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Laubach feels Middletown is....

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wasteful View Drop Down
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    Posted: Aug 03 2010 at 6:52pm
No longer Middletown without it's downtown.  This is to bad for the other 80-90% of Middletown.  To bad the East End can not secede from Middletown and become it's own thriving City or Township.
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spiderjohn View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote spiderjohn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Aug 03 2010 at 7:02pm
meek as lambs
Our new Councilmembers are now simply sheep to be led by the shepards.
And the citizens will continue to be fleeced and slaughtered.
When will these "stakeholders" start using their OWN money?
So--the city is on the hook for private investors AGAIN with no real gain in our future.
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Nelson Self View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nelson Self Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Aug 03 2010 at 7:27pm
I'm beginning to regret my vote in the last contested Ward 3 election.
Thanks for attending tonight's City Council meeting, SpiderJohn.  What a let-down it must have been for you to see first-hand the two  young City Council members innocently follow the rest of the flock, etc..
Just how many times tonight did we hear Mike Robinette utter the feel-good planners term "stakeholders?"
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TANGO View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote TANGO Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Aug 03 2010 at 7:43pm
wasteful based on things that tony voted for in his 4 years i dont whink that jump ship this quick
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Mike_Presta View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mike_Presta Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Aug 03 2010 at 9:43pm

According to The Journal, the Cincinnati Pendleton Arts Center (PAC) has “eight floors filled with hundreds of studios accommodating some 400 artists.” But, according to Law Director Landen (a member of the local illuminati), the Cinci PAC has only 250 artists yet it is out of space and has a waiting list!!! So, who is wrong--The Journal or Mr. Landen???

An “extensive amount of demographic research” was performed, according to Economic Development Director Robinette. But he doesn’t have “real, specific numbers” because they simply do not exist!!! Yet he said over and over that the other PACs have a “long, established track record”!!! If they have a “track records”, trot them out and show us!!!

Additionally, here we are, less than two weeks from implementing this deal and with much work already having been done, and with all of the boosters singing praises and seeming so certain what a great deal this is for our city, yet two main parts remain a complete mystery!!!

The first is “Additional compensation.” In addition to the compensation set forth in paragraph (a)(1) Developer shall complete the interior finishing of the first and second floor of the Property as specified in the final floor plan, attached hereto as Exhibit “B”.

The second is “Repairs.” Prior to the conveyance of the Property, the City shall repair or cause to be repaired, the items described in Exhibit “C”

But where are Exhibits “B” and “C”???

Less than two weeks before this “emergency” is to be acted upon, everyone is certain it is a wonderful deal, yet we don’t even know what “additional compensation” will be paid nor what “repairs” must be made by the city for the deal to happen!!!! How could there possibly have been any sort of financial analysis made on this deal without knowledge of these two important items???

How can either the buyer, Mr. Verdin, or the seller, the City of Middletown, have any idea about possible RETURN ON INVESTMENT???

This is nothing more than either a shot in the dark on a wing and a prayer (at best) or a corrupt, pork-filled, risky scheme to plunder the public treasure (at worst).

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
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Mike_Presta View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mike_Presta Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Aug 03 2010 at 9:57pm
Originally posted by spiderjohn spiderjohn wrote:

And the citizens will continue to be fleeced and slaughtered.
When will these "stakeholders" start using their OWN money?
So--the city is on the hook for private investors AGAIN with no real gain in our future.
Spot on, Spider!!!
Once again, not even a mention of the "bagholders"!!!
Once again, absolutely NO REGARD for any of the rest of the residents who have no agenda except the desire for a safe city with sound infrastructure, and an interest in their children's and their grandchildren's tax money in the form of the debt racked up by those seeking to recoup their unfortunate, and often ill-advised, investments at taxpayers' expense.
“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
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VietVet View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Aug 04 2010 at 7:12am
Just read Mr. Laubach's comments in the Journal. Mr. Laubach, I have talked to you on occasion and you started out, during your campaign, to be a straight shooter and a refreshing change as opposed to the poor choices we had before for council. In all fairness, I must say, that with this decision, I am now regretting my support for you. Granted, I would never have supported the incumbant Marconi. His decisions were incorrect for the city throughout his years on council despite his indication that he cared for the city.

Could you tell us here on this site, and off the record, why you would think this "artzy" theme for the downtown area will boost interest and revitalize the area? What could Verdin and the arts possibly offer as to decent paying jobs, support jobs surrounding this facility, and in the generation of enough interest to keep the project going for a reasonable length of time? These "coffee shop" employment jobs couldn't pay more than 6 bucks an hour- same with any support jobs that would materialize from this venture. You know as well as I, that 6 bucks an hour isn't enough to live on. Josh, there is no decent employment opportunities in this idea, it will attract only a limited number of people on a monthly basis to the downtown area, you are endorsing the use of hard-earned taxpayer money rather than private funds to risk and it has a good chance of not lasting long because it offers so little to attract people. What could you possibly see in this idea that makes it attractive to you? I would be interested in hearing from Ms. Scott-Jones and Mr. Smith on this matter as well. If you supported this, why? Is there something we, on this site, are missing? How about you, Mr. Picard? You monitor this site as well. What are your "off the record" feelings on this?
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Jlaubach View Drop Down
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I made last night’s comments for a reason. Given the situation, I feel it’s the best option to support this project do to the success of other Pendelton projects in other areas similiar to our downtown. We desperately need a presence of business and activity downtown. I believe without positive activity the downtown will further decline and attract more criminal activity. This situation is not desirable for Middletown and it cannot be left as is if there is any desire to stabilize and revive our city. I meant what I said and it’s my displeasure to hear the grief it may have caused some. As I stated last night, I have been conflicted about the project simply for the fact that it involves the spending of public money. However, I am no more pleased to have a piece of property sitting on the city's hands which sits vacant (which was purchased before my time). The Over-the-Rhine project is very impressive. In addition, the owner has also purchased historic property in vicinity of the center (A 19th century church to name one) and turned them into very successful ventures in previously abandoned areas. Indications are the same will be done here.

I am sorry to hear the loss of support from some of you. I live my life to try and do what I feel is the best and most principled thing. You can’t be all things to all people all the time. Sometimes no matter what you do half of the folks are going to love it and half are going to hate it. However, that is beside the point. I have to do what I think is best given the situation and circumstances given to me. If it were up to me, many things in government would be very different. I believe in the economic and governing principles laid out by Thomas Jefferson, Adam Smith and John Locke.  But I can only control so much with one vote on Middletown City Council. I must accept the constraints and conditions of previous council decisions, state and federal law and other matters that create the world we live in 2010. I would hope that folks on this site are intellectually honest enough to see that I am a puppet for no one, not on this site, not in the city building and not in the “heavy hitter” class. I cannot nor have I ever proclaimed to do things to make everybody happy. Again, if my words caused a loss of support, I am disheartened by that. However, I must act on what I feel is best for Middletown.


Josh Laubach

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Mike_Presta View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mike_Presta Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Aug 04 2010 at 9:02am

Mr. Laubach:

My initial response to your comments is that as long as we have people such as Kohler and Robinette at City Hall doing all in their power to stifle all legitimate business that they deem as "too low class" for their tastes we will NEVER have any choices other than these government give-away type of sure losers!!!
If this was a legitimate opportunity, why wasn't anyone willing to try it risking their OWN money???  Simple answer???  They aren't FOOLS!!!
“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
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Mike_Presta View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mike_Presta Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Aug 04 2010 at 9:04am
Get rid of the obstructionists at City Hall and real investors might have a chance.  Throwing taxpayers' grandchildrens' money down the drain will get us NOWHERE!!!
“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
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Mike_Presta View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mike_Presta Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Aug 04 2010 at 9:15am
Gee, Middletown will NOT be drawing from the SAME area as PAC-Cinci, according to Mr. Robinette's "extensive demographics study"!!!  PAC-scam in Middletown will be drawing from a THIRTY MILE RADIUS!!!
Here's a clue: SR 122 is I-75 exit no. 32;  Downtown Cinci is exit ONE (coincidently the exit that is less than a mile from PAC-Cinci.  Here's the math: 32 - 1 = 31 miles!!!
Ooops!!! The same darned area!!!
“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
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Rhodes View Drop Down
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Mr. Laubach,

No offense, but it sounds like you need to do your homework on the history and growth of Over-the-Rhine. PAC is not the reason for the grown of Over-the-Rhine. I don't know where you are getting your information, but it is clearly not from anyone telling you the truth. Don't take my word for it, go find out yourself.

You have no business voting to spend hard earned tax dollars on something as goofy as an arts center in a downtown nobody visits except for rock concerts during the summer. Wasting tax dollars is not going to take care of the crime in the downtown area. Focusing on lowering the poverty levels will lower crime.

I remember many years ago a vacationinig Russian and his wife were in downtown Cincinnati at Music Hall. They left after a concert of some sort (most likely the Cincinnati Symphony) and he was murdered right in front of the concert hall. Over-the-Rhine just back in 2001 had riots if you remember, and it took a few years to pull out of that slump. So this excuse of the "arts" alleviating crime is complete nonsense.

I'm just floored reading your excuse for wasting tax dollars. Unbelievable.

This is why I think council members should only serve 1-2 years max at a time so we can vote them out if they are too weak or too easily influenced by this type of behavior.
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spiderjohn View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote spiderjohn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Aug 04 2010 at 9:31am
Mr.Laubaugh--I believe that Mr.Verdin purchased his Over the Rhine property, and has an invested stake in that project.
Here--we are fixing the building for him and giving him $250,000 to pretty much spend as he likes.
Then we hand this valuable centerpiece property over for NOTHING! Why not maintain ownership in case the project does not perform?
Once again, the local taxpayer is on the hook for millions in another ?able attempt to revive an area of the city that is long past it's prime and primary use. You aren't old enough to have lived through the past 40 years of misguided waste and disaster, so you cannot honestly understand.
Every area of our business community is in similar shape, but is also being ignored and hung up to dry by Planning and ED. Just what are your plans for the rest of our struggling business community?
Most here ARE intellectually honest to the nth degree. We care very much about our community, and prefer to see city $$$ used properly and in a much more spread-out manner. When the city faces financial distress in 1-2 years, you can look back to the millions spent in the area formerly known as downtown, and measure the jobs/income created and how else the $$ could have been used. Please don't approach the citizens for taxation because of more wasted city funds. Mr.Becker hasn't said much, however his comments are right on the money. Still--Councilmembers who have never done major business budgets, and work in subsidized sectors can't be expected to understand life or death finance.
Let this large group of area "stakeholders" put up their own $$ instead of the city being on the hook for 1/3 of the cost of the Main St.project. All of those impressive organizations listed are hardly cash poor, as well as the property-owning stakeholders. Put equal $$ in the hands of your EXISTING business owners throughout the community, since it is well-proven that those businesses can create more jobs in a more timely manner with considerably less risk.
How about collecting back due loans to existing businesses(ie the Manchester Inn)?
If Council was in such a hurry to attend a social function last night, maybe the meeting(or agenda) should have been re-scheduled. Rushing through a meeting in order to attend a pr function is hardly acceptable, a wrong choice of priorities, and an insult to the tax-paying citizens.
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Mike_Presta View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mike_Presta Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Aug 04 2010 at 10:15am
Mr. Laubach:
Fine, feel free to WASTE this money on the SAME OLD FAILED SCHEME!!!
Arts and antiques; Arts and crafts and antiques; Antiques and crafts and arts; History and arts and antiques; crafts and arts and history; history and arts and antiques and OLDE tyme baseball!!!
No matter how you mix it up, it's ALWAYS the SAME old failed thing, yet somehow, this time our money will be safe???  WAKE UP!!! 
We've tried this over and over and over and over...always on the taxpayers dime and always to NO AVAIL!!!
The ONLY thing that changes are the dates and some of the stooges.  Everything else remains the same!  The plan fails, the money is gone, the same old bureaucrats find excuses and scapegoats and put out their hands again and laugh all the way to the bank WITH THE PEOPLE'S MONEY!!!
What makes you think it will be any different this time??
Look at what they are telling you!!!
They did "extensive demographic studies" but can't give ANY specifics!!!  They will draw from a THIRTY MILE RADIUS, but the two joints are nearly 30 miles to the inch (as the crow flies) apart!!!  They draw from EXACTLY the SAME demographics!!!
NO ONE, not even the ones who are SUPPOSED to be on OUR side, have given ANY kind of "return on investment" type of estimate!!!  Why? Because there IS NO expected return!!!  It is simply THROWING the money AWAY!!!  NO ONE has said anything but wishes and dreams otherwise, yet the seven of you sit there like you are actually considering this???
What are we supposed to think??
“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
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Mike_Presta View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mike_Presta Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Aug 04 2010 at 10:24am
Jefferson, Smith, and Locke are rolling over in their graves!!!
Franklin is too amazed to even go fly a kite!!!
Washingington is wondering why brave men died so that the poor could be taxed to give money to the rich with NO HOPE of a return and not even a good pretense of a presentation!!!  Just tell 'em ANYTHING!!!  They fall for it EVERY TIME!!!
NO ONE has made a case and you are considering it a done deal!!!  Are you DAFT???
“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
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Bill View Drop Down
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I am stunned that all the sheep on council are lapping up the BS thrust upon them by Robinette, et al.  He and Kohler and Judy must have all taken the same course in their Public Administration majors titled "Urban Revitalization-ARTS." 
Where is the common sense?   A better idea would be to gather area business owners and ask what growth opportunities they could generate with $250k in assistance.  Guarantee you it would be a better return.
Council acts like it's not a big deal and rubber-stamping this as if it is all being done with Verdin's money.  But it's not his money!!!  And why does council not question the "success" of Over-the-Rhine or ask how that area can even be compared to this one.  Why is there an assumptioin that the outcomes would even be the same?
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If I were on council the first question I would ask of Judy, et al. is  WHY SHOULD WE LISTEN TO YOUR DOWNTOWN IDEAS AT ALL?  There is no credibility.  And they better show a heck of a lot more evidence, data, and proof that this can work instead of listening to a couple speeches and believing it on faith.

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VietVet View Drop Down
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PERFECT! Mr. Laubach, your response is the perfect example of no constituent representation, which is in epidemic proportion in politics these days.
"Given the situation, I FEEL it's the best option"..
"I BELIEVE without positive activity the downtown will further decline"..
"I MEANT what I said and its my displeasure to hear the grief"...
"I AM no more pleased to have a piece of property sitting"...
"I LIVE my life to try and do what I FEEL is best"....
"I HAVE to do what I THINK is best given the situation"....
I might remind you that you were elected by the 3rd Ward voters and are SUPPOSE to be representing your constituency in the 3rd Ward area. How many people in the 3rd Ward did you approach to "get an idea" about what the people you speak for on council think about this controversial topic? Would none be an accurate number? In order to come to a conclusion to establish your vote, you needed to talk to the people and relay the majority thinking and transition that to your council vote. Josh, it's suppose to be about WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT YOU TO SAY ON THEIR BEHALF on council, not vote based on your own personal agenda/opinion. The way you handled this excluded the very people you sit behind that council desk to represent. You flat out forgot the people and that puts you in the same category as the Beckers, the Mulligans, the Picards, the Marconi's, and all the other people who sit/ sat behind that desk that have erased 90% of this community from participating in their town's direction. I'm sure you are smart enough to note the results of that type of flawed thinking and the potential drop in support. Would it be prudent to ask around the next time? JMO, of course.
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Hermes View Drop Down
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Why would any council member or city employee compare Middeltown to Cincinnati when Cincy has a population of 333,200 (2009 estimates) to Middeltown's 60,000± ?? And to make the statement if it works for Cincinnati it will work for Middeltown is ridiculous !! And to compare Over The Rhine with Middeltown is even more ridiculous !!

What are the stipulations of this Verdin taking over this building ? If the city hands it to him on a silver platter can he decide in 2 years to sell it or abandon it ? Because I'm guessing that the "business" won't be here in 2 years. Middeltown does not have the demographics to support something like this. It was reported that the art center in Cincinnati was successful only after 20 years !! Middeltown doesn't have 20 years to wait.
Who is going to go into an abandoned downtown area to buy art ??!!!! The artist who will set up downtown don't even have a place to go eat lunch.
This whole deal smells very very bad. The FDA told the fishermen in the Gulf to smell their catch for oil and other contaminants when they catch fish and other seafood,I think someone should be sniffing this deal before we all get contaminated.
No more democrats no more republicans,vote Constitution Party !!
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Why not just work with MAC to expand their space in order to accomplish the same goals?  Probably cheaper in the end.  Also, Laubach's view which we've heard many times from others about doing something with a "vacant building" rings of just giving up, handing over a city asset for free to just to wash your hands of yet another property.  why not just tear it down like all the other projects going on right now?
Not sure what spell some witch put over council (and other cities' councils) that enable them to think the "arts are the answer" for economic problems.  The arts are the interest of the very few, not the many.  And since when have art and artists ever been known for economic vitality?  They call them starving artists for a reason.
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Jlaubach View Drop Down
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Yes I am your 3rd ward rep. Yes I represent the voters. I have never received a phone call or an email from you, spider or others on concerns with this issue. I know you both and have spoken to you in person. I have never given you or others any reason to believe that you cannot pick up the phone or shoot me an email. I have held two town hall meetings (The overwhelming issues brought to my attention involve Section 8) and will hold another. For three council meetings in a row I declared my most recent meeting and encouraged everyone with any concerns, comments or ideas to come forward. Only 8 people showed.  The discussion from attendees was again Section 8 and the use of NSP funds. Spider can attest to that, he was there. The line of communication is wide open (And it will stay that way from my stand point). If you think I am wrong, fair enough. I can take criticism.  However, please do not  put me with other people because you disagree with what I say. Furthermore, I would encourage you or any others on this site to call or email me instead of only posting your concerns on this site. As I have stated before, I don’t always visit the site.

I spoke up last night because I ( sorry to keep using “I” but this is directed at me personally) believed it was prudent for me to share my thoughts with the voters. I could have remained silent and let this deal pass without saying a word. For some people this issue is unpopular. For others it’s very popular. Therefore as a councilmember with one vote, I am left to look at the information given to me and make the best decision possible. The decision to acquire the building was before my time. I have no say in that. It can remain empty (Not a good option. How can we expect to rid the area of crime without people coming to the area. Disagree with the “artsy” idea, it still brings people. I did not pick the kind of business. ), be demolished (which would require spending of public money) or repaired for someone to make productive use of. In this case, we have someone who is willing to move in and start a business quickly.  

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Rhodes Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Aug 04 2010 at 2:16pm
Josh, you should read a post above from me. Your theory that a business there reduces crime is not supported by any facts.

And why do you think because one building is vacant that it is something the city needs to worry about? There are vacant structures all over downtown. Your reasoning behind this doesn't even make sense. And didn't I just read that the city paid zero for the building?

If you are holding town hall meetings and the biggest topic is Section 8, then maybe that should be the city's focus. I'm trying to wrap my brain around why you and the others think you need to use tax dollars for an art center. Why do you think you have the right to waste tax dollars?

You just said regarding the "artsy" idea that "it brings people". Brings them to what? What are you basing this on? Middletown is not Cincinnati. What businesses will benefit from people coming to an artist studio downtown?

How many businesses have opened so far because of BeauVerre being downtown? Haven't they been down there for 10 years now? How much revenue has been generated by the city loaning (giving) BeauVerre upwards of $300,000? They were already located in Middletown, so what new income was generated by their move and the city's financial support of them?

Did you ask any of these questions?
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Observer View Drop Down
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I think we’re being awful hard on Mr. Labuach.  We can disagree without being disagreeable. 


It seems to me that Josh has done quite a good job since being elected to council.  He’s been one of the driving forces on reducing section 8, held several community events, does a great job communicating  with citizens (including coming on this board) and seems to be a man of honesty and integrity.  People are undoubtedly going to disagree with their elected officials from time to time but if we’re agreeing with Josh on 90% of the things he’s doing we shouldn’t hammer him on the one issue we disagree with him on.  I think that turning to personal attacks probably does not help change Josh’s mind. 

This is a no win situation if he votes to allow this development people in town will be mad about the public funding involved….however if he votes no many will be upset that no new jobs or revenue are coming to town.  I don’t envy Josh’s position on this vote.  It is a tough one.
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MUSA Resident

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Rhodes Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Aug 04 2010 at 3:34pm
Observer, This isn't a hard decision at all. When you are elected to be the stewards of the tax payer's money, there is no room for this type of fiasco. Who are these people that will be upset if it doesn't happen? How many? A whole dozen? I bet if a poll was taken asking the citizens of Middletown if they want their own personal tax dollars going to this it would be a 99% no and less than 1% yes.
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MUSA Council
MUSA Council

Joined: May 15 2008
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Aug 04 2010 at 3:45pm
Fair enough Josh. I understand your response. Some comments.....

" I represent the voters" - Yes you do. Now that you realize that, how about showing us that you are willing to bring our wants, needs and wishes to the council table by engaging us in listening to what we have to say and repeating it at the council meetings.

" I have never received an E-Mail, phone call from you...." - No you haven't and I have been negligent about that. It's also a two way street. I look for my rep to solicit information from me by random phone calls, an occasional survey or any other means to "get the pulse" of what the people he represents are thinking on specific matters of the city.

"only eight people showed"- perhaps that should tell you that that is not the best way to encourage participation. The majority of people are just plain apathetic. Some work odd hours and can't attend and some want to attend but have other obligations (such as myself)

"Disagree with the "artsy" idea, it still brings people".- How do you know that? Beau Verre, an "artsy" store, hasn't exactly had the doors torn off the hinges with people flooding to get in the place, has it? What evidence do you have that the arts will attract a large group of people to the downtown area? It's gonna take alot more than that to bring people back downtown again.

"For some people, this issue is unpopular. For others it's very popular"- I would imagine, given the habits and practices of the people who live in Middletown, the MAJORITY of the residents don't care whether there is an arts district downtown or not. I also would imagine, again, given the demographics of the town's residents, that a very small percentage of the population find this idea appealing. This is a blue collar town Josh. It is not West Chester, Mason, Springboro, Indian Hill or Hyde Park. It is hardly a cultured town.

"be demolished, which would require spending the public money"- What?...What about spending the public's money on this loan to Verdin? Isn't that spending the public's money? What's the difference?

"In this case, we have someone who is willing to move in and start a business quickly"- Of course he is willing. He's having everything handed to him on a silver platter financially, with little to no risk to him. The taxpayer is taking the risk and you council people are suppose to be representing our best interests in this, but aren't. Question for you Josh. What happens after the city has sunk so much money into this venture and it doesn't pan out and Verdin leaves town? Is he out that much? No. Does the city coffers take a hit? Big time! Then what happens......you tell me. How many times does the city have to be financially gouged before the town leaders stop the money losing practices of loaning taxpayer money to fund what should be private money usage projects?
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