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Cincinnati State leaving downtown
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Middletown Community News
Star City Haunted Tour
Tuesday, October 23, 2018 3:33:31 PM - Middletown Ohio

MIAMISBURGThe Star City Haunted Tour is a walking tour of familiar “haunts” in downtown Miamisburg. The tour includes Market Square, The Plaza Theater, Star City Brewery, Library Park, and the Baum Opera House. Guests will be greeted at each stop by an expert on the ghosts and paranormal activity of that site.

Tours leave every 30 minutes from The Baum Opera House located at 15 S. First Street on Friday, October 26 and Saturday, October 27 from 5:30 – 8:30 PM. Tours are approximately 2 hours and tourists should arrive 30 minutes prior to their departure time.

Cost of the tour is $12 per person. Children 12 years old and younger are free with an adult. This tour is not recommended for children under 6. Payment in advance is required to reserve your time. Reservations can be made by calling the Baum Opera House at 937-859-8120, emailing at thebaumoperahouse@gmail.com, or stopping by during business hours (Tuesday – Thursday 10 AM – 2 PM). This tour is rain or shine, and no refunds will be given for inclement weather. Please dress appropriately for weather conditions and wear sensible walking shoes.

All proceeds go to benefit the Baum Opera House and the Miamisburg Historical Society. The funds generated from this event will go toward the installation of stage lighting at the Baum and the restoration of the Hatfield Buggyabout.

The Baum Opera House Association’s mission is to preserve, protect, and enhance the Historical Baum Opera House in an effort to maintain the character of downtown Miamisburg and thus, enrich the community. The Baum Opera House serves as a base for the arts in Miamisburg by encouraging cultural activities such as concerts, recitals, theater productions, art shows and exhibits, and other community uses. The Miamisburg Historical Society strives to bridge the gap between the past and the present through public education, social functions, and the preservation of local landmarks.

For more information, contact The Baum Opera House at 937-859-8120 or thebaumoperahouse@gmail.com or the Miamisburg Historical Society at 937-859-5000. 


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