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Ward 2 Voter turnout

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Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: City Council
Forum Description: Discuss individual members and council as a legislative body.
Printed Date: Sep 20 2024 at 11:25pm

Topic: Ward 2 Voter turnout
Posted By: Murdock
Subject: Ward 2 Voter turnout
Date Posted: Nov 05 2009 at 6:40am
ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC- ONLY 1267 PEOPLE CARED ENOUGH TO VOTE IN THE 2ND WARD!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!ClapClapClapClap- NICE JOB WARD 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Number of Precincts  8 
Precincts Reporting  8 100.0 %
Total Votes  1267 


Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Nov 05 2009 at 8:21am
correct Murdock
paper tigers
If the Council election had been at-large, AJ Smith would have finished a distant 4th.
Ward representatiomn will be gone, and by the will of the interested,active citizens.
If you sit back and think about it, this can still be worked to the citizens' advantage.
Is there ANY plan in order for how the next election will work?
A mayor and four Councilmembers elected in the same election every 4 years?
Or split with two at-large every two years?
Watch Landen/MMF work it out to elect two every two years, so they can more easily manipulate the outcome. Hopefully our new Councilmembers will see through this and do the right thing(whatever that might be).

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Nov 06 2009 at 4:59am
Originally posted by spiderjohn spiderjohn wrote:

Is there ANY plan in order for how the next election will work?
A mayor and four Councilmembers elected in the same election every 4 years?
Or split with two at-large every two years?


Unless I completely misunderstood the charter amendment just passed (and this is a real possibility, since it is NOT the same one as what was proposed by the Charter Review Committee, nor is it the same one proposed by referendum petitition--all at least according to what I think I heard at the council meeting where some amendment was proposed and passed), here is how it will work:

We just elected FOUR Ward council members. Their term will end in FOUR years, at the end of 2013. At the end of 2011, the terms of our mayor and our TWO present at-large council members will end, and per our charter we must hold elections for a mayor and TWO at-large council members during the General Election in November of that year, 2011, all for FOUR year terms.

In November of 2013, as the terms of our FOUR newly-elected WARD council members are expiring, we will elect only TWO AT-LARGE council members, both for FOUR year terms. (The then-mayor and the other TWO at-large council members will still have TWO years remaining in their terms.)

In November of 2015 (IF the state hasn’t taken over our fair city by then), we will once again elect a mayor and two at-large council members to FOUR year terms, and this cycle (the cycle begun in 2011 an completed in 2013) repeats until and unless changed by another Charter Amendment.

If any position is vacated due to death, recall, resignation, or imprisonment of a member, that position will be filled according to the terms of the City Charter.

Of course I could be all wrong, and we somehow might get to the mayor and all FOUR other council members being elected in presidential election years (right after the law suits are settled) but it is beyond me how this is possible. I would be very interested in hearing how this could happen.

Or, since elections only seem to get in the way and slow things down, perhaps AN EMERGENCY will be declared, and some sort of RENAISSANCE-era “lordship” or something of the like will be “proclaimed”. That way we wouldn’t have to mess with all of these silly meetings and those that “know what’s best for us” could simply rule by fiat!

That would fit in nicely with our historic districts, as well!  (Might make our police costs go way up, but the new "King's tax collectors" will take care of that.)

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Nov 06 2009 at 6:15am


I have a family friend that is a goldsmith and I think I can get the City a really great deal on the 5 new crowns they will be needing in 2012.

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Nov 06 2009 at 9:36am
lol Mike(and everyone
I spoke with Mr.Michel yesterday(the MMF front man face for this chicanery) and his interpretation was that ALL 4 COUNCIL SEATS PLUS THE MAYORAL SPOT would be decided simultaneously every 4 years, with the top 4 vote-getters winning Council seats, and this was the 2nd time that he had given me that explanation.
So--if Mike's interpretation is correct, then Mr.Michel(the initiator of the FAILED petition drive and the mouthpiece for the initiative(which has changed form 3 times since submitted by the Charter Review Committee) in the  MJ) is totally incorrect in the process of his personally initiated referendum. So who actually changed this and when(Council in their last 5-2 vote? I attended that meeting and heard NOTHING about the procedure IF the referendum passed).
Hopefully someone(Mr.Landen I assume) would lay out the procedure(if it has actually been determined).
Couldn't our new Council vote to change this procedure in any way they choose?

Posted By: accuro
Date Posted: Nov 06 2009 at 10:58am
sj, why would anyone support the ward system when those in the Ward don't make an effort to vote. i'm in 3, and I've not missed a vote in 20 plus years (nor have my young adults out of college). Ward 3 is pretty well educated, myself included with advanced degrees, and most anyone in W3 would know AJ Smith was funded by the dems to gain a foothold in Biutler Cty. He would not have won a seat on council at large, and I'm not certain Armsbruster would. Marconi was defeated by an educated younger man based upon Mr. Marconi's constantly oscilliating positions (waffling is the proper term), so I now fully support the at large system. Let the NCAAP make issues, it won't matter now because of the apathy of their own residents (same of course in W1,
Just for the record, few of the elected council members won by position, advocation, voice; they won because they were more well known and had families going back 2-3 enerations. Think Marcia Andrews would win a seat on the school board without her husband teethered to Dr. Sieney and OBGYN group...please! Same with Mr. Armbruster, just a known face, and a yes man for the city unions. But Mr. barge, you can't run a number 2 race saying you don't need to raise a little money to get people to know you. Number 2 is meaningless, its either you win or lose in politics, and the MMF got everything they desired, I compliment Mr. Lambuagh for running a very organized campaign and effort, and while I liked Mr. marconi and voted for him before, the waffling was too much for me.
There aren't going to be changes in the coming years, a new and improved Middletown. Think anyone in W3 is any brighter or more interested in the other areas? I've said it many times, the best and brightest don't have time to run. The others are just mouthpieces. Who cares anymore, drive down 3103 Milton and look at the beautiful highly contemporary brick house that sold for $160 Kk, $19 kk below asking price. Middletown is going down the drain and there is absolutely nothing anyone on coincil can do at this point but window dress, which isn't pretty. sj, your $500.00 would have been just a tax write off if Smith was running at large. I'll be out of here long before the next elections, but W3 will dominate council going forward. Maybe that's not a bad thing though, because it won't matter either way, as council doesn't affect cahnge, never will, never did. Status quo continues on and on.          

An ignorant person is one who doesn't know what you have just found out. - Will Rogers

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