Please Help Support the Adam's Family |
Tuesday, April 13, 2004 3:22:55 PM - Middletown Ohio |
Shannon has not any medical problems in her life and she was having very bad headaches for about two weeks or so. She visited several doctors/hospitals, they did CAT scans on her told her that nothing was wrong and treated her for an earache. Well Shannon visited another hospital on February 26th and they did the same thing sent her home and told her nothing was wrong. Then on February 27th her children found her on the couch and she had a stroke. She is currently in Drake Hospital and was in a coma for two weeks. As a result of the stroke it damaged 40% of the left side of her brain and is paralyzed on her right side. She also has vasculitis, which is a general term for a group of diseases that involve inflammation in blood vessels. Blood vessels of all sizes may be affected, from the largest vessel in the body (the aorta) to the smallest blood vessels in the skin (capillaries). The size of blood vessel affected varies according to the specific type of vasculitis. She is also was fighting pneumonia so they had to put a trek in her throat. She is out of the coma now and may never talk or walk again in her life. Then come to find out all the hospitals that she visited where totally looking over things. The hospital that she is currently in had her X-rays sent over and as soon as they looked at them they could see where her brain was having mini strokes. She also did not have any medical insurance but currently is on Medicare. Her family is really holding in there for one and another but most of all the kids are really suffering from this (they are like zombies). Her family is at the hospital everyday with her. If you could please keep her and the family in the prayers I would greatly appreciate it. I have told her to stay strong, stay by her side and most of all keep God in their lives.
Her family and her former workplace are holding a benefit car wash in her name on May 17th and May 18th from 8 am – 5 pm at the Middletown Cracker Barrel. Shannon had worked for the Middletown Cracker Barrel for seven years. The family would greatly appreciate all the support. Please add her to your prayer list.