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    Posted: Jan 27 2015 at 5:43pm
Adkins: Goal is to make Middletown ‘All-America City’ by 2020

By Ed Richter
Staff Writer
In 1958, an “awakened” citizen effort drew up a 14-point program for Middletown’s progress. That program addressed several issues that city leaders at the time acknowledged, including infrastructure, public safety and keeping schools up to date.

As work started on many of those fronts and problems were addressed, Middletown was designated an “All-America City” by Look magazine. City Manager Doug Adkins says it can happen again.

And his goal is to see Middletown achieve that “All America City” designation — again — by 2020, he told the Middletown Rotary Club during its meeting Tuesday.

After working as a city prosecutor and community revitalization director, Adkins said he’s seen and read many of the city’s master plans that have been developed between the 1950s and the 2000s.

Adkins, who was hired as city manager last summer, said he “found” his hook after learning what did and didn’t work as a result of those plans.

“The first step is to understand that Middletown can not and should not be the city it was in the 1950s,” he said. “The world has changed.”

“Word isn’t getting out about Middletown to the region and the community,” Adkins said as the reason he would be hiring a communications intern to get the word out via social media and other platforms. The use of an intern was also noted in the 1958 “All-America City” article.

As for a plan, Adkins reviewed the highlights of the 2015 initiatives and goals which includes focuses on public safety, the restructuring of the public safety departments, the need to be fiscally sustainable, leading the local fight against heroin use, develop housing, parks and recreation plans, and address quality of life issues. He also said every city department has specific, measurable goals and objectives with timelines to complete which will be posted to the city’s website.

“2015 will be a planning year,” Adkins said.

He also said the city has to work at attracting businesses and creating jobs. In 2015, Adkins said the economic development department would be revitalized along with infrastructure improvements, a 25-year paving program, working with various community partners, updating the 2005 master plan, and the city’s antiquated zoning code

“Business wants certainty,” Adkins said. “The end goal is to make it easier to do business with and in the city of Middletown.”
Every morning is the dawn of a new error...
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acclaro View Drop Down
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I laughed so hard on this one, between it and Robert Kraft's stone-walling the cheating by the Patriots and the physics of aerodynamics associated football deflation associated with atmospheric alterations in fifty degree weather, tears stream down the face in levity.

"Word isn't getting out about Middletown to the region and the community," Adkins said. Para 7.

Hmmm, I believe it is. There was the Forbes article, broadcasts about human cattle walking the streets, lawsuits on Section 8 discrimination, heroin summits monthly, highest crime in Ohio, population sinking, corporate headquarters leaving, and too many others to name without a dissertation.

The Master Plan is still in a planning stage, and in 25 years, there will be a plan as to how the city plans to lay asphalt, that its competitive cities do annually.

Well, give them all credit in the circle. They sure attempt to all stay on message and deflect. Its coming, sometime, somewhere, years from now, and we even know how to use social media. Grab those facebook accounts and tighten the voting blocks.

There's a train running down the track without a conductor. Someone may send a tweet and have someone grab the helm before it derails again.

Spinning, spinning, spinning, and getting no traction. And unbelievably, wondering why.

Footballs losing air, a city without a compass.

'An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.' - Winston Churchill
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VietVet View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jan 27 2015 at 8:41pm
Let's review.

A city that:

has crumbling streets and infrastructure
has a school system that is a bottom tier performer
has the highest taxes in Butler Cty
has a very limited job list paying decent wages with benefits
is tailored to low paying service job selections
has over twice the amount of Section 8 it is suppose to have
has put out the welcome mat for low income
is on the Forbes fastest dying city's list
has no econ dev plan to attract new business
is not business friendly and places many roadblocks to impede new business development
is revenue starved
has many empty lots where buildings once stood with no replacement buildings to follow
loans money to friends who have yet to show any of us any end results
is a hotbed for heroin use
has downsized the fire dept with an emphasis on reducing safety aspects for the people
has a poor, dysfunctional teacher/admin relationship within the district
has a very poor reputation/ image in relation to surrounding communities
caters to the few while ignoring the majority
has tried many projects that usually result in failure- IE Lake Middletown, Bicentennial Commons
has had many industries leave including corporate offices- some due to embarrassment in entertaining clients in town.
lacks a decent entertainment choice/dining choices
has an arts area that is in constant movement but never settled and is always in change offering a small percentage of the population any interest
has inept leadership capable of making unbelievable decisions and always going the wrong direction
conceals, at times, information from the general public with an exclusionary program centered on keeping people on the outside looking in
moves money around from fund to fund doing it's best to mask the money flow from the citizens
never listens to the people unless they are friends of the city
places incredibly inept people in key decision-making positions
uses non-logical methods to determine solutions to city issues.....

You tell me if Adkins has a candidate for All-American city status or not.
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
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acclaro View Drop Down
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Guess which line voters in Middletown stand?
'An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.' - Winston Churchill
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Factguy View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Factguy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jan 27 2015 at 11:19pm
When Doug Adkins gets AK Steel to move out by 75 near the Atrium, Middletown will be named an All American city. He also gets the partner who bought the First National Bank and Bohannon's son as a social media intern. Discussions are taking place now to move AK back to Middletown.

Good things are coming.
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VietVet View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jan 28 2015 at 5:57am
Originally posted by Factguy Factguy wrote:

When Doug Adkins gets AK Steel to move out by 75 near the Atrium, Middletown will be named an All American city. He also gets the partner who bought the First National Bank and Bohannon's son as a social media intern. Discussions are taking place now to move AK back to Middletown.

Good things are coming.

AK moving their corporate offices back to Middletown? From upscale West Chester? With the image and reputation issues Middletown has? AK left for the same reason Black-Clawson left- embarrassment when entertaining clients in Middletown and a lack of a professional environment. Mason-Montgomery Rd is certainly more upscale than anything Middletown can offer. Same goes for the AK location in West Chester. Hard pressed to believe both companies would consider a move back here when nothing has changed.

Good things are coming you say?

Hard to count the number of times we all have heard that phrase used by city leaders. Nothing to date has indicated it to be true.

Look around.

What do you see?

Doesn't look healthy.

More like a ghetto to me.
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
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spiderjohn View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote spiderjohn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jan 28 2015 at 11:43am
hope u 2 b correct, factguy
When u say 1st nat bank, do u mean former bank 1 building?
what is happening there?
remember--u told me that I could not have that building for less than $300,000-$400,000 and probably not at all. Also, what about the $300,000 that we have invested in the Rose Furniture building to pay for "stabilization"?, Inocome, job creation and tax revenues provided by the Pendleton project? Taxpayer funded, so reasonable to want 2 know what we have actually received for our investment.

I like Mr.A, and hope that he can pull off a lot of his plan by 2020, since we have fallen so far behind the rest of the area. We have been stonewalled and misled by our admin for so long, that it will take a while(+ a lot of good/transparent relations) to regain full confidence. Lip service only goes so far, though it can be a true beginning.

What about the Studio/Strand/Hobby House(that we paid $90,000 to purchase), the old Wards building, Ligon service station etc. that were promised to be demoed decades ago(and were funded to be demoed)? The old library building with the roof caving in?

Why are we spending so much on Narcan and heroin addicts, when drugs for more productive uses + public safety response costs in an area challenged by public safety funding? The success rate for curing this addiction is not so good and the cost is very high(esp when u factor in that most go on disability and/or other govt.subsidy programs for the rest of their lives).

Give us the facts behind/corroborating your vague statements. So far, you have been more smoke than facts.
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Bill View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Bill Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jan 28 2015 at 12:11pm
I would doubt AK's HQ would move.  Perhaps a building for one of the departments --- someone said something about engineers -- could go up out by Paychex.  And even if the HQ did move to Renaissance, no doubt the city would have to give them a tax abatement of 899 years to make it happen.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Factguy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jan 28 2015 at 12:44pm
Fair enough spiderjohn. There is considerable planning which all the pieces are to fit in place. Meant BankOne and was thinking about a joint public relations effort in the works with Cincinnati State and the city not yet public. Rose Furniture delay has been on hold while Mike Robinette and his partners get the old court house restored in Hamilton. It should be starting by April. Don't underestimate the behind scene discussions with Mayor Mulligan and AK executive office. There is a very strong relationship and negotiations have been ongoing for months. The Mayor kept R & D from moving to West Chester. 

Expect TJMaxx, Marshall, Old Navy, and GAP to move in once Burlington opens and they remodel. Lots of activity and discussions behind the covers. Outlet retail is a prime location for Middletown exit. Like the goals city manager has for 2020, but may be a stretch for All America status. Talked to many in town about memories of the soap box derby. Most laugh when thinking that track was better than any road in Middletown currently. Good things and happening. Give it 5 years and Middletown will be on its was back with influx of new, younger residents, steel, retail anchors, and quality of life.  If Mayor Mulligan is successful, AK will be returning. Also, United Healthcare is moving from West Chester. Blue Ash and Middletown are in the running for their new location, and about 200 employees at Optum.  Decision by end of February.

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VietVet View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jan 28 2015 at 1:04pm
Factguy, you'll have to excuse me for adopting an "I'll believe it when I see it" posture on your information as history has proven that 99% of what has been said by city leaders, as to city progress and plans, has been nothing more than lip service and passification.
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
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spiderjohn View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote spiderjohn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jan 28 2015 at 1:27pm
I had heard that AK was being priced out of West Chester and would return for the right lease $$.

lol--I remember when the soap box derby ran down Central Ave, finishing at Shafor St.

Hey--something has to happen at the interstate mall. Those venues don't excite me, though they play to our demographics. Honestly, I have never visited any of those businesses so far(including Burlington). I operated next to a Buffalo Wing place on Roosevelt, and it was nothing but trouble. Then Marty K and Council emergencied the building to be a strip club OVER everyones' objections--then busted it for doing exactly what we knew they would do. Remember that fiasco? Helped to bury that strip center.

Hopefully I will still be alive in 2020 and will probably still own property here--plan to enjoy it all then.
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Factguy View Drop Down
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I also mention Aetna in Sharonville, which employs about 150 nurses, is looking at the Target building or the former first financial data center by the Salvation Army. The average salary is over $63,000, helping payroll tax collection. You know who was sitting on council when the authorization was given for the strip club. One of goals which has been achieved with the whole restructuring effort at Donham and council, was to remove those that had a 'Sarah Palin' effect, and replace them with credible, intelligent members. If Aetna moves, that helps anchor with the Atrium, Middletown as a medically focused center, and with AK's Michigan acquisition, brings Wall Street eyes back to the city. Its coming.  

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spiderjohn View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote spiderjohn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jan 28 2015 at 3:49pm
think about this, factguy---I felt more comfortable and expected a better listen from that Council and Admin back then than I do the current group. Myself and most of my business + social friends have completely given up on the current situation, have no desire/reason to address them, and are capable of living our lives/operating businesses without them.

Sad that it has come to that, but it has.

Hopefully u can show us differently from here on out.
We honestly would prefer to be a REAL part of it all.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jan 28 2015 at 5:17pm
Forum members:

I do not know the person known as Factguy. Keeping all options open here, could it be that Factguy is laying a gullibility trip on us to see how far we will go to believe all that he is offering? Could it be that none of the proposals he is listing here are true and he is playing the old bait game, knowing that most of us don't know the undertow activity, if any, that are occurring in this town? Could it be that he is just having fun at our expense and playing us as fools?

Considering what he has mentioned here, considering that the leaders have gone years without the slightest hint of progress to this degree and considering that we don't know who this person is, what are the odds that what he posts is true? It just sounds like too much activity too quickly from a town's leadership that has dropped the ball on most opportunities presented to them. Given that the Econ. Dev. Dept. has done exactly squat the last decade as to development, why, all of a sudden, is there this mega attraction to Middletown? Kinda suspect, isn't it?

So far, he has made statements of proposed activity that has not happened in this city for decades. Sound a little too good to be true perhaps?
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
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middiemom View Drop Down
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Fact Guy, great news!!! I hope all of your news comes true as I believe it will. You're right!!! Great things are happening. But, alas, you are wasting your time on this site posting positive news. The nattering naybombs of negativism cannot get out of the 50's and realize that the doo wop era is over. AK could relocate 10,000 jobs here and these people would say why weren't there 11,000 jobs? Spider-John is the only reasonable person on this site when it come to forward positive thinking. The rest are stuck in prior administrations. I don't patronize those low end establishments either but they are a great start for the people in this town. If they can keep the thieves at bay this should establish a good stepping stone to lure more lucrative retail establishments/restaurants into town to support the relocation of AK's HQ.Smile AETNA would be a HUGE score!!! Bright things are coming our way gents....I know it is hard but try to be a part of the solution. If not get out of the wayExclamation
Middletown... Bright past BRIGHTER FUTURE!!!
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Rhodes View Drop Down
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AK Steel corporate headquarters is not moving back to Middletown.  The reason they left, as mentioned above, was to have a corporate friendly environment.  Their need to be in the middle of the hustle and bustle of a growing area was very important in their last move.  Mulligan did not keep R&D from moving out of Middletown.  AK didn't move that because of the costs involved of the building they have on Curtis.  From what I've heard, it's an environmental nightmare on how to relocate that so that it is cost efficient.  Similarly, it's why the little fake brick house on the corner of Breiel & Grand has never been sold and developed, even though a prime corner lot.  I was told back in the 1990's the cost for Cinergy to move that underground setup was upwards of $5,000,000.

Christ Hospital recently purchased about 40 acres across I-75 from Cincinnati Children's.  If any place is medically focused it is West Chester & Liberty... by far.

Some of you people sound like the cheerleaders for Forest Fair Mall.  Location is king.  You can talk all you want and complain about common sense discussions, but logic has to kick in at some time.

Having said all of that, I hope Doug Adkins is able to recapture the city that is currently lost.  I will say this about him, at least he talks about growth and seems to want it.  I haven't heard a city manager talk that way in a long time.  As I've said before, there is nothing wrong with blue collar people.  If Middletown can stay focused on its base and cater to the majority, it would spell out good things for the future of the city.  Most wealthy people or higher income earners are not going to pick Middletown, so try focusing less on what you think those types want.  That's where the city went wrong with the wasting of tax dollars on "art".  All that has amounted to is a bunch of arts and crafts on display.  Ok, so some people like it and that's fine, but not enough to justify the expense.  Clean goes a long way.  Nice roads are a requirement for most people, particularly those relocating.  Schools are always important, even if you don't have kids in school because it does play a large part in the value of your home.

And for Christ's sake... get the freaking litter under control!!!  Drive around neighboring communities.  Notice they don't have litter everywhere you drive?  This goes for the homeowners that have litter in their street.  I can't imagine letting it sit there, yet you can drive all over Middletown and in most areas, the litter rules.  No matter what... there's something about looking clean.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jan 28 2015 at 7:30pm
Originally posted by middiemom middiemom wrote:

Fact Guy, great news!!! I hope all of your news comes true as I believe it will. You're right!!! Great things are happening. But, alas, you are wasting your time on this site posting positive news. The nattering naybombs of negativism cannot get out of the 50's and realize that the doo wop era is over. AK could relocate 10,000 jobs here and these people would say why weren't there 11,000 jobs? Spider-John is the only reasonable person on this site when it come to forward positive thinking. The rest are stuck in prior administrations. I don't patronize those low end establishments either but they are a great start for the people in this town. If they can keep the thieves at bay this should establish a good stepping stone to lure more lucrative retail establishments/restaurants into town to support the relocation of AK's HQ.Smile AETNA would be a HUGE score!!! Bright things are coming our way gents....I know it is hard but try to be a part of the solution. If not get out of the wayExclamation

middiemom, you missed your calling. You arrived here on earth too late. You were better suited to give Custer some advise when he was surrounded at Little Big Horn. Perhaps you could have helped him deny his fate telling him good things are about to happen while showering him with your dream world/who needs facts rhetoric.

And no, there is "nothing to get out of the way of" as the ideas being bantered about by the eternal optimists here have a slim shot of happening. The talk of things happening being "right around the corner" are bogus until there is proof produced. Until then, nothing but empty talk, just like your buddies at city hall practice each and every day. Since I'm not spiderjohn I would be in the "unreasonable group". I assume most here are being labeled as such because we don't salivate on every morsel of crap mentioned by city hall as you gullible optimists do. We form opinions based on what we see and have seen like a reasonable person does. And, we don't believe the dream weaving done by the city has any merit.

Great things are happening she says. How come we haven't noticed? Must be very subtle in nature.

Part of the solution? Comical mom. What solution? Haven't seen one in decades around here. City leaders have no solutions.......that work. Or, do you mean solutions like Lake Middletown, Bicentennial Commons, Cincy State reality versus projected success, the carnival lights at the I-75 interchange signifying the circus is in town, The City Centre Mall, The non-progression, non-stable arts dream downtown, companies leaving left and right with no replacements, a lack of decent standard of living jobs, the non-success to date of the Atrium area as a medical megaplex with medical facilities lining the streets promised. Just a few examples of your "solutions" your side of the fence has produced so far.

Your side needs to show us something of content. Then we'll talk.

I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Factguy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jan 28 2015 at 7:38pm
I can understand the lack of confidence many may have based upon past failures. But, its changing. The acquisition by AKS of Severstal has exciting benefit to Middletown directly. Because an acquisition is to gain economies of scale, the current R & D group of Severstal will be relocating to the region. Customer service will be consolidated, as well as HR, payroll, government relations, supply chain, government relations. And, technology in time, will be combined (IT). This represents hundreds of high paying jobs.

One of the most significant announces will be coming soon that also will be a true game changer for Middletown. On Wednesday, the governors of Ohio and Kentucky will be bringing the Brent Spence Bridge to a national audience. It now is supposed to be about tolls and negotiations, but, that isn't the story. Behind the scenes, Boehner has a deal with Democrats and Obama specifically, to wrap the Keystone Pipeline and a massive infrastructure deal in a bundled package. This helps Obama with the union wanting jobs, and is a neutral deal, where the GOP has Ohio, Kentucky led by a Dem. The deal will provide billions in funding, gets the Ohio Governor a key position as VP in 2016.

With this announcement and federal funding, and with the recent collapse over 75 of the exit, both parties see this as a win-win. More importantly, it will bring funds through the state and southwestern region. Combining the deal with the only remaining availability of green and brown field space by 75 and the areas within 5-8 miles west of 75, Middletown will benefit greatly. Although it will be years before the bridge is complete, new businesses will be moving in a logistics management and centralization will grow greatly, as Obama, Boehner, and the two senators from Kentucky, including Paul, will be using this as a deal as big as the TVA, building damns, and the other historic achievements.

Can't speak for trash much Rhoads, other than I agree the concrete barriers on the north bound exit, has fast food trash which needs to be removed. The lighting at night does look good out there, as well as the landscaping.
This is good news!
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Knowing how long these plans take to be set in motion, how will Obama be involved in the pipeline and massive infrastructure deals when his term runs out in two years and he won't be a participant? As slow as these things move, alot could happen, including cancellations, before implementation.

Is it a fact that Severstal will locate to this area and impact Middletown proper as much as you describe? Or, is this speculation and a "maybe" on your part?

Ok, so the Governor gets elected to a VP seat in Washington. Doesn't mean we in Ohio, much less Butler County will feel the impact and be a favorite target for growth by Kasich. Look at Boehner and look at how long he has been in Washington. Now consider how much he has done for West Chester and SW Ohio and how little he has done for Middletown while in office. Hell, he doesn't even know where Middletown is as his visits are that infrequent to this city. Boehner goes where the money is. No money in this city as compared to others so he has no interest here.

Brownfields are too expensive to re-create into green re-usable land. I doubt if there would be that much interest in the brownfields "west of I-75" which would encompass most all former industrial sites and the downtown in Middletown. I would think, by sheer brownfield site numbers in Middletown, that they would move south of Middletown to concentrate that effort.


"Although it will be years before the bridge is complete, new businesses will be moving in a logistics management and centralization will grow greatly, as Obama, Boehner, and the two senators from Kentucky, including Paul, will be using this as a deal as big as the TVA, building damns, and the other historic achievements."

Again, Obama will be gone before this bridge is completed. I would imagine there is a chance they might lose a project supporting senator or two in Kentucky at some point in time. With the initiators of the project gone, will there still be support to carry on until completion? ....or will another group in charge at that time redirect the importance of this and drop it to a second tier item making it incomplete?

Never know. Even long term Boehner may be gone before everything is said and done. Politicians are replaced. Priorities change with each new group in power. Boehner may hang it up.

A toned down elation may be in order here to avoid disappointment. Alot of obstacles to overcome before these proposals are a reality.
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
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Factguy View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Factguy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jan 28 2015 at 8:34pm
Severstal won't be moving their steel operations but redundant operations. It will be either West Chester or Middletown. Mayor Mulligan is negotiating to bring AKS back, for the current and future jobs. If unsuccessful, which is looking bright now, West Chester gains. You asked about United Healthcare leaving West Chester and looking at either Blue Ash or Middletown, drive by their office, see the large FOR LEASE sign, two floors in the building, 3 and 4, call them, or call economic development downtown, 

Obama wants a legacy and the only bill passed is ACA. This massive federal legislation will break the ice between the two parties, and sets up Hillary Clinton and any GOP candidate as Ohio is the state that swings Dempcrat or Republican. They know this, and GOP wants Keystone Pipeline. Obama wants infrastructure. Everyone wins. Done deal, if it passes, which it will. Middletown also gets the exit off 75 for Manchester. Neither Obama, Boehner, Paul, Kasich, McConnell are concerned about the time it takes to build. They see it as a means of breaking DC log jam, where everyone wins, and gives each bragging rights for Ohio heading into 2016.

Middletown hasn't been in a better position since WWII.    
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote spiderjohn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jan 28 2015 at 8:57pm
lol--thanx middiemom
not that many on either side of all of this view me as that reasonable

I agree with a lot of the basis for negativity here, though you can only take it so far and say it so many times...eventually you have to start thinking, then working, toward solutions. Unfortunately most of my solutions have not been that well received in the bunker. I think more like a businessman than a bureaucrat, weighing all possibilities.

Have spent most of my life here---remember a lot of good and not as good. Mostly think about the good though, and hopefully beginning to see the sun shine here again. I keep waiting for a new generation to grab the reins, and keep wondering when and why so long in coming.

I hope that u turn out to be correct on a lot of this, factguy...
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Factguy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jan 28 2015 at 9:28pm
John Boehner owes many individuals in Middletown over years of service. He'll make the Obama infrastructure bargain happen. When Mica Glaser works her magic getting Middletown's name established and rebranded, the floodgates open.  Good things are happening, and many have been under the radar. 
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Vivian Moon Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jan 29 2015 at 10:23am


I think we need to talk about the bright pink elephant standing in the middle of the room with a blanket on his back that says EPA.
Middletown has an expensive and serious problem with pollution and then we have the separation of the sewers.
We have kicked all these cans down the road for years.
We are talking millions of dollars and City Hall has depleted the fund.
Where will all this money come from?

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Bill Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jan 29 2015 at 11:16am
Factguy, your last post shows that you may not be serious.  Since when does Boehner do anything that resembles bringing funds (pork) to this area? If he hasn't paid anyone back in all these years why would he do it now?  And if he did, it would certainly be something that benefits the West Chester region, not Midd.  The only thing he might bring us is a toxic waste dump since, of course, we're the only place that accepts manufacturing and all it's pollutants.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote processor Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jan 29 2015 at 11:53am
FactGuy. I'm having a lot of trouble swallowing what you're selling. Certainly AK's acquisition will mean a lot of consolidation of jobs at AK's headquarters and MAY result in a few additional jobs, but how this translates into moving their headquarters to Middletown is beyond me. Certainly they have a long term lease at their West Chester location that would cost a lot to terminate. Plus they would have the cost of physically moving. It just doesn't add up. At most maybe they would create a satellite operation in Middletown, but even that doesn't make much sense since it would be a hindrance to communication.

As to Obama giving up and letting Keystone move forward that too is a pipe dream. He's in the process of adding large areas of Alaska to the no drill area in hopes of getting rid of the Alaskan pipe line. I just don't buy it.

Regarding the other potential's I don't have enough knowledge to argue one way or another.

I hope you're right and I'm wrong, but I don't think so.
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