildings.  Yes they are tearing down and clearing the land in hopes a business will come.  It is much easier to visualize a new business on a vacant lot than a lot which contains a huge eyesore with broken windows, caved in roof or one that has burned and is a skeleton of its past.  I agree the small retailer can most likely not survive downtown as there is not the customer base with disposable income down that way.

Posted By: Nick_Kidd
Date Posted: Jun 07 2010 at 9:47pm
    In my opinion, the reason that the old Swallens building could not be used was because of our outstanding former city councils (commission). Did any of you know that when Swallens turned the building over to the city, it was valued at 5.5 million dollars, if i remember correctly. The first thing our brainiacs in the city building did was to sell off the parking lot(s) across the street. If I remember, the lot at Flowers by Roger sold for $12,000 dollars. At the time the city was trying to force everyone to use the parking garage (another one of their failed money making ideas). The south parking lot (where the much needed bus station is now) was all a tow away zone except where a few parking meters were in use. Since people were afraid of the parking garage or just refused to use it, that left the Swallens building with NO parking, since there is no on the street parking on Verity or Manchester Ave. The lack of parking did make the building next to useless. When the city tried to use it to bring in 100 jobs, where were they going to park? When I heard that the city was going to tear down the parking garage and put in surface parking, I thought that would increase the usefulness and value of the old Swallens building. As usual, council only gets the information that city building wants them to have, so they will vote the way the people running things want them to vote.
    It would have been nice to see the parking garage gone and surface parking in place. Maybe then the Swallens building could have been put up for sale (by Walter Leap or some other real estate professional) and could have been use to really bring something to Middletown other than empty lots. 

Government is not the answer to problems, government is the problem.

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Jun 07 2010 at 10:24pm
Pretty much water under the bridge as the building and garage are coming down.
Bobbie States:
"Everything is about perception - Middletown has a bad reputation, so there fore you have to dig in deep and work harder to get the business here.  We will have no economic growth unless we get some good paying jobs in this town.  Truthfully, downtown will not bring that in, not the small retail business.  They are wasting their money down there.  Even if the train does come to Middletown - you will not make money for the city there."
That is right, Middletown has a bad Reputation, so you know what you do you work on changing that Reputation.  You don't change it by carrying on as you have for the last 6 years which is how long I have been here.  This city never changes unless it is declining.  We continually hear we need to do this and that except no one does it.
Section 8 is not improving, infrastructure is not improving, business prospects are not improving, I mean this city needs a serious wake up call as to which way it wants to head.   you will attract no high paying jobs unless you change your ways.  The east end will attract some jobs but those people for the most part will live elsewhere.  Currently Middletown is a hard if not impossible sell to any family with children.
When the census numbers come out in Dec. 2010, look for Middletown to take a serious hit in its numbers.  Population will be down, poverty will be up and those numbers don't bode well for attracting any new type of Retail or Service business.
Section 8 seems to be stuck in limbo, with 1 voucher for every 28 residents roughly, as it has been for the last 3-4 years.   I just looked at the last place I lived which has a population of  1,195,317 they have a total of 5209 Section 8 vouchers for over 1.1 million people or about 1 voucher for every 229 residents.  What does everyone else in the USA know about Section 8 that Middletown just doesn't get or comprehend?  What is the underlying factor that drove Section 8 to what it is today?
Bobbie and Wasteful are right downtown will not support small business.  The East end here can't support many small businesses.  I wouldn't be surprised to see some more close in the next few months in the East End.  Middletown just doesn't support the small Retail/Service business for the most part. For many  Small businesses in Middletown they must have a business plan which relies on outside sales, by that I mean outside of Middletown, in order to survive.
This whole mess gets more depressing each day and the lack of progress is unfortunate to say the least.

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