Warren County February meeting of NAMI |
Tuesday, February 12, 2008 11:57:49 AM - Middletown Ohio |
Rosalyn Dadas
Lebanon, OH—NAMI Warren County will
hold its monthly meeting on Thursday,February 21st at 7 PM in
the Young Conference Room at Workforce One, 300 E.Silver St.,
Lebanon The topic is the Ohio Benefit Bank. Ms. Meredith
Batemen is the speaker. Learn how to access various Ohio
benefits like Food Stampsand the Earned Income Tax Credit.
There will be time for questions of the speaker. The program
is free and open to the public.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness is a grass-roots,
national organization with state and local affiliates founded
over 30 years ago by family members of those diagnosed with a
mental illness. Its mission is to provide help and hope to
individuals with brain disorders (mental illnesses) and their
In Warren County, NAMI provides
educational programs, a support group, telephone support,
informative speakers, referrals and volunteer opportunities.
Family members, persons with illnesses, mental health
professionals, and anyone who supports the work of NAMI
are encouraged and invited to join. The Open Door Membership
Policy offers membership without regard to ability to pay.
Call NAMI Warren County at 513-695-3650 or visit the website,
www.nami-wc.org for more information. NAMI Warren County is a
contract agency of Mental Health Recovery Services of Warren
and Clinton Counties.
Contact info:
Rosalyn Dadas 513-697-1857 or
513-695-3650 rozd@adelphia.net