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Kujani1840 View Drop Down

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    Posted: Dec 27 2009 at 7:18pm
What are your views on South Main Street? My wife and I are originally from Hamilton and Fairfield and we now reside in Georgia. We are looking to move back. We love the houses in the Middletown South area but we hear many conflicting opinions from friends and family. Any helpful suggestions would be appreciated.
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swohio75 View Drop Down
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Kujani1840 View Drop Down

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     Ok, I'm not looking for a realtor to find me a home. Obviously, I'm already looking at houses in the area or I wouldn't have posted this. I'm just looking for some opinions from residents, not suggestions for houses. Thanks.
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Bocephus View Drop Down
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I really like the houses on the south main area but as far as living there Im just not sure as I have never lived there.If you want an older house to restore etc... You could try the newly created historical district (the one around the old hospital) its a much "nicer" area in my opinion.The houses on south main are not worth 285,000 like the one listed in the above post.No way no how.But then again its just my opinion.

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spiderjohn View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote spiderjohn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Dec 28 2009 at 6:39am
beautiful home
the price is only the beginning
heating that place has to be rough--steam heat still!
but if you have a couple hundred thou to renovate-and don't operate retail instead work in a profession that doesn't need local customers..............
would love to have a new quality family in town
nothing is happening in that area
poor schools no shopping or dining of any type near by
hope house just down the street-big negative
good library is the only +
many other GREAT values on newer classics in town
your choice
good luck!
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VietVet View Drop Down
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JMO- you don't want to go down too far toward Barnitz Stadium. The further south you go on S. Main, the more "questionable" it becomes as to value. Need to stay up toward the "Sorg Mansion"/Old South Park end of the street. Again, JMO.
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Pacman View Drop Down
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Spider what do you mean no shopping or dining in the area.  Didn't you read the Sibcy Cline Propaganda on this joint and I quote:
Historic South Main Street offers eclectic shopping opportunities in a scenic downtown. 63 stores and eateries fill the popular Towne Mall located at St. Rt. 122 and Cincinnati Dayton Rd. Numerous strip malls, both chains and fast food restaurants line the highway access to the downtown. Local merchants fill the needs of residents with convenient shopping in many neighborhoods. For the bargain enthusiast, Cincinnati Premium Outlet, with over 100 stores, is a short drive away."LOL
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randy View Drop Down
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I live in the area, not on South Main but close enough and it is not as bad as many would have you believe. Are the houses worth the price probable not. Is it an area that needs some good people in it...yea it is. Too listen to everyone else it's the worst part of town. This is not the case at all. I do agree that in order to shop you'll need to go across town or even to Trenton. I do hope you decide to move to town, and the South Main area is just s nice as any other part of town.
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wasteful View Drop Down
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This must be the "scenic downtown".LOL
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Mr. Dave View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mr. Dave Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Dec 28 2009 at 10:02am
I just love how people are so negative all the time. Here someone ask a legitimate question and one or two people actually answer the question, Everybody else just talks about what Middletown doesn't have or why someone shouldn't move here. You people are something else, I read these post everyday and people are always asking why city officials wont come here and answer questions, do you really not know. I cant blame them for not wanting to come to a site and be belittled.
If you people spent half as much time out in the community doing something positive as you did on here complaining about everything and everyone maybe you would see some change in this town.
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wasteful View Drop Down
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Hey Dave please enlighten us as to the "Scenic Downtown" and the "Popular Towne Mall".  Sometimes the truth hurts and some people just like walking around with blinders on, ignoring the facts.
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VietVet View Drop Down
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Mr. Dave- we are just frustrated at the direction and condition of our town. We care- just don't know who to talk to, to discuss our issues. Can't address the issues in the Council meetings- Mulligan and company won't answer our questions and engage in any dialogue. Try e-mails- sometimes they respond- most don't. Try Letters To The Editor- they won't respond to those either. Short of driving to their house and knocking on their door, (resulting on the cops being called, I'm sure), we can't seem to get them to listen to us "complainers". You state "if you people spent half as much time out in the community doing something positive as you did on here complaining about everything and everyone maybe you would see some change in this town." Perhaps- BUT- it is awfully hard gearing yourself up to do something positive in this town, when you are overwhelmed by the group of city leaders that make such high impact/wrong direction/ town destroying decisions on a routine basis, completely overshadowing anything positive that you could possibly come up with. How else can you explain how the city went from a prosperous, respectable working-class town to what we see today? The downfall in the last 30 years has been a result of the city leadership decisions concerning the direction of this town made by the very people you are attempting to defend. Why would you support these people? JMO
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Mr. Dave View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mr. Dave Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Dec 28 2009 at 10:25am
Wasteful,  I am assuming you can read, I never said that Middletown had a scenic downtown or that theTown Mall was a popular place. I asked why you and everyone else have to focus on the negative all the time. Why not tell this person that South Main is close to Smith Park, which is a nice park. why not tell them that Middletown is going through some changes and we are hopeful that things will get better here and we would welcome some new people to town. Instead you post a pic that says just the opposite. Dont you grow tired of being such a negative person?
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Mr. Dave View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mr. Dave Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Dec 28 2009 at 10:37am
Mr. Vet, First and Foremost: I hope your wife is feeling better and that you had a nice Christmas. As for my supporting these city leaders...I do not at all I believe what they have down to my city is shameful. But I do not need Mr. Mulligan or Mrs. Gilleland's permission to do something positive in this town. Vet, I do not claim to have the answers on how to fix this town, I do know that it is not an easy job. All I am saying is lets try to focus on the good things for a few min.
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Bobbie View Drop Down
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WOW - what a sells job on the demographics.  My sides are hurting so bad from laughing at that.  Seriously, I know of someone that was interested in this paticular home and they said there were a lot of updates that needed to be done.  just check it out for yourself to make sure that is what you are wanting to do.  Also have your realtor give you the list of what can and can not be done to this house as it is in a historical district (there are restrictions).  Since you live in Georgia - you need to come see the area for yourself, everyone will have there own opinions on what they consider to be a good area or not. 
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lrisner View Drop Down
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Mr Dave, I am sorry to have to say this, but you MUST be a Realtor or have some other Business Interest in promoting Middletown. Our fair City has, and will continue, to decline. The attitude in City Hall has clearly shown that they are "Business as usual" and that unfortunately will cause the Decline to gather more Steam.

What Plan has been put in place to deal with the failing Infrastructure? None! They are committed to let the streets fail to such a point as to FORCE the Citizens to vote a Repair Levy in place. I personally will not vote for one even if Central Ave is in Gravel.

How can anyone be "positive" when things are as they are? Only the naive, or the Financially involved, in my opinion! I hope to bring change thru Educating People to the problems and HOPE that enough listen  so that there will someday be a vocal Majority demanding the "Right Stuff". Ms City Mamager saying that the Down Town "is Booming" does nothing but hurt the City's Credibility as it is a Blantant Spin , at best!

We need action, not lame PR.
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Mr. Dave View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mr. Dave Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Dec 28 2009 at 11:36am
[QUOTE=lrisner]Mr Dave, I am sorry to have to say this, but you MUST be a Realtor or have some other Business Interest in promoting Middletown.
No I am not in the Real estate biz, nor do I have a Biz interest in promoting Middletown. what I am is citizen that has lived here his entire life and is sick to death of everyone just talking SH*& about Middletown. GO out and do something to help the town. If you dont like council go down there and tell them, least Vet shows up there ( yes Vet I see you there) You act like someone else should do the work that you bitch about, why not help out some.
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VietVet View Drop Down
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Mr. Dave- Thank you for your compassion. It is appreciated. She is doing outpatient rehab, once a week. Has feeling in her left arm and leg, but still can't move them. I have a new respect for the care-givers and the patience and mental capacity to deal with constant giving of themselves to the care of the patient. My son, his wife and I are currently learning the patience and mental capacity thing as we are constantly tending to her needs. Have called all the Butler County agencies that deal with her situation. We don't qualify- must have an income below 24 thou and must be 65. We are above 24 thou and she is 58. We go on. A life changer- for sure!
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swohio75 View Drop Down
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Originally posted by Kujani1840 Kujani1840 wrote:

      Ok, I'm not looking for a realtor to find me a home. Obviously, I'm already looking at houses in the area or I wouldn't have posted this. I'm just looking for some opinions from residents, not suggestions for houses. Thanks.

Gotcha. I am not a realtor btw.

Purchasing a home in the South Main Historical District is risky. If you do purchase, I would not consider it an investment for long-time financial growth, but rather as a place to live.

If you are going to purchase, now is probably the right time with values where they are at. I agree with those who say that you should consider homes closer to First Avenue--and I will add those that back up to Forest Hills Country Club.

PRISM seems to be a strong neighborhood association, so that is a big plus. Recent zoning changes in the area are also positive for homeowners in the District. Makes it more difficult to sub-divide the larger homes into rentals.

Should downtown see revitalization (and we are talking 15-20 years in the making), it could (and that's a very big could) pay off for you in the long-run. If you are willing to make that kind of commitment. Personally, I believe downtown will eventual turn around, but it is going to take some time. It will never be the commercial/office district it was in its heyday though.

It takes a certain kind of person to own, restore and maintain a historical home. You need to ask yourself if you are up to it.

There are also plenty of older homes in Middletown. The new Highlands Historic District around the hospital. The Sunset area and Park Place just east of downtown. The homes may not be as large and may not have as much character, but you don't see a lot of cookie cutter like you would in new subdivisions.

As I said, I am not a realtor, but here are a few other options to consider:


My personal favorite at the moment on the market:







Not sure what your price range is, but there are a variety of options above. I have also heard that Hook Mansion on Alameda Circle is on the market for sale by own with a price of around $600k. Heard it may end up in foreclosure.

Happy House hunting. And hopefully a welcome to Middletown.

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SupportMiddletown View Drop Down
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I agree with swohio.
South Main may not give you a great ROI when you move, but it could be a great place to live. The neighbors seem to have created good community, the architecture is beautiful, and downtown amenities (i.e. library, post office, YMCA, etc.) are very close by.
As far as crime, I have heard mixed reviews. The neighborhood is certainly liveable, though, no question. Since you are from Hamilton, I will suggest it is very similar to Dayton Lane historic district. The core varies from the surrounding neighborhood.
While closer proximity to First Avenue is preferrable, the future of Forest Hills Country Club could be development. Although the club has been revived thanks to the closing of Armco Park, the long-term is a question. Not that development is a negative thing, but if you don't want your surroundings to change or be under construction, it is something to consider.
Indeed, the Highlands is a great alternative for a historic home, but can be pricey (similar to Highland Park or Forest Hills in Hamilton). Upper Arlington around Sunset Park has some great homes as well, as does Arlington (streets south of Central just to the west and down the hill from the Highlands). Both are more affordable. We have friends who have lived in Arlington for many years and really enjoy it.
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spiderjohn View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote spiderjohn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Dec 28 2009 at 2:30pm
wow Mr.Dave
since I was an early responder, I assume you talk at me about negativity and no involvement.
I was trying to be as honest as possible to a potential new up-scale resident, as opposed to the realtor blurb.
I toured many homes there and the Highland district b4 buying a comparable home elsewhere. I have lived here 50+ years in every part of this town and know it pretty well.
I have also been involved in the community in many ways, also frequenting Council/Commission meetings until I wore out my welcome. Vet  has seen me there on many occasions.
I currently serve on two city boards and have served on others(chairing one for 2 terms).
Not sure that I will be re-appointed next year, though the board/dept. wants me. Council/Admin may not.
The community has treated me very well, and I try to return the favor.
So--if you imply that I don't back up my talk or am completely negative, I would strongly disagree with you.
But that is ok--think however you like.
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Mr. Dave View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mr. Dave Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Dec 28 2009 at 3:20pm
Spider, I was not talking about you, I do know who you are and I know all that you have done and do in this town. It does get old though watching all these people here talk so negatively about the city I have lived in for more than 30 years.
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lrisner View Drop Down
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Originally posted by Mr. Dave Mr. Dave wrote:

Spider, I was not talking about you, I do know who you are and I know all that you have done and do in this town. It does get old though watching all these people here talk so negatively about the city I have lived in for more than 30 years.

Wow, 30 years! Well, I have been here for 53 years. Does that trump you? I gave up on "Community Involvement"  a long time ago. To have them listen to you, you first have to join the Club. In order to "jion" the Club, you have to give up your own ideas and just embrace those that they give you. If you say you have never experience that, then you are naturally in line with them already. Try bringing up something they do not want to hear and see how welcome you feel.

There is a "Cliche" Group that runs things and if you are outside that Group, you had better be a Member of some protected Class or have lots of Money, because short of those things you will not be listened to. I saw it many times, including some that involved Spider, so I certainly know where He is coming from.

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Mr. Dave View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mr. Dave Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Dec 28 2009 at 4:14pm
wow, your older than me good for you, does that mean you know more or are smarter than me...I think not. Why does everyone think you need to be apart of some group approved the city to do anything. Who is stopping you from taking part in things in your own neighborhood. To have them listen to you they should be a quitter, do you really need permission to take part in community involvement?  Myself and several of my neighborers go out once a week and clean up OUR street and look after one another. That Sir is community involvement.
I do not like the city leaders in OUR town but i do not them or anyone else dictate what i am gonna do. Maybe if you didn't you would see a different Middletown, but you just keep on waiting for someone else to fix the problem, that will get it done. It's people like you (those that give up) that make this town not worth fighting for, not the city leaders or the "THEY" you speak of.  
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viper771 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote viper771 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Dec 28 2009 at 5:08pm
I just bought a house on Yankee and it isn't bad there... as long as you don't go past south park. Between the other far end of South park... towards 8th ave, the area between Yankee and S Main becomes kind of iffy. The whole reason why I moved there was to fix up and old house. At the time, there were no houses for sale on South Main, otherwise I would have most likely bought one there, but I am happy on Yankee. Nobody bothers us and our neighbors have been really nice. House is in solid shape too..
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