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Dave Duritsch leaving

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    Posted: Mar 13 2012 at 4:38pm
 From the MJ:

Middletown public works, utilities director leaving city

By Michael D. Pitman, Staff Writer 12:07 PM Tuesday, March 13, 2012

MIDDLETOWN — The man who is charged with keeping water flowing and the streets clear of snow and ice in the city is leaving for Kettering later this month.

Public Works and Utilities Director Dave Duritsch submitted his letter of resignation after accepting the Public Service Director job for the city of Kettering. His last day with the city is March 25 and first day with Kettering is March 26, according to his letter of resignation and the city of Kettering.

Duritsch, 45, will end a 24-year tenure with the city of Middletown in 12 days, which started when he was an engineering co-op student at the Ohio State University in 1988. He was a co-op employee until he joined the city full-time in 1991.

Duritsch couldn’t immediately be reached for comment, but according to his letter of resignation, dated March 8, he’s “excited for the opportunity to continue my professional development with yet another quality organization. I appreciate what the city has provided for me and my family over the years.”

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acclaro View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote acclaro Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Mar 13 2012 at 6:14pm
Is the plan since Ms. Gilleland and Steve Husemann both worked at Kettering, that they pick up the phone, and call when they need to get rid of an employee? We now have an assistant law director and now Duritsch there, and that provides the quad-ruple dip for Steve Husemann. And Durtisch gets a 9% increase. What a place to be....get a cushion, tenured for life job in the municipal, city, or state system in Ohio. Talk about set for life. 
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote TonyB Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Mar 13 2012 at 7:04pm
 Dave Duritsch has been employed by the city for 24 yrs. Why would it be a surprise that near the end of his earning years that he took a new job that paid more money. Isn't that what someone in the private sector would do? It took Mr. Duritsch 24 yrs of working for the city to be in this position. Are you trying to say he shouldn't be allowed to move to a new job? So he knows somebody in Kettering. Isn't referrals and knowing someone how to move up in our economic system? Isn't working when you're young so you can be "set for life" when you're ready to retire what "The American Dream" is all about?  Has Mr Duritsch done something wrong? I don't understand the criticism about this.
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Vivian Moon View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Vivian Moon Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Mar 13 2012 at 7:20pm
It is my hope now that Mr Duritsch is leaving that the city will once again seperate Public Works and Engineering.  The combining of these two departments is how Dave got his last big raise and I do not believe it has worked out well.
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MJ updated the article after my original post......
By Michael D. Pitman, Staff Writer Updated 4:57 PM Tuesday, March 13, 2012

MIDDLETOWN — The man who is charged with keeping water flowing and the streets clear of snow and ice in the city is leaving for Kettering later this month.

Public Works and Utilities Director David Duritsch submitted his letter of resignation last week after accepting the Public Service Director job for the city of Kettering. His last day with the city is March 25 and first day with Kettering is March 26, according to his letter of resignation and the city of Kettering.

Duritsch, 45, will end a 24-year tenure with the city of Middletown in 11 days, which started when he was an engineering co-op student at the Ohio State University in 1988. He was a co-op employee until he joined the city full-time in 1991.

When asked about his resignation, Duritsch referred to his letter of resignation dated March 8. In part, it reads: “I am excited for the opportunity to continue my professional development with yet another quality organization. I appreciate what the city has provided for me and my family over the years.”

Duritsch also wrote the people he’s worked with in the Public Works and Utilities Department “will be sorely missed.”

“I am especially proud of the men and women ... who continue to deliver exceptional service to the community while available resources continue to decline,” he wrote. “The successes we have achieved are a direct result of their dedication.”

City Manager Judy Gilleland said the job is “a great opportunity” and wish Duritsch “the best of luck.” The future of the position, however, will be evaluated, she said.

“With each vacancy comes opportunities and I will be taking the next month or two to assess those opportunities,” Gilleland said.

In the interim, Steve Husemann, the city’s part-time human resources director, will be the interim Public Works and Utilities director. Gilleland said this will all be done in a part-time capacity.

“It’s going to be a stretch for Steve and the organization, and which is why I would like to make a decision on the course of action in the next month or two,” Gilleland said.

The convergence of the Public Works and Utilities Department happened in March 2009 after former Public Works director Ginger Smith retired in March 2009.

“We were also experiencing budget reductions, so we reduced the department head county by one, and we consolidated Ginger’s department into David’s department, (the Public Utilities Department),” Gilleland said. “This move gave David a much more broad base of operations, and allowed him to gain skills in some areas that he had not had before — and saved the city money.”

Duritsch’s annual base salary with Middletown is $98,576.40. He is slated to earn an annual base salary of $107,120, about an 8.7 percent increase, when he starts at Kettering later this month.

“We are excited to have David as part of the city of Kettering team,” said Kettering City Manager Mark Schwieterman. “He has been a valuable and respected employee at the city of Middletown and we anticipate that he will do great things both for our Public Service Department and for our organization.”

While Duritsch is leaving the city as an employee, he plans to stay in Middletown as a resident, according to his resignation letter.

“My family and I will continue to live in the community that we call home,” Duritsch wrote. “Words cannot express my appreciation for the many friends that I have had the pleasure to work with over the years.

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VietVet View Drop Down
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Originally posted by TonyB TonyB wrote:

acclaro, Dave Duritsch has been employed by the city for 24 yrs. Why would it be a surprise that near the end of his earning years that he took a new job that paid more money. Isn't that what someone in the private sector would do? It took Mr. Duritsch 24 yrs of working for the city to be in this position. Are you trying to say he shouldn't be allowed to move to a new job? So he knows somebody in Kettering. Isn't referrals and knowing someone how to move up in our economic system? Isn't working when you're young so you can be "set for life" when you're ready to retire what "The American Dream" is all about?  Has Mr Duritsch done something wrong? I don't understand the criticism about this.

TonyB- Don't think the issue is whether Duritsch did something wrong or not, whether he will make more money in his new endeavor or his ability to enhance his career. I believe the issue here is that there seems to be a shuffling between Middletown and Kettering as a number of people have made the jump between only those two cities. Does seem to present a question on "career maneuvering" within the inner circle. Also presents opportunities to double/triple dip and beyond, which should not be allowed. Coincidence that all these moves involve the same two cities? Doubt it. With Duritsch gone, it does present another scenario for more Hussman involvement in city government. He is bad for this city. So is his understudy, Gilleland. JMO
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jag123 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote jag123 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Mar 13 2012 at 8:22pm
I think all of you should look deeper into why Dave is leaving and why Sara left. Maybe Kettering has better "visions" on how a city should be run.
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Bill View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Bill Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Mar 13 2012 at 8:24pm
This weird interrelationship between Kettering and Middletown is like two sport teams making trades.  On one hand, the relatively young professionals from our town leave for greener pastures and bigger money.  Meanwhile, Kettering sends us their old "has-beens" and "never-weres" for one last contract or payday.
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acclaro View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote acclaro Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Mar 13 2012 at 8:36pm
I wouldn't put either of the "dearly departed" in the "Superstar" category. Probably return when he can retire in 5 years as a double dipper back in Middletown. Robinette, the other "dearly departed" is back. What a re-cycle bucket. No, these aren't young guns moving on for better pastures. Yankee Road may have caused some set backs for the Engineering and Public Safety head.  
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Mar 13 2012 at 8:55pm
Originally posted by jag123 jag123 wrote:

I think all of you should look deeper into why Dave is leaving and why Sara left. Maybe Kettering has better "visions" on how a city should be run.

If they left because they were fed up with Gilleland, council and other city leaders, they are right on target. It has been said that no one is happy within the walls of the city building. Don't know how true that statement is, but it would make sense if they were.......for the same reasons we, the people, are unhappy with city government.

As to the subject of city vision. I would imaging 99 44/100ths percent of the cities have a better vision of their cities than Middletown does. Middletown's vision seems to be, "if it's wrong, wastes money, excludes the citizens and makes no logical sense, it's in the city vision and should be done, most of the time in emergency mode in council voting. They seem to be in a hurry to exhibit stupidity.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Lostdafire Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Mar 13 2012 at 9:03pm
Dave is the fourth in a line of great employees that have left the Engineering Department of Middletown for greener pastures.  Andy Braun went to Oregon to oversee a Water Co-operative.  Dave Mick left and is in Warren County.  I'm stumbling with a name, but doesn't Monroe also have a former Middletown City Engineer or Engineering Department employee. 

I think jag123 may have hit the nail right dead square on the head. 

Various City Managers and Commissioners/Councilmembers of the past would have been reason to leave.  ie. Olson, Guilland, Nenni, Thatcher, Smith (AJ),

Good luck Dave.

Originally posted by jag123 jag123 wrote:

I think all of you should look deeper into why Dave is leaving and why Sara left. Maybe Kettering has better "visions" on how a city should be run.
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VietVet View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Mar 14 2012 at 6:36am
Gilleland.....Playin' it to the hilt!

City Manager Judy Gilleland said the job is “a great opportunity” and wish Duritsch “the best of luck.” The future of the position, however, will be evaluated, she said.

“With each vacancy comes opportunities and I will be taking the next month or two to assess those opportunities,” Gilleland said

In the interim, Steve Husemann, the city’s part-time human resources director, will be the interim Public Works and Utilities director. Gilleland said this will all be done in a part-time capacity


“It’s going to be a stretch for Steve and the organization, and which is why I would like to make a decision on the course of action in the next month or two,” Gilleland said.

We were also experiencing budget reductions, so we reduced the department head county by one, and we consolidated Ginger’s department into David’s department, (the Public Utilities Department),” Gilleland said. “This move gave David a much more broad base of operations, and allowed him to gain skills in some areas that he had not had before — and saved the city money.”


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The private sector folks will always scratch their heads at how the government treats their own. Know matter who you work for the work environment and how you are treated as a human being do matter. I wish life was so black and white for me as it is for others. I can't even imagine going into that building and working for the current city manager. It doesn't take much to see what the agenda is in this town, save downtown. I would guess not many in that building agree with this cause. All that time and money invested in our number one cost walking out the door. I agree with Ms. Moon, putting those two Dept. together was a mistake. Job is open, anyone filling out an application?
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mike_Presta Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Mar 14 2012 at 7:37am

Hmm…we now know that Steve Husemann can handle the Human Resources position, the Public Works, and Engineering all part-time.  We know from before that he could easily handle the City Manager’s job working part-time.  Heck, let’s just put the man on FULL time, get rid of Gilleland, Landen, Adkins, and Kohler, make Husemann “Director of the Whole Darn Shootin’ Match”, and we’ve solved the city’s budget problems in one move!!!


“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
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Where are you all getting your info that Gilleland worked in Kettering.  It's not mentioned in her official bio:
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Vivian Moon View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Vivian Moon Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Mar 14 2012 at 9:20am
Ground Swat - I can't even imagine going into that building and working for the current city manager. It doesn't take much to see what the agenda is in this town, save downtown. I would guess not many in that building agree with this cause. All that time and money invested in our number one cost walking out the door.

Ground Swat
If Dave looked into a crystal ball about his future in
Middletown over the next five years what did he see? He saw a ticking time bomb.
All of the major problems in
Middletown concerning his department have never been addressed. The City has been kicking these major problems down the road for years. What happened to all the money collected over the years to repair our streets and separate our sewers? What about the problem with the canal that has never been solved as promised to those residents? Very soon EPA will step in and demand that these problems be corrected.
…..all of this while he watched millions of dollars being invested into “Their Downtown” without any thought of ROI and job creation. 

 I agree with Jag123…I think we need to take a much closer look at what is really happening at City Hall


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I think anyone who has watched on the sidelines the events which have occurred show a fast-track from the Dayton area to Middletown; ergo, those coming from those areas to Middletown, and Middletown employees fast-tracking to Kettering. Steve Husemann, who came from Kettering, knew Judy Gilleland for years. His virtual only task when he was interim city manager was to find Judy Gilleland. Between them both, they have connections to Kettering, Montgomery Cty, which includes Mike Robinette. So, you overlay the Gilleland/ Husemann connection, and Montgomery Cty, and you get a clear path to Kettering.

When reading Ms. Gilleland's statement  about Mr. Durtisch, she specifically referenced he was given the role of managing two divisions as a learning opportunity, and didn't lend praise that he was successful with both. I for one don't tke her statement to reflect the departure was entirely one made without a kick from the city manager to head north. It doesn't matter, anyone could run 3-4 departments. Husemann is planning on it, and probably will for sometime in the future, or maybe Greg Pratt!

Endorsement? Think not:

“We were also experiencing budget reductions, so we reduced the department head count by one, and we consolidated Ginger’s department into David’s department, (the Public Utilities Department),” Gilleland said. “This move gave David a much more broad base of operations, and allowed him to gain skills in some areas that he had not had before — and saved the city money.”

Face it, Steve Husemann is acting as Assistant City Manager, and his role will be to save the 1.75% levy. Someone down at Donham has it in its head, this is the guy that passed it when he was recruiting Ms. Gilleland.
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Dave Duritsch has exponentially more brain cells than Gilliland & Huseman combined.
His talent, knowledge, and priorities were simply being squelched.
I think we all know why.
He could have run this city much better than the farce we have now.
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Also would be interesting to know what Huseman is being paid for this cluster.
Guess we need to hurry up & get AJ's "Cost analysis of providing health insurance and other
benefits to employee's domestic partners" finalized so we find the best & brightest minds. Unhappy
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Vivian, upon Judy's arrival years ago many tried to bend her ear to what the priorities in town should be.  I know she was warned to beware of the downtown preservationists and not to hitch her wagon to that failing area.  Sadly, I'm sure she heard the opposite from many more vociferous firewallers.  And so we know which way she went on that journey.  Sad sad sad.
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The "fire-wallers" are now sitting council members and city leaders living on Main. 
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Vivian Moon Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Mar 14 2012 at 3:40pm
409 - Also would be interesting to know what Huseman is being paid for this cluster.


I believe he's getting $75,000 a year for his part time job.
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“We were also experiencing budget reductions, so we reduced the department head count by one, and we consolidated Ginger’s department into David’s department, (the Public Utilities Department),” Gilleland said. “This move gave David a much more broad base of operations, and allowed him to gain skills in some areas that he had not had before — and saved the city money.”

Ms Judy’s department changes since she was hired have been a disaster…
So Ms Judy where did Mr Adkins job come from?
”Saved the city money”…I think not

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Vivian Moon Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Mar 14 2012 at 4:08pm

Wait until Cincy State opens in September and the citizens of Middletown see what they are really getting for all the money they have invested in Downtown.
The spin doctors at City Hall will not have enough perfume to cover up that pile of do-do.
Wait till you see what is about to happen within the next three weeks at city council meetings.

This is all about pleasing the 150 "Special People" of Middletown while the rest of us are on our own.

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May you tell what is about to happen---Curious George has an interest?
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