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Wake up people!!

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spiderjohn View Drop Down
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    Posted: May 31 2009 at 10:25am
Went down to the Arts Central Foundation outing last night. Great effort by the committee!
Music was outstanding and very diverse.  Food was s-s0--booths similar. A wonderful evening and opportunity(until the storm hit!), and no one can complain about "nothing to do around here on a nice Saturday night".
Great effort by Mr.Cohen and his crew at the cemetary. Ken Cohen grew up here through the local school system, and along with his family, continue to donate many resources for the betterment of our city. Though he doesn't live here any more, he obviously still cares quite a bit.
Two very positive situations yesterday.
Now for the bad news and 2day's spider rant:
Extremely depressed over the vandalism downtown recently. The new windows installed in the old Castell Building have been seriously damaged by a group of young punks who climbed atop the Shared Harvest/TVM building to not only break the TVM antenna, but to hurl bricks across the street, shattering dozens of brand new beautiful windows. The mural on the side of this building has now been cut for no good reason. The recent effort to beautify the bicentennial commons has been diluted by theft of a large amount of the newly planted flowers and plants.
Why is this happening?
Why can't our citizens embrace these positive efforts(by private citizens and businesses) instead of showing their resentment by destroying these positive efforts? This damage was not caused by young juveniles who don't know better, but by educated young adults!!
Why??? And why hasn't this been front page news naming names and rallying the community to both punish the vandals to the fullest, and support the improvement efforts?
Broad Street Bash--ACF festival--positive remodeling downtown.  Say what you like about downtown, however there is more improvement going on down there than the rest of the city combined.
Talked to a lot of yer favotite local figures yesterday, and had good meaningful conversation with all of them. Council,Admin,Mrs.Mort, downtown businesses etc. The mood was upbeat and excellent. Should have been a LOT more local support. Didn't see Vet,pacman,Impala,Ms.Moon, the General/Buckeyes/perplexed or many other identifyable names from here though. Didn't read about any of them volunteering for the cemetary cleanup either. Must have been at home on their pcs typing about having another meeting to "throw the bums out/show them the door/lock them all up" so their new faces(what new faces?) can take over and "fix things!".
Can anyone enlighten me on the names of the vandals downtown or the MJ piece detailing the incident?
Think maybe it is finally time to either put up or shut up?
Or is ranting on message boards just too ego-rewarding and convenient?
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Pacman View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Pacman Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2009 at 10:39am
Ah good old Spider......you should change your name to Chameleon....you switch your tune quitter than a Chameleon changes his colors.  Next time I will check with you before I setup my Calendar for the weekend.
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.

Thomas Jefferson
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VietVet View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2009 at 11:07am
OK Spider- so you rubbed elbows with Ms. Mort and other city "dignitaries" last night. That's great, if that's what one chooses to do. Then, you state that you didn't see some of us downtown last night nor volunteering for the cemetery cleanup. One normally doesn't fraternize with people who have nothing to agree upon. You also failed to mention whether you were at the cemetery cleanup and, if not, why single us out for non-participation when you weren't there either? As to your statement about "being on the pc's to type about "throwing the bums out/showing the door" etc--- I believe that we could find some posts from you agreeing with those ideas also. You are in your "flip-flopping" mode again. Apparently, you are still "giddy with delight" and "star struck" as those likeable leaders of Welfaretown have diverted you from your "normal self". Hopefully, it is not terminal and you will return to the Spider we all know and like. Please rejoin us in our message of CLEANING HOUSE IN NOVEMBER!
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General Patton View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote General Patton Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2009 at 11:16am
Spider John 0
I contacted my good friend Vivian before the cemetery clean-up.  I have a multitude of medical issues that prevent me from doing just about anything physical.  That is why I was not there.  And, I have no medical insurance.
As for rubbing elbows with the Queen, Sammie, Annie, City Council members, I am still devastated by what happened to me at their hands.  I have sought and received excellent treatment from mental health professionals who are working with me to help resolve these deep seated problems.
You owe me a big apology for including my name.  I never did anything but patronize your stores!
General Patton/Go Buckeyes/Perplexed
P.S.  Thanks for making that observation known too!
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General Patton View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote General Patton Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2009 at 11:24am
Spider John -
You made an even bigger mistake by including the name of Impala SS.  He is once again (sadly) undergoing serious medical treatments.  The nature of these treatments is quite debilitating.  You owe him a huge apology for saying what you did without knowing the facts.
General Patton
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Pacman View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Pacman Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2009 at 11:33am
Big%20smileOk Chameleon.....I mean spider, I have my Marching orders for next weekend from my family and here they are for your approval..
Lets see Saturday we are going to celebrate my son's Birthday with a few people, spend the day doing what a new teenager would like to do.  Now if that doesn't meet with your approval, and there is some pressing City function that will again have soso food as you keep telling us, you let me know, and I will just cancel his birthday for this year.  I am sure he will understand as I will explain this came from THE CHAMELEON....ER I MEAN SPIDER.Unhappy
Sunday well that is taken up by Church and yard work, as I have about an acre here and it takes some time.  Now I'll let that go as long as you agree to fix any violation letter from the City for my grass getting over 6" tall before I get your OK to cut it.Big%20smile
Let me know now so i may confirm my plans with my family.
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.

Thomas Jefferson
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spiderjohn View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote spiderjohn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2009 at 12:25pm
lol--great responses so far, though no one touched my main concern about the vandalism downtown.
chameleon??  flip-flopper??
call it what you like--I enjoy the company of the names mentioned just as much as I enjoy talking to everyone here. I like all of you--I like all of them.
I just see a tactical change in order to turn the corner around here. We all have typed/posted ad nauseum. We have met at the library. All that has been accomplished is to raise the important topics here to a growing readership. Thinking leans "our" way more and more, so all has not been wasted.
pacman--I don't care how you spend your time in yer glorious east end. You don't go west,
and that is yer bizness. As for committees, boards and community involvement--you have none.  Fine--just go on pounding the Section 8 issue(and I agree with you on that!)
general--I never understood the need for multiple screen names, though that is also yer bizness. Let's don't pretend to be different people though. As for patronizing my business--there is no trade-off here. I appreciate all customers. Sorry about your health issues. Hope you get them resolved.
Vet--I loved yer response, and it rings true and valid. Still--you might put it all away sometimes and fraternize with everyone to find a common bond to humanize one another. That is a core of my prior posts towards softening the approach. We are not at war locally. We need to end the division, and inclusion must come from both and every side. We are all simply human, trying to do what we think is best for our community. I am the same guy who still agrees with your thinking on most issues, though I guess this softer approach is where I am today. I am absolutely dedicated to the proposed housecleaning, and hopefully the better choices will soon appear.
Nope--I did not go to the cemetary yesterday, and have never participaed in any of the local clean-ups. Saturday and Sunday are normal workdays for me. I support Ms.Moon and always have. She knows how I think and where I stand. I don't need to justify anything to anyone else. Yes Vet--I DO feel a little better after humanizing conversation with people last night. It didn't hurt at all, and I got a good feeling about who really cares about the right things.
As mentioned and expected:
y'all gloss over my key concerns about lack of participation, and the troubling vandalism, to take offense at my ?ing your REAL involvement towards making things better here.
nbd my way--we are free to express ourselves and don't have to think alike on everything.
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Pacman View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Pacman Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2009 at 1:05pm

Spider you are talking to the wrong person about Vandalism.  I live bordering the High School.  Vadalism was a weekly occurrance in my yard, til I took matters into my own hands and fixed it my way.  Calling school and City did little.  I would imagine since TV Middltown and a building downtown was invovled the City will be more on the ball and eager to look into it.  I don't exactly understand what you expect to be done about the Vandalism downtown.  It is now a Police Matter and an Insurance Matter.  When my business was valdalized and I called the Police they came out, looked at it and that was the last I ever heard about it, just the way it is. 

As far as going West, just exactly what am I going West for on a regular basis.  My doctors are no longer downtown they have moved to Atrium.  I live and work on the East end, hence I buy groceries and shop where the main shopping is, on the East End.
I've been to some of the Parades and events downtown, Smith Park, Library, City hall.  Go to the Chevy dealer once in awhile other than that for me there is little west of Breiel I would go Downtown for, is there something down there that us Easterns are missing that is vital to our well being.  You want to make downtown what it once was and that is fine for you.  Personally I don't see it happening unless you get a huge infusion of Private dollars to do it and the way the economy is I doubt that will happen anytime soon.  You have business interests in both ends of Town, I don't.  I spend 12 hrs a day working on the East End alone that leaves little time for much else currently.
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.

Thomas Jefferson
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General Patton View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote General Patton Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2009 at 2:07pm
Spider -
I have clearly and accurately exposed a number of mismanagement, conflict of interest and outright wasteful practices involving the City.  I have paid a steep price for doing the right thing and have absolutely no desire for rubbing elbows with the high and mighty who have succeeded (thus far) in keeping the lid on the waste of huge amounts of HUD funds.  It's absolute absurdity to suggest that I would wish to be within miles of these power brokers!  Just remember, despite how I have been harmed emotionally, professionally and financially, the actions of these people has harmed Middletown considerably!
Lastly, forget about me, but you owe Impala SS a big apology.  He needs and deserves our support and prayers!
Disillusioned, Perplexed and Truth Telling General Patton
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Impala SS View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Impala SS Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2009 at 2:34pm
Spider>       Iam downtown almost every day, I deliver clothes to the homeless shelter and cloths and toys and bags to the pantry downtown. I cant do much at this time due to me having cancer, my Dr has me limited to what I can do. I have been very ill but I still do things to help the people of this town. I was at the cemetery Sat. morning I didnt see you there, I can still sort clothes with my 84- year old mother I also volunteer at the free store in Franklin 2- days a week so Iam doing the best I can right now, when I do things it is from my heart not my ego.
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spiderjohn View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote spiderjohn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2009 at 2:48pm
OK Impala--I understand your issues, and have never doubted your commitment or sincerity. We all do many things to help others, though in many different ways.
And YOU definitely know on which side I stand. You are one of the last to whom I have to justify my thinking.
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Vivian Moon View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Vivian Moon Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2009 at 6:50pm
Why is this happening?
Why can't our citizens embrace these positive efforts(by private citizens and businesses) instead of showing their resentment by destroying these positive efforts? This damage was not caused by young juveniles who don't know better, but by educated young adults!!
Why??? And why hasn't this been front page news naming names and rallying the community to both punish the vandals to the fullest, and support the improvement efforts?

    I’m really sorry to hear about all the damage that was done downtown. How do you know the damage was caused by “Educated young adults”? Did the police catch these young adults?
    The cemetery is vandalized several times a year and each time I walk into the cemetery and see more stones down I cry and its not in the newspaper either. Why won’t the City fix the fences, lock the gates and put a couple dogs in the cemetery at night? I bet they would only cross the fence once before they got the message.
    I was at the Middletown Cemetery Saturday from 8 am until 2 pm. I came home a few times to get tools and other items that were needed. I still need to go back to the cemetery Monday morning and get some other areas cleaned up.
    I also take care of the empty house next door to me that has been vacant for the past year and a half.
    This morning while I had coffee I placed a Thank You to Ken Cohen on this blog. And then I had to be in Spingboro at 8:30 am until 4 pm for a tombstone restoration class so I can repair all the downed and broken stones at the Middletown Cemetery.
     Sorry Spider I believe I have given enough volunteer time and money over the past 6 years to the City of Middletown and look what they have given me....I really don't want to meet with them downtown for drinks and small talk.    

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Pacman View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Pacman Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2009 at 9:38pm

Chameleon states, "This damage was not caused by young juveniles who don't know better, but by educated young adults!!"

Now I don't know you definition of young adult, but legally you are not an adult until you're 18.  But if this is what is going on at the High School I would venture you will more than likely not find your vandals in the kids who have been arrested for the list of offenses below.  

Breakdown of arrests at Middletown High School

By Meagan Engle | Sunday, May 31, 2009, 09:59 AM

Here’s the breakdown of citations into court issued at Middletown High School:


Aggravated menacing 2

Assault 13

Criminal damaging 2

Criminal mischief 10

Criminal trespass 16

Disorderly conduct 97

Domestic violence 1

Drug abuse marijuana 10

Drug paraphernalia 6

Ethnic Intimidation 5

Falsification 1

Inciting to violence 9

Inducing panic 5

Menacing 13

Obstructing 26

Possession of tobacco 13

Receiving 2

Resisting arrest 4

Theft 10

Unruly 62

Warrant arrest 2


Arson 2

Attempted vehicular assault 1

Assault 2

Breaking and entering 3

Conveyance 1

Corrupting another 2

Fleeing scene 1

Obstructing 1

Pandering 3

Theft 1

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.

Thomas Jefferson
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Pacman View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Pacman Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2009 at 9:47pm

School officials, police disagree about expulsion policy

By Meagan Engle
Staff Writer
11:50 PM Saturday, May 30, 2009

MIDDLETOWN — Middletown police say the high rate of arrests in the public schools keeps school resource officers from being proactive with advocacy and education.

Although police say more students should be removed from school for repeat offenses, school officials say they must maintain a balance between keeping the schools safe and doing what’s best for a student.

“Expulsion is taking away a kid’s right to an education. That’s the most serious thing a school can do,” said Superintendent Steve Price.

“What we like to do as much as we can is help our students,” Price said.

The district does expel students who commit violent crimes and also has a policy to recommend expulsion when a student is involved in a second fight.

But for other crimes — such as the disorderly and unruly behaviors that make up nearly two-thirds of the court summonses issued at Middletown High School — the district looks to other options, like suspensions, its anger management team, counselors and placement in the limited seats available at county alternative schools.

Sixteen students have been expelled from the middle schools and high school this year. Districtwide, 42 recommendations for expulsion were made through May 8, resulting in 18 expulsions, according to school records.

Arrests would be higher

Principals at the high school and middle schools recently told the board of education arrests would likely be higher without officers in the school full time.

“The prevention that our school resource officer does, I don’t think you can even begin to measure,” said Verity Middle School Principal Greg Williams. “I would say with confidence that arrests would go up without Officer (Jim) Griffith there.”

Vail Principal Michael Valenti said Officer Bobby Reese knows the students, families and the community and he is able to stop crimes before they manifest themselves in the school.

“I wouldn’t know the things that are coming into the building that he knows about that stop it before it even happens,” Valenti said.

The principals said there is a misconception in the community about safety in their buildings.

“Vail is a safe building and I would invite anyone to come at any time and walk our halls,” Valenti said.

Arrests up over last year

Arrests at Middletown High School are up from last school year, when 177 citations into juvenile court were issued.

Middletown police Sgt. Jim Cunningham said arrests tie up officers, who have to drive students to the Juvenile Detention Center in Hamilton. As a result, officers must be more reactive with less time for proactive measurers like education.

Police also worry that keeping disruptive students in school is a distraction.

“That’s the time taking away from teaching the kids that want to learn,” said Middletown police Maj. David Van Arsdale.

For many years, Middletown had Garfield Alternative School, where students with discipline were assigned. School administrators say other programs are now serving students by meeting their needs.

Like the new Freshman Academy set to open next year, which will have smaller class sizes, career mapping and mentoring. The program will serve freshmen, a grade that accounts for many of the arrests.

“If they’re engaged and want to come to school and are interested, then those behaviors are decreased,” Price said.

The district also is taking measurers, like adding three additional hall monitors at the high school this year.

“We’re taking it very seriously,” Price said. “We’re concerned with it, too.”

Price said he believes the district could improve on consistency with punishment. “We are trying to provide a consistent message on when a student will get expelled or get suspended,” he said.

Lower arrest rate at nearby urban school

Hamilton City Schools, an urban school district in Butler County with an enrollment that was 3,000 more than Middletown’s last school year, has had a significantly smaller number of students cited into court this school year.

The district takes an internal approach to handling disciplinary action, and also has a grant to have a police officer at the high school full time, as well as a full-time officer assigned to its alternative school, where students in seventh through 12th grades are assigned during their suspension.

“If a student gets in trouble we handle it internally and we work closely with the police,” said school spokeswoman Joni Copas.

Through May 22 of this school year, one citation into juvenile court was issued at the Hamilton Freshman School; 10 citations were issued at the high school; and 25 citations were issued at the alternative school, according to Hamilton police.

Copas said 15 high school students have been expelled this school year.

Copas attributes the discipline rate to initiatives like the district’s character education program, new in recent years.

“I think some of those character traits or values have helped the student population,” she said.

She also said Hamilton works closely with social service agencies and anger management teams.

“We really try to help those individual students,” she said.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.

Thomas Jefferson
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tomahawk35 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote tomahawk35 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2009 at 10:46pm
Sorry Spider, But I spent the entire weekend working in my yard.  These weekend  gatherings could be a entrapment so the city employees could ride around and write more violations when one is singing and dancing with the elite. I don't and never will trust the city leaders.
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Impala SS View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Impala SS Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 01 2009 at 12:07am
General >        Thank you for your kind words, I am just trying to stay alive. Thank you so much.
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General Patton View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote General Patton Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 01 2009 at 12:22am

Impala SS

Call or e-mail me anytime if I can ever be of help to you or your mom.
Keep giving the One Donham Plaza elitist bureaucrats HELL as they could care less about the average citizen.
Many of us have a great respect for your tireless efforts to bring good government back to Middletown.
Sadly, the cast of characters that control our destiny seriously believe that only they know what is best for us don't they?? AngryAngryAngry
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Vivian Moon View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Vivian Moon Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 01 2009 at 5:52am

    I spent yesterday in
Warren County with 40 people that really care about HISTORY. I have known these people for over 30 years and they just can’t believe what they are reading in the newspapers. They talked a great deal about Mr. Kohler and the problems they had with him before he was fired…and Middletown
in our wisdom hired him.
    Get in your car and drive to
and see how many downed and broken tombstones you see in their cemeteries. They understand the lesson that Hazel Phillips taught them years ago “OLD IS GOLD”.
    Visitors from all over the
US come to old cemeteries and spend money in the community. More people come to the Middletown Cemetery that the Middletown Historical Society and the Canal Museum. How many times have you driven into Woodside Cemetery and not seen someone standing in front of War Memorial? These are the same people that visit the Middletown Cemetery. Why not invest funds to make the Middletown Cemetery
a local attraction and not an eyesore.
    Every other community around us is restoring their cemeteries to promote tourism and we in our wisdom are tearing it down.
    Our City has become a local bad joke.


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General Patton View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote General Patton Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 01 2009 at 6:44am
Ah, I remember the day that the Queen and the Kommandant came into my office unannounced and quickly closed the door without any prior warning.  Her majesty then proceeded to accuse me of "SLAMMING" the Kommandant at the first City Council Housing Subcommittee meeting also attended by the former Building Official and City Councilman Schiavone.  I was floored by this accusation and confirmed with Ms. Castells and Mr. Schiavone that I did not say anything out of line in their presence.  From that day forward in February or March of 2008 it was downhill for me professionally speaking.  I have always wondered what was said to the Queen to expedite my disfavor.  Could it be waste, conflict of interest, mismanagement, bad community revitalization planning??? Confused
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spiderjohn View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote spiderjohn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 01 2009 at 6:55am
hey pacman
your cut/paste MJ pieces don't really apply to my posting.
I believe the apprehended young adults were in the 20ish age range and were "east enders"(like yerself!).
Supposedly the vandalism was covered in the MJ, however I missed the article.
No one downtown would repeat the names of the culprits(some may be juveniles--don't know), though talk was a local doctor's son may have been involved.
Can't understand why no pub on this, though a weak reason given was fear of copycat attempts.
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VietVet View Drop Down
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Hard to combat the internal workings of the political office environment, General. Once they have it in for you and you are labeled, might as well leave. Back in 1994, I was working for P&G at Sharon Woods Technical Center in Cincy. Had been there 10 years. Done everything that was asked. Went to work each day with no absentee problems. Was civil to most of them. (There is always a jerk or two in every working scenario). Alot of times, there is some "behind the scenes" meetings going on discussing personnel and if your boss doesn't personnally like you because you don't "kiss up" to him/her, they crucify you. Not only don't you know it's happening, but you never get to defend yourself against the accusations in an unbiased "court". No, looking back on the experience, with their attitude, it was best that I left there. A mean vicious company presenting itself as a "friend to the consumer". That's P&G. There's alot of unhappy people working there. General, you move on and leave the city slugs to lay in their own filth. They're not worthy of your time nor thought at this point. They are not morally upright people. JMO
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Pacman View Drop Down
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Is this the current group developing the Castell Bldg.
Castell Building plan draws concern

Published February 10, 2006

Plans for a nearly $2 million renovation of the Castell Building on Central Avenue has raised some eyebrows of other downtown business owners.

The project, which was approved Wednesday by the Planning Commission in a 4-2 vote, would include commercial space in the building's first floor and up to 24 for-rent residential units of varying sizes all less than 750 square feet.

"I just believe in downtown," said 3rd Ward Councilman Anthony Marconi, whose company floated the proposal to the city's Planning Commission.

Although he is a partner of M & D Central Properties, Marconi - who also is the City Council liaison to the Planning Commission - listened quietly Wednesday while his partner, Ron Decker, delivered the presentation for the building that once was part of the enclosed City Centre Mall.

Planning Commission members Perry Thatcher and Tom Williams cast the dissenting votes.

The renovation plan, which calls for six studio apartments and 18 one-bedroom apartments, has nearby business owners concerned over the proposed size of the units, which range from 540 to 740 square feet.

"If it's professional people (living there), then I'm 150 percent for it," said Jay Moorman, co-owner of BeauVerre-Riordan stained glass studio, which occupies a nearby Central Avenue building. "But if it's low income, then I'm not.

"The message that we got when we took this undertaking was that it was going to be upscale," he said. "(500 square feet) is about the size of a motel room."

Although the city has a 1,000-square-foot minimum requirement for multi-family residential units, Decker said Wednesday it's unlikely the proposal would change.

Part of the plan for the new development includes amendments to the city's minimum requirements because it would be located in an urban setting.

"If we had to approach numbers like that (1,000-square-foot units), it's going to kill this," Decker said. "We are not in that type of environment. You might be able to do that in downtown Cincinnati, but not in downtown Middletown."

The project will go before City Council later this month for a requested change to the area's zoning.

"This building, at least architecturally, has a prominence downtown," said Planning Director Marty Kohler. "This is a fairly key building that we would like to see developed."

Contact Dave Greber at (513) 705-2840, or e-mail him at dgreber@coxohio.com.
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.

Thomas Jefferson
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Pacman View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Pacman Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 01 2009 at 7:57am
Spider I fail to understand you obsession and dislike for East Enders as you call them.  "....  were "east enders"(like yerself!)."  Now you are insinuating that People who live in the East End are criminals because someone who supposedly vandalized a building may have come from the east end, irrational thinking to say the least.  If you dislike the East End and the people that are there pick your ass up and move downtown plenty of places there for you to chose from.  Or go west and rehab one of the vacate houses there if that suits your fancy.
Whether these vandals came from the East End, the West End or anywhere else in Middletown is immaterial to the fact that they committed a crime.  Whether there parents are Doctors or laborers is immaterial also, but you like the labels lately.
East Enders are bad, East End is bad.  Your thinking escapes me and I am sure many others. Thumbs%20Down
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.

Thomas Jefferson
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spiderjohn View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote spiderjohn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 01 2009 at 8:46am
lol pacman--talk about obsession!
I merely mentioned that the alleged culprits in the downtown vandalism were NOT all school system kids and juveniles(as referenced by yer MJ re-print). I did not insinuate anything, and maybe u r reading my post to your convenience.
I am fine with the east end, and have lived there for the last 25 years. Lived in the west end prior. It is all one town. You are the guy who "never goes west of Breiel" as you told me.
I simply don't understand the damage and intent.
Since you love to research, cut/paste, please link me to the related MJ piece, if u can!
My thinking is basic and straight-forward, as posted here.
Maybe you should quit dancing around interpreting my thinking to fit your whim.
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Mike_Presta View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mike_Presta Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 01 2009 at 9:31am


You make some very good points, and some not so good points. I will try to address them all as objectively as I can.

You say:

Went down to the Arts Central Foundation outing last night. Great effort by the committee!

Music was outstanding and very diverse. Food was s-s0--booths similar. A wonderful evening and opportunity(until the storm hit!), and no one can complain about "nothing to do around here on a nice Saturday night".

I say: I think it’s wonderful that you enjoyed the evening. Too bad that the food wasn’t better. However, I’m sure that you will agree that different people have different tastes. If a “rave” and a “turkey shoot” and a “rattlesnake round-up” were the only things scheduled next Saturday, would you make the same observation that: “no one can complain about "nothing to do around here on a nice Saturday night".”??? Are you saying that everyone from the youngest to the oldest, the teenagers to the middle-agers, the senior citizens to the toddlers, the high brows to the low lifes should ALL enjoy, flock to, and patronize the arts??? If so, must all of these groups likewise support each and every activity that the other groups enjoy???

You say:

Great effort by Mr.Cohen and his crew at the cemetary. Ken Cohen grew up here through the local school system, and along with his family, continue to donate many resources for the betterment of our city. Though he doesn't live here any more, he obviously still cares quite a bit.

I say: I agree wholeheartedly!!! BUT (there’s always a “but”, isn’t there?), more so for the employees than Mr. Cohen himself. I say this not to demean Mr. Cohen or his family. I would never do that as they have given so much to this area. However, as long as Mr. Cohen desires to hold such positions such as the High Hoo-Ha of “Middletown Moving Forward” he bears an obligation to act in a manner to keep Middletown moving forward!

You Say:

Two very positive situations yesterday.

I say: I agree wholeheartedly!!!

You say:

Now for the bad news and 2day's spider rant:

Extremely depressed over the vandalism downtown recently. The new windows installed in the old Castell Building have been seriously damaged by a group of young punks who climbed atop the Shared Harvest/TVM building to not only break the TVM antenna, but to hurl bricks across the street, shattering dozens of brand new beautiful windows. The mural on the side of this building has now been cut for no good reason.

I say: I agree wholeheartedly!!! Whether or not some of the things mentioned were paid for with “forgivable loans” form the taxpayers, such actions are completely inexcusable!!!

You say:

The recent effort to beautify the bicentennial commons has been diluted by theft of a large amount of the newly planted flowers and plants.

I say: I singled out the preceding statement for a reason. I’ll return to it shortly.

You say:

Why is this happening?

Why can't our citizens embrace these positive efforts(by private citizens and businesses) instead of showing their resentment by destroying these positive efforts?

I say: These are two completely unrelated issues! Are you trying to say that anyone who does not “embrace” the new windows, the flowers at the commons, or the murals MUST BE the SAME ones who are committing the VANDALISM??? Spider, my friend, that is ABSURD!!! What mature adults prefer to either “embrace” or not to “embrace” has absolutely nothing to do with what immature criminals choose to vandalize!!!

I also say: Returning to the “recent effort to beautify the bicentennial commons with a large amount of newly planted flowers and plants”, I must ask if they are included under your comment “(by private citizens and businesses)”?

Further, in the last three years, by my memory (which is of course suspect), there has been ONE event at Bicentennial Commons, and that was simply a fireworks display. I recall a gathering of city notables where I objected to the city having spent $50K on the Commons, One of them mentioned Bicentennial Commons as one of our “jewels” and I asked “when was the last event held there or when is the next one scheduled?” No one could answer that question. (And they probably still can’t today!!!)

You say:

This damage was not caused by young juveniles who don't know better, but by educated young adults!!


I say: No, I don’t know why. Do you??? I wasn’t even aware of it. How do you know the demographics of the perpetrators if you don’t know who did it?

You say:

And why hasn't this been front page news naming names and rallying the community to both punish the vandals to the fullest, and support the improvement efforts?

I say: I do NOT know why it hasn’t been FRONT PAGE news!!! Perhaps it is because of the “GOOD NEWS ONLY” policy that seems to be the rule around here? I have been asking the same question about some of the things going on at City Hall. Why aren’t those things front page news???? All we read about is how WONDERFUL everything is (or is going to be) in our city, at least how wonderful it could be if only we short-xighted cheapskates would open up our pocketbooks and give city hall the rest of our money!!

You say:

Broad Street Bash--ACF festival--positive remodeling downtown. Say what you like about downtown, however there is more improvement going on down there than the rest of the city combined.

I say: These are noble efforts! They just are NOT as huge as some seem to think. I had new windows installed a couple of years ago, and not one person came to adore them!! We’ve been remodeling, bit by bit, for several years, and not even one “good news” story in The Journal. (And I betcha we’ll be finished before downtown is, too!) No murals on the exterior walls at our house, though. It probably would violate some city code or other. (Besides, we wouldn’t want the HUGE CROWDS that the things seem to draw (NOT!)

You say:

Talked to a lot of yer favotite local figures yesterday, and had good meaningful conversation with all of them. Council,Admin,Mrs.Mort, downtown businesses etc. The mood was upbeat and excellent.

I say: What did you talk about? What EXACTLY were they “upbeat” about? Did you ask about any of the problems that they refuse to acknowledge? Did you ask why they refuse to recognize conflicts of interest? Downtown businesses??? Would those be NEW ones or the next to leave??? Perhaps you should have asked THEM why the downtown vandalism wasn’t “front page news”, or did they refuse to recognize it?

You say:

Should have been a LOT more local support. Didn't see Vet, pacman, Impala, Ms.Moon, the General/Buckeyes/perplexed or many other identifyable names from here though.

I say: No, you did not. There were also over 50,000 other Middletonians that you did not see there. That is why I maintain that such events must be privately funded. There is a small group of people in Middletown that feels that THEIR wants, no matter what they are, should be provided by the rest of the citizens. You are a businessman! Which showroom would you enlarge? The one that is always “standing room only”, or the one that has never even had a line at the ticket booth?

You continued:

Didn't read about any of them volunteering for the cemetary cleanup either.

I say: No, you did not. But think about who else you did NOT see there! You did NOT see the people whose job it was to do that work!!! You did NOT see the ones who were RESPONSIBLE for the upkeep of the cemetery!!! That’s understandable though. From your other comments, THOSE PEOPLE were busy getting ready for the Arts Festival!

You say:

Must have been at home on their pcs typing about having another meeting to "throw the bums out/show them the door/lock them all up" so their new faces(what new faces?) can take over and "fix things!".

I say: I don’t know where they were, and I don’t know where you were. What I DO know is that we did our job. We paid our taxes so that City Hall could maintain that cemetery. You’ve told us where the city’s big-wigs and the super volunteers were. Anything else that you’d like to ask?

You say:

Can anyone enlighten me on the names of the vandals downtown or the MJ piece detailing the incident?

I say: No, I cannot. Perhaps if I spent a lot of money advertising in The Journal, I could put some pressure on them to print something besides the “GOOD NEWS ONLY” pushed by city hall and their cheerleaders. Do YOU know anyone who advertises in The Journal? And as far as finding the names of the vandals, if I could help in any way, I certainly would. Perhaps we should band together, chip in some money, and hire some people full time to investigate crime in the city? Of course we’d all have to tighten our belts and cut down on the parties and festivals to do that, wouldn’t we?

You closed by saying:

Think maybe it is finally time to either put up or shut up?

Or is ranting on message boards just too ego-rewarding and convenient?

I’ll close by saying: Yes, it IS time to put up or shut up. If we don’t act by November it will be too late. Ranting on message boards is neither rewarding nor convenient, but one must use the tools one has available, and there are other things in the works. (Some of us just don’t try to get a front-page picture for every little thing, though. Talk about ego-rewarding? Sheesh!)

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
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