Some PHAs always keep the housing choice voucher program waiting list open and accept
applications at any time during the business day. Other PHAs only open the waiting list for brief
application periods. Either approach may be acceptable. What is important is that the approach
used results in a waiting list that has a sufficient number of eligible applicants to ensure that new
and turnover vouchers are issued as quickly as possible to eligible applicants. At the same time,
the waiting list should not be allowed to grow to such a size that the wait for housing is
unreasonable. There is no magic formula for when to open the waiting list. The decision to open
depends upon local needs and circumstances, such as the receipt of new increments, availability
of a large number of previously issued vouchers, existence of an outdated or diminished waiting
list, or the need to target special populations, such as persons with disabilities or family
unification eligible families.
PHAs must affirmatively further fair housing opportunity. Before opening the waiting list, the
PHA must advertise in a local newspaper of general circulation and also through minority media
and other suitable means. A PHA's advertising or outreach plan must be included in the PHA
administrative plan. The announcements must include information on the time and place of
application taking. If the application period is limited, the announcement must provide clear
information on the end of the application period. The public notice must also state any limitation
on who may apply for the available slots in the program.