Need Advice
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Category: Middletown Community
Forum Name: People in Middletown
Forum Description: Discuss People in Middletown
Printed Date: Mar 13 2025 at 5:04pm
Topic: Need Advice
Posted By: rngrmed
Subject: Need Advice
Date Posted: Dec 03 2009 at 4:48am
So I know this particular fellow that is a registered sex offender. I know his charges involved child pornography. Last summer, I had seen him walkings his dogs at Highland elementary (?) (The old Wilson school). School was getting out and he was on the same side of the street. Now I've seen him walking his dogs up Breiel near Rosedale Rd on school days. I haven't actually seen him make the turn on to Rosedale, but 2x I have seen him at that corner (Breiel and Rosedale). I can't speak of his intentions. I'm not even sure if it is against the law for him to be that close. I don't want to bother the police if this is trivial.
What would you guys/women do?
Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Dec 03 2009 at 6:42am
JMO but I'd bother the police on this. Isn't it odd that all of the times that you have seen him, he has been around Highview Elementary or within site of Middletown High. Coincidence? maybe, but probably still worth pursuing. Wouldn't hurt to let them know.
Posted By: rngrmed
Date Posted: Dec 03 2009 at 8:40am
That is what I thought too... Wasn't sure if being a parent was clouding my judgement and making me paranoid. The last two times I have seen him it has been at the corner of Rosedale and Breiel. I was thinking more of children at Rosedale elementary. Forgot all about the High School kids. Contact Sheriff's office or MPD? Since he is a registered offender
Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Dec 03 2009 at 9:13am
You can call Officer Mike Davis he is the School Resource Safety Officer.
513-425-7737 or513-425-7700
Posted By: Bobbie
Date Posted: Dec 03 2009 at 10:01am
That is a scary thought. There are a lot of high school kids that walk home everyday towards fast food row. Hopefully the elementary does not walk all the way to Breiel - but it is better to be safe then sorry.
Posted By: PattiGal
Date Posted: Dec 04 2009 at 6:56am
No, being a parent has not clouded your judgment, it has actually made it crystal clear. Always follow your instincts where the safety of children are concerned. I don't think any of us as parents will ever look back and say, "I wish I didn't work so hard to keep my children safe."
Thank you!!
Posted By: rngrmed
Date Posted: Dec 04 2009 at 10:23am
As I think of the details i know on Breiel and Rosedale was a Sunday. So there were no children at the school. I remember trying to make it home on time for the Bengals' game when I saw him...
Posted By: TudorBrown
Date Posted: Dec 04 2009 at 11:49am
LMAO wrote:
You can call Officer Mike Davis he is the School Resource Safety Officer.
513-425-7737 or513-425-7700 |
I know Officer Davis, he will lay the smack down on this guy if necessary! 
Posted By: NewfCrew
Date Posted: Feb 02 2010 at 1:30am
The police dept. should have all the info of his probation file and be able to contact his case manager. At a minimum they pull him in for a little chat and remind him of the conditions of his registration.
Sex offenders live freely in our communities on "suspended sentences" as long as they adhere to the guidelines of the registration. When the offense has involved a minor, this will always include a stipulation which strictly prohibits coming within x amount of yards of any public or private establishment frequented by children. Meaning, schools, parks, playground and so on. The number of yards is determined by your county. If they are caught hanging out in these areas a police officer has the right to arrest them. More often than not they just ask them to leave. Just depends on the officer. If they violate the parameters of the suspended sentence the judge can impose the remainder that was suspended. Back to jail they go. Most sex offenders involving children start predatory behaviors a year or two out. For example.....walking a dog near a school. They usually prefer weekends searching for unsupervised kids that are using the teachers or adults around makes for an easier target. Also around the time any after school programs are let out. Very few teachers and just a few straggling kids walking home alone or those waiting for late rides.
Most sex offenders never serve out the remainder of their sentences and eventually find new victims without being noticed. The reason being average citizens don't hold them accountable to the short leash they are supposed to be on. They are registered for a reason and if more people noticed what you did and spoke up..... more sex offenders would spend more time in jail. JMO but that's a bonus
------------- Newfies....Beauty without Vanity,
Strength without Insolence,
Courage without Ferocity,
And all the Virtues of Man without his Vices.
Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Feb 02 2010 at 7:20am
I concur with the rest (and I think that Dick H. would as well). This is certainly a case of "better safe, than sorry."
------------- “Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
Posted By: Militaryman
Date Posted: May 21 2010 at 9:53am
I guess all I can say to this is that when it becomes a police officers' own "judgement" that allows them to 'arrest' a known sexual offender when they are in areas they don't belong, then that's too much of a 'grey' area involving very serious things such as the proctection of our children. It's a known fact that there's too many incidents within our local police department that makes the citizens of Middletown very leary of the right "judgement" call among them, in making that right decision. This shouldn't be a judgement call for the officer to make. It should be an automatic arrest. Just like there should be an automatic termination for offficers caught exchanging sexual favors while on duty, which I'm sure we all can remember. And these officers that do this? Well, they still have their jobs. So, in light of making good judgement calls, it shouldn't be a discussion weather or not to arrest these perverts or not. It should be a done deal.
Posted By: rngrmed
Date Posted: May 21 2010 at 1:17pm
I had called his PO a while back. Turns out he is allowed to walk on the property outside the school, but not allowed on school property. How much sense that make? He can't live within a certain distance, but he can walk around the school??? The PO said he makes certain the Principals know who the offenders are. I encourage everyone with children to look at the offender's page on the Butler County website. But who's to say an offender from a different area doesn't travel to here? Educate your children also.
Posted By: rngrmed
Date Posted: May 21 2010 at 1:20pm
MilitaryMan--as far as the exchange of sexual favors while on duty...I guessing "The Union" has a lot to do with that. Maybe some Union reform policies should be enacted so screw ups aren't given the same protection as the guys that bust their ass. Good guys are now guilty by association.
Posted By: Militaryman
Date Posted: May 31 2010 at 11:46am
Yes, I will agree in regards to the "guilt by association" issue, my friend. True it is. Our city has some good, upstanding officers on the police force, and well deserved praise should go to them. The"Union" has a lot to do with who keeps their jobs, and it is indeed their job to "protect" the protectors, and this is the first thing they say when asked about what they do. I think where that becomes a sore spot, most normal people in normal jobs, could "not" slide by with serious offenses like was mentioned, and too many folks out there are in dire need of a good job, with the right experience, and skills. I personally think it's all in who you know within the city "network."