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Rasser's The New Super!

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Category: Middletown City Schools
Forum Name: Other School Issues
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Topic: Rasser's The New Super!
Posted By: VietVet
Subject: Rasser's The New Super!
Date Posted: Jan 12 2010 at 7:47am
The BoE made the call. Rasmussen is the man. His first order of business- get that renewal levy passed. My first order of business- voting no on the same renewal levy. Just not that impressed with the whole school situation here to support it.

Posted By: Hermes
Date Posted: Jan 12 2010 at 11:47am

 I agree Vet,the school system has to show an improvement & work with what they have before anymore money is thrown into the fire !! If they can't make improvements with what they have then they definitly don't need more tax money.

NO TO SCHOOL LEVIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Clap Clap Clap

Posted By: Marcia Andrew
Date Posted: Jan 12 2010 at 1:35pm
Hermes, the levy that we will be putting on the ballot in May is a renewal levy. It will not be asking for new money. Two existing levies that together are 25% of our operating budget expire at the end of 2010, and we are asking to continue that same amount of money.  We are combining the two levies into one, and converting it to a continuing status, so that they don't automatically expire. 
Marcia Andrew

Posted By: Hermes
Date Posted: Jan 12 2010 at 2:10pm
Ms. Andrew - Thank you for the above explanation, but even for a renewal levy to pass we have got to see some major improvements. As tax payers we can not continue to approve money that,in my opinion,is being wasted. You wanted new schools,you got them. But new schools do not improve test scores nor does it improve teaching practices. One problem that many people I have talked to see with levy approvals is that the money is not used to teach & improve,but to give pay raises & benefits to school officials.
Middeltown is not the city it once was. AK no longer supports this city. The city as well as it's citizens are in deep financial trouble. The city is basically dying with no real hope in sight. Again,I will not nor can I support any type of levy renewal or other wise nor do I even know anyone who would support it. Belts have to be tightened,cuts have to be made if necessary,a scaling back,if you will,of operations. Does this hurt the kids ? Sure it does ! But when they are tax payers someday they'll come to realize what a sacrifice others have made on their behalf and hopefully at some point appreciate what was done for them.

Posted By: Marcia Andrew
Date Posted: Jan 12 2010 at 4:19pm

Hermes, I do understand the economy stinks and why people would be against taxes.  You are entitled to your position. I'm just trying to keep my contributions here factual as best I can. So I just wanted to respond to your comment that many people feel that "the money is not used to teach & Improve, but to give pay raises & benefits to school officials."

Approximately 70% of the school budget is for salaries and benefits. I don't have with me the breakdown as to how much of that is teachers and support staff versus how much of it is central office (if that is what you mean by "school officials") but I will try to get it for you.  My point is just that a very large percentage of the budget is used for teaching. In addition a good chunk every year is used for professional development for teachers, which is intended to improve the quality of teaching.

I think it was you who asked in another thread how much school board members are paid (if we are the "school officials" you are referring to?).  School board members are not paid a salary.  We are paid a flat sum of $125 for each official meeting of the school board that we attend. We are not paid for our preparation time, or time in committee meetings, community events, answering questions from the media or bloggers, etc.

Marcia Andrew

Posted By: Hermes
Date Posted: Jan 12 2010 at 5:01pm
Ms Andrew - Again thank you for shedding some light on this issue. I think a lot of people,as well as myself,are unaware of how monies are broken down for the school system. I did however assume that the largest percentage went to salaries & benefits.
I had no idea what the pay was for a board meeting so thank you for providing that.

Posted By: gemneye70
Date Posted: Jan 12 2010 at 6:39pm
Ms. Andrews-The most important factor that should have been considered in hiring a new supt is what experience applicants have had at turning other districts around and making them excellant...everything else should have been secondary.

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