What is a TIF? |
Tuesday, April 27, 2004 11:47:52 PM - Middletown Ohio |
A TIF (Tax Increment Financing) district is a financial instrument comprised of a parcel or designated parcels of property bundled in a manner that under certain circumstances enables townships, cities, and counties to divert property tax payments from their intended use for the purpose of financing certain projects authorized by law by directing payments to finance specified projects in lieu of paying taxes otherwise owed. A TIF diverts certain taxes otherwise owed to eligible taxing districts to fund community improvement projects designated by a township, county, or city.
More About TIF, Read: A Proposal to Fund Millions of Dollars in Community Improvement Projects Without Raising Taxes
Photo: Michael Fox Mike began his tenure as Butler County Commissioner in 1997. Prior to that, he served the county as a State Representative for over 22 years. A native of Hamilton and a graduate of Miami University, Mike is involved in numerous civic activities and is a member of many organizations. He and his wife, Mary Ann, have two children and reside in Fairfield Township.
Mike can be reached via email at foxma@butlercountyohio.org.
This article was sent in by Monroe Councilman Bob Kelley.