William A.Triick is coming home. A native of Middletown now living in Sioux City, Iowa, Mr. Triick has been chosen to serve as president of The Chamber of Commerce serving Middletown, Monroe and Trenton. He will assume the duties of his new position on August 9, 2004.
Chuck Barton, Chamber Board of Directors Chairman, made the announcement, “We are very pleased to welcome Bill Triick back to Middletown to lead the Chamber. It has been a long, arduous search by our selection committee and we’ve been very deliberate in our selection process. Mr. Triick will be a great asset to the Chamber and the communities we serve. While the selection process took much longer than we anticipated, we are very confident that we’ve made the best choice.”
Mr. Triick grew up in Middletown and was a standout football player at Middletown High School before earning a degree at West Point. He is a Vietnam veteran and holds an MBA degree from Indiana University. He and his wife, the former Joyce Ikenberry, also a native Middletonian, have three adult children, Ryan who lives in Atlanta, Clayton, a student at Miami University, and Kristi Krauss who lives in Nashville. The Triicks will be moving to the Chamber service area.
Churck Barton said, “We thank Richard Slagle for serving as Interim Chamber President for what became a much longer term than he or we expected. He has graciously stayed on until we found the proper person for this very important position in the community. Mr. Slagle will assist in the transition period on a consulting basis to make a smooth transfer of the president’s duties to Mr. Triick.”
Mr. Triick was formerly manager of the Export Department at Hobart Corporation in Troy, Ohio. He continued as Hobart’s special Projects Director in Sydney, Australia. He later served as vice president in hospitals in Connecticut and Illinois. While based in Sioux City, Iowa he served as Executive Director for two physician-hospital partnerships providing services in Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota.
Moving to the Middletown, Monroe, Trenton Chamber, Mr. Triick leaves a similar position near Sioux City where he has served the Wayne (NE) Area Chamber of Commerce and Wayne Industries, an economic development board. His background includes experience in marketing, legislative liaison, corporate communications and public relations.