Personally I was looking for some more in depth articles about these and other issues as outlined earlier on this board and the reasons we are in the fix we are in and what is the Current Councils plan to remedy these issuses.
/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/dayton/middletownnews/entries/2009/06/25/what_are_middletowns_burning_i.html - What are Middletown’s burning issues this election year?
By 	/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/dayton/middletownnews/entries/2009/06/25/what_are_middletowns_burning_i.html#postcomment - Ed Richter | Thursday, June 25, 2009, 11:38 AM
As candidates continue to take out petitions to run for the four open ward seats on Middletown City Council this fall, our question is what are the major issues facing the city?
While jobs, streets and the city’s budget will be among the top issues, what other issues would you like the next City Council to tackle?
Some things that come to mind include:
1) Section 8 housing and the number of vouchers;
2) Quality of life issues such as recreation/Sunset Pool/park improvements and improving the city’s image;
3) Community revitalization issues such as the reduction of blighted properties and stricter code enforcement; other programs that are funded through programs such as the Community Development Block Grants; and reducing the number of foreclosures in the city.
4) Public safety questions like having enough officers and firefighters on duty and equipment to protect the city and its residents;
5) Economic development issues such as the Towne Mall, downtown redevelopment, attracting new businesses, retaining current businesses and the remediation of old industrial facilities from brownfields to greenfields;
So what do you think? What do you think are the three biggest issues facing Middletown?