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    Posted: May 22 2014 at 4:46pm
Council selects Adkins as next city manager

By Rick McCrabb

Staff Writer
Doug Adkins, director of community revitalization for the city since 2009, will be named Middletown’s city manager, the Journal-News has learned.

Adkins was one of the five finalists from the 29 who applied to replace Judy Gilleland, who’s retiring next month after six years as city manager.

Adkins was offered the position by members of City Council after they met in executive session following Tuesday’s council meeting. Adkins accepted their offer, according to city emails, but Middletown Mayor Lawrence Mulligan Jr. said the city doesn’t have a signed contract.

Adkins, who has no city manager experience, will be paid $115,000 a year, $12,000 less than Gilleland earns, according to a draft of the employment agreement. Gilleland’s last day as city manager is June 6, however, because of vacation time she accumulated, she will be in the city payroll through July 21, according to emails.

Adkins will serve as interim city manager from June 7 until July 21, then city manager the following day. He will be given a $450-a-month car allowance and will be reimbursed $10,000 to move his family from Mason to Middletown, according to the proposed contract.

During the public portion of the interview Saturday morning, Adkins said he’d live in the city and remain here for years.

“If I’m in, I’m in,” he said. “I’m here to stay.”

Last weekend, all five candidates toured the city, then were interviewed by city staff, community leaders and Middletown residents at the City Building. Council took input from those interviews to help make their decision, they said.

Mulligan Jr. said the city was fortunate to have five “well-qualified” candidates.

Adkins separated himself from the others because of his “successful track record” of working collaboratively with community leaders throughout the region, Mulligan said.

Council member Dan Picard said he was impressed by what he called Adkins’ “forward thinking.” He presented council with a 120-page outline filled with goals, and every goal had a deadline.

“He’s looking down the road, giving us something to shoot for,” Picard said Thursday morning.

After the interviews Saturday, Picard said council received feedback from those who participated in the process, and council agreed on two finalists: Adkins and Jane Howington, city manager in Newport, R.I., who also worked as city manager in Oxford and assistant city manager in Dayton. Then on Tuesday night, after about 30 minutes in executive session, Picard said Adkins became council’s No. 1 choice.

Council member Anita Scott Jones said after reviewing the responses from the three groups that participated in the interviews, Adkins’ name appeared at the top of all their recommendations.

“He was constant,” she said.

Jones said over the weekend, she heard from many Middletown residents who offered opinions. Some said the city should hire an internal candidate, others said an outside candidate, and others wanted someone with at least 10 years of city manager experience. In the end, she said, since Adkins has worked for the city for nine years, he became the obvious choice.

Dora Bronston, another council member, praised Adkins for his “vision” that will “move the city forward.”

At the end of Tuesday’s executive session, Bronston told the other council members she wanted them to be “united” in selecting Adkins.

Don Vermillion, director of public projects at the Fitz Center at the University of Dayton, was paid $12,000 by the city to conduct the city manager search. The job was posted with the International City/County Management Association, Ohio City Management and the National Forum for Black Public Administrators, he said.

In emails to council members, Vermillion wrote he had contacted the other four candidates to let them know they weren’t selected.

The other finalists: Les Landen, the city’s law director, and three external candidates, Cathy Davison, former city manager in Steubenville, Ohio; Willie Norfleet Jr., city manager in Socorro, Texas and Howington.

In his interview, when asked how he’d react if he wasn’t selected, Landen, the law director for 14 years, said he’d be “a good soldier” and continue serving the city as best he could.

Adkins began his service with Middletown in 2005 as assistant prosecutor. In 2006, he was promoted to prosecutor, then three years later, was named director of community revitalization, overseeing community development, building inspection, code enforcement, planning, zoning, bus transit system, the Robert “Sonny” Hill Jr. Community Center and Weatherwax Golf Course.

Earlier this year, Adkins, who served on council and as vice-mayor in Vandalia, was a finalist for the city manager’s position there.

He earned his bachelor of business administration degree from the University of Cincinnati and graduated cum laude with a juris doctor from the University of Dayton.

Name: Doug Adkins

Job: Director of community revitalization

Residence: Mason

Education: Bachelor’s degree, University of Cincinnati, 1985; Juris doctor, University of Dayton, 2003

Family: Wife, Becky and six children
Every morning is the dawn of a new error...
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Iron Man Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 22 2014 at 5:19pm
Doug "The Wrecking Ball" Adkins will continue to clean up this town!

What say you naysayers?
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FmrMide81 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote FmrMide81 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 22 2014 at 6:36pm
I say "Thank goodness I don't live there anymore"-there is naught but anguish and ruin ahead for thee...
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Naysayers say BAD CHOICE.
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acclaro View Drop Down
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No, he needed a life raft with council on HUD war.

Loose lips sink ships.

Middletown has sunk.

'An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.' - Winston Churchill
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middiemom View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote middiemom Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 22 2014 at 8:54pm
I think Doug is a good and decent man and the right choice for the job imo.I think with the passage of the new levy and the hiring of Doug as our new city manager Middletown IS moving forward. Confused as to why there is so much resentment towards this man who has devoted a better part of his life to public serviceErmm. The schools have shown to be improving and with the new levy passage the sky is the limit. I see bright things for Middletown. Clap
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote FmrMide81 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 22 2014 at 9:18pm
Those bright things you see are the lights in the HUD interrogation room which will be Dougies first stop.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote middiemom Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 22 2014 at 9:53pm
If there were any illegalities on the part of Mr. Adkins and or council why then would they hire Mr. Adkins? I'm sorry your choice dd not make it through the vetting process. If they were such viable choices then how could they have escaped our interview process? The reality of it all is he is the BEST person for the job. He is dedicated to Middletown and has vowed to move here. He is "all in." Jeesh! You would think that this is what you people would want! 
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Stanky View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Stanky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 22 2014 at 10:16pm
His "move" to Middletown will likely consist of renting one of the plentiful $400 per month hovels this town has to offer. Establish utilities in his name as proof of his residency. Followed by driving back to see his kid's soccer game for Mason High.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Bocephus Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 22 2014 at 10:28pm
Hey Dougie there is a house right across the street from me and I think its section 8 if you need the number for it just dial 1-800- slumlord. Did this suprise anyone? 
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middiemom View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote middiemom Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 22 2014 at 10:30pm
Stanky, you are typical of the negativism on this website. We made an offer to a well intentioned/qualified man and all you people can do is complain!!! Give people a chance!!! Doug/council have a plan. Give  them time. Please reserve judgement.  In a few years you can judge the results of their plan. Just 1opinion. 
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Agreed Stanky. Other than an outsider from private sector, Howlington was far superior. I read a copy of the Middletown Section 8 Analysis, and it was so discriminatory on socio-economic class structures and innuendo, I forwarded to a professor at Georgetown in Public Administration. The feedback received was upon HUD review, they would comprehend Middletown needed more vouchers, not less. Further, it was stated it was so blatantly discriminatory, it bordered upon a thesis of socio economic cleansing. 

The new standards for residency will be a net worth of $500,000., annual income of minimal $175,000 per adult, a private banker, and cash reserve liquidity of $1,000,000 within 30 days.

With 10 years in OPERS, he'll be around (commuting), for 17 years. Landen was the strawman to elevate him apparently. Re-imagining is a word that is frightening, perhaps even more so for the city unions. 
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middiemom View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote middiemom Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 22 2014 at 10:54pm
So Luke, you are an advocate for more section 8? Unbelievable! You forwarded a copy of the section 8 analysis to a liberal college professor of public administration and his response was.........Shocking!!!LOL we need more section 8? LOL Yes. that's what we need. more people in the cart as opposed to those who are pulling the cart. That is exactly how to revitalizea downtown and attract more people to our town. Keep it up! It has worked well so far.LOLLOLClap
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"As with most Midwestern industrial cities, Middletown experienced job loss starting in the 1970s as industrial corporations merged, closed, or relocated, decreasing employment in the local manufacturing sector. The effects in Middletown were similar to other parts of the country, with a polarization of the labor market, “where blue collar positions, traditionally occupied by the middle-class, have disappeared and have been replaced by low-wage, non-unionized jobs and high skill, high-wage positions. Such structural transformations have resulted in burgeoning levels of poverty and inequality, characterized by a rapidly growing working-poor population.”
"This change is reflected in the median earnings of Middletown residents as compared to surrounding counties. "

We really don't want people who used to make good money in our city, anymore, because they don't make as much as they used to. We need to protect our rich, wine drinking residents that pay $16.95 a plate for brunch.

Georgetown is a conservative, catholic university, not Berkle
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote middiemom Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 23 2014 at 12:19am
Luke, you have exposed yourself as a card carrying union member espousing the views of the minority of employed peoples. There is nothing wrong with blue collar workers. Middletown was built by the blue collared people. But, you need to expect a salary commensurate with your skill set. Don't hold up an entire city or a company for an unjustfiable wage. Especially if you/or your members don't live here and pay taxes. Georgetown may be catholic, but conservative???? Isn't that the same institution that covered up religious symbols at the Obama regime's request while he made a speech there?
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote middiemom Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 23 2014 at 12:50am
Also Luke stated....We need to protect our rich, wine drinking residents that pay $16.95 a plate for brunch. 

Luke, please tell me where I can get a decent brunch after church for $16.95 a plate. I would love to frequent that establishment unless of course it is something like Golden corral. I'm paying almost double every sunday. 

Luke, who pays all/most of the taxes in this town? Us "rich wine drinking residents" or the renters, section 8 residents, and heroin addicts?  
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Mike_Presta View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mike_Presta Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 23 2014 at 1:38am
Originally posted by middiemom middiemom wrote:

Doug/council have a plan. Give  them time. Please reserve judgement.  In a few years you can judge the results of their plan.
Ms. Middie Mom:
We've seen the new plan...it's just like the old plan(s)!!!  To keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result = INSANITY!!!  Confused
“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mike_Presta Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 23 2014 at 1:52am
Originally posted by middiemom middiemom wrote:

So Luke, you are an advocate for more section 8? Unbelievable! You forwarded a copy of the section 8 analysis to a liberal college professor of public administration and his response was.........Shocking!!!LOL we need more section 8? LOL Yes. that's what we need. more people in the cart as opposed to those who are pulling the cart. That is exactly how to revitalizea downtown and attract more people to our town. Keep it up! It has worked well so far.LOLLOLClap
No, MiddieMom, he (the college prof) didn't say that we need more Section 8.  He (the college prof) said that HUD would say that we need more section 8!!!

Why???  Because the city leaders for the last ump-teen years, with their myopic, closed door, good-old-boy (and girl) idiotic "visions" have driven our once-proud city into a this-side-of-Detroit, poverty-stricken, low-income-magnet, lets-be-a-quaint-village, no-economic-incentive HELL HOLE!!

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
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Of course, now that we can't even afford decent police or fire departments, things are CERTAIN to get better!!!
“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mike_Presta Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 23 2014 at 1:59am
Originally posted by Mike_Presta Mike_Presta wrote:

Originally posted by middiemom middiemom wrote:

So Luke, you are an advocate for more section 8? Unbelievable! You forwarded a copy of the section 8 analysis to a liberal college professor of public administration and his response was.........Shocking!!!LOL we need more section 8? LOL Yes. that's what we need. more people in the cart as opposed to those who are pulling the cart. That is exactly how to revitalizea downtown and attract more people to our town. Keep it up! It has worked well so far.LOLLOLClap
No, MiddieMom, he (the college prof) didn't say that we need more Section 8.  He (the college prof) said that HUD would say that we need more section 8!!!

Why???  Because the city leaders for the last ump-teen years, with their myopic, closed door, good-old-boy (and girl) idiotic "visions" have driven our once-proud city into a this-side-of-Detroit, poverty-stricken, low-income-magnet, lets-be-a-quaint-village, no-economic-incentive HELL HOLE!!
And what else would you expect when you ask GOVERNMENT for a solution???
“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
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So a known town ruiner was chosen to do further damage to this city by an inept, clueless group of people known as city council. Not surprising. He falls right in line with the group of Donham Plaza town wreckers. The clueless have chosen an inept person to run this place. Makes sense. Should we have expected any other outcome.....say, a decision with any logic connected to it? The final piece of the coffin is now in place for this city.

And now to middiemom (or city building employee sent here to harass and stir the pot)

You show up, out of the blue, attacking all here that are opposed to your little version of town utopia and it's newly appointed grim reaper. Comments suggesting they be given a chance, that Adkins is a good choice........Mercy are you blind to reality. The man turns people off with his uppidy personality. Hardly one to communicate with the people. His deceit proceeds him.

There is a truckload of proof that the man is a liar, the man manipulates situations to acquire his desired outcome while constantly placing the town in dire straits in a legal sense. The man is secretive and has no scruples. Hell, the man chooses to live in upscale Mason while he comes to work each day in Middletown to do his daily damage to the city he claims he cares about. He is not a person to be respected. He is a callous, overbearing, unprofessional slug who lacks any moral character nor leadership qualities. He has no overall administrative skills to run a city, hardly the most qualified to fill this position. Worse, yet, he is a part of the group consisting of the MMF, the city council and certain residents of the city building, who have, as their agenda, a completely mis-focused direction, not having a clue what this city really needs to turn it around.

Your comments indicate to me that you don't have a clue as to how nice this city once was. If you did, you wouldn't be so apt to defend these worthless people we call city administrators. All need to be fired for what they have done here. We, who have lived through the good times, see first hand how the city and the schools have gone down the toilet since these "new breed, incompetent "leaders" came to town. There is not one of them that can find their behind, even with the aid of a blueprint.

You are on the wrong side of being right. You just don't know it. Open your eyes.....see what is really there.
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mike_Presta Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 23 2014 at 6:39am
Originally posted by VietVet VietVet wrote:

 the man is a liar, the man manipulates situations to acquire his desired outcome while constantly placing the town in dire straits in a legal sense. The man is secretive and has no scruples. Hell, the man chooses to live in upscale Mason while he comes to work each day in Middletown to do his daily damage to the city he claims he cares about. He is not a person to be respected. He is a callous, overbearing, unprofessional slug who lacks any moral character nor leadership qualities. He has no overall administrative skills to run a city, hardly the most qualified to fill this position. Worse, yet, he is a part of the group consisting of the MMF, the city council and certain residents of the city building, who have, as their agenda, a completely mis-focused direction, not having a clue what this city really needs to turn it around.

 And those are his GOOD points!!!
“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote TonyB Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 23 2014 at 8:01am
I'm surprised that anyone who follows Middletown politics and government would not have seen the hiring of Mr. Adkins coming. It certainly makes sense from a continuity point of view to have someone familiar with "the plan" to take the reins. Whether "the plan" will be any more successful under Mr. Adkins remains to be seen (and is dependent on your definition of success). Voter apathy and holding critical issues affecting funding of the schools and the removal of Ward representation during low turnout elections is demonstration that "the plan" is working the way it was designed. Since there is no organized resistance to "the plan" and those who formed and implemented it, it is no surprise that Mr. Adkins was chosen as City Manager.

As for the above assertion that those who can afford $16.95 a plate brunch pay the taxes; well, DUH!!! You can't get taxes out of those who don't have money! That is always the cry of those who want to exclude the poor from voting. That's why the most critical issues that face Middletown are always put on the ballot during the least participated voting periods. How can you justify changing the charter of the city on an 11% turnout? How do you justify tax increases on low turnout votes? It's easy; "they had their chance to vote and didn't show up"! Perhaps the solution is to pass laws that state any change to governmental charters and tax levies can only be on a November ballot during congressional election years (every 2 years). That would, at least, keep cities and school districts from repeatedly using off-year elections to achieve their ends when they can't actually find majority support otherwise. 
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Mama, or MA, anyone who read the document would determine based upon Middletown's state of financial being, as described by Mr. Adkins, the city needed every voucher it had previously requested and more. It starts at page 3, in the Executive Summary and gets worse from there. Not a convincing way to begin a request, by stating our city is poor, when HUD helps housing those in need.

When reading the Analysis, what Mr. Adkins failed to report was that Armco employed a fraction of employees it once did, and the city of Middletown had gotten fat, dumb, and happy, on feasting on the one pony in town, a steel meal. When the steel mill cut its work force, they had no economic pipeline, and still don't. But as the income had been created by professional physicians and attorneys to attend to Middletown's prior economic stability, and the steel mill employing four times the employees, they were still around, making a good income. That's the inequality reference. To compensate for the inequality balance of wealth, he tried to use income disparity for 500 residents against sixty percent that were at the poverty line.

HUD didn't buy it. So sorry Mr. Adkins, but we can't legally throw the majority of your population out, because a fraction of population doesn't like the poor which your report says live in your city in the thousands. They went even further and suggested Middletown might try bringing in business and jobs to help those poor inhabitants. In his report, he referenced they were starting a twitter campaign to drive traffic at the Towne Mall, and Target. What a plan to bring in prosperity.

Marriott on Patterson, Oakwood area- brunch, with Starbucks coffee pots filled twice, $16.95.

With six kids, it was nice that found him a job when his funding went away with the section 8 transfer, with no net improvement.     

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