Went to the banquet Tues.evening(held at Bullwinkle's).
A very nice, well-attended event.
Coach Ronai handled everything with class, and it was mixed emotions as I said good-bye to a program-changing group of seniors, and grew very positive about the up-coming rosters of the next wave.
Looking back, think about this.
Varsity 19-3(losses in the Orange Bowl final, OT at Princeton and to St.X at X) 3rd in Ohio.
JV 17-2
Sophs 14-4
Freshmen 10-4
Don't ever remember this type of combined success,.
The best news was academics.
While our local system continually languishes at the bottom of the state ratiings, our Varsity team rated 47th in the state GPS ratings.
Overall a tremendous season.
Credit to the coaching staff,boosters,parents and most of all a VERY classy group of players. With Allen Roberts and Bill Edwards Jr., we had a first, as we had two members of the same class top the 1000 career point total.
Thanks to all above for bringing this program out of the garbage can.
Hopefully the best is yet to come.
Go Middies!!