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Middletown Enrollment Down 4.5% in 2007

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Topic: Middletown Enrollment Down 4.5% in 2007
Posted By: Pacman
Subject: Middletown Enrollment Down 4.5% in 2007
Date Posted: Oct 17 2007 at 7:37am
From The MJ:


"Enrollment down at Middletown City Schools

District records 312 fewer students during count week this year, according to preliminary figures.

By - Megan Gildow

Staff Writer

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

MIDDLETOWN Middletown enrollment declined by more than 300 students, or 4.5 percent, in the 2007-08 school year, according to preliminary enrollment figures from the district.

Enrollment figures for Ohio school districts are based on annual count weeks, one in October and a second in February.

A comparison of enrollment figures from the 2006 October count week to the 2007 October week shows enrollment decreased from 6,816 students in October 2006-07 to 6,504 students in October 2007-08, according to Treasurer Eric Sotzing........................"

Posted By: John Beagle
Date Posted: Oct 17 2007 at 10:05am

If the current trend continues, enrollment could drop below 6000 in the next two years.

If the new money levy for school fails (renewal levy should pass easily) we could see an acceleration of enrollment declines.

-------------" rel="nofollow - John Beagle

Middletown USA

News of, for and by the people of Middletown, Ohio.

Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Oct 17 2007 at 10:15am
Personally I see both Levy's passing as the Vote was to close last time and to many parents have been negatively impacted by the shorter school day and no busing.
I also do not see the admin making any significant changes that are going to improve Middletowns Test scores and this alone will cause the enrollment to decline even further.  This will be particularly true once students reach Middle Schools as both Middle Schools in Middletown are way below par.
This years decline is greater than the total enrollment of Rosedale Elementary last year, in otherwords one whole elementary school student population moved out this year.  Just to put things in perspective.

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