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Watch out for the Sign Nazi's on the 12th of March
Wednesday, March 10, 2004 11:59:53 AM - Middletown Ohio
Its pretty harsh to call them the Sign Nazi's and I apologize to anyone that is offended by the term. But that's the way I feel about the new sign ordinance 1272.04(c)(7) regarding Temporary Advertising Signs. I have four concerns about the new ordinance.

1. New Ordinance hurts businesses
2. Poor Communication of the New Ordinance
3. Application of the New Ordinance
4. Enforcement of New Ordinance

Lets take them in order.

First of all, the new ordinance hurts Middletown businesses.

As a member of the Middletown Master Plan Steering Committee, (the 4th committee in recent years looking to improve Middletown economics) we have been charged with the pursuit of economic development to replace our shrinking industrial base. This new ordinance 'flies in the face' of every business owner trying to improve economics in our great city. How many businesses does this new ordinance hurt? How many new businesses will not locate in Middletown because they can't hang a banner advertising their promos or services? It is a absolute fact that advertising helps business. And conversely, a lack of advertising hurts business.

No one knows more about temporary signs than the real estate business, who by the way happen to be exempt from this ordinance.What would the realtors in town say if they were not allowed to display signs. Let me be clear on this, I like banners and other professional temporary signs and I do not like old rusty broken down signs, excessive signs or signs in disrepair. Those should be removed. But, businesses who advertise their products on temporary signs are indeed getting results. I like to know that there is a shoe sale going on, there is a great new cell phone deal or oil changes are $5 Off.

The way the ordinance works is that businesses have go down to the city building, and pay $30 permit fee to display their signs for 2 weeks, with a maximum of 4 permits per year. When a business displays a banner advertising special price, they are already taking a hit to the bottom line, $30 is not helping the little business man. And the 2 week rule is the biggest problem. It takes 2 weeks for most people to even notice the sign. Limiting the banner to 2 weeks is way too short of a period of time for banner advertising to work. Under this rule, for most businesses, it is useless to have a temporary sign.

Secondly, poor communication of the new ordinance.

The only communication I had from the city was a letter notifying me that my business was in violation of the new ordinance with my blue, MiddletownUSA.com banner. I am sure the city posted the new ordinance in the newspaper, but somehow I missed it. I am sure most business people who live outside the city, missed it too. It would have been nice to receive a letter 3 to 6 months in advance, rather being told we have 3 days to remove the sign or we will be cited and fined. Even nicer, it would have been prudent to invite area businesses to meet with city council, prior to the passage of this ordinance. If we had been involved with the development of the ordinance from inception, we would have had a better law.

Last year, I signed up for the city website service that is supposed to notify me whenever there is a change to the site. No notifications were sent. I found out why, its because the City website does not have this new ordinance posted on the codified city ordinances section. This is just plain bad communication of this ordinance.

Thirdly, how will this new ordinance be applied?

Will the Soup and Salad Buffet need to take their banner down? That is the only sign advertising their new name. How is it fair to allow some business temporary signs, and not others? What about charity and non-business events? We have had temporary signs on our business advertising everything from School Issue 7 to St. Susanna's annual festival. According to this new law, I can't permit these signs, because it would quickly put me over my 4 signs per year limit.

Lastly, enforcement of the new ordinance.
The city has but the burden of enforcement on the police department. According to William Pauly, City Zoning Administrator, the police will be going to businesses in violation of the temporary sign law on March 12th to issue citations personally. Talk about a waste of taxpayer money. The police need to catch criminals, not hardworking business owners. Is the city calling all our fine business owners, criminals, when they enforce this with the police department? Let the police do their job, we need them protecting the city. If a business is in violation of a non-criminal act, send them notice via certified mail, don't send a police officer!

I urge all business owners to petition city council to repeal or amend 1272.04 (c)(7) Temporary Advertising Sign Ordinance. Write your council person or stop by the next public council meeting.

John Beagle
CSN1 Technologies
The Progressive Office Building
6730 Roosevelt Ave
Franklin (Middletown Annexed), Ohio 45005

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