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What a tangled web!!!

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Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: City Manager
Forum Description: Discuss the city manager administration including all city departments.
Printed Date: Feb 16 2025 at 12:53pm

Topic: What a tangled web!!!
Posted By: Mike_Presta
Subject: What a tangled web!!!
Date Posted: Oct 25 2009 at 5:51am

I had some errands to run earlier today (Saturday, 10/24/2009), including a couple that took me near Donham Plaza. Since I saw what seemed to be an inordinate number of cars parked at city hall for a Saturday, I decided to drive by there and see if I could figure out what, if anything, was going on.

You see, at first, by the cars parked at city hall, I thought that there might have been an “emergency meeting” of City Council called, but there didn’t appear to be a quorum.

Then I thought that there might have been a meeting of Middletown “Pride in Action” or “Keep Middletown Beautiful” or the Landmarks Commission or perhaps some council “subcommittee” or other, but I didn’t recall there being anything on the Community Calendar.

Then I thought there might have been some sort of zoning subcommittee that I wasn’t aware of, or perhaps a Park Board or an “Own your Park” (I apologize for being unable to remember the proper name of this program) meeting.

I even thought that all of these folks might have even parked there and walked to the Manchester Inn for that antiques thingie, in order to leave the closer parking spots for the general public! (NO, I didn’t REALLY think that this group had that much consideration for the general public…I’m just trying to lighten things up a bit with a little humor!!!)

It seemed that there could even be a “Moving Middletown Forward” meeting in progress, but there weren’t quite enough Cadillacs, Jaguars, Lexises or Mercedes Benzs there for that to be the case. But I did wonder if city hall might be illegally being used for a campaign strategy meeting!

Anyway, I just shrugged, figured there must have been several different small meetings going on. So, I just hoped that no overtime was being paid, and went about my business.

Later in the day, after I slept a few hours and then read the explosion of comments here on MiddletownUSA, I was amazed!!! I must say that, between Pioneer Cemetery and the last zoning meeting, quite a few feathers are finally (and JUSTIFIABLY) ruffled in this town, and my mind kept going back to the odd mix of cars parked at city hall earlier!!!

Is it possible that it WAS an “emergency meeting”, but NOT the “legal” kind brought about by a natural disaster or riot that must be handled for the public’s safety. The kind brought about by a “perfect storm" of failed public policy, vindictive action by public officials, possible expose of corruption, and political embarrassment (after Mr. Marconi and Mr. Armbruster so ardently insisted that only a few malcontents think Middletown is business UNfriendly) that has come together. This is, indeed, an “emergency” that must be brain-stormed at once by those involved!

Could THAT be what was going on at City Hall Saturday???

I guess we will never know, will we???

Perhaps next time they should park in the municipal garage!!! NO ONE would EVER happen by their cars THERE!!!

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Oct 25 2009 at 7:02am

Now, now Mike there you go again having bad thoughts about our beloved City Officials. You know how they just love getting together for a tea party so they can discuss local gossip not city business.

However Mike I have heard in recent days that they did indeed have a little tea party to discuss a part of this PERFECT STORM better know as the Middletown Cemetery. I do believe when you steal the property of others it is still an illegal act. (or maybe Mr Landen changed this law also and simply didn't tell us hmmm...more research may be needed)  

Posted By: wannaknow
Date Posted: Oct 25 2009 at 7:33am
I've gotten that "I'll have to research and get back with you" on several issues.

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Oct 25 2009 at 8:44am

I just finished watching the (second half only) of the last zoning commission meeting and I was appalled!!!

TVMiddletown should show this 24 hours a day for several days!!! It should be required viewing for ALL city council members!!!

Now friends, and enemies, I have been trying to tell you much of what was shown for years, but nowhere near as eloquently as Mr. Lennie Robinson and the other owners of the property in question for re-zoning.

I realize that I am often abrasive, and even sometimes verbally abusive (but only after someone really stupid ticks me off), while Mr. Robinson was as smoooooth as silk during his presentation.

Besides Mr. Robinson’s excellent overall presentation, there are several other items of note:

The chairman‘s near COMMAND to an obviously nervous small businessman who was looking towards Kohler and Ms. Scott-Jones's end of the “bench”: “Could you address the commission up here, please!!!”  The usual "ruler to peon" attitude of our city officials!!!

Ms. Paula Burke‘s comment: The new zoning is “Too difficult to meet”, and that to build anything you are “going to have to get more than one lot!” Perhaps that was exactly the REAL “planning", Ms. Burke. Force the small business people such as yourself to sell out on the cheap to “Friends of Kohler" (F.O.K.s), who will then package several lots and sell at a HUGE profit to the “big players”! (Where DID Thatcher disappear to when it began looking like this re-zoning scam was falling through?)

Don’t worry about not being allowed any parking for “car carriers”. Mr. Kohler intends to drive those tacky auto dealers out of Middletown, too!  If he thought he could "get away" with it he would probably try to outlaw that tacky I-75 that runs right through his real-life game of "Sim City", or at least make the exit ramps "gated" and "by invitation ONLY!" 

To the real estate broker/board member of MCS/Grace Baptist Church, Rod Litterel: There may be no business or economic benefit to the Ministry, but there certainly could be to F.O.K.s if he can succeed in forcing the Church to sell out to F.O.K.s on the cheap!

Of course, Marty claims that most of these problems have already been “sort of addressed”! I wonder what his definition of “sort of addressed” is???

“I would be very disappointed to hear that people DIDN’T [emphasis was Mr. Kohler’s] feel that they had a stake in the community, and were refused the opportunity to talk…”!!!

And it is EXACTLY actions such as this, as well as the punitive building code changes and residential zoning restrictions that make the CITIZENS of Middletown feel that THEY no longer do have a “stake” in our city. And WHEN, I ask, is ANYONE supposed to talk to City Hall AT ALL, other than in short, 180 second “sound bites” with NO dialogue and “not set up to give answers”, Mr. Kohler???

And people, I doubt that either the Zoning commission, OR the city Council, or (most importantly) the citizenry know everything that has been sneakily enacted as “housekeeping changes” (ironically designed to cause folks to LOSE their homes), code updates, and the like to give the City the power to cite virtually ANY house in Middletown for SOMETHING at the city’s whim!!! Unless, of course, you happen to be an F.O.K.!!!

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Nick_Kidd
Date Posted: Oct 25 2009 at 9:21am
Mike, You are correct about zoning and codes being used to ruin our city. Do you remember last year when the 88 block former downtown area was rezoned to NOT allow businesses? Only two streets (Verity & Central) are now zoned for business. Another way for the city building to control every detail of our city. Only Middletown could change zoning to keep businesses out, then complain about not having new business come to town. Of course, we did have a couple tatoo parlors open here, that will take care of the city's revenue problems! Now they want to fix the land near I-75 to match our former downtown. Let's hope that their Saturday meeting was to REALLY address zoning and Cemetery problems (even if it was illegal, that has never stopped them before). If the meeting concerned these problems, it would only be how to hide the truth from the citizens or another cover-up.

Government is not the answer to problems, government is the problem.

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Oct 25 2009 at 9:31am
Right you are, Mr. Kidd!!!
I wonder if Ms. Cowan remembers that Zoning AND council OUTLAWED business in most of the former downtown!!!  That will make her "Let's try the failed plan one more time" scheme even more sure to fail again!!!
As far as how "to REALLY address zoning", THAT is addressed in a different thread: forum_posts.asp?TID=2183 - Remove The City Planner by Mr. Nagy under the City Council section.

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: wasteful
Date Posted: Oct 25 2009 at 9:56am
Mike I thought it was Friends United for Kohler.......Big%20smile

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Oct 25 2009 at 10:02am
I'm SHOCKED...shocked I tell you, that you would even suggest that!! Shocked Big%20smile LOL

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

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