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middielover View Drop Down
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    Posted: Sep 08 2016 at 6:56am
Bronston and Bohannon lack a spine.
They just blow in the wind.
They say one thing and do another.

If we loose Doug Adkins as city manager it is their fault.
Maybe they would like to bring back Gilligan.
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middielover View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote middielover Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 08 2016 at 8:30am
Lived in Middletown my entire life. We finally get a city manager moving in the right direction and Bronston and Bohannon choke.
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Vivian Moon View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Vivian Moon Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 08 2016 at 11:13am
I found this to be a very informative council meeting and would suggest that all MUSA members watch this meeting.

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VietVet View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 08 2016 at 11:32am
Certainly don't want Gilleland back as city manager. She retired and moved on, spreading her town destruction now to Germantown before she is completely done working. She (and previous councils) are one of the main reasons Middletown is in the pathetic shape it is in today. She (they) are the ones who brought the city down to ghetto status and sucked the life right out of this town. Adkins seems to be attempting to change things for the better here (although he was part of the problem as "revitalization director" (HUD) in the past) He has an insurmountable task at hand I'm afraid. It will take him a long time to correct the Gilleland fiasco. It may be too late when considering all the damage that has been done here.

Council? What words can be used to describe this group of people.....rubber stampers? clowns? puppets controlled by the MMF/city strings? non-dissenters? yes people? worthless? ineffective? non-thinkers? money wasters? clueless? all of the above?

No, Bronston and Bohannon have a lot of company in Club Ineptness. Most of the time, the lights are on but no one is at home as one watches council operate. Seriously, have we had any independent thinkers or questions asked on council since Laubach left? (or was forced out)

I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
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swohio75 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote swohio75 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 08 2016 at 1:06pm
Originally posted by middielover middielover wrote:

Lived in Middletown my entire life. We finally get a city manager moving in the right direction and Bronston and Bohannon choke.

Not trying to start an argument and maybe I missed something, but in what way(s) have they choked?

Never been a fan of Bronston. Being on council seems to be a very "social" thing for her, and she never seems to have anything enlightening to say. 
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over the hill View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote over the hill Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 08 2016 at 5:30pm
I guess I missed something also.i thought the people of Middletown thought Adkins should fulfill his contract as written instead of holding councils feet to the fire for a change in the original contract. In my humble opinion I don't think he's going anywhere unless he wants to lose half the value of his home he bought here. He got a nice arrangement for moving expenses when he came here. So everyone should be happy, it passed at council. I thought Bohannon and Bronston showed some moxy going against the grain JMO

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middielover View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote middielover Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 09 2016 at 7:03am
B and B say one thing privately and do a 180 in public.
Weak, weak leaders.
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Douglas Adkins View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Douglas Adkins Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 09 2016 at 8:13am
I'm not going to get into the details of our discussion, but my contract was for two years and now was the correct time to discuss my salary.
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VietVet View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 09 2016 at 9:06am
The problem, overwhelming negative comments and upheaval with the 25 grand salary increase in just two years as a city manager is a result of seeing private and public sector managers receiving high percentage increases while the worker bees in each sector receive 1-2% on a salary that is 25% of what a typical manager makes resulting in thousands more for the manager versus ten bucks a week for the worker. Helps the manager a lot while not having much of an effect on the worker's budget at all. Perhaps a half a tank of gas per week at best. Do you realize how long it would take one of us to earn the percentage raise that your 25 grand will provide you? Some won't experience that much in a lifetime of work. The likelihood of someone making 40 grand now and going to 65 grand in their entire working career is little to none. You are receiving it in one raise. Hard to accept for most.

Couple that with occasional news where a company downsizes and cuts worker bees and gives them 10 grand as a separation package while giving golden parachutes to executives in the millions to leave. Kinda leaves a bad taste toward the inequities seen.

For many years now, there has been such a huge disparity in separation packages that most workers can't comprehend why so much is given to some while so little is given to others within the same company or public sector organization. Some managers (CEO's) have screwed up a company and lost money for the company, are asked to leave and rewarded in the millions to do so. Rewards for failure. Worker bees aren't rewarded for failure, they are fired with no package and start from ground zero again.

Bob McDonald, the current VA Director was the CEO of P&G. He made some bad decisions and under his guidance the stocks were stagnant. He was "asked to leave" by P&G and replaced. He was rewarded with another high salary position in Obama's administration at the VA. Why was he rewarded after failing?

Seeing all of these events transpire only cements the animosity toward the idea of rewarding high level executives (city managers, school superintendents, CEO's etc.) for the general working public. Why is a superintendent rewarded for getting a levy passed and building new school complexes but is not penalized for failing to raise the academic rankings within a school district? Perhaps we should ask Ison and the school board that question.
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
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Douglas Adkins View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Douglas Adkins Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 09 2016 at 9:31am
I hope that as we move forward and you see progress that you come to believe the money was well spent. Vivian was right. You should watch Tuesday's council meeting if you haven't. I gave a preview of the 2017 budget. It's going to take years of doing the right thing every day to dig back out of the hole we are in.

In 2017 we're restoring the animal control officer, opening the Health Dept back up to the public all day, five days a week, and we have scheduled over $12 million in capital projects including local street paving. We're projecting the highest income tax revenues in the last 25 years.

We're only 5-10% of where we need to be eventually, but I really feel as though we are heading in the right direction for long term sustainable success as a city. I told Council that I thought we could turn the city in the right direction in five years. Not two years, but five years. I think that goal is aggressive but achievable.

A lot of the first two years was laying groundwork to be more successful. You don't become business friendly and ready to do business with the private sector on Tuesday. It takes changes in staff and changes in policy and then execution over time to change opinions inside city hall, then in the public, and eventually in the region. We have years of hard work ahead.
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VietVet View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 09 2016 at 9:55am
Your post is very interesting to me. Some of us regulars here have been posting our thoughts for years concerning the very thing you are suggesting here......ie, that the city was being run incorrectly, with many mistakes and incompetent decisions being made from time to time. Some, like Vivian and Mike Presta, presented supporting data to re-enforce those thoughts.

Along the way, we were crucified by some who always took the city stance. no matter how much information was provided to support our postion. We did battle with many who sang the city doctrine, which, according to your post, you suggest that doctrine may have not been correct.

Your comment about replacing people and your plan to operate in a different manner now, with the goal of turning the city around in 5 years, suggests that, perhaps, we here on MUSA weren't the "negative, never satisfied" old farts that the city supporters called us but rather quite concerned and cared about the city very much while offering another perspective.

We may disagree on many subjects and you are guaranteed to hear some adverse comments about council and other aspects of the city, but we all want the city to be a better place. We may just disagree on how to achieve that goal at times.
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
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over the hill View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote over the hill Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 09 2016 at 10:04am
"Years of hard work ahead" So what is wrong with salary commencing and moving in the direction of the success as it comes? I'm inclined to agree with VV on the effect and morale of the "worker bees" . This is a raise not characteristic with "small town USA". We're not a fortune 500 company. I see too many of the younger generation saying I want it all and I want it now. Sometimes you have to earn it first. Adkins has shown great improvement so far. JMO
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Analytical View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Analytical Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 09 2016 at 10:42am
We can only hope that the next five years under Mr. Adkins will not see a continuation of the waste and lack of housing plus commercial betterment of the past 7.5 years of the Gilleland-Adkins team.  How many hours of staff time and consultant fees were expended on the unsuccessful confrontation with HUD over Section 8?  Other than massive residential demolition, it appears that the former Ward 2 and adjoining areas have gotten worse.  How come the promises of reutilizing former Thatcher properties for C-State and Mr. Robinette have not panned out for the most part?  Will there be future debacles such as the waste of NSP funds on extravagant money losing purchase-rehab-resale housing gambits?  Now that Mr. Adkins has garnered $25,000 to his annual salary, it is high time for programs and projects to make sense from a cost/benefit consideration.
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VietVet View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 09 2016 at 10:45am
Originally posted by Douglas Adkins Douglas Adkins wrote:

I'm not going to get into the details of our discussion, but my contract was for two years and now was the correct time to discuss my salary.

And this statement allows me to make another comparison between the way the public sector works and the private sector.

In the private sector, you are given a performance appraisal every year and it differs when it is given based on the company operation. The performance appraisal, and any subsequent raise, is given based on your contributions in the PAST YEAR.....ie., what did you do in the past.

Your situation reveals a request and discussion among council to consider a salary increase based on WHAT YOU WILL DO IN THE FUTURE, which means you are getting paid more for what you may/may not eventually do to earn that money. It is the way unions negotiate three years into the future in determining the salary increases. This, to me, kills the incentive to produce if the money is already in the wallet. The old "why should I try to achieve a goal if I am already being paid as having achieved it already" thinking. What happens if you don't meet the goals set for you by council? Do they take the money back?

OF COURSE NOT. Monetary contracts, like in professional sports, and in your case, should NOT be made in advance of having achieved the goals agreed upon at negotiation time. It could set up a scenario of being counter-productive for some. No initiative for some. No effort no reward, but wait, in this case, the reward has already been given sight unseen as to results.

IMO, there is no correct time to discuss any salary for future work produced. You earn the additional salary on work that has already been done. That makes sense to me.
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
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Douglas Adkins View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Douglas Adkins Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 09 2016 at 10:56am
How long do we want to be small town USA?

I'll offer two thoughts. First, the comparable salary range for cities of about this size is $180-220,000 per year. We are still far behind that. I thoroughly like living here, but in the private market, that you all aspire to, I can give myself a large raise by simply moving to another community. I don't want to do that and I asked Council to start moving me up more quickly towards a more competitive salary. It was my ask, not Council's generous offer.

Second, I'd call this a turnaround situation. If you are running an affluent community with newer infrastructure and plenty of money for capital, quality of life and public safety services, then this is a much easier job day to day. That isn't us. We're trying to design, in effect, a profitable government that can turn around decades of deferred maintenance while limiting increases in taxes, fees and other costs to our citizens in the process. Not an easy task. In the private market, you would normally pay a premium for a turnaround, not a discount.

We are where we are. I got the keys to the City two years ago in the condition it was in at the time. I'm trying to build you a city that is sustainable long after I retire. It's going to require changing decades of doing it the same way and rethinking everything.

I have my business degree, my law degree, 15 years of operations management in the private sector before I went to law school, and have been a former City Council member and Vice Mayor of a city. I've worked hard for what I have and I will never apologize for being successful or for utilizing the opportunities that were placed in front of me. I have been blessed with a lot of opportunities in my life. Not everyone has been so lucky.
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spiderjohn View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote spiderjohn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 09 2016 at 11:01am
agree with middielover
disappointed and somewhat surprised
Picard should go

not an issue with the paycheck
if we get better as planned, well worth it + after the past 20+ years efforts
hope that a few of you meet with Mr.A--I expect most to feel better about him and direction
will it play out?--I don't know--I hope a lot of it does
schools are still a major anchor, and that improvement process is "moving" much too slow imo

haven't watched the meeting--probably won't

i wish that the admin was as aggressive with heroin as they are with medical marijuana, though all drugs are less than helpful---staying away from all of them is the best advice--alcohol and tobacco included--make middletown the last place where junkies want to be

just make us whole as a community instead of fragmented into special interest groups and areas--spread it around
new local faces are making things work slowly---that is the answer--all city has to do is keep out of their way

keep it going Mr.A--thick skin--always listen and be inclusive --people aren't out to get you, they just want change for the better

the MUSA followers are some of the most caring, consistent community activists that I know
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Analytical Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 09 2016 at 11:07am
So Mr. Adkins, what can you tell us about your five-house new housing project?  Where are the building sites located and are they currently city or privately-owned.  What is the price range of these homes?  In addition to your downpayment and closing cost assistance subsidies, will other city funds be required to address almost certain appraisal gaps?  In other words, what additional city subsidies will be required?  Have you already selected a home builder or will your staff solicit requests from contractors?  How do you propose to market these five properties?  Will local REALTORS be invited to list these properties?  How will you select prospective buyers?  What are the local mortgage lenders to provide permanent financing?  These are questions that any reasonable, informed City Council would want to know before approving such a project.
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swohio75 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote swohio75 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 09 2016 at 1:42pm
Analytical = Nelson Self-(interest) - don't both engaging with this troll. 
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Douglas Adkins View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Douglas Adkins Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 09 2016 at 2:55pm
I don't mind answering. I'm not terribly adept at changing the fonts to make it easier to read, so be patient with how the responses get formatted.

Where are the building sites located and are they currently city or privately-owned.

None have been identified. Any new construction site could qualify that meets zoning regulations. If it happened to be a city lot, we normally sell vacant residential lots for $500 each.

What is the price range of these homes?
To be determined by the market and the builder.

In addition to your downpayment and closing cost assistance subsidies, will other city funds be required to address almost certain appraisal gaps? In other words, what additional city subsidies will be required?
This is a stand alone program. No other subsidies are contemplated.

Have you already selected a home builder or will your staff solicit requests from contractors?
Home builders can contact us to utilize the program. A development agreement will be drafted that will require the builder to return the waived fees back to the end homeowner either in a reduced cost for the home or additional amenities for the same costs.

How do you propose to market these five properties?
We are not marketing anything. The builder is responsible for selling their new construction homes in whatever manner they normally utilize to market their services.

Will local REALTORS be invited to list these properties? N/A. Not our properties. The City will not be involved.

How will you select prospective buyers? N/A. Not our buyers. The city will not be involved.

What are the local mortgage lenders to provide permanent financing? N/A. Not our business deal. The city will not be involved.

These are questions that any reasonable, informed City Council would want to know before approving such a project.
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Douglas Adkins View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Douglas Adkins Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 09 2016 at 3:01pm
It's always challenging to read context into written statements. I want to clarify what I meant in my earlier statement. I asked City Council for the raise I got. I was and am grateful that the majority agreed. My intention in the earlier post was to put the blame for the amount of my raise, if any needs to be distributed, on me and not on City Council. The majority was kind enough to approve my request.

If you are mad about this one, blame me and not them.
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I have two further questions that I'd like for you to address.  First, do you still plan to waive normal city sewer/water tap and building permit fees for the five dwellings constructed by participating home builders?  Second, since residential property values in the city continue to be seriously impacted, and given prevailing likely single-family housing costs, do you not foresee appraisal gap issues for the proposed construction?  It will be interesting to see how this venture unfolds.
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swohio75 or Marty Kohler or Sam Ashworth or whomever................my identity is secondary to the community revitalization accomplishments of the past 7.5 years insofar as Mr. Adkins is concerned.  In any performance evaluation scenario, what matters most is the success or lack thereof regarding said city-funded activities.  There's a treasure trove of documented information on this blog that underscores my point.  In too many cases federal and other funds were squandered, projects still as yet incomplete or not started, the Section 8 fiasco, Thatcher estate properties, etc., etc.

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We should all be grateful to Vivian Moon for her relentless quest in obtaining financial and other city data that exposes the waste of funds and multiple missed opportunities to better Middletown.  You are an unsung heroine.
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Vivian Moon View Drop Down
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Updated: 4:48 p.m. Friday, Sept. 9, 2016 | Posted: 4:48 p.m. Friday, Sept. 9, 2016


2 Middletown council members explain vote against $25,000 raise

City manager Adkins gets support from all members, but two said increase was too much at one time.

By Mike Rutledge

Staff Writer



City Manager Doug Adkins received a $25,000 raise from Middletown City Council on Tuesday, but two of Adkins’ five bosses believed the raise was too large, given he has been a city manager only two years.

The 20-percent pay increase, to $150,000 from $125,000, is to be followed by raises of $5,000 each of the next three Julys, unless his employment agreement is terminated. During the term of its agreement, the city also will pay an amount equal to 2 percent of Adkins’ base salary into the Ohio Public Employees Deferred Compensation Program.

Vice Mayor Dora Bronston and Councilman Steve Bohannon said they are pleased with Adkins’ performance in his first two years — Bohannon took office this year — but they voted against the $25,000 raise. Mayor Larry Mulligan Jr. and council members Dan Picard and Talbott Moon voted for the increase.

“We feel he’s doing a fantastic job,” Bohannon said. “We love Doug; we think he’s the best thing that’s happened in Middletown. This strictly came down to a dollars-and-cents thing for us.”

Adkins declined to comment.

Bohannon said he heard from 27 people about Adkins’ proposed raise: 23 of them were against, four favored it.

Bronston, who has worked as a purchasing agent, said she didn’t feel the council had enough time to evaluate Adkins before the decision was made on the raise.

“When I negotiate, there’s time. You get the facts, you get the figures, you look at the requirements. Does he do his job? Yes, he’s doing his job, according to the charter,” Bronston said. “Is his job so extra-exceptional after two years to warrant $25,000…? No, it’s not.”

Both Bronston and Bohannon said they were willing to pay Adkins the same additional $40,000 in raises he is to receive over the next four years — but more gradually, with more of the raises toward the end of that period.

Bohannon and Bronston declined to discuss publicly the amounts they would have been agreeable to paying year by year.

Before Tuesday’s vote, Mulligan said, “I’d just like to commend Mr. Adkins on the work he’s done. I appreciate his dedication to the city and certainly wish him well as we move forward.”

“We don’t want to lose Doug, but this is a business,” Bohannon said. “And in business, you lose people. We are the boss, we are the one that sets the rules for Doug and a couple other people….. Once we got feedback from the citizens of Middletown, I came up with another scenario.”

Bohannon said when he looked at pay of city managers between Cincinnati and Dayton, including both those cities, the average pay was about $157,000, including the pay rates in Cincinnati and Dayton.

“Mr. Adkins wanted to feel he was part of the middle of the crowd,” Bohannon said. “That’s I think where the $25,000 came in because that put him right in that pack where he wanted to be.”

Bronston said quality of life, city finances and Middletown’s downtown are improving, but that’s partly because of a better economy and the work of a variety of people.

“I still want to be a good steward for the money,” Bronston said. “With a person who’s worked here for two years’ experience as a city manager — and I know he wants to be comparable to the other city managers, salary-wise — but in comparison, he has two years’ experience, and you can’t compare that to someone with seven years, 10 years, five years.”


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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Analytical Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Sep 10 2016 at 10:17am
Community Revitalization Memories for swohio75........

Five or six years ago the city received a special allocation of $160,000+ in CDBG funds via Obama's so-called Stimulus Fund.  Mr. Adkins decided the best use of this money was to pave alleys next to Vivian Moon's and Jim Armbruster's mothers houses.  He also saw the high priority need to add a few items to the S. Main Street Park which is so close to the homes of Larry Mulligan and Marty Kohler.

swohio75, please justify this total waste of HUD funds?  Call me a troll all that you want.  My only goal has been for the city to have efficient, real world prioritized and cost effective governance.  Maybe yours is the continuance of the status quo?  Miss Vivian, you might elaborate on this.
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