by Janine Foster
Public Hearing and Item for Action was held at the recent City Commission meeting regarding the Rezoning of land on the east end of town
A Recommendation from City Planning Commission was presented by Marty Kohler where he outlined the Zoning Amendment in response pending annexation of property to the City of Middletown, stating that a public hearing was held on 3/8/08 and several individuals were present that spoke both for and in opposition to the amendment. Property owners are both in favor of the proposal. Property in question will become a part of Middletown on 5/16/08 and be returned for vote on 5/20th for legislative action.
Mayor Mulligan convened the Public Hearing and asked for those wishing to speak in favor. There were no speakers. He then asked for those wishing to speak against - Chris Parker presented herself and states that she was concerned about money for the infrastructure and possibility of additional interchanges. She was also concerned regarding the promises made when hospital moved such as the infrastructure costs, widening of Union Road and additional interchanges stating the promises made are no longer the fact.
Video Source: TV Middletown