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Repeating The Message

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VietVet View Drop Down
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    Posted: Sep 25 2010 at 8:34am
Well, here we go again. Creekview, Rosa Parks, Verity and Amanda schools get to use the Ed Choice program because these schools have been on academic watch or academic warning for two of the last three years in a row. Now, the state will pay them to go somewhere else if the parents choose.

“Having four buildings in EdChoice doesn’t really reflect what is happening in Middletown City Schools,” said Debbie Alberico, district communications specialist.

“You can see we’re making progress,” she said. “We just have to work smarter — harder — faster.”

No, actually I can't see where you're making progress Ms. Alberico. Oh, and having four schools failing in performance kinda does reflect what is happening and has been happening for many years.

Her job title needs to be changed from district communication specialist to district deflection specialist. It is what it is, Ms. Alberico and no amount of "deflection double-talk" will change that. Just make viable, wholesale changes that will provide real progress and you won't need to make excuses. Changing this situation using baby steps hasn't produced the needed results, has it?
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wasteful View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote wasteful Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 25 2010 at 9:50am
I have to agree Vet when 33% of your schools are in Academic watch you have a serious problem.  Every year at Report card time we get the same thing from Debbie Alberico, Spin Communications Specialist for the MCSD.  They live in denial at what is happening especially in these 4 schools and put the same spin crap on it every year.
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Nick_Kidd View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nick_Kidd Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 25 2010 at 10:56am
The citizens of Middletown have only one way to force the schools to perform. That is to control the money. As long as the schools get every levy and new buildings but still don't perform, there is no way to force them off the bottom of the performance list. As these students leave to get an education elsewhere, the schools will be whining that they are losing money and must get more levies passed. A few years ago our schools were #51 out of 612 school districts in Ohio with the highest per pupil cost (while also building new buildings), but were # 599 out of 612 districts in performance. Until the citizens stop believing the old "it's for the children" and rewarding failure, then we will have poor schools. When the citizens actually do what is best for the children by not rewarding failure and only rewarding positive progress will we se our schools turn around. 
Government is not the answer to problems, government is the problem.
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accuro View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote accuro Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 25 2010 at 11:49am
Middletown is the poster child of the national problems with out of control, excusemaking, union dominance. The schools are horrific, but levies are passed with non stop excuses of making progress. It is not making progress. The city usues crime, run rates to the Atrium, to base levies for concern over public safety. I cannot fathom the constant tolerance and appetite so many in the city have for misrepresentations, failures, and spin. But, it occurs every election cycle, no accountability. Even today, Governor Strickland awards Midfest for its "impact upon spurring economic growth". What an insult to average intelligence.
The city is controlled by about 200 that run it into the ground. Why and how that continues to be the norm is beyond comprehsnion, although its clear to most, when you combine the employers, including MUM, city hall, the Atrium, AK, the common denominator is union mindset which has completely destroyed commonsense and accountability, allowed spin to be the norm and accepted 'truth', which just pushed the city further into despair, humiliation, and chaos.
Too bad the state doesn't have a voucher plan for parents which the parents could use to send their kids to schools to the prvates. Its too late to ask a wake up call to all sitting on idle, while this mess and carnage continues in every corner of the city called Middletown.
Message to outsiders: avoid the city at all costs. Even the bargain basement prici point on housing isn't worth the filthy feeling you'll have for calling Middletown home. Nothing more can be said. A few hundred run the show, while the others passively sit on idle on the tracks, while the train is moving at them, not having a clue they are to be slammed and crushed. It is beyond my comprehension, and too late to have any impact. And to think all that money wasted to dress up the schools, a failed super making double what he made for driving the system into the ditch, and spin and excuses permeate on a daily basis. FAILURE is a good word in Middletown, the only city in America which such abhorrent apathy is the daily norm. Insanity.   
An ignorant person is one who doesn't know what you have just found out. - Will Rogers
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Bill View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Bill Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 25 2010 at 5:51pm
accuro = acclaro?  You sound very similiar.
I don't know just what the problem is.  Miller Ridge has been doing a fine job for several years. Other than a slightly better demographic than the other elementaries, what are they doing that the others are not?
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wasteful View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote wasteful Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 25 2010 at 6:42pm
Thats like saying, other than better demographics, what are Lakota, Monroe, Springboro, Edgewood, Madison, Carlisle, etc. doing different than Middletown?  I think you know the answer.
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Smartman View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Smartman Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 25 2010 at 7:33pm
Please don't misunderstand this. Here we are reading the same ole sh#% that you all have been belching for several years. You wanted Dr Price gone.. Guess what? he's has left the building!!! We have a new guy in charge. Its what you wanted. The results that you read today were from Dr Price's era. Quit reliving the past, we will never be the same as the 70's, or the 60's. Times change and so goes our community. If you are not going to get involved, quit your bitching! Its like if you don't vote you cant bitch. So bring me all of you excuses, family, job,, no time. We have someone in charge that is really going to try to make a difference. Give the man a chance. He inherited this situation.
You all claim to be educated and informed, then act like it. I am sick of reading all the bitching about the schools. We have many fine students that represent this community. Of these students many will carry away millions in schorlorships this year. Lets don't recognize them. Lets bitch about the few that bring the district down. Lets blame that administration, the teachers the janitors. Lets dont hold parents accountable. Remember its the schools responsibility.
Vet, Pacman corporate punishment is gone. No more paddlling as in our day. Discipline is different today from our day. Get a clue. I reference you guys because you can remember when.
I suggest that we quit all this bitching and support the new super and offer to assist in anyway possible. Thats not saying going to board meetings, there are things that can be done from home. All Im saying is lets give Dr R a chance.
Please dont take offense, but lets help in finding ways to make a difference and stop reliving the past! If I could relive thet past I would have done many things different, but the reality is I cannot bring back those days, and neither can you. We must continue to move forward.
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Pacman View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Pacman Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 25 2010 at 8:39pm
Smartman go take a blood pressure pill and calm down.  No clue why you dragged me into this conversation.  But as Wasteful said I think you miss a large part of the problem also.
Had a chat with a group of teachers the other day and they too are not happy with the progress being made.  They are disappointed in what Dr. R., as you call him has done so far.  They were expecting more drastic changes particularly in the discipline area, go figure teachers wanting discipline in their schools. 
My response to them was, he has only been here since April, give it some time.  They were tired of hearing that.
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VietVet View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 26 2010 at 12:33am
Smartman- my post that started this thing never accused the teachers, the super, the admin. nor the parents for the poor school performance. My post was to address the constant, predictable spin by Alberico as to why the performance hasn't improved. It is a repetitious message from Alberico and is getting a little old by now.

Pac's post stated that the teachers are wondering when the discipline issues in the classroom are going to be addressed. Seems they are waiting for Rasmussen to change the fiasco Price left the schools in many areas.

Please give us impatient people a timeline when this lack of academic progress will improve and we will give it a chance within reason. After all the levy passages and all the new programs talked about by the school board, all the new schools that were built, and all the "new program implementations" we have heard about, the schools performance hasn't really taken off in an upward manner, has it? Comes a time when you think you have put enough money towards something and reached a point of no return on investment. That time is upon us, don't you think? In your estimation, how much time should we give Rasmussen to change what Price has left us? 1 year- 2 maybe?

The discipline is a real problem for the teachers in the classroom. The deterrent is just not there and the students think the penalties are a joke. What do we do Smartman, to have the problem kids fear the consequence of breaking the rules? Since corporal punishment has been done away with, you tell me what the deterrent will be. I want the repeat offenders to feel some pain and the parents hauled into court to feel some financial pain and some jail time if needed. What do you want done?
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rngrmed View Drop Down
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Ms. Alberico can blame  the socio-economicl status of the students at Creekview either.  Unless I am not that observant, there aren't too many section 8 homes in that area.  I'm just guessing, but I'm pretty sure 50-60 students won't land you on academic watch 2-3 years running....

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Smartman View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Smartman Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 26 2010 at 6:52am
Vet, I hear what you are saying. I'm not trying to start an arguement with anyone. I believe we all want the best. I know there new programs in place that seem to be working. You ask about a timelime. That is a question that may be better suited for Ms. Andrews or Dr R. Ask this question at a board meeting. They may have an answer.
Timelines are difficult to project. The better question is to ask what are we going to do different to get more parents involved. Dicipline and sound morals begin at home. jmo
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Pacman View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Pacman Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 26 2010 at 8:16am
Originally posted by rngrmed rngrmed wrote:

Ms. Alberico can blame  the socio-economicl status of the students at Creekview either.  Unless I am not that observant, there aren't too many section 8 homes in that area.  I'm just guessing, but I'm pretty sure 50-60 students won't land you on academic watch 2-3 years running....

rngrmed, being on Section 8 in not a measure of being Economically disadvantage used by the Middletown School System.
There are 6601 students in the Middletown School system.  Of those 70% or 4621 students are classified as economically disadvantaged.  Of those 4621 Students that are classified as economically disadvantaged, 38% or 1731 are on Section 8 in Middletown.
As far as Creekview is concerned there are 425 Students at Creekview of that number 70.1% or 298 of them are classified as economically disadvantaged.
Now for anyone to deny that having an excessive amount of economically disadvantaged kids in your school system is not an issue you are only fooling yourselves.  Is that to say all economically disadvantaged kids can't learn or have a difficult time, no it is not.  I am sure many of them do well in school.  Is that to say all of them are a discipline problem, no it is not.
Having an excessive amount of economically disadvantage children is an issue which contributes to the poor performing school system overall and must be over come or the number must be reduced.
To also say it is totally the school systems fault for the poor report card is also inaccurate.  It is a combination of issues which need to be addressed sooner rather than later by both the City, the School system and the Parents.  The problem in many Cases is that all three groups keep pointing the finger at the other and the citizens in Middletown can't come to a consensus on what to do on most issues that concern the City or the Scool System.
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spiderjohn View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote spiderjohn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 26 2010 at 9:33am
Well--it starts with the parents.
Children need to be prepared for schooling and to learn from BEFORE the first day that they enter into the system. They should WANT to be there--prepared and begging to learn. Their parents should be 100% focused on just that also. It should be the primary focus of their lives. You only get one start--getting it right can mean everything.
I attended my 40th reunion last night. Wonderful time, with so many faces from my past that I now realize how much that I miss them, and regret all of the opportunities I had to know so many of them better and to participate in so many wonderful in-school opportunities. Everyone was so happy to be here last night--a fact that should not be lost on any of us, regardless of conditions within our community(and it was a popular subject ). I hope that I can hold on to that spirit of togerness to somehow work better with everyone in the area to somehow improve something or as many things as possible.
Outside of parental responsibility, most citizens have made their commitment(financially and through the ballot box). Conditions are such that the system must move us forward from here for a while. The burden is squarely on their backs. I like the new super and trust that with time and co-operation, he will make a difference. Admin/staff--if they can't improve things, then they are in the wrong place and must be changed.
Still--help out, trust everyone, and give an honest/positive effort to make things better.
The results should speak for themselves.
OK Accuro--blast me.
I can take it.
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VietVet View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 26 2010 at 11:43am
Please understand Spider- awfully hard to trust and support everybody connected with the schools and the city leadership. They have a long track record of fostering distrust and lack of performance. IMO, they all give us many more reason to dislike them than to support them. Would need a complete overhaul in personnel and a completely different philosophy and approach for me to support both again. You mentioned you just attended your 40th class reunion. I was 4 years ahead of you. We both have seen the rapid decline in this school system since we attended. You must be as disappointed in what you see today as I am. It was a good performer back then. Now look at it.
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Pacman View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Pacman Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 26 2010 at 12:27pm
Originally posted by spiderjohn spiderjohn wrote:

Well--it starts with the parents.
Children need to be prepared for schooling and to learn from BEFORE the first day that they enter into the system. They should WANT to be there--prepared and begging to learn. Their parents should be 100% focused on just that also. It should be the primary focus of their lives. You only get one start--getting it right can mean everything.
Earth to Spidey please return to reality.  You know as well as I do that this statement maybe the way you want it to be in a perfect world but it is not reality.  We also know that many parents do not prepare their children with the proper amount of motivation and moral conscience that is needed in school or to even interact in society.  They didn't when I was in school in the 60's and they don't know.  So I see little value in pie in the sky dreams.
Should the parents be the ones to raise their kids with proper morals and an attitude of self discipline and a respect for teachers and others, yes.  But the reality is that many don't. 
I also think the school needs to develop a more stringent discipline policy with expected behavior and consequences for failure to act appropriately.  Dress code, Cell Phone, conduct toward teachers both physically and verbally, interaction with other students, etc.  There needs to be clearly defined consequences for failure to conform to a school systems expectations regardless of what the parents have done.
You touch a teacher physically once in the Middle and High school the police are called.  You verbally abuse a teacher the parents are called the first time.  Stop pussy footing around with these problems and deal with them.  We need to stop making excuses for this behavior from anyone and start demanding civilized behavior.  I don't care if you are black, white, Hispanic, Pink, Green or from Mars.
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