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Middletown Community News
Wednesday, July 16, 2003 3:52:56 PM - Middletown Ohio
The Ohio Challenge - Hot Air Balloon Event
Mid-Miami Valley Chamber of Commerce
1500 Central Avenue
Middletown, OH 45044

Proud Presenting Sponsor
MidFirst Credit Union

Founder's Club
Bank One NA, Middletown Community Foundation,
City of Middletown/Convention & Visitors Bureau,


For more information:
Ann Mort, Publicity - 513-424-2038, Rmort@cinci.rr.com
or Emily Harris, Balloon Event Director - 513-422-4551,
MIDDLETOWN, OHIO Emily@mmvchamber.org or www.ohiochallenge.com

July 17, 2003

Between hot air balloon flights, there is time for fun and games during the Ohio Challenge hot air balloon competition and festival on August 1, 2, 3 at Smith Park in downtown Middletown, Ohio.

Mid-Miami Valley businesses have agreed to sponsor a wide variety of music, demonstrations and family fun to round out the first of the planned annual hot air balloon festivals. Access to the festival site and stage entertainment is all free and open to the public. Only carnival rides require paid tickets.

Friday evening, the official opening ceremony begins about 6 p.m., just prior to the first balloon launch (weather permitting). Then, Scottie Bratcher, a highly respected guitarist who is only 15 years old, will perform. Sponsored by McDonald's Restaurants, the concert will be on stage from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.

Saturday is full of activities including demonstrations by the model airplane glider club and Miami Valley Radio Control Club who will show their skills in aerobatics and in ground displays of their small model planes. Queen City Paddlewheelers will show off their "small stacks" radio controlled boats on the Smith Park fishing pond.

Three area dog training teams have joined together to perform on Saturday and Sunday. Dayton Dog Training, Cincinnati Kanine Companion and Middletown Dog Training teams will demonstrate just how agile dogs can be as they jump through hoops, race around barrels, over barricades and through tunnels. Sponsored by All About Pet Care and Super Pets, the dogs are sure to be popular performers.

Dave Lapham, sportscaster and former Cincinnati Bengal, will be at the Ohio Challenge on Saturday evening representing major presenting sponsor MidFirst Credit Union.

The U.S. Air Force Band of Flight - Systems Go, sponsored by Butler Tech, will take the stage following the evening balloon launch and prior to the Saturday evening balloon glow.

Sunday begins with the early morning balloon flight, followed by a community sunrise church service and the Hoskins Family gospel singing concert. Bluegrass music will fill the air Sunday afternoon when the Danny Davis Band sponsored by Employee Benefit Service of Dayton performs.

Throughout the weekend, there will be free children's activities in the Family Fun Tent , sponsored by the First Financial Bank.

The Murray Brothers Carnival, Crafts by the Canal, a juried arts and crafts show, and the Middletown Historic Village sponsored by the Daniel Doty Family will also be on site.

Following is a complete listing of entertainment scheduled for Ohio Challenge weekend.

NOTE: All events are "weather permitting." Even a bright sunny day with picture perfect weather may be too breezy for a balloon launch. Balloons take to the air only if the wind speed is under 10 miles per hour and no other dangers are predicted for the flight time. Launch times are approximate.

Friday - August 1
2-11 pm - Murray Brothers Carnival -
4-10 pm - Crafts by the Canal - Arts and Crafts Festival
4-9 pm - Family Fun Tent - Free children's activities- sponsored by First Financial Bank
6:00 pm - Opening ceremony with flag raising by balloon
6:30-7:30 pm - Mass Balloon Launch
7:30-9:30 pm - Scottie Bratcher Band sponsored by McDonald's - Breiel Blvd & Verity Pkwy

Saturday - August 2
6-10 am - Bulls Run Ramblers Volksmarch, Departs from city parking
lot south of Middletown Journal on Broad Street
6:30-8:00 am- Balloon fly-in competition
8-9 am - Model Glider Airplane demonstration
9-10 am - Radio Controlled Model Airplane demonstration
10 am - 10 pm - Murray Brothers Carnival
10 am - 10 pm - Crafts by the Canal - Arts and Crafts Show
11 am - 10 pm - Historical Village of Middletown - sponsored by Daniel Doty Family
11 am - Noon - Dog Agility Team - sponsored by All About Pet Care and Super Pets
11 am - 9 pm - Family Fun Tent - (closed during balloon launch) sponsored by First Financial Bank
Noon-12:45 pm - Square Dance show at the Stage
1 pm - Volksmarch concludes at Smith Park
1-5 pm - Queen City Paddle Boats on Smith Pond - model stern-wheelers
1:30-2 pm - Historic Middletown - sponsored by Daniel Doty Family
3-4 pm - Dog Agility Team - sponsored by All About Pet Care and Super Pets
4:30-5:30 pm - Model Glider Airplane demonstration
5:30-6:30 pm - Model Radio Controlled Airplane demonstration
6:30-7:30 - Mass balloon launch
7:30 - Dave Lapham, Sportscaster and former Cincinnati Bengal represents Presenting Sponsor
MidFirst Credit Union at Ohio Challenge.
7:30-9:30 pm - Systems Go - Air Force Band of Flight sponsored by Butler Tech
9-9:45 pm - Balloon Glow

Sunday - August 3
6:30-8 am - Balloon Fly-in Competition
8-10 am - Sunrise Community Church Service - sponsored by University Baptist Church
10-11 am - Hoskins Family gospel Sing
11 am-6 pm - Crafts by the Canal - Arts and Crafts Show
11- Noon - Dog Agility Team - sponsored by All About Pet Care and Super Pets
11 am-5 pm - Family Fun Tent sponsored by First Financial Bank
11 am - 6 pm - Murray Brothers Carnival
11am - 5 pm - Historic Village of Middletown - sponsored by Daniel Doty Family
Noon-2 pm - Bluegrass Jam - local musical groups on stage
2-4 pm - Danny Davis Band - sponsored by Employee Benefit Service of Dayton
3-4 pm - Dog Agility Team - sponsored by All About Pet Care and Super Pets
4-4:30 pm - Laura Garcia, Cloggers
5-6 pm - Elks Lodge Dancers
6:30-7:30 - Mass balloon launch

Family Fun Tent Schedule (Tent closes during balloon launches)
Friday, August 1:
4 - 5:30 pm - Face Painting/Arts & Crafts
5:30 - 6 pm - "Stan the Magic Man"
7:30 - 8 pm - Cloggers Demonstration
8:- 8:30 pm - Storytelling - Abe Lincoln - performed by Jim Crabtree
8:30 - 9 pm- Arts & Crafts

Saturday, August 2:
11 am - 1pm- Face Painting/Arts & Crafts
1- 1:30 pm - Kris Vaughn - "How to take care of a pet"
1:30 - 3 pm - Arts & Crafts
3 - 3:30 pm - "Stan the Magic Man"
4 - 4:30 pm - Laura Garcia's Cloggers
4:30 - 6 pm - Arts & Crafts

Sunday, August 3:
11 am - Noon - Arts & Crafts
Noon - 12:30 pm - Storytelling - Abe Lincoln - performed by Jim Crabtree
1 - 1:30 - Kris Vaughn - "How to take care of a pet"
1:30 - 3 pm - Face Painting/Arts & Crafts

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