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How Is That Right !!

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Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: Middletown Courts
Forum Description: Discuss current court cases.
Printed Date: Feb 16 2025 at 12:58pm

Topic: How Is That Right !!
Posted By: randy
Subject: How Is That Right !!
Date Posted: Jan 25 2010 at 9:20pm
So, I dont bitch about my personal life very often if ever. But tonight I am. I just got a speeding ticket heading home down Grand Ave. before it turns to Sutphin St. My complaint is this...the cop that pulled me over had a head light out. How in the hell is he allowed on the street in that car for one, and for two, shouldn't I be able to write him a ticket? When he brought the ticket to my window I even said " come on officer can I just get a warning, you got a head light out and writing me a ticket."  His response as he laughed was, " I am not writing you for a head light." 
That is messed up man, he is driving around breaking the law writing tickets to others breaking the law, HOW IS THAT RIGHT!!

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: adamwlewis
Date Posted: Jan 25 2010 at 9:27pm
You're a moron brother lol. Two wrongs don't a make a right... remember that old adage?

-------------" rel="nofollow - Adam Lewis ' Blog

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Jan 25 2010 at 9:28pm
I hate you !! lol

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: Smartman
Date Posted: Jan 25 2010 at 9:31pm
Randy, You kinda sound like Gomer Pyle yelling Citizens Arrest at Barney Fife!!!! LOL LOL

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Jan 25 2010 at 9:34pm
LOL.If that cop wasn't allowed to drive that car he wouldn't have been there to pull me over.

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: Hermes
Date Posted: Jan 25 2010 at 10:28pm
Randy  -When cops break the law then there is NO LAW.
With his headlight out he/she should have went immediately to the station or garage for repair or another car.
He/she would NEVER hesitate to write you a ticket for a headlight out.
You may think it's not worth it and just pay the fine,since you already admitted your guilt,or you could file a complaint because the police department has/had an unsafe police vehicle in full operation with a safety defect actively working patrol.

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Jan 25 2010 at 10:32pm
And that was my point,  why is this officer allowed to drive around in a car that is not up to standards that we as tax payers are held to. ?

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: 409
Date Posted: Jan 25 2010 at 10:54pm
Randy,  Conspiracy?  Shocked  Confused

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Jan 25 2010 at 10:58pm
They are out to shut up

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: wasteful
Date Posted: Jan 26 2010 at 2:19am
Quote With his headlight out he/she should have went immediately to the station or garage for repair or another car.
Hermes that would have required Emergency Legislation.Big%20smile

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jan 26 2010 at 6:40am
Randy- Do you have a Bengals sticker on your car? Is so, question as to why he wrote you a ticket is solved. You were, no doubt, charged with operating a motor vehicle while impaired, as the officer probably found it hard to believe that anyone could function correctly behind the wheel and still be a Bengals fan. Perhaps the good officer thought you were a danger to yourself and the general public with your sticker display.(and rightfully so!)    IMO, the officer did a good thing here as you were in clear violation of civil law. Thank you Officer Fife for correcting this henious, offensive crime! Watch out Hermes, you're next! We here in good 'ole Middletown won't put up with this Bengals nonsense!

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Jan 26 2010 at 7:46am
Randy the Rocket,
Did you tell him that you had friends at City Hall??? Wink LOL LOL LOL

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Jan 26 2010 at 7:49am
Mike I was gonna mention that and the fact that I work for but I feared I would be arrested on site, taken downtown never to be seen again.

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Jan 26 2010 at 8:46am
Should've accidentally handed him your PRESS pass instead of your driver's license!! Evil%20Smile

Posted By: Militaryman
Date Posted: May 31 2010 at 12:03pm
Randy...No, it's not fair, and it makes us bitter, as citizens, so see this, as it does seem very unfair.  However you have to remember, "cops" are under a different guideline than the rest of us, as we are 'fair game' when it comes to minor offenses such as this.  Cops should be held at a 'higher' standard, as they are in a postion of 'authority' that gives them a certain amount of "power."    My suggestion to you?  And, before I say this, keep in mind, most people would find it a little "extreme", but maybe keep a way to audio/video record contact with officers, if you are in a situation that involves any confrontation with them.  Government employees can be audio/video taped at any time peforming their duties, and this is of course, a "duty" of theirs, and within their working hours.  Most 'cell phones are equipped with audio and/or video recording capabilities. 
I would however, let the officer know that you are proceding to audio/video tape your conversation with them, nicely of course, and that the law allows you to do that, at any time you are acosted by the police in something like this.   Law enforcement tends to be somewhat "apprehensive" when they know they are being recorded, as they want to make sure to follow all guidelines in pertaining to pulling a citizen over for a traffic violation.  It does seem, like I said, a lttle extreme, but the average drive probably doesn't get pulled over and stopped by the police very often, so it's worth an extra measure just to protect yourself.   I think people have become so "fearful" of police, that they forget their rights as citizens.  If you can remember to look for the officer's last name on their name badge, you can always file a complaint with Chief Schwarber.   And maybe hope it doesn't fall on deaf ears.  

Posted By: Militaryman
Date Posted: May 31 2010 at 12:07pm
To "Mike Presta"...the press pass thing, was awesome!  What a good (and hilarious) idea...Ha!  I will have to remember that.  I do work for the media, but not locally in Mid-town.  This forum should be read periodically by ALL city council members.  They should be educated on how the people view their city, and those who control it.

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